Getting rid of the fat does help. There are several ways to decrease your estrogen. Here are some of the best products I have come across. Broccoli and brussel sprouts can do nothing but good. I haven't tried Novadex but I try to steer away from synthetic supplements.
This is a Chinese herbal formula developed by Dr. Chi. "Myomin acts as both an estrogen blocker and aromatase inhibitor (keeps the body from making estrogen) without side effects or heavy toxicity and has been reported to reduce the size and symptoms of myoma. It may also boost the formation of interferon interlukin-2 and tumor necrosis factor." I haven't tried this product but I've tried other supplements from Dr. Wong and they have been really great. Check out Dr. Wong's website. He has some great products and also has a nice [words=]penis pump[/words] although I think the max length of it is 8 inches.
MACA!!! - Maca is a wonderful food! Maca powder has plant chemicals which block the formation of estrogen and increase the natural production of testosterone. Maca also increases seminal volume dramatically! TAKE 3-6 TABLESPOONS A DAY AND YOU WILL CUM CONSIDERABLY MORE AND HAVE CONSIDERABLY MORE POWERFUL ORGASMS! Google Maca powder and you will find some vendors. Try to make sure the Maca is grown in the Andes mountains for proper potency. Put the Maca in a smoothie and you are set to go. My favorite recipe is two bananas, 1-2 tablespoons of maca, and some nuts all made into a smoothie.
TESTOS for men homeopathic drops -
Testos is a homeopathic remedy made to help the body produce the proper levels of hormones. It does work and unlike the testosterone and other hormonal creams you do not get toxic doses of these powerful hormones. You can find out more about Testos at Dr. Theresa Dale's website Although her site is geared towards women there is some great information/products for males as well. DO NOT use testosterone cream!
These are more herbs that increase the body's natural production of testosterone.
There are more very effective ways still to increase your natural production of hormones.
1 --- Eat organic and unprocessed foods. Do not eat food that has had pesticides put on them. The chemicals in pesticides naturally disrupt your hormones. This means try to eat as much organic food as possible. Organic is a bit more expensive but its well worth it considering it is essential for good all around health AND hormone production.
2 ---Drink some kind of filtered water that has the pesticides out of it. Distilled water is the best way to go here. A good distiller is produced by a company named waterwise. The are a little pricey but worth the investment. The lowest costing one is around $300.
3 --- Avoid plastics. This is hard to do in today's world since about everything we buy comes wrapped in plastic. Avoid bottled water. Go to a farmers market, where they don't put the food in plastic bags, to get your food if you live near one. Basically try to keep your home and anything that enters your mouth away from anything plastic. All plastics have a chemical called bisphenol a, known hormonal disruptor.
4 --- Sleep in total darkness and don't stay up to late. The human body needs a certain amount of time in darkness for proper hormonal production. Put up covers over your windows to keep the street lights out.
I have given you some basic inexpensive supplements and things to do which will increase your body's natural levels of testosterone. There are still some more things that can help your hormone production. I would type them right now but I'm getting tired and it will take quite a bit of explaining. A good book to read would be "How to get Healthy" by Kenneth Sutter. It's an inexpensive book and if you follow his protocols your hormonal (ie testosterone) production WILL increase.