The following is from a feature article on a pediatric website called Dr. Green. Dr. Green is not a circumcision or restoration website. It is only concerned with child health and medicine. I have brought this article here to [words=]MOS[/words] to help illuminate a couple of my theories concerning Penis Enlargement and foreskin restoration. I just cut and pasted it verboten. If you would like the investigate further, just type the phrase "trapped penis" into the google search engine.

Penis Size

Q: Dr. Greene, my 14-month-old son has a recessed penis. Ever since we had him circumcised, the penis has recessed into a pad of fat surrounding it. In order for it to emerge, we have to push on either side of the pad. Our pediatrician assured us that as he thinned out, it would emerge on its own. This has not occurred and we are worried that part of the circumcision has re-adhered. We have concerns about social, urinary, and erection issues.
Please help us. We are having difficulty finding information on this topic. Is there a surgical procedure that would fix this? Thank you

"It's a boy!"

A: When we first glimpse our children in the delivery room, their sex is one of the immediate things we notice. It's also one of the first things we report to family and friends. In the last generation, many of us have seen evidence of our children's sex on ultrasound even before they were born, but still at the birth, we look to see.

How disconcerting to parents when a boy's penis seems to disappear, either at birth or shortly thereafter. The good news is that the outlook is bright. Sometimes surgery is needed, sometimes medical treatments, and often nothing at all.

When a penis appears absent or too small, we call the condition inconspicuous penis (Walsh: Campbell's Urology, 7th ed., W. B. Saunders Company, 1998). I've seen this in a great many boys. Several very different situations are lumped into this category. I will describe webbed penis, concealed penis, trapped penis, micropenis, and absent penis.

A webbed penis is a normal-sized penis where the skin of the scrotal sack extends part way up the shaft of the penis. Boys can be born this way, or the condition can result from an over-exuberant circumcision where adhesions form between the scrotal skin and the penile skin. Webbed penis usually causes no problems (unless a routine circumcision is later performed). It is unlikely to get better as the child grows. Results with surgery, however, are excellent. (Casale AJ - Concealed penis in childhood: a spectrum of etiology and treatment. J Urol - 1999 Sep; 162(3 Pt 2): 1165-8).

A concealed penis is a normal-sized penis that lays hidden in the pubic fat pad. This condition is also called buried penis or hidden penis. Some children are born this way, and for some it happens after circumcision. It is common in infants and toddlers, and occasionally seen in older children and obese adolescents. If the penis can be easily exposed by gently pulling on it or by pressing down on the surrounding fat pad, then the situation will usually correct itself over time. Sometimes surgery is needed for concealed penis. Either way, "social, urinary and erection" results are excellent.

A trapped penis is a normal-sized penis that is partially stuck in the pubic fat pad. Children are not born with trapped penis; circumcision causes it. Routine circumcision of a webbed penis or circumcision when there is significant scrotal swelling (from a hydrocele or hernia) can lead to trapped penis. Scarring or adhesions trap the recessed penis in the fat pad. This condition can predispose children to urinary tract infections or urinary retention. Surgery is usually wise.

All of the above conditions have a penis of normal size.

Now, follow please: If circumcision can cause such an extreme adverse complication that in some rare cases surgery is called for, don't you think there must certainly be MILDER cases of trapped penis that, in adults, would lead to the male having a penis that (while actually normal in size) can appear smaller than it really is?

Of course.

Logic dictates that this must be so.

I think that this effect can explain the phenomenom of "fast gainers" in the Penis Enlargement world and also for those who reports gains from doing only foreskin restoration, with no Penis Enlargement at all. In both cases, the penis is not "growing" so much as it is "becoming visible". Either way, the result is the same: a penis that is visibly and measurably larger!

Does this apply to all circumcised men? Of course not. I never believed it did. I do, however, believe that this complication affects more men than we may believe, to various lesser or greater degrees, and that it is treatable with Penis Enlargement and/or FR techniques. I think it possibly accounts for "newbie gains" in milder cases and "fast gainers" in more severe cases, where more length was quickly obtained.

I have personally observed this effect in myself, having a tight circ, and believe it is a plausible theory.

I hope I have explained my idea of trapped penis better here than before, when I first started doing this stuff. I am learning all this just like the rest of you. I am open to comments or debates, but not to personal attacks on my credibility or the credibility of my information.
Hi Kong and all...I have been wanting to post a new thread about some of this but decided when this subject came up I would post here. I am convinced that some of our length is decreased by the clothes we wear. Men and boys who wear "tight" jockey shorts or just regular shorts are holding in the natural desire of a penis to flop or hang out. While a pair of jockey shorts may give support it also holds in the penis. An errection will push it out and when the erection goes down, back into hiding. When men and boys wear boxers or loose fitting shorts/underwear or no underwear there is the natural "hang" of the penis to develop. Over a long peirod of time the natural result is a penis that is 'reduced' by clothes causes. That is my opinion. Foreskin hangs and foreskin shrivels. But by in large (quite a pun) it adds length and weight of some type to a penis. Anything, in my opinion, that you can add for all day weight every day, will give you some length and of course add to your total flaccid hang. I have not yet achieved anything, although I have tried a lot of things. Nothing works and is inconspicutous. Those of you who have teens, can do them a favor in getting out of the jockeys into boxers. Who knows what we might have if we hang natural. Having said that, think....running through the countryside free and flopping, VS tied up in some tight shorts. Which is logical and which is bound to give a bigger penis? I know of a man that was of poor decent...never had anything and never wore underwear. Wore baggy bib overalls, hung like a horse. Is there a connection? I don't know. Just makes me think. I know, maybe he is genicly bigger, but still seems some connection. United States is big on jockey shorts and the such. Who knows, maybe we would all be hung like racehorses if we never wore shorts/underwear? Thanks for listening. GS
Probably anything that applies a constricting force to the penis, whether it be tight underwear, c-scar tissue or tight skin, can over time cause the penis to be stunted. I know that I always wore whitey tighties as a kid, all through puberty and into adulthood. I didn't switch to boxers until around the time I started doing Penis Enlargement and FR. I went from a 3 inch hang to a 5 inch hang...and sometimes more when I am really flopping. Throw out the whitey-tighties, folks! You're making your penis smaller! :)

PS-- Now that I think about it, I had a cousin who never wore underwear and he was hung like a horse. My uncle, too, and he always wore biballs with no drawers underneath! This needs to be a seperate thread. Freeballing and Penis Enlargement!
I myself have never worn tight underwear (at least since puberty) and have always had a very satisfactory flaccid hang. Could be onto something here.

Not to detour the thread from developing in this direction, but I've still been unable to find any info about trapped penis in adults or trapped penis that has no visable of physical symptoms. I've also looked for anything online linking such a problem to tight circumcisions and have not found anything.

Are there any links or resources available to further explain this?
I think it's funny and kind of telling that you will believe tight underwear hinders penis size, but not circumcision! If you would like to discuss this thread further, please present some countering proof or quit asking me for more proof. It is basically only an idea and if you don't believe it, just say so and save us the trouble of reading pages and pages of text.
I don't actually think it hinders penis size, if you care to read Shithead's thread in the main forum. I was just being polite.

I thought we were keeping the comments from having a personal tone now?

Also, please confirm, so there are no misunderstandings, that trapped penis in adults is something that you have just theorized exists.

Thus far you have not linked any info on it, so I assume this is the case.

Please confirm whether or not it is just your own personal idea (as in you made it up) or not.
I will copy this from the very top of my article:

I have brought this article here to [words=]MOS[/words] to help illuminate a couple of my theories concerning Penis Enlargement and foreskin restoration.

Do you know what "theories" means?
A theory, to my understanding, is something that is generally considered true after much testing and analysis, sometimes regarded as least false or most true.

In your case, I believe that it is much more of a personal hypothesis.

I will take that as a solid "Yes" to my question (meaning these are your ideas, that you made up, and there is no information available online), unless you tell me otherwise.
Fantastic. There is a big difference between a hypothesis that you have made up yourself, and something generally accepted as fact. Thanks for clearing that up.
No, thank you! I don't know what we would do without you. I guess we'd all be running around without knowing the subtle differences between the words "theory" and "hypothesis"! Ignorance like that is dangerous. Someone could put an eye out. :D
im starting to notice you go through phases Kong, first every responce of yours was saying Swank was obsessed, then you were saying he's only trying to attack you personally, then you started to say that he's only trying to censor you, now your saying he's a hypocrit.

maybe eventually you'll actually start to respond to the content of peoples posts.