Has anyone really seen any results? I've seen lots of chatter about it, and one person saying he gained something ridiculous like .75 inches in 18days. Sounded like complete BS. Has anyone else had any results?

There are a lot of people who are skeptical and others who are just curious if it would work. I think there is a good possibility it could work if the right words were used. Here is why:

I read a study on a woman with multiple personality disorder. She was married with two kids, and had two personalities. They documented an occasion she was in the grocery store with her husband and kids and went from her dominant personality to the other, which is a 6 year old kid. She looks at her husband and says in a kid voice "I can't see clearly". Her husband took of her coke bottle glasses because her other personality has 20/20 vision. Her child personality also has completely different color eyes. Her adult personality has brown and her child personality has bright blue eyes. This has been documented in a psychological journal.

So, if the mind can have that much control over the body, I don't think it is too far fetched to gain penis growth, although I don't know that hearing someone else say "you're penis is going to grow bigger than it ever has" or something like that is the right trigger. Firstly, hearing your self say it in hypnosis is usually much more effective than someone else, but you still need the other person to guide you there. Secondly, something more like "your body is going into a state of puberty and your penis has started to grow again" and something provoke and intense erection followed up with "you feel the tissues in your penis, stretching and stretching. With every stretch your penis becomes a little longer and thicker than it ever has. You will wake up your body will increase the blood flow to your penis at all times so you hang with a bigger flaccid penis. This will make your gains permanent faster." etc etc. As I said "your penis is growing bigger than it ever has been" over and over isn't the right trigger.. you need to contact the brain in a specific way.

Of course, all of that is my completely uneducated opinion.

I'm also contemplating way to keep the temporary gains from one session longer. Clamping I gain anywhere from 1/8-2/8. I've even introduced, on an experimental basis, cialis to my work out to make my erections ridiculously hard both when clamping and not. With in ten min after i'm back to my regular size when I have maintained a rock hard erection the entire time. I don't imagine that makes the best of the work out and is slightly frustraiting. More consecutive clamping sessions and longer sessions combined doesn't seem to make a difference.

I'm wondering if I were able to maintain an erection in my sleep by some subliminal influence, basically the the same as morning wood, only on and off all night, that might help. Perhaps be being hypnotized to. The reason I think so is I, before these forums ever existed, I realized growth was possible. When getting a hand job from the x wife and previous gf's i would sometimes take a LONG time, erection becoming less than slightly full, then back to ridiculously hard over and over as I came close then nothing happened and I got frustrated. Usually it all ended when I would get massively hard the final time and look down to see it noticeably thicker. I confirmed this possible when a member over at thundersplace posted about his serious girth gains in a one month period when him and his wife 'started having these incredible two hour sex sessions'.

Anything's possible, I guess. I'm real skeptical about any story having to do with multiple personalities, though. I suppose if people can use hypnosis instead of anasthesia during surgery it's got to be some pretty powerful shit. Who knows- try it and get back to us with the results.
I have a batcholers in psychology. The multiple personalities case I sited is, with out a doubt, real. It is referenced as a prime example of MPD. There has been a non-fiction book written on the case. For what it's worth.
Well, it certainly seems your lack of education has paid off! :-P. I said I've graduated college with a degree, but that doesn't mean I'm a great speller. I've certainly never claimed to be such.

After years of study to obtain my degree, I don't recall the book and related study I read in the week tucked in between four years of study. All of this is silliness. Believe me or not, I have nothing to prove. I only claim to know what I believe to be true. Take it or leave it as you wish. With that said, what could I possibly have to gain by lying about woman with MPD/DID? Last I checked, you and I are here for the same reason. Gain. Wait.. are you military? Ahh.. the old.. our team is better than your team even though we are on the same side. Brilliant! I love that mentality.

Anyway. Does anyone else have any other insight to add? Perhaps something worth while.

After downloading the mp3 file for free , I've been religiously doing one session per day for the past 2 weeks and can honestly say that hypnosis does work. I have gain over 1/4 inch. I must admit this is not for everyone. You must do some serious research on self hypnosis before you even attempt it. You first must believe that its going to work or else it wont do you any good.
re: "where are the mp3's"?

I can search at a later time for you and find them.. but the place I'd be searching is the forum.. there is a thread with some dead links and some newer working links with them.

re: "After downloading the mp3 file for free , I've been religiously doing one session per day for the past 2 weeks and can honestly say that hypnosis does work. I have gain over 1/4 inch. I must admit this is not for everyone. You must do some serious research on self hypnosis before you even attempt it. You first must believe that its going to work or else it wont do you any good."

Awesome man. I have add my own experience. I listened to all five of the tracks three days in a row. The 2nd and 3nd i think only being the truly impactive sessions because it is hard at first try to relax and react as instructed with out letting your mind wonder or question. Anyway... I did all five tracks three days in a row followed by a couple random tracks the next couple days... none of the night time stuff. Since I did that the day of this first post I've gained 1/4 BPenis EnlargementL.. which is kind of crazy considering I've stopped all other Penis Enlargement exercizes when I listened to those mp3's. Then if you consider I was 7.0x to start three years ago and was 7.5 whenlistened to the mp3's/made the first post of this thread, and now I am over 7.75... Thats just insane. While I'm a bit giddy about the whole thing, no pun intended;-), I'm waiting another month before I do anything else at all just to see if there are any more changes... I mean, I really don't want to gain very much more.. 1/2 at MOST.
Oh, an I used "audacity' to make all the mp3's one long one, taking out the introductions and 'wake up' parts except, of course, for the very beginning and very end. It makes listening to the lot of them at once a much more pleasant experience.
Thank you very much for your help. I have found the thread containing the mp3 free downloads. Looking forward to seeing your post after 1 month.

So now I'm uneducated for being skeptical about MPD? Thank you for your arrogance. I haven't been condescended to like that for awhile. Refreshing.

Check out www.skepdic.com for some info on MPD. The site's creator is a COLLEGE PROFESSOR since formal education seems to mean so much in your opinion.

BTW, learn to spell as I always have trouble believing people who spout off about their education without mastering one of the basics of language.
Hypnosis will not change anything physically. You may get a placebo effect and measure differently and see a "1/4 of an inch gain". If things like this worked we would all have huge penises, be taller and have more muscle. It boils down to hard work and dedication that many people are not willing to give. The best things in life come from hard work and generally are free.

For what its worth, Myth Busters did a show on hypnosis. It worked slightly for motion sickness and some other problems but did not change anything physically. They got a tape that claimed to change eye color. It did nothing.

Im not taking a shot at cocaclassic. In fact he sounds a lot more educated than he gives himself credit for. Just my two cents. I could be wrong but when people use quick fix gimicks to get money from the insecurities of men, I get angry.

It sounds plausable that It could work, as cocaclassic said, to aid in a Penis Enlargement program in various ways.
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Well said. I'm skeptical of hypnosis for these things too. Although it has it's benefits- stress relief, pain management- I too get angry at shysters preying on mens'- or anybody's insecurities for that matter. But i guess there is a sucker born every minute.
I read about the case about the woman. My psychology teacher thinks that it is possible that the hypnosis got rid of one personality which may have lead to the eye color change but in a normal case hypnosis isn't going to change some ones eye color.

Crazy shit tho.
Her eyes changed from brown to blue? I've never heard of melanin acting like that before. Blue eyes have less melanin then brown ones, I just don't see how someones eyes could switch like that.
I wonder how a scientist would go about explaining that?

btw Thestick, cool website I saved it to my favorites. .
I am a firm believer in hypnosis and use it regularly, but it will not add size to your penis without exercise. Hypnosis can definitely help you to stay motivated and stick with your routine.
the purpose of the hypnosis is to use it in conjunction with your exercise program. IT makes you feel more motivated, and confident.
there is one on the next post after this one. you can also DL them off bit torrent. I like to listen to wendi Friesens CD#2. you can listen to it while you sleep and it puts positive thoughts into your mind, etc.
cocaclassic;301469 said:
re: "where are the mp3's"?

I can search at a later time for you and find them.. but the place I'd be searching is the forum.. there is a thread with some dead links and some newer working links with them.

re: "After downloading the mp3 file for free , I've been religiously doing one session per day for the past 2 weeks and can honestly say that hypnosis does work. I have gain over 1/4 inch. I must admit this is not for everyone. You must do some serious research on self hypnosis before you even attempt it. You first must believe that its going to work or else it wont do you any good."

Awesome man. I have add my own experience. I listened to all five of the tracks three days in a row. The 2nd and 3nd i think only being the truly impactive sessions because it is hard at first try to relax and react as instructed with out letting your mind wonder or question. Anyway... I did all five tracks three days in a row followed by a couple random tracks the next couple days... none of the night time stuff. Since I did that the day of this first post I've gained 1/4 BPenis EnlargementL.. which is kind of crazy considering I've stopped all other Penis Enlargement exercizes when I listened to those mp3's. Then if you consider I was 7.0x to start three years ago and was 7.5 whenlistened to the mp3's/made the first post of this thread, and now I am over 7.75... Thats just insane. While I'm a bit giddy about the whole thing, no pun intended;-), I'm waiting another month before I do anything else at all just to see if there are any more changes... I mean, I really don't want to gain very much more.. 1/2 at MOST.
I have searched the forum for the free mp3's but there was just one dead link so I was unable to download. I will be obliged to you if you could send me the link for it's free download. Also please keep me informed about the progress you are making by listening to the mps's.

all of you are just so naive u struggle week after week trying to get that little bit ov extra penis but you mind is what always lets you down you dont 100 belive! you think, is that all i can achieve? am i in a plateau? is my genetics wrong? most spend nearly all your time being negative about your own penis if not conciously subconciousy. am i way off, am i wrong? you all know im not or you wouldnt be here this thread was started by someone who actually wanted to try hypnosis which i can guarantee works and you have just thrown them i expect completely by your skepticism have you tried hypnosis negative posters? thaught not. still taking months to get a little result? thaught so
hypnosisis is not going to just overnight give you a 12" dong but itll release your mind into the prospect of it which holds many people back
i realise that mate i wasnt trying to knock you just the negative posters it is well documented that the mind plays an important role in the enlarement process like 50/50 mind/physical exercise it jus pisses me off ppl come on this thread and say hypnosis is bs when they havent even tried it, ppl like that tho who think they know it all hypnosis prob wouldnt work for them anyway and its i think a miricle they gain at all, it pisses me off cus alot of ppl use this site to get their info and to educate themselves and take the views of others seriously so some ppl might be detered with all this hypnosis is bs shit.
Hypnosis will never change your cells!
I've listened to hypnosis for a month and measured before & after...
nothing, no gain.... if there was any gain by anyone from hypnosis, it's psychological/due to exercises done simultaneously