I admit I have known about P.E. for at least 3 years. At age 14 I was not happy with my size and when I was 19 ( I am 21 now) I searched and searched for possible penis enlargement techiques. The problem is that there is sooo much bullshit out there I just don't know what to believe many sites say that P.E. will eventually damage your penis where as others say it works. Bullshit aiside what are the risks in P.E. I am around "5.5 erect and "5 erect girth and "3.5 - "4 flacid. I always dreamt of being at least "8 It is the size I want. I know you guys will think Im a pussy but Im not too sure about doing P.E. and I did slighty damage my penis when it was erect some years ago so I guess I am worried I will mess mess up my penis more. I am pretty convinced P.E. works but it's true also that there is no medical proof to back it up being safe or whatever. I just wanna know man what are the risks of doing P.E.