...after an jelq session. It doesn't hurt but it looks very strange. It's skin coloured+little more white because of swelling.

Don't know if it's air or fluid, I think the last one but I don't think its blood in it. It isn't a vein. Looks like I've got a big all round the penis balloon just after the head.

What do I have to do? Just wait and see if it will disappear? Help please... "little" scared right now.
Juggers said:
Your best bet is to just stop for a while...and ice it up.

Thanks for your answer. Stopping for awhile that's what I had in mind indeed (No other choice). I did put it in icewater some time this morning. Will do more icewater.

But it's really weird like a big blister with air or liquid or both (don't know).

So I don't know it will be gone by itself or put a needle in it (sterile or letting de doc do it). I guess I wait some time first as it does'nt hurt or something.

It's just a big baloon all-round the dick blister on the skin after the head when it's pulled back (so normally that part is on the inside). But really big, I'm almost an inch more girth now there ;)
dude i saw a dude with a pic of exactly the same thing u are explaining right now. It circled right below his head, had a few bubble looking bumps on it. It almost looked like a great vein but wasn't. Think its a thromboised vein. Hot and cold treatment, and ibuprofen for 2 weeks as well as hot cloth and alout of time off and massaging s
Yeah it just looks like a big swelling, no vein, it's white/fleshy. But now I should do this?

"Try hot and cold treatment.
Get two jugs of water.
One filled with Ice and the other boiling hot water.
Now put your penis into the freezing jug and leave for 5 secs than put it into the hot one for the same time.
Keep rotateing this over and over for 10-15 mins straight 4 times aday, morning noon evening and night makeing sure the vein is in the jugs.
This will rid the thrombosis, always did with myn.
Dont do any Penis Enlargement till it goes away "

How much ibruprofen a day do you guys recommend?

Thanks guys!
J.J. said:
Shouldn't I see a Doc or something?, isn't it dangerous? I mean I don't wanna lose my dick... :O
hey if i was you i would go if your that worried. Iam pretty sure its a thromboised vein. If u want try the hot cold treatment, asprin/ibuprofen, hot cloth and massaging for a day or two and see if it goes down. I don't think you will lose your dick but if your that worried see a doc asap. How long did u jelg for did u warm up properly what the heck u do???
Jareth said:
hey if i was you i would go if your that worried. Iam pretty sure its a thromboised vein. If u want try the hot cold treatment, asprin/ibuprofen, hot cloth and massaging for a day or two and see if it goes down. I don't think you will lose your dick but if your that worried see a doc asap. How long did u jelg for did u warm up properly what the heck u do???

Well I was a little over-reacting (It doesn't hurt and I'm able to get an erection, dick is not coloured or something). But I'm going see a doc tomorrow anyway. I'm in my 5th week and do the beginners routine. Do 5 minute hot wrap before stretching, during and before and after jelqing.

Problem is my training went fabulous and I was watching a movie and think forgot the time (and was doing a lot of pressure for girth) and I looked at my dick and it was: ow shit!

Keep you guys posted.
J.J. said:
Well I was a little over-reacting (It doesn't hurt and I'm able to get an erection, dick is not coloured or something). But I'm going see a doc tomorrow anyway. I'm in my 5th week and do the beginners routine. Do 5 minute hot wrap before stretching, during and before and after jelqing.

Problem is my training went fabulous and I was watching a movie and think forgot the time (and was doing a lot of pressure for girth) and I looked at my dick and it was: ow shit!

Keep you guys posted.
yeah figured two much girth too quick was the issue. Take her easy next time. see the doc. U gonna tell him about pe. I hope u do i wanna see what the doc thinks. Ive been asking this from every pe member that goes to the doc they never ask though. I did and my doc had no idea.
I asked as I already have a odd reputation there (asking for prescription things and the like). He had no idea but he said he could imagine that it was caused by pe after I told him what it was (but I knew for sure he wouldn't know it as I'm the only one I know who does, I live in Holland and over here it's really unknown and uncommon)

Anyway: everything was alright. No trombosis, only rapid fluid buildup in my (pulled-bac) foreskin. As I said I only saw it till it was there and was hard to move and didn't dare to do that. But the Doc firmly pulled it back forwards and: gone. Only a strange bulgy(?) looking dick which disappeared after a few hours.

So, after all it looked strange and horrible but turned out to be no injury at all. Next sunday I will resume my exercises but will wait with the extreme girth workout pressure until later phases.

Problem is I have to jelq relatively quick in order to capture the blood or if slow have a very tight grip.

All thanks for your help and reactions!! :)
J.J. said:
I asked as I already have a odd reputation there (asking for prescription things and the like). He had no idea but he said he could imagine that it was caused by pe after I told him what it was (but I knew for sure he wouldn't know it as I'm the only one I know who does, I live in Holland and over here it's really unknown and uncommon)

Anyway: everything was alright. No trombosis, only rapid fluid buildup in my (pulled-bac) foreskin. As I said I only saw it till it was there and was hard to move and didn't dare to do that. But the Doc firmly pulled it back forwards and: gone. Only a strange bulgy(?) looking dick which disappeared after a few hours.

So, after all it looked strange and horrible but turned out to be no injury at all. Next sunday I will resume my exercises but will wait with the extreme girth workout pressure until later phases.

Problem is I have to jelq relatively quick in order to capture the blood or if slow have a very tight grip.

All thanks for your help and reactions!! :)
Funny doc had no idea same as mine. Mine told me enhancement pills didn't work. Not what i was lookin for. I live in holland OH rofl
Alright well what happened to you is fluid build up and it happens often to uncircumsized guys who do this, the cause is intense girth work. If it happens again hot wrap it and it'll go away.
Now the bad news,
don't allow this to happen too often. There was a guy on an old pe forum who had the same problem but back then everyone considered it normal and a sign of a 'good' girth work out. Just goes to show you how little we knew and how little we still know about pe. Fact is pe isn't as safe as we make it out to be (although with proper caution we can reduce the risk to a minimum). Anywho the result of this occurence happening everyday over a period of a couple months was that his foreskin would swell up everytime his dick got any stress including from sex. Everytime he fucked what happened to you happened to him but in front of the girl. He never found a solution to the problem and just left the forum. You'll be fine though and you don't have to worry even if it happens again, it takes time for that problem to develope.
I had the same issue awhile back, I stopped doing jelqs and replaced them with squeezes and it never happened again.
Its strange though, many of the old members know about this problem. It was quite commonly discussed back in the day I'm shocked that nobody has actually helped you until me. Maybe as old members leave we are actually losing old knowledge just hope people don't get hurt.
Thank you, Splack

After what happened there's a littel swelling every session so I've got to watch when to quit. Most of the time I'm at the half an hour mark. So no problem.
That day I had a great work-out and was watching a movie, eventualy I ended up with a 7 inch girth. But not in the way I aimed for ;)
Guys same problem here, Two bump on the side just under the glans. Some times tis small bumps appear after a jelq sessione, and go away after some hour, but this time wouldn't go away. I'm a bit worried because i don0t know if is a trobosied veins, or just a blood. But i think that is related to veins, because is only noticeble when i have an'erection. I have stopped pe exercise, and i'll take same ibuprofene. Hope will go away fast.
Any suggestion is much welcome
I get it sometimes on the right side below the glans. I just use my thumb, start near the back and push towards the large vein in the front. It goes back wherever it came form and looks normal. No pain, has been happening less frequently lately, but sometimes when streching or jelqing hard I get it.
Man I pretty much always have this ring underneath my glans. I think its just due to a tight foreskin.
Sometimes its not too bad but other times its gets raw swollen and red, and then sometimes its becomes all white which I think is the damaged skin.
Anyway usually not touching it for a few days, hot n cold treatments, plus eumovate cream fixes it up.

While on the subject, anyone have any recommendations for loosening the foreskin? Thanks!
I think I am having something similar to the first post. It looks as though I have these white spots on the edge of the penis head along the bottom edge and one spot to the left that. I am also having a similar spot on my skin near the penis head. It does not hurt at all to the touch. The spots are slightly raised. It looks like it could be fluid build up or maybe a vien. I am uncircumsized so I dont know if this was caused by that. Any help you could provide would be appreciated.
Anyone have a reply???????????. Its been over two weeks now and the spots are still there. It looks almost like a vein or something. If you look down at your gland the white spots are on the ridge in the middle and the second spot is to the left of that. I have tried arnica for a few days as well as neosporin. It is slightly raised and almosts feels like a vein. At first I thought it was fluid buildup but that should have gone away in a couple of days. I contiued doing my routine for about a week or so since it does not hurt and have stopped thinking maybe I should give it some time off like a week or two. Any help you could provide would be appreciated.
Have the same problem. Though its pretty obvious whats going on-- excess fluid build up in the foreskin from going too hard.

Have had it from jelqing really heavily without a couple weeks build up (have stopped and started pe a couple of times).

This goes away itself if you leave it, but of course its always a good idea to treat it nicely for a day, as has been suggested elsewhere here.

-- Interesting to hear about the chap who pushed through it. Really shows how careful you have to be with these things.


gtsgts (and anyone else looking at this thread)-- the actual problem this chap had was a fluid buildup in the foreskin causing a swelled up look from just behind the head and down a bit. Your problem sounds a little different-- though it was a while ago now so you probably have it sorted by now ;).
