Wazedi, I have ran two cycles before and am about to start on my third in a couple of weeks.
1st cycle: Test E @ 500/week
2nd cycle: Test E @ 500/week & 40mg Dbol/week
3rd cycle: Test E @ 600/week (Not doing dbol just for a cheaper cycle).
Advice off the top of my head:
-Not sure what kind of test injections you would be doing, but if it's test e, then you want to be around 500/week (particularly with your first cycle), and 2 injections/week (evenly spaced apart).
-Standard for Test E is 10 weeks of pinning, then it will be in your body for an additional 2 weeks, making for a 12 week cycle.
-Test E takes about a month to really start kicking in. May start to see some strength increases after 2 weeks.
-23g is standard needle to inject with. You can also buy a larger gauge to pull the test out of the bottle, and then put on the 23g (good test has decent viscosity). This also helps to prevent any kind of dulling of the needle. Needles are cheap and discreet online. Terumo is a quality brand that is also pretty inexpensive.
-DISINFECT EVERYTHING. I wipe down the bottle, both needles, and the injection sight. I also wash my hands prior.
-Dbol is a great choice to put in with test e. Like I said, test e takes a while to kick in, so running 4 weeks of dbol will get you some insane strength gains prior to your test e kicking in. I actually got more strength gains using dbol than I did with the test.
-Keep your sodium down and your water intake high while on DBol, because water retention is high while you're on it.
-Don't smoke weed or get drunk during cycle. Weed will give you gyno, and drinking will destroy your liver quick while on roids.
-If you have ever had an issue with joint health, it's a very good idea to take a joint supplement while on a cycle. Your musles will be broken down and recovered in no time while your joints will be left simply broken down over and over again without repair. Animal Flex is a great choice IMO for a joint supplement to help prevent your joints from going to shit. Check out reviews on bodybuilding.com. Also, turmeric and fish oil are great anti-inflammatory supps. I take fish oil every day and add in turmeric spice to any appropriate dish.
Injecting- Hot shower & massage/using a heating pad before injection can help relax the muscle. Try to have at least four injection spots that you rotate (may want to keep a log so you don't forget what to pin next) to prevent the build-up of scar tissue. I use delts & upper quads, and you can find precise injection spots online. Some people pin fast and some people pin slow. Initial logic will tell you to do it fast, as that's how you've always gotten shots from the doc. That's how I did it the first time, but I read that you can hit nerves that way which is very painful. Also, slamming sharp objects into my body is something I have a hard time doing. I started going slow about halfway through my last cycle, and I prefer it. If I come near a painful spot, I can maneuver around it, so I never have to worry about hitting a nerve. And there's not much pain with a 23g, even the initial skin break isn't too bad. Injecting the test slowly into your body and then rubbing the spot/around the spot with the palm of your hand can help disperse from the injection spot quicker and therefore help reduce/shorten pain after injection .
PCT- My first 2 cycles, I just did clomid for four weeks. This actually didn't work too bad for me, but some people say they lost a ton using just clomid. HCG, Nolva, and Clomid all together are pretty much the standard and safest way to go. There's all kinds of opinions on time/dosage.. you'll have to do your research here.
Steroids and PE- I don't think any steroid will directly affect PE gains much, but can indirectly help or hurt. Some kill sex drive, some will make you the horniest you have ever been in your life. Test E is the ladder. Therefore, I think it will help your PE girth gains. Having great EQ will give you much better girth sessions. When I did DLD's initial [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?64036-My-Best-Work-Ever-Penis-Enlargement-will-Be-Changed-Forever-gt-gt-Gain%20inches%20with%20SRT-Theory-and-Routine]
SRT[/words] routine, I gained .5" in girth in 3 months, and I was on Test E. I put in a ton of work with the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]BM[/words] and [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]
SSJ[/words]'s, and that's what gave me the gains. But Test E made those routines much more productive.
My take on HGH and IGF1: HGH is great, but expensive. Unless you have a bunch of cash you don't know what to do with, or you can get prescribed and have insurance pay for it, I would stick with Test. I get quality test and it ends up being about $60/month. As for IGF1 for PE, If you love needles around and in your dick, then have at it. From reading people's logs that do it, there seems to be a large workload without much results. I feel like I can honestly gain just as much by not sticking needles in my dick, and with less time spent.
Health & Steroids: If you're dosing correctly, cycling correctly, and disinfecting correctly, there's really not a whole lot to worry about as far as short term health with your standard test cycle. They say high test levels increases your risk for cancer, so that's something to consider. But nowadays, it seems like everything causes cancer. I think that if you do them for 15+ years, then you could definitely have some long term side effects. Personally, I live my life by the phrase "Everything in Moderation". If you start up a 3 month test cycle once every 7-8 months or so for 5-8 years and you're smart about it, you minimize your risks, and you maximize the benefits during the years of your life that you want to look the best/be the strongest you can.
Best of luck to you deciding what is best for you. A couple other tid-bits of advice are: A lot of people think steroids are terrible because of the media and the idiots that use this stuff that have no clue what they are doing. Therefore, I wouldn't go around telling everyone. personally, I have never told a single person that I have used them. Only my dealer knows. That leads to my second tid-bit: I'm not sure where you live, but here in the US, steroids are a pretty big felony. You have to be extremely careful about who you're buying from. The best option is a friend you know that would never snitch if caught, and isn't going to sell you any bunk steroids. Think on your feet when going about the process of obtaining it and never go through with anything that doesn't seem right or is sketchy to you.