I am using the eco monday through friday weekends off, before using it I could get my wang in a tiolet role past my tunica and just before the base now I can only get the role just past the head...

I ahve been using it for about 2 weeks now for about 6 hours a day, whcih I guess is a lot. I use it at work, I have pretty much a sitdown job and I have my own office space.

good luck in your venture
you will find the vac style hanger much more comfortable than anything else! alot of people really like them. i think millionman is one, and bjorn is another. comfort is the BIGGEST thing when choosing an [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] since you have to wear it for so long. also have a look at The World's Most Comfortable Penis [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Traction[/words] Device
this is one im considering getting...
Yeah I dont know of anyone who purchased one of those,,I thought about getting one myself but I will wait until I hear more reviews on it's effectiveness..If you get it keep us posted on your developments bro
I had found the static stretcher as well, looks very nice and comfortable and I was planning on getting one as well. I figured I would wear that one after a manual routine, or after another stretcher to keep my Johnson in that extended state during recovery.

I have read the VacExtender is the most comfortable but I am concerned about moisture and blisters. (I did read if you wrap your head with a sport wrap before you put on the vacuum head, you can reduce this).

On the other hand, I am still considering the X4 or [words=https://www.internetzahlung.de/cc-aktuell/bestellung.php3?PID=PM0440A&Sprache=en]PeniMaster[/words], as they look more comfortable than the noose type stretchers and they look easier to get in and out of than the VacExtender.
EVO said:
you will find the vac style hanger much more comfortable than anything else! alot of people really like them. i think millionman is one, and bjorn is another. comfort is the BIGGEST thing when choosing an [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] since you have to wear it for so long. also have a look at The World's Most Comfortable Penis [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Traction[/words] Device
this is one im considering getting...

I just put in a order for the Static Stretcher, and asked for
2 day delivery, so hopefully I will be able to give you a
review by the end of the week.

Hey all,

Just a quick update. I should have the Static Stretcher here on Thursday-Friday, and then I should be able to tell you what I think. I just got a email with my products tracking
info, so it should be here soon.
Cool can't wait to hear what you think..I a considering trying something new also, although I can't complain to much about my eco [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] but I could go for something a bit more comfy. I woudl like to take less breaks in my sessions for circulation purposes
Hi all,

OK, the Static Stretcher arrived today via UPS in a plane
brown box. Nothing to say what it is and what it does.

Even after you open up the box, you STILL have no idea
what it is unless your the one the bought it. I like that! ;)

OK, so inside is a hell of a lot of parts, instructions to slowly
remove the tap that is holding everything together, and
one [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words].

At first glance this kinda put me off because I never had
to completely build any of the penis enlargement products
from scratch before.

However, once you watch the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words], which by the way is
very detailed and put together nicely for someone who
seems to be a avid Penis Enlargement'er, just like us!

I watched the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words] twice so far and I am just stunned at
the information on the product. After watching it again,
its really not hard to put together the Static Stretcher.

The bulk of learning how to use it, how to to keep it
clean, etc, is all included on the home made [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words]. I say
home made because, well, that's what it is!

Now that by no means is it lacking in any information. Hell,
its better put together that 99% of the commercial
Penis enlargement packages I have bought.

The gentlemen who put together the presentation, leads
you from start to finish, and even shows you how to do a
bone pressed measurement of yourself the right way. Nice
to actually see it in video form. Makes it easier to grasp.

I am still taking in all the information on the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words] so far,
and I will get to actually putting the device together
in the morning.

Basically I can see that this device is the only one I have
ever used that gives you a custom fit. Why you might
ask? Well, you put the device together yourself using the
very in depth instructions on the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words], and the result is
a custom tailored Penis Enlargement device made just for you! COOL! ;)

I'm playing around with the bio wrap that is provided, and
its pretty neat. Its the Nice's rap I have ever used, that's
for sure.

Like I said, I have not used the product yet, but there has
to be like over a hour and half of instruction on the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words],
and the gentlemen is very, very thorough.

So far I am very impressed with the amount of information
the gentlemen provides on the subject of Penis Enlargement, and on how
to use the product.

I will let you know over the course of time how I like using
the Static Stretcher as opposed to all my other noose
devices that I hated.

The gentlemen in the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words] says you can use the Static
Stretcher for 12 or more hours, and goes on to explain
how lots of men use it 24 hours a day! Pretty encouraging

Oh, and I am in no way shape or form affiliated with this
company. I make no money from them whatsoever, so
my review will reflect hopefully the things that everyone
here wants to hear.

Is it easy to use.
Is it constructed well.
Can you use it for long periods of time like they claim.
And last, does it work.

OK, hope this gives you some insight into the product
so far. I will report more later all.
Be careful that you use LOW tension the first couple weeks. Your focus should be on conditioning the penis skin toward the biowrap. Unwrap and rewrap every two hours at least. Also, DO NOT set the stretcher to BPenis EnlargementL+ at first. Work on getting in several continuous hours of stretch before upping the tension. The merit of this product is continuous wear, not high tension. Don't feel like you need to wear it at BPenis EnlargementL+ the first couple weeks. I have owned the product for three weeks, and still keep the device set just below my erect length (n the up position). I recommend that if you want to wear the stretcher in the up position, measure your erect penis in the up position (non-BP) and set the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] to stretch you penis to that length, give or take a little.

Good luck.
so is it comfy? i was about to send a money order in. i like the idea of once you get conditioned you can wear it for a veeery long time. time = gains imo.
goldmember said:
Be careful that you use LOW tension the first couple weeks. Your focus should be on conditioning the penis skin toward the biowrap. Unwrap and rewrap every two hours at least. Also, DO NOT set the stretcher to BPenis EnlargementL+ at first. Work on getting in several continuous hours of stretch before upping the tension. The merit of this product is continuous wear, not high tension. Don't feel like you need to wear it at BPenis EnlargementL+ the first couple weeks. I have owned the product for three weeks, and still keep the device set just below my erect length (n the up position). I recommend that if you want to wear the stretcher in the up position, measure your erect penis in the up position (non-BP) and set the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] to stretch you penis to that length, give or take a little.

Good luck.

Thanks Goldmember!

I think I'm gonna hold off till Monday to start out with
the Static Stretcher. I am looking forward to using
something that I can actually wear comfortably for a
decent length of time.

Since you have one also Goldmember, and you obvious
know a lot more than me, here are two questions that
I just gotta ask.

One - The biowrap. When do you use it? Are we supposed
to use that whenever we cant use the Static Stretcher?

And Two- This may seem like a really stupid question,
but am I supposed to get rid of all my jeans and trade
them in for sweat pants only? I mean seriously, how are
you supposed to wear ANY of these Penis Enlargement devices?

Jeans seem to restrictive, and I cant run around in sweats
all the time. What do you suggest?

Thanks in advance. :blush:

What does this thing look like ? Show us a pic of it and also one of how you use it when ya get a chance. How much did it cost ? $$$$$
GashKing said:

What does this thing look like ? Show us a pic of it and also one of how you use it when ya get a chance. How much did it cost ? $$$$$

Hmm, I dont know if my webcam still works, so I will play
with it on Monday when I start to put together the Static

The Static Stretcher cost me $116 US. It's regularly goes
for $99, but since I wanted it shipped 2 day, I payed a
bit more.

If anyone knows how to take [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]dvd[/words] video and turn it into
flash video, I might be able to take some of the video on
the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words] and share it with you guys. Just a thought.
lol..for work I wear loose fitting dress pants and because my stretcher lays to the left I put somethng in my left side pocket, set of keys(I carry a lot of keys with me all the time, eyeglass case because it bulges the pants out to wear you can't see that I have a stretcher on, or that I may have a hard on that extends to the left..lol it works for me...
Wear the Static Wrap when you can't wear the stretcher, or when you think you might not have access to a private bathroom for several hours. The device is comfy, and can be worn for several hours at a time at low-moderate tension.

I wear mine perfectly fine with reasonably fitting jeans. I find that it is 100% essential to have a hoodie or bulky sweater that covers the belt buckle area. I don't know if this will work out during summer...
qkeyboard said:
Can it not be worn pointing down at all?
It can, but like any [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words], it is not very concealable in the down position (in my humble opinion).
Hi All,

Sorry I didn't get to post a reply here sooner. Life strikes,
what can I say :P .

OK, I put together the Static Stretcher by following the
very detailed instructions on the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words]. You can basically
set it up in front of the TV while watching the guy put his
together in front of you. I don't know the gentlemen's name
who is in the video, but he is very knowledgeable about Penis Enlargement.

Since I got it, I have been playing around with the other
component of the system, the Static Wrap. The Static
Wrap is what it sounds like. A wrap that goes around the
penis to help you to secure the Static Stretcher so it can
help to stretch you penis.

What's really cool about the Static Wrap is the fact that you
can use it when you can't or don't want to use the Static


I could never wear my [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] for this long a period of
time like I can with the Static Wrap! From the first time I
put it on, I wore it for about a hour, then had to re-adjust
it. After that I had it on for 4 hours straight! It was so
comfortable that I only realized I had it on when I went
to the bathroom. Man that was shock when I dropped my

I was like "What the hell is that on my dick??!!" and then,
"Oh yea, that Static wrap...nice!"

Anyway, I have been using just the wrap ever since I got it
and it is pretty interesting on how it works. Unlike all the
other products I have tried that basically noose your Penis
in some shape of fashion, you wrap your penis with the
Static Wrap, then apply the Static Stretcher hardware.

What the Static Stretcher does is give you a light stretch
of the penis, but not a spring loaded one like all the other
products out there. If you go to the Static Stretcher
website, he will give you a breakdown of why spring-loaded
stretcher are bad. I didn't know that, all I knew was that
the noose on my [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] hurt like hell!

Anyway, once you set it all up, its pretty much set and
forget. I have had to re-adjust the Static Wrap a few times
during the day, but otherwise, its on there nice and gives
me a different kind of stretch than any of the other Penis Enlargement
products I have used.

I am going to continue to use the Static Wrap till the
weekend, as I am using this as my break-in period, and
then starting next week when my work slows down a bit,
I will start using the Static Stretcher and let you know how
that goes.

If anyone here knows how to take [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words] video and make it
into flash, I could put up some of the video that came with
the Static Stretcher for you all to see. OK, that's my
review so far. Speak with everyone soon.
Take a look at this stretcher, I bought it for about $30. works great, I had to add a little padding to the glans area (my glans got sore) & make some adjustments, but its worth the money compared to the expensive ones on the market. Keeps a great stretch after a lengthening workout, I also bought some other Penis Enlargement items.

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growmywilly said:
If anyone here knows how to take [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words] video and make it
into flash, I could put up some of the video that came with
the Static Stretcher for you all to see. OK, that's my
review so far. Speak with everyone soon.

Great review! I'm definitely getting one. You're not the first I've heard, but the consistancy of this type of review is solidifying my decision. I've got a noose type and it's too irritating for me.

There could be several ways to put the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words] to flash. The easiest I can think of is get a good web camera, which are cheaper by the day, and then that file can easily be uploaded to a site like xtube.com . Actually, you might try putting the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words] in a computer drive, access the files in the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words] from your Control Panel and drag them into your hard drive so they'll download to your computer and then upload the files to xtube. Just some ideas. I have very little experience with this type of video conversion.

Good luck and keep us updated!
goldmember said:
Check out my review thread as well. Gash, that thing looks like torture! How long can you wear it without removing it?


Du, I took those pics awhile ago and since then have made some adjustments and additions to the stretcher. I put a piece of latex hosing on the head clamp (part that holds the glans clamped) and it works amazing - great stretch. But it has no give with the clamp piece attached, but gives more of a stronger , more powerful pull & stretch, when sitting down, Ihave to take it easy or you will rip your head (glans) off . . . . . . LOL.

When I have the latex noose on, it gives less of a stretch, but more give , stretch of the latex when you sit down.

But while walking and doing house work or wearing under a pair of shorts, sweat pants, or baggie pants - its just fine and you can adjust the tension all the way out if you have the extra length of cock to adjust all the way out?

Sitting is the only problem with the head clamp on.

I have made it more comfortable now, but I can wear it most of the day with comfort now as I have gotten use to it and found the adjustment that is right for me. I have to loosen up the noose or clamp every now and then, but mostly I try to wear it most of the day relieving the tightness at times of the head clamp or noose.
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I now can wear the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] very easily in the down position. Check my review thread for more information on the Static Stretcher.
Hi Goldmember,

After reading your recommendations on this stretcher, I bought one for myself. I stopped using the VIMAX because it caused dark spots from skin hemorrhaging. The Static stretcher feels like I am wearing a pillow around my cock. I was able to wear the stretcher out of pants for 4 hours straight. I made the mistake of not cutting the rods shorter to accomodate my length and the pants squeezed the rods together and caused it to squeeze my shaft skin. When I cut the rods, it felt as comfortable as when I had it out of the pants.
I wear the wrap when I am working out. After 2 hours that may pinch if it is on too tight. But 2 hours is much better than 30 minutes which is the time I leave on the VIMAX until it hurts.
I'm glad you like it too. Take it slow at first, to get your skin conditioned. AFter that, you should be able to wear it all day long without removing it. What do you think about the tension compared to the Vimax?
darkseid1998 said:
Hi Goldmember,

After reading your recommendations on this stretcher, I bought one for myself. I stopped using the VIMAX because it caused dark spots from skin hemorrhaging. The Static stretcher feels like I am wearing a pillow around my cock. I was able to wear the stretcher out of pants for 4 hours straight. I made the mistake of not cutting the rods shorter to accomodate my length and the pants squeezed the rods together and caused it to squeeze my shaft skin. When I cut the rods, it felt as comfortable as when I had it out of the pants.
I wear the wrap when I am working out. After 2 hours that may pinch if it is on too tight. But 2 hours is much better than 30 minutes which is the time I leave on the VIMAX until it hurts.
im kinda sold on the static [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] but is paypal the only way you can pay for it...? This will be my first purchase of a penis enlargement device is this product really worth it? Also what is [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] supplement?