what is it with attacking DLD get off the guys back..everyone knows that making these things is cheap if you want one make it yourself if you dont mind spending money on it DLD will make you one..

what's all the fuss about?

I think we all owe a lot to DLD and [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words], and it's supporting mods/members..get a grip
Duppi_KronKite & Mike Oxford, Seems like your a couple of trouble makers.
Your about to be Banned. I'm in a shitty mood today and feel like banning.
Mike Oxlong said:

Buddy, I think you've been given a pretty long leash here, if you ask me. You say the ROP has been thoroughly discredited. That itself is a stretch, as some people get a benefit from it, it has been around for decades, but nevertheless many people do feel they get nothing out of it. Your point has been made. Yes, there is a significant mark-up on this product and I don't know all the reasoning behind it. If I had to guess, I know getting the rods of that high-grade metal is a little expensive and you have to buy it in a quantity that is far more than you would need for one unit. I know DLD's track record is that other products like the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Power Assist[/words] and [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words] are sold at very reasonable prices.
[words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] is not a forum that will simply ban someone for mere criticism. You are free to say you disagree with the way DLD is doing things and suggest an alternative. You did that about 50 posts ago. At this point you are pretty much trolling. Present your thoughts in a more reasonable manner or you're gone.
man this thread started to suck about 2 pages ago. Buy it or don't. There's no point in arguing over principles or the reasoning behind selling a product. What don't you understand about someone selling a product they made with their own hands and time? It's time to move on from this thread and leave it be. Order one or don't.
You know guys, if you all are interested in spending 49.95 and seeing to it that [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] reaps the benefiets, why not get a [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]POWER ASSIST[/words] and join the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] test study group?

At least with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] you can expect the kind of results like most Penis Enlargement, you get out of it what you put in to it.

Duppi_KronKite & Mike Oxford, Seems like your a couple of trouble makers.
Your about to be Banned. I'm in a shitty mood today and feel like banning.

Ban me for speaking my mind?

Ban me for knowing bullshit and then exposing it?

Go ahead, Ban me. It sure as hell won't stop my Hoe Banging and Dollar Stacking and therefore will not ruin my day (steal my sunshine).

Obviously The guy who started this thread must have known it was a bad idea. Not like you can't do a simple search and find other threads which were much harsher than this one.

Single me out for not agreeing with the poor business tactics. And yes they are poor.

If you threaten to Ban someone for offering to make ROP's for $10 saying they are spamming or didn't ask permission, and then you urself try to sell them months later for $50... you are a crook.

If you threaten to Ban or actually ban someone who offers advice to get low priced Viagra, then you urself make identical threads offering Viagra for $3+, sticky them and put them in multiple sections of the forum... you are a crook.

When someone exposes out your actions and you ignore their points and your buddy has to jump in and issue threats, then you need to hold your own or think about your actions and consequences before doing.

After issuing your Bans since your in a bad mood, be sure to put "Op Nazi" under your username. Also keep this thread up and open for all to read and witness your actions. Don't be a coward and move it somewhere out of view from the general public.

It is also funny how the MODS I figured might have posted on this subject aren't. They are probably more shocked than I was finding out this product is being re-shelved.
Hoe bangin' and dollar stackin' are sweet things my man. But only if you keep 'em ON THE REAL.
My questions never got answered, but the biggest one just hit me.

When did the ROP get sooooo........Dynamic?

If anyone needs me, I'll be at thunders!!!
lol the ROP man. I'm glad I missed out on that whole thing. I guess I don't understand the gravity surrounding the ROP. I understand Duppi's beef and especially after having his access to these forums threatened. In the end the ROP is a product anyone can make on their own. DLD is putting his own time into making some and is making it available to people. If he wants to make it worth his while then he's going to sell it ata price he sees reasonable. Both sides have worthy arguments, but again who cares about the ROP being for sale? We don't need to make a cause out of everything so as to bring up points on the board's policy on what is spamming and the like whenever something is for sale.
Duppi_KronKite said:
Ban me for speaking my mind?

Ban me for knowing bullshit and then exposing it?

Go ahead, Ban me. It sure as hell won't stop my Hoe Banging and Dollar Stacking and therefore will not ruin my day (steal my sunshine).

Obviously The guy who started this thread must have known it was a bad idea. Not like you can't do a simple search and find other threads which were much harsher than this one.

Single me out for not agreeing with the poor business tactics. And yes they are poor.

If you threaten to Ban someone for offering to make ROP's for $10 saying they are spamming or didn't ask permission, and then you urself try to sell them months later for $50... you are a crook.

If you threaten to Ban or actually ban someone who offers advice to get low priced Viagra, then you urself make identical threads offering Viagra for $3+, sticky them and put them in multiple sections of the forum... you are a crook.

When someone exposes out your actions and you ignore their points and your buddy has to jump in and issue threats, then you need to hold your own or think about your actions and consequences before doing.

After issuing your Bans since your in a bad mood, be sure to put "Op Nazi" under your username. Also keep this thread up and open for all to read and witness your actions. Don't be a coward and move it somewhere out of view from the general public.

It is also funny how the MODS I figured might have posted on this subject aren't. They are probably more shocked than I was finding out this product is being re-shelved.

You Said what you had to say 3 pages ago and you want to keep dragging this on. It looks like your starting trouble to me. I mean, who else gives a shit if [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words] is selling ROPs for $50? If you don't agree with it, state your mind and move on or click the next thread. The few other people that didn't like the idea, stated their mind and moved on. They didn't drag the thread into 4 pages to stir up shit.

Is a Lexus Really worth $80k even Though it's a Toyota?

It has been Stated here many times before, the ROP worked for some people and didn't work for others. Maybe it won't work for you at all or maybe it will. Maybe You can make it for $1 maybe you can't.
You Said what you had to say 3 pages ago and you want to keep dragging this on. It looks like your starting trouble to me. I mean, who else gives a shit if [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words] is selling ROPs for $50? If you don't agree with it, state your mind and move on or click the next thread. The few other people that didn't like the idea, stated their mind and moved on. They didn't drag the thread into 4 pages to stir up shit.

Is a Lexus Really worth $80k even Though it's a Toyota?

It has been Stated here many times before, the ROP worked for some people and didn't work for others. Maybe it won't work for you at all or maybe it will. Maybe You can make it for $1 maybe you can't.

Maybe you missed my point 3 pages ago?

Why are you bringing Lexus/Toyota into this. Maybe if Toyota made a car which was to go 200 mph but they forgot the tranny, custies got pissed off and then Toyota went broke. Then Nissan grabs the prints and builds the same car under new name but this time they forget the muffler and the breaks.

Either way bad analogy, im done with this thread my point is viewable to those who do not have semen in their eyes. To the rest of you, make sure you dont bump your head on your bosses desk wen you are done praying for your raise.
DUPPIE>>>>> dont be a little bra wearing little cunt!

DLD - has a free facken forum that your posting on - he's not
forcing anyone to buy anything TIME IS FUCKEN MONEY

If your such a hustler "like you claim to be" you would know this
I mean shit, you can learn everthing from this free forum , withought
buying half the shit thats advertised on here

IM not a hired gun , and im not swinging from dld's nuts , but
its funny when you make it to the top , people try to bring you down
jkisineffect said:
DUPPIE>>>>> dont be a little bra wearing little cunt!
It is funny how Duppie and myself get threatened with banisHydromaxent without even breaking a rule and this guy clearly broke the no flaming other members rule and nothing is going to even be said to him.
DLD in the forum rules and guidelines thread said:
There will be no flaming or mean spirited arguing at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]. The members of this forum will respect one another as in any club atmosphere. Please respect one another’s positions and keep an open mind. If you have issues with another member please present them in a mature, respectful way.
jkisineffect said:
DUPPIE>>>>> dont be a little bra wearing little cunt!

DLD - has a free facken forum that your posting on - he's not
forcing anyone to buy anything TIME IS FUCKEN MONEY

If your such a hustler "like you claim to be" you would know this
I mean shit, you can learn everthing from this free forum , withought
buying half the shit thats advertised on here

IM not a hired gun , and im not swinging from dld's nuts , but
its funny when you make it to the top , people try to bring you down

WTF are you on about?

You have no substance at all yet you barge in when I was done to call me a cunt?

This has to be said. Everytime DLD gets into a heated debate with a member he ignores their posts. Fine. Then Smithers comes to the rescue and utters threats. Finally some illiterate sloth wannabe gangster will show up and start ranting like it means something. I've seen this happen a few times.


Did I say he was forcing people to buy his product... NO

The part about me being a hustler I didn't quite get because your grasp of the english language is quite poor.
LISTEN [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words]

do you know how many rop's dld has to sell to break bread??
fuck mang , your acting like he hit the fucken lotto

put your self in dld's shoes , GETTING bombarded with pm's every
minute with rop requests? even if this device doesn't work
its 50 dollars for christs sake - IS YOUR ASS THAT FACKEN BROKE?

pm me and ill give you $50 so you can buy one
jkisineffect said:
LISTEN [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words]

do you know how many rop's dld has to sell to break bread??
fuck mang , your acting like he hit the fucken lotto

put your self in dld's shoes , GETTING bombarded with pm's every
minute with rop requests? even if this device doesn't work
its 50 dollars for christs sake - IS YOUR ASS THAT FACKEN BROKE?

pm me and ill give you $50 so you can buy one

OK Im getting tired of this.

Each and everytime a free thinking member (Very rare) says something against the "Authorities" they are called a troll. They are then attacked by people who can't even express themselves properly (angry flaming). These members continue to flame against the members who were trying to prove a point. Yet the "Authorities" threaten to ban the ones who are willing to debate rather than the ones who are just flaming. This is what you call Doublethink/DoubleSpeak.

Back to what you said. You have no clue what I have said in my posts this is obvious. Also I don't care how many ROP's ur bf has to sell to break bread or whatever you said (implying he is a broke ass and I should pity him). Then you go on to say Im poor because I won't buy one for $50 even if its crap... All within one sentence of each other...??? DO YOU SEE WHERE IM GOING WITH THIS!!???

Better idea, Keep your $50 and get yourself hooked on phonics. Then maybe you will be able to read for meaning instead of typing while you are all fired up. Then after that if you are lucky you will be able to read between the lines and spot bullshit long before it hits the fan.
Those who are calling Duppi and myself trolls are missing the point. The problem is not with DLD making a profit from selling products, the problem is that he is a)selling a product which is widely considered to be a scam b)pulling the sympathy card and making it sound like he didn't even want to be put into this situation and c)selling a product for 50 times the cost (and no his time isn't worth more than than, you could easily make a few dozen rings in an hour once you had your shot set up so unless DLD is making millions of dollars anually, it IS worth is time to sell them at 50 bucks a pop).

And to those who say I should be banned, why the hell is that? Because I posted an opinion which doesn't coincide with the Admins? I know one thing, I certainly didn't break a rule or troll the forum. Lightning can ban me if he so desires, but I do think it will cast quite a shadow on the credibility of this place if people are banned simply for speaking their minds in a polite manner. My opposition has certainly been 10X mroe disrespectful than I have. I haven't been carrying on about this or anything else, nor has Duppi. We were done a long time ago and have gotton dragged back into this a number of times.
Mike Oxlong said:
Those who are calling Duppi and myself trolls are missing the point. The problem is not with DLD making a profit from selling products, the problem is that he is a)selling a product which is widely considered to be a scam b)pulling the sympathy card and making it sound like he didn't even want to be put into this situation and c)selling a product for 50 times the cost (and no his time isn't worth more than than, you could easily make a few dozen rings in an hour once you had your shot set up so unless DLD is making millions of dollars anually, it IS worth is time to sell them at 50 bucks a pop).

And to those who say I should be banned, why the hell is that? Because I posted an opinion which doesn't coincide with the Admins? I know one thing, I certainly didn't break a rule or troll the forum. Lightning can ban me if he so desires, but I do think it will cast quite a shadow on the credibility of this place if people are banned simply for speaking their minds in a polite manner. My opposition has certainly been 10X mroe disrespectful than I have. I haven't been carrying on about this or anything else, nor has Duppi. We were done a long time ago and have gotton dragged back into this a number of times.

Allot of shit gets through without people getting banned here. If we were to Ban everyone that attacked DLD or started some shit, there would be a hell of alot less people here. DLD generally does not give a crap on what people have to say about who he is or what he does. I shouldn't have to give a crap either. If this was another Penis Enlargement forum you guys would of been gone along time ago, but we do believe In Freedom of Speech regardless of who you are.

If You had to be warned by me or DLD, you were really pushing the limits.

Duppi, I know this aint gonna stop you Stacking Flow and Pimping Ho's, but You have 200 Posts here, and that shows me that you enjoy spending a good portion of your free time here at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words].

You Guys should be happy you have a FREE place like this, that welcomes you with open Loving arms to help you learn all you can possibly learn about Penis Enlargement for 100% FREE. Now we still have to pay bills and to be honest, FREE just isn't cutting it. People just don't donate anymore like they use to, except for an occasional few that we are greatful for.

So if you see us selling something here, its going towards keeping Your Free Forum Alive.
Allot of shit gets through without people getting banned here. If we were to Ban everyone that attacked DLD or started some shit, there would be a hell of alot less people here. DLD generally does not give a crap on what people have to say about who he is or what he does. I shouldn't have to give a crap either. If this was another Penis Enlargement forum you guys would of been gone along time ago, but we do believe In Freedom of Speech regardless of who you are.

If You had to be warned by me or DLD, you were really pushing the limits.

Duppi, I know this aint gonna stop you Stacking Flow and Pimping Ho's, but You have 200 Posts here, and that shows me that you enjoy spending a good portion of your free time here at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words].

You Guys should be happy you have a FREE place like this, that welcomes you with open Loving arms to help you learn all you can possibly learn about Penis Enlargement for 100% FREE. Now we still have to pay bills and to be honest, FREE just isn't cutting it. People just don't donate anymore like they use to, except for an occasional few that we are greatful for.

So Please, if you see us selling something here, you should support it or ignore it because its paying to keep Your Free Forum Alive.
I do see your point about needing to pay the bills and I thank you for discussing this in a calm manner. I hope you also understood where I was coming from with my concerns, I do believe I had a point as well which was equally valid. Aren't there better products for [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] to sell though? The paysite, [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words], [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words], and generic viagra/cialis are all good products and I am behind DLD 100% with them, in fact I've purchased a good deal of stuff from DLD. I don't think these quality products should be lumped with the ROP and Penis Pills. I've always bought what DLD sold because he seemed to only want to attach his name to truly great products. I never would have bought a stick with a hole in it had it not been for DLD's influence (and I ended up getting great workouts from the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words]). However, now that the quality controls are down and DLD is selling products which he openly admits may not do a damn thing, I would be inclined not to buy something new fom him, even if it ended up being the next big thing for Penis Enlargement. THAT is the point I was trying to make, I did not mean to come across as a hater or a troll. I hope I have cleared this up and there is no animosity towards me.

Why not explore a DLD [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words], a DLD weight hanger or a DLD [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]penis pump[/words]? Those all have a good longstanding reputation in the Penis Enlargement community.
Oxford, I don't think DLD would sell something that was a Scam. The ROP worked for people and it didn't work for others. Allot of people said Penis Enlargement is a Scam, is it?

I know Supra Sold a Hell of allot of those ROPs and people were seeing great results and buying more. Were all those people lying? I know a few people said it didn't work and then all the sudden it didn't work for a bunch more.

I personally don't know if the ROP works or not, because I don't own one. If DLD is making them, he is doing it because he believes in it and Its helping pay the bills here. We don't sell pumps, because he don't believe in pumps. We could sell a bunch of things with all the offers we get, but we don't because it is not proven here.
Oxford, I don't think DLD would sell something that was a Scam. The ROP worked for people and it didn't work for others. Allot of people said Penis Enlargement is a Scam, is it?

I know Supra Sold a Hell of allot of those ROPs and people were seeing great results and buying more. Were all those people lying? I know a few people said it didn't work and then all the sudden it didn't work for a bunch more.

I personally don't know if the ROP works or not, because I don't own one. If DLD is making them, he is doing it because he believes in it and Its helping pay the bills here. We don't sell pumps, because he don't believe in pumps. We could sell a bunch of things with all the offers we get, but we don't because it is not proven here.
What is his official stance on the ROP/DL, in terms of it's effectiveness. This is the 3rd time I have asked in this thread and he didn't answer it either time. I am curious if he fully supports the ROP, i.e. tried it and got benefits or just wants to offer it in case it might work for some. I do know that DLD openly stated that he has no reason to think pills work (though he doesn't dismiss the possibility) yet he sells them, why does this not apply to pumps since you say his reason for not selling pumps is that they are not proven?

BTW that is the 2nd time you have called me Oxford instead of Oxlong, are you doing it on purpose?
My Bad about the Oxford, was thinking about Sony Oxford EQ's.

Anyway I can't speak for DLD, but If he cares to answer your question, I'm sure he will.

DLD does not endorse pumps because he has worked with several men that used to be pumpers and seen no permanent gains from pumping.
Mike Oxlong said:
I do see your point about needing to pay the bills and I thank you for discussing this in a calm manner. I hope you also understood where I was coming from with my concerns, I do believe I had a point as well which was equally valid. Aren't there better products for [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] to sell though? The paysite, [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words], [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words], and generic viagra/cialis are all good products and I am behind DLD 100% with them, in fact I've purchased a good deal of stuff from DLD. I don't think these quality products should be lumped with the ROP and Penis Pills. I've always bought what DLD sold because he seemed to only want to attach his name to truly great products. I never would have bought a stick with a hole in it had it not been for DLD's influence (and I ended up getting great workouts from the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words]). However, now that the quality controls are down and DLD is selling products which he openly admits may not do a damn thing, I would be inclined not to buy something new fom him, even if it ended up being the next big thing for Penis Enlargement. THAT is the point I was trying to make, I did not mean to come across as a hater or a troll. I hope I have cleared this up and there is no animosity towards me.

Mike, I do understand your point, but felt it was getting overblown and really trying to make this forum I love look like a scam. I can see how you maybe made your point and continued to get drawn back into the argument by subsequent responses, as this has happened to me at times. Your last posts have been civil and I thank you for that. Hope this gets resolved, so to speak, and we move on.

Penis Enlargement is kind of a different strokes for different folks. Some people thing the Power Jelq device with the foam rollers is a useless device, but I love mine and feel I get a great dry girth workout from it. DLD doesn't like it and while he could easily (I would think) become an affiliate and move many of those units, he hasn't done so. I don't know if my ROP has done any great benefits to me. I have already stated that I consider it near the least critical piece in my Penis Enlargement arsenal. It seems like I get a better flaccid hang and bulge when I wear it. How much of that is the design of the device and how much of that actually stems from the components used is debatable. On some occasions, I can feel something I can only describe as what feels like a mild electric current when wearing it. It is hardly noticeable and only on occasions, leading me to believe that moisture and other factors may have to do with how well this conducts the current. I don't view the ROP as a miracle device, but I wouldn't discourage anyone from buying it if he chooses to do so. And by all means, make one yourself if money is tight. I never felt the least bit ripped off by Supra, because the ROP was really marketed as more of a male health device than something that would have significant Penis Enlargement impact.
Mike Oxlong said:
It is funny how Duppie and myself get threatened with banisHydromaxent without even breaking a rule and this guy clearly broke the no flaming other members rule and nothing is going to even be said to him.

Regarding jkisineffect, you're right. Regarding Duppi, you're wrong.

True, jkisineffect should not have jumped in taking the shot at Duppi. But Duppi has been rude and insulting in his last few posts. I have read many of Duppi's posts in the past and I know he's a very blunt and to the point kind of guy. But he was insulting anyone that fails to see it his way, such as the following comment:

To the rest of you, make sure you dont bump your head on your bosses desk wen you are done praying for your raise.

He threw out the insults basically calling anyone that doesn't see it his way a mindless fool before jkisineffect ever said anything, though he should not have said anything. I don't want to ban either of them, but enough is enough. Stop with the bullshit. The two of them, and everyone else, can discuss the merits of such matters without it getting into the childish nonsense above. LET IT GO!
This is WAY TOO FUNNY. Let me rephrase this original post and maybe shed some light on some of the bullshit people are saying here.

First let me say it like this:

If you are too lazy, incompetent or inept, I am more than willing to make anything for you that you are not willing to make for yourself at a price. This price will not be reflective of the labor, supplies, or price invested in parts but it is reflective of my time, having to stop what I am doing, something that is beneficial to all of my 50,000 members on the forum and the hundreds of thousands of people who are [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] pay site members or the like.

When I have people sending me PM's about the ROP, clogging up my box, asking me to make these things, something I wish I could do easily, which I can't, then I have no choice but to list this item at a exuberant price that will shy guys away from their purchase and into making their own ROP.

Now, if you are going to hate on me because of the pricing then be part of the solution and not the problem. If you can make these things for $2, please do so. I will take an order of 200 pieces. Send them to me and I will sell them through the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] store at a fair price. But if you are only going to be on my back because I am selling something at what you see as an unfair price then speak your piece and drop it. My intentions, motives and honesty is on the table, just like it has always been.
penguinsfan said:
Regarding jkisineffect, you're right. Regarding Duppi, you're wrong.

To the rest of you, make sure you dont bump your head on your bosses desk wen you are done praying for your raise.

In order for you to understand my posts you will have to be able to read between lines and truly see the points I am making. You cannot just read what I have to say word for your and jump to a meaning. Those of you who can understand my posts find what I say funny and sarcastic.

When people complain about you ruining a "Good" thread then they jump into a thread and throw comments and forget to include anything that would let you know they read your post and understand it are the ones ruining it.

If I state my point time and time again yet I continue to see posts by angry members saying things like "DLD never forced anyone to buy anything", "If you don't want one, don't buy one". It lets me know you have no clue about the point I was trying to make. Therefore you cannot see the point in my post because you are too busy defending DLD. Therefore get his semen out of your eyes.

I don't mean noone who sees it my way is wrong. Funny you should say that however as that seems to be the last resort attack against me on this forum. What I am saying, and you can read my posts to confirm this is that if you don't understand what's truly being said in the discussion, stay out of it. Jumping in to defend ur buddie and using arguments with no real substance only makes you look like your friend is too weak to stand on his own and you are doing everything in your power to protect him. That is where the above comment you quoted comes from.
For the 4th time, DLD, has the ROP/DL helped you, not helped you, or are you unable to say decisively at this point? If so, what have the benefits been?
Duppi and oxford,

Let's end this. You ask if it works, but why should thier opinions matter. Do you believe products or routines always work because of opinions, or personal success of others? I have been peing for about 4 years and have seen a lot come and go, what's hot now is in the past a month from now. Let me say this: NO MATTER WHAT ROUTINE, OR PRODUCT has been praised, or downed I felt it was up to ME to see if it works for ME. If you want to see if it works for YOU, then it is YOU who has to try it. Why don't you buy a ROP, or make one and let us all know how that worked out for you, but unless it's my personal time spent on the rop, or ANY product for that matter, I wouldn't really give a fuck.
The BTC Killer said:
Duppi and oxford,

Let's end this. You ask if it works, but why should thier opinions matter. Do you believe products or routines always work because of opinions, or personal success of others? I have been peing for about 4 years and have seen a lot come and go, what's hot now is in the past a month from now. Let me say this: NO MATTER WHAT ROUTINE, OR PRODUCT has been praised, or downed I felt it was up to ME to see if it works for ME. If you want to see if it works for YOU, then it is YOU who has to try it. Why don't you buy a ROP, or make one and let us all know how that worked out for you, but unless it's my personal time spent on the rop, or ANY product for that matter, I wouldn't really give a fuck.
Your post went right over my head man, all I did was ask the guy selling the product if it worked for him, theres nothing wrong with that at all.
doublelongdaddy said:
the hundreds of thousands of people who are [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] pay site members.

To me that means a minimum of 200,000 members at $50 = $10 Million.
Not to bad income for a website with minimal traffic. :s
To think that Dld could even start selling the two most controversial things in Penis Enlargement (The [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words] Power Advantage Supplement Pills and the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] Dynamic Loops A.K.A. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Penis Enlargement Pills[/words] and the ROP) is not only shocking but a huuuge disappointment, I think thats the point some people are missing here.

Dld is the founder of a popular forum with 50,000 members, and hundeds of thousands of paysite members apparently. A founder with the best interests of his members at heart would never sell things which the results for are unproven and unfounded, because this is misleading and immoral.

These products are clearly marketed towards NEW MEMBERS which dont know any better. I say this because a INFORMED seasoned Penis Enlargement'er would never in their right mind purchase either, let alone for an outrageous markup. (and Lightning and DLD know this)

His credibility with the majority of the established members has just taken a tremendous hit. Dld and Lightning know this, and the lack of concern only leads me to believe that the older more distinguished members opinions dont matter anymore, wich then leads me to believe the the intentions of this board and its founders has changed.

If you want to make money dont quit your dayjob.
Mosterson said:
To think that Dld could even start selling the two most controversial things in Penis Enlargement (The [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words] Power Advantage Supplement Pills and the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] Dynamic Loops A.K.A. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Penis Enlargement Pills[/words] and the ROP) is not only shocking but a huuuge disappointment, I think thats the point some people are missing here.

Dld is the founder of a popular forum with 50,000 members, and hundeds of thousands of paysite members apparently. A founder with the best interests of his members at heart would never sell things which the results for are unproven and unfounded, because this is misleading and immoral.

These products are clearly marketed towards NEW MEMBERS which dont know any better. I say this because a INFORMED seasoned Penis Enlargement'er would never in their right mind purchase either, let alone for an outrageous markup. (and Lightning and DLD know this)

His credibility with the majority of the established members has just taken a tremendous hit. Dld and Lightning know this, and the lack of concern only leads me to believe that the older more distinguished members opinions dont matter anymore, wich then leads me to believe the the intentions of this board and its founders has changed.

If you want to make money dont quit your dayjob.

Str8 up :clap:

That is the very thing I have been saying. Counting on one persons ignorance to make a sale, just like the mainstream Viagra links around this place.

Also glad you noticed that the MODS or founders as you call it have changed. None of the ones who would usually post on a subject like this are. So like I said before they are more shocked than I am.

Wont be long until the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words] super pump hits shelves, or wait I've exposed it so now maybe not.
Duppi_KronKite said:
Wont be long until the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words] super pump hits shelves, or wait I've exposed it so now maybe not.

Next Month:D
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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