As Ive read across several Penis Enlargement forums regarding The penile culture across different countries I have gotten amazed by how much knowledge about Penis Enlargement is buried in history.

If we take Yoga for example,it has been developed trough thousands of years.

I wish to dedicate this thread as an collection of Ancient Penis Enlargement methods which may aid us in our own goals.
Example 1 : Wasp Stings for girth / Lenght
Ive read in a kamasutra book about Wasp stings being very beneficial for Penile growth.

"Ancient Male Enhancement Secrets Of The Kama Sutra

Aside from the above recommendation of supplying a less than adequate lover with attachments to increase length and girth, the Kama Sutra offered another bit of advice. This came in the form of a recipe for an ancient form of male enhancement. Let's take a look at this ancient secret in the words of the Kama Sutra itself.

"First rub your lingam with wasp stings and massage it with sweet oil. When it swells, let it dangle for ten nights through a hole in your bed, going to sleep each night on your stomach.

After this period use a cool ointment to remove the pain and swelling. By this method men of insatiable sexual appetite, manage to keep their lingam enlarged throughout their lives."

That prescription makes those Apradavya's, or sexual accessories mentioned above, look like a walk in the park. I don't know about you, but, personally, I would rather be laughed at by every woman I ever met than try that particular cure."

Example 2: Massaging your penis with mustard.

Massaging your penis with Mustard have been proven to increase Penile Elasticity.

Its hard to find a valid source from this but if you analyze the components of the Mustard you understand that there are some ingredients which makes the skin more loose.
Example 3: Massage your penis with Borage or Rape seed oil.

Ive also read that Oil from may increase Penile elasticity at a much much Higher rate than ordinary mustard.

Please continue sharing.
Benjamin Siegel;346172 said:
wow phantasy, interstin thread man.
Thanks for shining in BJ :)

While searching the history for more Penis Enlargement knowledge I stumbled upon this :

A Norwegian legend from the year 1000 gives us a simple and efficient method of bracing and enlarging the penis, that came before many other techniques.

Known as "the man with the ice penis", Haakon Harfaggerson was well-known for the greatness of his virile limb. It is said that his penis was beyond any expectation or dream. That is why he became the "innocent" victim of jealousy from husbands who were not so naturally gifted. Haakon used a special technique, whose origin is still unknown. What we know is from a report Haakon made to a disciple of his in which he explained what to do in order to become a true man, with a powerful penis of a considerable size.

It is said that by taking Scottish showers every morning, alternating hot and cold water, you can keep an iron health. Our method is based on the same principle, of alternating opposites. This technique makes the penis become more powerful and full of vitality.

Here is the content of Haakon's letter:
"Every morning wake up with the sun and be filled with its joy, power and brightness, even if you can't see it. Go outside in the snow and light a small fire which will be your own sun, your source of heat and brilliance.

Sit down facing the fire, take the male "sword"(the penis) in your hands and rub it hard with snow, in a motion that starts from the base to the top. Repeat this operation several times (at least 2 - 3 times).

Your virile limb will lose three quarters of its size and your testicles will be like two small leather bags, frozen because of the cold. Now warm your hands by the fire, heat them strongly, filling them with the fire's ardent passion.

Tantra Magazine

When they are very hot, put them on your penis again and move them towards its top as if you want to make it longer. It will start to grow again as if you were sitting in front of a beautiful woman, ready to throw yourself into her loving arms.

Stop rubbing your penis and again take the snow into your hands. Take advantage of the increased size of your penis and massage it up and down with your hands cold with snow until it gets small again.

Heat your hands and do it all over again. Do this at least seven times and you will see that your penis will become strong as a rock and slim as a fir-tree that lives on top of the mountains, all because of the hot - cold alternation.

Thus your women will be overwhelmed with pleasure of your virile encounters and you will always remember her screams of pleasure. She will open up for you, receiving you filled with joy and happiness. You will feel her desire to have you forever inside, in her eyes."

"Don't think that it is so easy to achieve this, it's not. There are a lot of obstacles. After you do this process two or three times you will be tempted to ejaculate in order to experience pleasure. However you should not give in but instead go further. Hold firm to your decision and experience pleasure without ejaculating.

I admit that these intimate practices have the tendency to launch you on a path of pleasure, but if you do not persevere you will remain a man with an ordinary penis. You will only be left to dream, or listen to women's sighs as I make love to them!

If you really want to be my disciple, you will have the courage to do it. If not, go back to the world where men live like frightened bulls, not being able to really satisfy a woman."

You might say that the technique presented above is very hard to do, but it is one of the few methods that efficiently use the basic principles of toning up. The alternation of hot and cold water tones up the cells. Also alternating contraction – elongation methods helps to increase the penis, both in length and diameter.

Tantra Magazine Tantra Magazine The technique should be applied on a penis that is not in erection because then the cells are too rigid to be lengthened.
Furthermore, it is very easy to do using ice cubes from the freezer and any other source of heat, even an electric stove.

This method uses the powerful and even magical characteristics of bio-magnetism: rubbing your hands together before massaging is a well-known energetic technique used by practitioners of the Chinese Qi - kong (who practice control and amplification of bio-energy).

We also observe the use of the number 7, suggesting that the one who used it knew about the esoteric meaning of the sacred numbers. 7 is the best-known number (7 wonders of the world, 7 planets, 7 week days, 7 music notes, 7 rainbow colors).

Last but not least, the warnings about the temptations of pleasure gives proof that this method takes into account the elements of male physiology. As for the method of covering the penis with ice again the moment it is big enough, we might say that it makes the desire to masturbate disappear. This is because masturbation doesn't produce penis enlargement and there is even scientific proof that demonstrates this.

Haakon's method is one of the most complete techniques of penis enlargement. You could start to practice it right now. Good luck

Source (With pictures to describe):

Comment:It gives strenght to Cooldowns.rofl
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c.phantasy;346175 said:
Thanks for shining in BJ :)

You might say that the technique presented above is very hard to do, but it is one of the few methods that efficiently use the basic principles of toning up. The alternation of hot and cold water tones up the cells. Also alternating contraction – elongation methods helps to increase the penis, both in length and diameter.

I have always been very curious and kin to try different stuff, just to see if it'd work... when I was starting to develop, and discovering about masturbation I remember one day that out of the blue I decided to increase my girth. I had a baseball bat shaped penis. narrow base, and wider towards the glans ... I thought, if I'd trap enough blood and push my penis would adapt and grow... so I decided to run cold water on my penis, as I was trying to achieve an erection... choking it barely above the base, so the blood would stop there, and once hard, I'd squeeze my PC's with all my might, filling up the corpora cavernosa... to my surprise it worked! What was even cooler is that it was a permanent change! I've had the cylindrical shape ever since... That episode opened my mind to accepting that the penis (just as any other organ) can be subject to change in shape and form.
c.phantasy;346267 said:
Very interesting find Red ;)

Does the Korteka benefit in enlarging the Penile tissue or is it primary for "covering the penis"? :)

Merely a protective, decorative covering. They wear nothing else usually. Might as well cover up the penis right? ;)
Grigori Rasputin:'s_penis

Grigori Rasputin (1869–1916) was a Russian mystic believed by some to be a psychic and faith healer having supernatural powers.[1] He was seen as having greatly influenced the later days of Russian Tsar Nicholas II and his wife the Tsaritsa Alexandra.

When Rasputin was murdered by a group of noblemen in 1916, some accounts say he was also sexually mutilated and his penis was severed.[2][3] Since then, a number of people claiming to be in possession of his severed penis have come forth, although none of them have been able to prove it definitively.

Some histories of the Russian Revolution comment on Rasputin's sexual skills and on the reputed size or other unusual characteristics of his penis. Orlando Figes writes:[5]

One woman confessed that the first time she made love to him her orgasm was so violent that she fainted. Perhaps his potency as a lover also had a physical explanation. Rasputin's assassin and alleged homosexual lover, Felix Yusopov, claimed that his prowess was explained by a large wart strategically situated on his penis, which was of exceptional size.

Hmm, a large wart ''strategically'' situated on his penis. Makes me think of the ''pearls'' some men get implanted ala ''Ramon'' from Bang Bros.
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I like the curly sheath Red posted, very fashionable!
oh my god! that wasp sting part made me cringe :O

so whats the deal with that? you get wasps to sting your shaft or are you grinding up wasp stingers into some kinda penis enlarging potion?
Never been able to figure out if this picture was legit. I've seen it used MANY times in the past on ''Penis Enlargement'' type sites. Usually pay sites to help propagate their agenda. It is claimed that the men of the Karamojong tribe in Africa are ''known for'' hanging rocks from their penis starting in early pre pubescent man hood. As they age, (supposedly but unproven) heavier and heavier rocks are used. Some making their penis so long, they eventually become unusable and/or impotence results. I've never seen or heard of this mentioned in documentaries about these tribes (Karamojong) either. Perhaps it's a practice that is no longer done due to the civil unrest in more recent times in that part of the world.


I've heard it claimed that the Saudanese Arabs (their holy men at least) practice something similar to PURPOSELY make themselves impotent in order to become ''pure of spirit'' and not have sexual thoughts/desires. That is considered 'un holy' to them and to be distracting from their purpose as a tribal holy man.
If that were true his penis, with the knot, and all the length after the knot his penis would be close to 20". I can tie my penis in a know but just barely.
I have seen this guy many times, wonder who he really is and does he know how famous he has become? hahaha yep have heard the Sudanese, Somalians and other branches of Arab-men perform various penis enlargements methods for both religious grounds like you said and to become a dominant male over his many whores. I do think they practice various things but we wont get to the bottom of it due to such privacy and laws they maintain.
From the Christian Bible, Ezekiel 23:20 :

There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.

Priapus, Greek god of fertility (human and crops). Weighing crops against the weight of his penis.
Greek god Hermes was the messenger of the gods and the protector of shepherds, travelers, merchants and thieves. Also depicted at times as being monstrously endowed:
What an educational thread :) It's possible that we're merely stumbling upon long lost forgotten knowledge. Thankfully, we can now transmit this knowledge instantaneously to just about any point in the world.
I found penis qigong videos on youtube. Hanging weight they brag about there is 100kg-240kg, as far as deadlifting. I was curious because I can work out with one minute sets with 155 pounds and it seemed like that might be getting interesting. Not so much.

One video shows that they use a silk cloth tied to their penis with a girth hitch. Another video shows a penis qigong student resting his body weight on a jagged broken bottle. I think that tying a girth hitch on a penis to hang hundreds of pounds is roughly the equivalent of leaning on a jagged edged broken bottle until the bottle explodes and the man is unhurt. If you want to hang using a girth hitch knot, start with one pound and go up in half a pound increments after five days, until you give up on girth hitch as a hanger like a good western euro unbeliever. I haven't tried a girth hitch. I guess I have to. I may reach 100kg deadlift if I can work out in one minute sets with 155 lb now.
pnoewbe;416127 said:
I found penis qigong videos on youtube. Hanging weight they brag about there is 100kg-240kg, as far as deadlifting. I was curious because I can work out with one minute sets with 155 pounds and it seemed like that might be getting interesting. Not so much.

One video shows that they use a silk cloth tied to their penis with a girth hitch. Another video shows a penis qigong student resting his body weight on a jagged broken bottle. I think that tying a girth hitch on a penis to hang hundreds of pounds is roughly the equivalent of leaning on a jagged edged broken bottle until the bottle explodes and the man is unhurt. If you want to hang using a girth hitch knot, start with one pound and go up in half a pound increments after five days, until you give up on girth hitch as a hanger like a good western euro unbeliever. I haven't tried a girth hitch. I guess I have to. I may reach 100kg deadlift if I can work out in one minute sets with 155 lb now.

Saw some of these, crazy really.
Yeah. Logically chi that protects from balls kicking, broken glass stabbing, abs punching, and weight hanging, ought to protect the penis from stretching.

One of the vids shows a girth hitch. Here is a long explanation of the knot and hanger mechanism and other material like getting the fat out of your bone marrow. The knot is tied above testicles, so all the lengthening possible would seem to be pulling out and stretching inner penis. I am hanging conventionally for Penis Enlargement, as close to the glans as works, with well over a hundred pounds.

So far I have two dick yoga positions, a closet rod resembling martial arts stick but used for leveraging the dick yoga positions, the extreme hanging from building structure or trees, and hanging weight, and instead of qigong some african movement with a shangaan grind. Now if I could just evade chi protection and stretch my peepee maybe a quarter inch or so more then I can recommend this. Meanwhile my pituitary gland might be getting the message not to kill me yet, or I may not have enough king-time-under-tension(kingtut) to clue the pituitary gland or stretch peenus.
Maybe it's not really a minivan:

"After I did my main qigong training in 2000 I discovered...instead of me losing my energy through ejaculation I had a psychic mutual climax. So I tested this out with other females but then I realized that females were now sitting by me when I was in full-lotus or positioning and displaying themselves so they also could suck up the chi electromagnetic energy. But since I stayed in full-lotus I still had no ejaculation...But then I realized that I was ALSO collecting the female jing energy from the psychic mutual climax. And then if I had collected a lot of jing energy I was also getting stalked by male pervs who wanted my female jing energy! So I realized I had to also convert the female jing energy I collected during the psychic mutual climaxes back to chi and shen before I went to sleep -- which meant more full-lotus. But also I had to avoid the pervs because their goal is to ejaculate so they would DECONVERT my jing energy which I had collected to create more sex fluid for themselves. This feels like psychic rape because my chi and jing were getting sucked out of my as sex fluid -- just so some male could jerk off. It's not the same as being hit on by a female because the female can have multiple mutual climaxes as it's internal without much fluid loss. When the male ejaculates it triggers the STRESS sympathetic nervous system but the female climax is through the relaxation vagus parasympathetic nervous system...Then I realized that the psychic mutual climax in full-lotus also happened through walls, ceilings, and even with my back to females -- that it was omnidirectional like the third eye -- and that the chi-shen transmission was not effected by wind or weather conditions. Finally the transmission could make contact with females even though they might be say a block away from me -- as long as they were the strongest jing source to suck up my electromagnetic chi male energy." -drewhempel at TaoBums

...but what if they weren't?!
Check out this clip of penis yoga during a travel show:
Long dong getting his [words=]Uncle Jim[/words] on:)