This, in my opinion, is the simple analogy that is easy to understand! I couldn't get it to words yesterday. I also feel that with reverse kegels my abs are bit more in use than with regular Kegels.
Many muscles are linked in a way though.

Relax, take a big load off, you'll get there @jekyllnhyde360 !

The feeling really does go completely from your abdomen to your anus. Makes it difficult to know that you’re doing the exercise correctly but I realize you’re not going to feel it in an isolated way. There are many muscles at work when you’re doing a reverse Kegel. The entire floor muscles up to the abdominal muscles and back to the sphincter will be engaged in this movement.
You can do it, you take a shit right? haven't stopped shitting (xd) I suggested pulling your dick out, performing the standard kegel as it will allow you to FEEL, and SENSE when the RK kicks in, due ot them being completely different sensations.

Also, when you RK on the stretch you may feel a burn sensation in the ligs.

Have a try .. stretch your penis, perform a standard kegel and hold it for 5 seconds, then do the RK .. like you are forcing urine out, but dont do it with force, just like a gentle pee.
Reverse Kegels have always eluded me

They’re very simple when you engage in a reverse Kegel your disengaging all pelvic floor muscles allowing the stretch to go completely to your penis and ligament without those muscles interfering.
I'm having a little bit of trouble with reverse kegels. When I do a normal kegel i can feel a very strong clenching so im very aware of the muscles. However, with the reverse kegel, i cant seem to isolate the muscles at all. I don't know if I'm doing it properly. It's been described as trying to pee hard, ie the opposite to a normal kegel. I can only imagine this is similar to basically holding your breath and pushing down internally so you feel pressure in your abdomen? I don't seem to get any sort of muscular movement in the PC area when doing this. Am I doing this properly? Can anyone offer any advice? Thanks
I've practice reverse kegels for years and i can tell that they improved my erecting quality. I've even notice some girth gains.
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I've practice reverse kegels for years and i can tell that they improved my erecting quality. I've even notice some girth gains.

They also aid in a much better stretch and sequentially can be used to prevent premature ejaculation.
Let me revive this, with a question? has anyone nearly, or indeed shit themselves doing these? (poop)(movember)
I have let off amazingly loud powerful farts, but not dropped me guts yet.
Let me revive this, with a question? has anyone nearly, or indeed shit themselves doing these? (poop)(movember)
I have let off amazingly loud powerful farts, but not dropped me guts yet.


Let me revive this, with a question? has anyone nearly, or indeed shit themselves doing these? (poop)(movember)
I have let off amazingly loud powerful farts, but not dropped me guts yet.

Why did you include the dirty Sanchez face LOL
Another variation I did allot years ago, and recently started doing it again is one that may help those new to figuring the feeling, sensation, of a reverse kegel.

All you need to do, is find privacy. A bathroom is ideal, if you prefer to do this half naked from the waist down, or someplace else if that is not desired. Everyone is different. I used to do this with the lower half naked in the bathroom, then do stretches in this position.

Okay, you simply get into the bottom part of a SQUAT. In this position, I have found it much easier to execute the RK, and perform routines for it.

In this position, you do a normal kegel, and hold it on full contraction, as though you want to hold a wee in.
Okay, no preferential time for this hold, it can be short, because its just getting the pelvic muscles contracted, so when the reverse comes in, you can feel it more.

So, after a few seconds, execute the reverse kegel. It needn't be hard, or forced, just a gentle push as though you were going for a pee.

You should notice the sensation in the area known as the perineum, between the testicles, and anus as this transition from contraction, to flex, takes place. It can help, if you slightly tilt, angle your lower abs in towards the body, no contracting them, just tilt that lower part of the body, as you execute the reverse kegel.

Hold it for 5 seconds, and release. Perform another normal kegel hold, and go back to the reverse kegel.

Keep going back and fourth, so you start to know, and feel the exact way it feels to you. It is surprising, that you do not need much force to perform a reverse kegel! it seems at first, that we do ... this is due to us not being accustomed to the bodily sensation when its activated, hence why this exercise can be a big help.

Please give it an honest try, and see what you think.

Questions, comments, tips welcomed.
@Manpo How are things going, are you OK? Haven’t seen you for over 10 days so I’m just concerned and checking in.
I also notice when I do a reverse Kegel that my base might be pushing away from my body, a bit at least.
Drinking plenty of water is great on so many levels! I have a big jug on my table and the idea is to finish the whole jug every day. Sometimes there's some left but then again you do get fluids from foods and so on.

As to RED's question, no, haven't had near shitting experience with the reverse kegels, flatulence might have occured few times though. :D
The Reverse Kegel is so valuable when we are stretching or hanging. When I created the Reverse Kegel for DLD Blasters it was for a very good reason. At the time many men were interested in PE surgery, where the ligament is cut and allows the penis to hang lower and longer. I wanted to find a way to make this happen without the surgery. I thought long and hard on what would work then it came to me, if the Kegel tightens the pelvic floor muscles than the opposite of that would be the Kegel.

What I discovered is when you do a reverse Kegel the pelvic floor muscles are put into a state of un-flex allowing us to circumvent the pelvic floor muscles and get a stretch that would mimic the ligament being cut. RKs were perfect for the job.
I suppose I've never taken kegels seriously & am missing out on benefits from it.
Maybe I'll start doing 100 3-5 second kegels and 100 reverse kegels a day.
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I suppose I've never taken kegels seriously & am missing out on benefits from it.
Maybe I'll start doing 100 3-5 second kegels and 100 reverse kegels a day.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
I have prided myself for many years that I have the ability to control the PONR. When much younger I would edge quite often. Only I did not know what that was called. I have to ability to last up to a hour. Now I finish because of tiring. I can finish quickly or take my time.
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I have prided myself for many years that I have the ability to control the PONR. When much younger I would edge quite often. Only I did not know what that was called. I have to ability to last up to a hour. Now I finish because of tiring. I can finish quickly or take my time.

that’s a great thing to master! When I finally was able to master this I was able to go as long as I like and afterwards my refractory period would only be about five minutes until I was ready again! Oh the memories! ?
During sex, when I reach the PONR, I do sometimes a normal Kegel to prevent cumming (not always helpful) what about reverse Kegel during sex? Is it recommended with premature ejaculation? I read in many posts Kegeling would be helpful for premature ejaculation but what is the best method :training both normal and reverse? And what to do during sex with Kegeling : absolutely nothing?
Train both ways, get a good feel for the mechanics to both by doing 5 second kegel hold followed by a reverse kegel 5 second hold.

That helps you know what to feel for when you do them, and begin a training regimen for both doing quick repetitions and holds.

Don't need to strain yourself with the reverse kegel, just know that you're training it.

Yes, try the reverse kegel when having sex because it works well, while a standard kegel gives stronger erection, more powerful orgasms.
A very simple way to look at this is when you’re stretching always do reverse Kegels and when you’re doing girth work always do Kegels. Reverse Kegels Will unflexed all of your pelvic floor muscles allowing for all of the stretch to go to your penis. With the Kegel you’re forcing blood into your penis so this will be beneficial for girth work.
A very simple way to look at this is when you’re stretching always do reverse Kegels and when you’re doing girth work always do Kegels. Reverse Kegels Will unflexed all of your pelvic floor muscles allowing for all of the stretch to go to your penis. With the Kegel you’re forcing blood into your penis so this will be beneficial for girth work.
I'll try this DLD. Thanks.. You mean quick start stop Kegeling or holding during exercises like jelqing?
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Train both ways, get a good feel for the mechanics to both by doing 5 second kegel hold followed by a reverse kegel 5 second hold.

That helps you know what to feel for when you do them, and begin a training regimen for both doing quick repetitions and holds.

Don't need to strain yourself with the reverse kegel, just know that you're training it.

Yes, try the reverse kegel when having sex because it works well, while a standard kegel gives stronger erection, more powerful orgasms.
It's almost like trying to poop/fart. The muscles are very close. Here's how to find each muscle: Next time you pee, stop the flow midstream -- That's a kegel. When you start back up again, try to force the urine out almost like you're pushing it -- that's a reverse kegel. Kegels kinda feel like they're underneath, like you're lifting something with them. Reverse Kegels feel like they're pushing down.
Hi to you All,

I know the positive effects of the kegel or PC flexes, but what are the benefits of the reversed kegel.
Is there anyone who can give me a simple explanation?

Thanks Yves

What is a kegel?

A kegel is the name of a pelvic floor exercise, named after Dr. Kegel who discovered the exercise. These muscles are attached to the pelvic bone and act like a hammock, holding in your pelvic organs. To try and isolate these muscles trying stopping and starting the flow of urine.

How do I do the kegel exercise?

Once you have located the muscles simply tighten and relax the mascle over and over. These are basic kegels. There are many variations on kegels: elevator kegels (Where you tighten slowly, in increments going in and out, like an elevator stopping on several floors.), you can hold the muscle tightened for five seconds, you can bulge the muscles out at the end, and many other variations.

Why would I want to do kegel exercises?

Kegeling provides many benefits:

Stronger Erections
Longer Erections due to blood hold capacity
Larger head size
Further enjaculatorty Distance
Sexual enjoyment is enhanced for both partners
It can prevent prolapses of pelvic organs
It can help prevent leaking urine when you sneeze or cough

What is a Reverse Kegel?

A Reverse kegel is the name of a pelvic exercise, made popular by DrGMerlin who preached the importance of the exercise. To try and isolate these muscles trying push the flow of urine as hard as you can.

How do I do the Reverse Kegel exercise?

Once you have located this muscle movement you are now ready to make feel the difference between the Kegel and Reverse Kegel. Tighten or Kegel your PC muscle not push out doing a Reverse Kegel. Practice this variation. Become very in tune with the push and squeeze movements. The more comfortable you become with the two exercises the greater success you will have in Penis Enlargement IMO.

Why would I want to do Reverse kegel exercises?

Reverse Kegeling benefits:

The ability to remain erect after an erection
the ability to have male multiple orgasm
More intense orgasm
Stretching Benefits (See Below)

Combining the Kegel and Reverse Kegel to work for you in a stretching program.

The DLD BLASTER is based on the Kegel and Reverse Kegel for one main reason. When I stretch I have a natural habit to squeeze my PC muscle. I think this may be some sort of safety reaction but I do it. The most important thing to me in a stretching session is to Hit My Ligs...the problem here is if I am squeezing my PC muscle (Kegeling) and the majority of the stretch is being taken by the PC muscle and not the ligs. This for me meant minimal length gains if any. It made sense to me that a total reversal of this movement, a REVERSE KEGEL would alow me to hit my ligs with little help for the PC muscle. As both the Kegel and Reverse Kegel have positive benefits the combination of the two made the most sense to me. I played with the idea of completely exhausting the PC muscle before a stretch session but this made little sense to me because my penis would stretch easier but I was left with a pile of mush until I recovered. So the DLD Blaster incorporated the Kegel for 5 seconds to strengthen the PC muscle followed by a 5 second Reverse Kegel to hit the ligs for the ultimate stretch. I also found during these early tests that the ability to stretch harder on the Reverse Kegel would give me even greater length gains. This is when I decided to start using the "A" stretch in conjunction with the DLD Blasters.

I hope this helps clear up some of the confusion about the mysterious kegel and it's role in Penis Enlargement for me.

A lot of general topics have already been discussed. If you click the search button, then type in key words you can go from there. :)

My only gripe is that sometimes you're looking for something 3 letters or less and it doesnt work! :mad:

This may seem weird or whatnot, but when I want to lose an erection I just reverse kegel and hold it. It seems to work pretty well. I figure since a kegel pumps blood in, then a reverse kegel may allow it to get out.


This is a very good thread. I will start implementing the Kegel and reverse kegel into my dld blasters and expressive stretching, starting from today.