
So this is my first thread under a new username, but I used to spend hours of time on this forum under the name "Zahadoom" or something like that. Honestly, I couldn't remember my old info (DLD, if there's anything you can do to help about that situation I'd appreciate it). So I made this new account because I'm back into PE. The reason for this is because I have to recover my losses... an inch worth of loss... because I stopped PE.

Ya'll may have seen a thread I posted a while back where I gained 1 inch in 100 days... literally every 10 days was 0.1 inch gained. I went all the way from 5.8 BPEL to 7.5 BPEL in about half a year. Then I got caught up in other stuff and told myself my gains were grounded, cemented even.


The loss didn't happen right away. I remember getting into a relationship a year ago (that I am still in) and I measured my size, just to make sure it was all there, and admiring a stunning 7.5 BPEL with 5.3 to 5.5 girth. My girlfriend could not take my entire penis when we started having sex. Now, after a few times, and with about 20 minutes of my stretching her out I could go balls deep, but not serious balls deep (you know when you're balls are touching the pussy put not being pushed back?). After some time it started getting much easier for me to fully penetrate her, which wasn't a problem... it was nice. I knew she was getting wetter before sex so I assumed that was it. Turns out she was getting wetter, but I was also getting smaller.

So before you reach your goal, look yourself in the mirror and say, "I promise (insert your name here) that I will at least jelq for five to ten minutes a day. And no matter what my girlfriend/wife/boyfriend(:s)/pet goat(:O) says about my oversized penis, I will not roll over and let myself shrink, I'll make that b*** take it!"

Now, if you excuse me, I have to go to home depot and build one of my ghetto hangers again.....
Aaaah shit! I found my old account! I can't believe I couldn't remember the name. Does this count as double posting? Anyway though, Mr.Sir is right. You gotta PE til you die guys.
I'm confused. Tahir is Mr. Sir?

That's why I'm going for 10 inches. I think 9 is perfect, but I don't want to have to worry about dropping below 9 if I can't keep up with a routine.
I think all of us here would rather do PE forever than not do it assuming we would lose (but your loss could be explained through [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] which are DLD's findings).... To me PE like bodybuilding ... I will be doing it forever because of the control it gives me control over my life so idk if I have much to fear in the lose department.
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Idk, to go full throttle with my girth routine forever would def. suck because intense girth work always has an impact on my EQ and I hate that. I sometimes ask myself why I'm doing that shit if I can't get 100% hard-on when it comes to sex in many cases. It seems to undermine the purpose of the whole project. if it wasn't for a goal that could be reached and maintained at least with a minimium of jelqing (say 2-3/week for 15 mins or so) that wouldn't affect EQ negatively, I would seriously reconsider my whole stance towards girth work.
btw. I've abandoned all length work 4 months ago after not having gained anymore the 4 months before that with my lazy ass mandingo routine. If your observation holds true for everyone and not only a small population of PErs with very specific properties then I should lose in the next months. Last times I measured it was all good (and I measure on reg. basis to confirm the cementation of my length gains).
Annnd this is why you should never stop. I must admit that your gains have been tremendous!!! 5.8 to 7.5 is no joke- it is one hell of a gain!

Now the way I see it is that you really havent cemented your gains at all. I assume you had a good ligament gain potential to get such fast gains, but am not complterely sure whether it is possible for the ligs to shorten once again they have been stretched. Your input has really helped the whole PE community and your story will be a lesson for us all. I am sorry for your loss, I would be HEARTBROKEN myself, but I am thankful we get reminded how important it is to keep doing PE no matter what. PE is not something that should be done for a year or two- it is a lifestyle! You got me motivated and I hope we all learn from this story and not have to go through it! Cheers to all, all the best, Zam :)
PE led the way to [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] which definitely opened many doors we never believed possible before. Without PE I would have never found my way to the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] Lifestyle, a lifestyle that includes not only the best methods to give every man a chance at having the penis of his dreams but also the abilities to duplicate the change into whole body and mind enhancement. I think when the Brotherhood reads the book it will truly bring us all in the direction of perfecting the whole male form. I also want to say that if it were not for the Brotherhood the book would have never been written as these ideas do not exclusively belong to me, they are from the multitude of Brothers who helped me in my research by their own struggles and victories in all things in their lives. We will grow in leaps and bounds over the next 6 months and will bring to the world answers to so many hazy questions and directions on correcting and perfecting themselves for their whole lives.
doublelongdaddy;581196 said:
PE led the way to [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] which definitely opened many doors we never believed possible before. Without PE I would have never found my way to the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] Lifestyle, a lifestyle that includes not only the best methods to give every man a chance at having the penis of his dreams but also the abilities to duplicate the change into whole body and mind enhancement. I think when the Brotherhood reads the book it will truly bring us all in the direction of perfecting the whole male form. I also want to say that if it were not for the Brotherhood the book would have never been written as these ideas do not exclusively belong to me, they are from the multitude of Brothers who helped me in my research by their own struggles and victories in all things in their lives. We will grow in leaps and bounds over the next 6 months and will bring to the world answers to so many hazy questions and directions on correcting and perfecting themselves for their whole lives.

Literally I cant wait to see it released!!! But when is this going to happen DLD? We have waited so much for the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] and some other stuff that this question just keeps on hitting me. Is it going to be a PDF file or hardcover (cause if it is hardcover- a lot more should be invested and that could slow down the production)? :) Cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think in my case 5 to 10 minutes of jelqing would have been enough. I started yesterday with a 10 min jelqing session. I'm starting this week by just doing 10 minutes of jelqing a day, then I'll increase to two sessions a day. After that, probably get back to hanging. I'm not gonna lie, I'm getting immediate results from the jelqing like before. EQ went up. I'm getting that PE dick back. It's got a different feel than a when my penis was deconditioned. Let's see how long it takes for me to get back to 7.5
this sounds great to me. Think of it this way. You find a partner that you are a too large for. Wait a bit without doing PE and BAM perfect size. Really, if I was in your situation I would keep it the size where you go balls deep and make those balls slap hard.
Once you have it you don't have to do a lot to keep it. Cement then do some piss pulls and a little jelqing and you will keep your gains.
Zambrodom3;581213 said:
Literally I cant wait to see it released!!! But when is this going to happen DLD? We have waited so much for the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] and some other stuff that this question just keeps on hitting me. Is it going to be a PDF file or hardcover (cause if it is hardcover- a lot more should be invested and that could slow down the production)? :) Cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been approached with the E-Book angle and I am not sure how I feel about that, a hardcover would put us on the map for sure but a e-book may be taken to lightly. Tough decision because of timing, I can have the book ready in a week for sale as an e-book but the hardcover would take 4-6 weeks longer. The [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] is being made right now and will be ready sometime in the next 10 days. i would love to have the Book ready at the same time so maybe I will do a online version of the book for [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] buyers and a hardcover for sale as time permits.
doublelongdaddy;581256 said:
I have been approached with the E-Book angle and I am not sure how I feel about that, a hardcover would put us on the map for sure but a e-book may be taken to lightly. Tough decision because of timing, I can have the book ready in a week for sale as an e-book but the hardcover would take 4-6 weeks longer. The [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] is being made right now and will be ready sometime in the next 10 days. i would love to have the Book ready at the same time so maybe I will do a online version of the book for [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] buyers and a hardcover for sale as time permits.

Cost of the book? :)
I vote ebook. It'll be easier to hide. I don't see anyone buying this and keeping it on their book shelf.

Tahir Aqbar welcome back! I to have been through the loose of size though not as drastic as an inch. I will tell you if everything had been cemented than the loose for me is less than 1/16ths of an inch. I have lost as much as 0.25 of an inch but I had to stop right after gaining it so it wasn't cemented. You will reclaim most size quickly so keep it up.
longstretch;581305 said:
I vote ebook. It'll be easier to hide. I don't see anyone buying this and keeping it on their book shelf.

Tahir Aqbar welcome back! I to have been through the loose of size though not as drastic as an inch. I will tell you if everything had been cemented than the loose for me is less than 1/16ths of an inch. I have lost as much as 0.25 of an inch but I had to stop right after gaining it so it wasn't cemented. You will reclaim most size quickly so keep it up.

The book is not a book strictly on sexuality it covers all areas of the male form and would be a book that no one would be shameful of, it is all about empowerment and improvement. Even the title is covert and chosen to keep it in an area of acceptance. An e-book that you would have to hide is something I would never produce.
smokey622;581324 said:
Mr. Sir? Did you gain weight?

I lost weight, on the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] Program I lost between 80-100 pounds (been messing with the weight to build muscle). Weight loss, improvement of spine and becoming taller, no more neck and back pain, a lean physique, penis gains, there is an endless list of positive changes men can make using the program.
DLD I think he meant if op may have gained weight and shrunken his penis that way.

Also, the way people gain and how much it takes to cement those gains is very individual IMO. So, for other people, they may not loose as much gains, nor gain as quickly either or as much either.
longstretch;581305 said:
I vote ebook. It'll be easier to hide. I don't see anyone buying this and keeping it on their book shelf.

Tahir Aqbar welcome back! I to have been through the loose of size though not as drastic as an inch. I will tell you if everything had been cemented than the loose for me is less than 1/16ths of an inch. I have lost as much as 0.25 of an inch but I had to stop right after gaining it so it wasn't cemented. You will reclaim most size quickly so keep it up.

Definitely, the penis is similar to muscle in the sense that there is memory to the larger size and if gains were not cemented getting those gains beck is easy, the important thing is that they become cemented before you stop. Cementing gains is something that should extend about .25-.5" above the gains you desire so if you want 8" permanent reach for 8.5 before you stop. I cement through erect jelqing and erect stretching.
doublelongdaddy;581342 said:
Definitely, the penis is similar to muscle in the sense that there is memory to the larger size and if gains were not cemented getting those gains beck is easy, the important thing is that they become cemented before you stop. Cementing gains is something that should extend about .25-.5" above the gains you desire so if you want 8" permanent reach for 8.5 before you stop. I cement through erect jelqing and erect stretching.

Yeah, Mr. Sir, you should gain what you lost back pretty quick. Took me 2 months to gain back what I lost.
AndroidR;581351 said:
Yeah, Mr. Sir, you should gain what you lost back pretty quick. Took me 2 months to gain back what I lost.

I actually made new gains in girth, length in both flaccid and erect after 2 cycles on the new [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] Program to be announced next week. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] now features some new stretches and exercises that have never been put forth before and having the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] in hand makes it all the more powerful. I am so excited for the release.
smokey622;581324 said:
Mr. Sir? Did you gain weight?

Mr.Sir was the user name I was using to find my old account. I thought I lost it so I figured I'd post under the new account but sure enough I got Tahir back.

To answer your question - yes and no. I gained and lost weight. My body fat stayed the same but I lost muscle in my legs because I went from being a weight lifter to delivering furniture all day. Really the muscle just went from my legs to my arms, which is total bullshit (I have really good arm genetics - they grow so easily) because I liked my strong legs.

But no, I never gain body fat without deciding to because I'm in control of my diet. And I also measured from the pelvic bone, like we are supposed to, in order to keep the measurements consistent.
Tahir Aqbar;581385 said:
Mr.Sir was the user name I was using to find my old account. I thought I lost it so I figured I'd post under the new account but sure enough I got Tahir back.

To answer your question - yes and no. I gained and lost weight. My body fat stayed the same but I lost muscle in my legs because I went from being a weight lifter to delivering furniture all day. Really the muscle just went from my legs to my arms, which is total bullshit (I have really good arm genetics - they grow so easily) because I liked my strong legs.

But no, I never gain body fat without deciding to because I'm in control of my diet. And I also measured from the pelvic bone, like we are supposed to, in order to keep the measurements consistent.

I was in the same boat, I could gain muscle very easily in upper body but lower body was a nightmare. The new [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] body workout really stress legs and ass and I am so proud today to actually have an ass and more muscular legs. I still have work to do but it feels good to see growth in a place I always have trouble with. The methods are quite creative and they become incorporated into your life. One of the methods from the book is walking and creating variations on the way we walk. I have 5 sets of styles of walking during the day, each of them different from the others which works different muscles, this has really helped by not having to do much but walk differently. I also have a lot of band workouts that stress legs, knees and ass...these are really the part of the body women like most, particularly the ass.
Zambrodom3;581195 said:
This!!!! And it is not something like 1 hour long or so- I believe it is in the 10-20 minutes a day range that is enough. :)

Yes Zam. I think 15-20 min a day is more than enough if needed you can repeat twice. It's quality not the quantity that matters...just like bodybuilding it's the frequency that gives results
doublelongdaddy;581325 said:
The book is not a book strictly on sexuality it covers all areas of the male form and would be a book that no one would be shameful of, it is all about empowerment and improvement. Even the title is covert and chosen to keep it in an area of acceptance. An e-book that you would have to hide is something I would never produce.

I would never be ashamed of it...in all honesty both have advantages an ebook can be taken anywhere in any device but I'd prefer a hardcover. The only thing is waiting another 6 weeks lol don know if I could take it
doublelongdaddy;581256 said:
I have been approached with the E-Book angle and I am not sure how I feel about that, a hardcover would put us on the map for sure but a e-book may be taken to lightly. Tough decision because of timing, I can have the book ready in a week for sale as an e-book but the hardcover would take 4-6 weeks longer. The [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] is being made right now and will be ready sometime in the next 10 days. i would love to have the Book ready at the same time so maybe I will do a online version of the book for [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] buyers and a hardcover for sale as time permits.

I think a hardcover book is the way to go if you want [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] to have a chance to really take off and become well known. And I would prefer the hardcover personally as well.
AndroidR;581442 said:
I think a hardcover book is the way to go if you want [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] to have a chance to really take off and become well known. And I would prefer the hardcover personally as well.

I am thinking about this and maybe the solution would be a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]SRT[/words] Paperback that was strictly on the PE process and the hardcover for the whole body (including PE). This would allow us to get out the book with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LengthMaster[/words] and the Hardcover down the road.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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