Hey guys
First of all i am a little embarrased to start this, anyways here it goes, i've been a virgin all my life because of my small cock (5.5 EL and 4.0 EG) and have been Penis Enlargement ing for the past 6 months and now have reached 6.25 EL and 4.75 EG but anyways cudnt get any girl friend till date and besides work was keeping me busy, so no time for the party scene and other fun things to spend some time with a gal, I am 25 yrs old and this new year i decided to lose my virginity , whatever be it..... so went to a swing club with the idea of getting laid there, am a fairly good lookin guy with a good physique, so there was this 35 yr old thick woman who was getting fucked by some friend of her husband and I was standing close to them ( watchin em). and after seeing the guys cock to be smaller than mine, got some courage and asked the woman if she wants amother dick, she said yes and there I was getting naked in front of 20 people and as he was pumping her, she started blowing me off, boy at one time she was chewing my cock head so bad...... and after a few minutes the guy came , and I took my turn to screw her.... thats when it all started going bad
I was hard till then and the moment I tried to wear a condom , my cock started going limp and was so embarrasing , but somehow got it back up with a good massage and got the condom on and started pumping her, now guys I used to masturbate for almost 40 minutes and sometimes go till an hour , but on starting to pump her, it was a totally different experience and she started screaming, that put together with the new feeling of my first pussy , I just shot my wad in less than a minute and I just couldnt believe myself about what I had done, the guys were like" whoa that was fast" I felt even more embarrased , cuz there were guys in their 40's who were pumping her for atleast 10 minutes and me there 25 yrs old cudnt hold for even a minute
Anyways I am not gonnu be one of the guys who gets beat down because of all this, I am gonnu work on what went wrong, the reasons from my head were
1) there were a lotta people around me and the pressure to perform cud have gotten me
2) my first pussy experience and she screaming and the urge to fill her up..
3) this is one of the most important - " WHEN U MASTURBATE THERE'S NO SENSATION ON YOUR DICK HEAD, BUT WHEN U ARE FUCKING THE DICK HEAD GETS A LOTTA ATTENTION AND GOD IT WAS PUSHING ME TO THE EDGE", that was the important factor causing me to shoot immediately..(caps was jus to emphasise it)
my routine is
tue - girth - mostly jelqs with around 350 kegels
thu - length - usual stretches
sat - girth - around 400 jelqs and 350 kegels
sun - girth and length with 300 kegels
I jus ordered my 100$ package from the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] site and cant wait to start working with the length [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words]
Guys please advise me on what cud have gone wrong and also the corrective measures to change it. this year I want to grow my erect length from 6.25 to 7.5 atleast and my erect girth from 4.75 to 5.75 atleast.
please advise me on a good routine and also would like to hear from u folks on treating premature ejaculation..
Thanks in advance fella's
First of all i am a little embarrased to start this, anyways here it goes, i've been a virgin all my life because of my small cock (5.5 EL and 4.0 EG) and have been Penis Enlargement ing for the past 6 months and now have reached 6.25 EL and 4.75 EG but anyways cudnt get any girl friend till date and besides work was keeping me busy, so no time for the party scene and other fun things to spend some time with a gal, I am 25 yrs old and this new year i decided to lose my virginity , whatever be it..... so went to a swing club with the idea of getting laid there, am a fairly good lookin guy with a good physique, so there was this 35 yr old thick woman who was getting fucked by some friend of her husband and I was standing close to them ( watchin em). and after seeing the guys cock to be smaller than mine, got some courage and asked the woman if she wants amother dick, she said yes and there I was getting naked in front of 20 people and as he was pumping her, she started blowing me off, boy at one time she was chewing my cock head so bad...... and after a few minutes the guy came , and I took my turn to screw her.... thats when it all started going bad
I was hard till then and the moment I tried to wear a condom , my cock started going limp and was so embarrasing , but somehow got it back up with a good massage and got the condom on and started pumping her, now guys I used to masturbate for almost 40 minutes and sometimes go till an hour , but on starting to pump her, it was a totally different experience and she started screaming, that put together with the new feeling of my first pussy , I just shot my wad in less than a minute and I just couldnt believe myself about what I had done, the guys were like" whoa that was fast" I felt even more embarrased , cuz there were guys in their 40's who were pumping her for atleast 10 minutes and me there 25 yrs old cudnt hold for even a minute
Anyways I am not gonnu be one of the guys who gets beat down because of all this, I am gonnu work on what went wrong, the reasons from my head were
1) there were a lotta people around me and the pressure to perform cud have gotten me
2) my first pussy experience and she screaming and the urge to fill her up..
3) this is one of the most important - " WHEN U MASTURBATE THERE'S NO SENSATION ON YOUR DICK HEAD, BUT WHEN U ARE FUCKING THE DICK HEAD GETS A LOTTA ATTENTION AND GOD IT WAS PUSHING ME TO THE EDGE", that was the important factor causing me to shoot immediately..(caps was jus to emphasise it)
my routine is
tue - girth - mostly jelqs with around 350 kegels
thu - length - usual stretches
sat - girth - around 400 jelqs and 350 kegels
sun - girth and length with 300 kegels
I jus ordered my 100$ package from the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] site and cant wait to start working with the length [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words]
Guys please advise me on what cud have gone wrong and also the corrective measures to change it. this year I want to grow my erect length from 6.25 to 7.5 atleast and my erect girth from 4.75 to 5.75 atleast.
please advise me on a good routine and also would like to hear from u folks on treating premature ejaculation..
Thanks in advance fella's