As Ive read across several Penis Enlargement forums regarding The penile culture across different countries I have gotten amazed by how much knowledge about Penis Enlargement is buried in history.
If we take Yoga for example,it has been developed trough thousands of years.
I wish to dedicate this thread as an collection of Ancient Penis Enlargement methods which may aid us in our own goals.
Example 1 : Wasp Stings for girth / Lenght
Ive read in a kamasutra book about Wasp stings being very beneficial for Penile growth.
"Ancient Male Enhancement Secrets Of The Kama Sutra
Aside from the above recommendation of supplying a less than adequate lover with attachments to increase length and girth, the Kama Sutra offered another bit of advice. This came in the form of a recipe for an ancient form of male enhancement. Let's take a look at this ancient secret in the words of the Kama Sutra itself.
"First rub your lingam with wasp stings and massage it with sweet oil. When it swells, let it dangle for ten nights through a hole in your bed, going to sleep each night on your stomach.
After this period use a cool ointment to remove the pain and swelling. By this method men of insatiable sexual appetite, manage to keep their lingam enlarged throughout their lives."
That prescription makes those Apradavya's, or sexual accessories mentioned above, look like a walk in the park. I don't know about you, but, personally, I would rather be laughed at by every woman I ever met than try that particular cure."
Example 2: Massaging your penis with mustard.
Massaging your penis with Mustard have been proven to increase Penile Elasticity.
Its hard to find a valid source from this but if you analyze the components of the Mustard you understand that there are some ingredients which makes the skin more loose.
Example 3: Massage your penis with Borage or Rape seed oil.
Ive also read that Oil from may increase Penile elasticity at a much much Higher rate than ordinary mustard.
Please continue sharing.
If we take Yoga for example,it has been developed trough thousands of years.
I wish to dedicate this thread as an collection of Ancient Penis Enlargement methods which may aid us in our own goals.
Example 1 : Wasp Stings for girth / Lenght
Ive read in a kamasutra book about Wasp stings being very beneficial for Penile growth.
"Ancient Male Enhancement Secrets Of The Kama Sutra
Aside from the above recommendation of supplying a less than adequate lover with attachments to increase length and girth, the Kama Sutra offered another bit of advice. This came in the form of a recipe for an ancient form of male enhancement. Let's take a look at this ancient secret in the words of the Kama Sutra itself.
"First rub your lingam with wasp stings and massage it with sweet oil. When it swells, let it dangle for ten nights through a hole in your bed, going to sleep each night on your stomach.
After this period use a cool ointment to remove the pain and swelling. By this method men of insatiable sexual appetite, manage to keep their lingam enlarged throughout their lives."
That prescription makes those Apradavya's, or sexual accessories mentioned above, look like a walk in the park. I don't know about you, but, personally, I would rather be laughed at by every woman I ever met than try that particular cure."
Example 2: Massaging your penis with mustard.
Massaging your penis with Mustard have been proven to increase Penile Elasticity.
Its hard to find a valid source from this but if you analyze the components of the Mustard you understand that there are some ingredients which makes the skin more loose.
Example 3: Massage your penis with Borage or Rape seed oil.
Ive also read that Oil from may increase Penile elasticity at a much much Higher rate than ordinary mustard.
Please continue sharing.