Men, you need to open your eyes and realize something...

Sometime in the last 100 years, we have gone from being the dominant sex in our society to the subjugated sex. It happened bit by bit, slowly over time, and none of our forefather's noticed it happening, nor do we see the chains that are upon on own souls.

I have opened my eyes. Now you need to.

I am lucky in that I have a women who happens to agree with me. We have had several discussions about it. She's great. She not only agrees that men are being oppressed, but thinks that we should get back to the old days, when men were in charge. To put it in her words, "I don't want to be equal. I want guys to open the door for me. I want my man to work and take care of me!"

It just makes my blood boil when I think of the hundreds of thousands of male babies born every year who have their genitals mutilated. It amazes me when I hear some man talk about arguing with a wife or GF and they don't even notice how severely they are being manipulated and abused emotionally by their "better half"! Why do we have no rights to our children in this country when all it takes is a simple blood test to determine paternity? Haven't you gotten sick of hearing some smart bitch smirk and say that she just let's him think he's in charge? Brothers, she ain't kidding! Why is okay for women to cheat ("He must not be taking care of business in the bedroom," they say) but not okay for a man to cheat? The things I see go on and on and all I can do is laugh and shake my head in wonderment that you guys do not see this and grow outraged at it! Are you all so pussywhipped?

Any men who wake up and start rattling against the shackles are labeled as kooks, or brutes, or otherwise somehow mentally abnormal. Open your eyes and have a good look around, examine everything you see with a critical mind, and tell me I am wrong.

How much longer are we going to allow it to continue?

There are so many things that need to be done before we are even once again equal. I have staked my claim on stopping, as much as I can, male genital mutilation. For me, it is currently the most horrendous and entrenched method of male subjugation. To me, it is the first baby step to freedom...just getting them to stop cutting off chunks of our penises at birth!

Tired of being slaves? Tired of being only psuedo-male?

Restore your foreskins...fight for your right to be a man...and if those bitches get in your way, slap 'em down! You don't have to use your fists...use your minds, your courage and your determination.

I'm doing my part. I work every day on educating men about their penises and their missing foreskins. I have told my son. I have told my friends. When I am completely restored, I plan to SHOW and tell if anyone is even remotely curious.

What have you done?
Man Kong, you've been pretty heavy today.

I agree with what you are getting at for the most part. I don't think that there is any need to slap anyone down. If a man would just act like a man, then women would fall in line. But men have become such slackers (unemployed, ditching families, abusive, or neglective) that women had to take over. Do you know any single mothers? It's the household of the 21st century.

Being a man isn't just about controlling either. Its about love and respect also. A woman is most drawn to a man who is decisive and considerate. I am a Christian and so is the women I am going to marry. She used to talk about how hard it is to accept the suBathmateissive part of being a wife. It is no longer an issue because she has confidence in her future husband. rofl So now I have the ball and as long as I don't drop it, things will remain as they should be.

I am not in favor of circumcision. However I don't think that it can be directly related to the topic at hand. Uncut men have size complexes and get controlled by their woman. I appreciate what Kong has done here, and his passion for it, but you can't agree on everything. :)
Kong I agree with this but let me tell you, the way to reverse this is not to try and make a speech on a soap box. It never works becuase people dont act in groups, we need to act as individuals. You see at the end of the day it's all what society says. how did women gain there position? They didnt just stand up and speak, they did what they wanted to over time until they got into this position. The way to deal with this is simple. You ignore it. If a women goes off with another man its the mans fault for not satifying her enough in the bedroom?, I say bollox to that. If someone wants to tell it to my face that my women left me for another bloke cos my sex is whack I'll tell em to fuck off and quite simply laugh it off as to its patheticness. Don't get sucked into looking around at things as a whole, deal with things yourself as they come. I can't really explain this very well on a post, I don't know if I am or not.
Basically, If something comes up deal with it the way you want to and dont go down the route of 'ahh well society says it's ok for her to do that becuase she is a women' make a stand and act up for yourself. You need to be individual and forget what society says or portrays women to be.
I prolly sound like I am talking bollox to everyone else, but I know what I mean :D
Wow...I think you have taken this FR shit too far man. If you are already being walked-over by your girl, then FR will NOT automatically make everything better. It will NOT make you more of a man, it will NOT solve all of your problems.

Since when is it ok for a woman to cheat? I never knew anything changed between women and men goes the same for both...dont do it.

WTF are you talking about, "...tired of being slaves and only pseudo-male..." when the fvck was it brought forth that if you are circumsized you are not really a male, but merely a fake or surreal male. That is complete bullshit. Do you believe that being uncircumsized will make you god-like or something? When you wrote that, were you thinking of being a marvel or something or trying to make everyone "understand" that being uncircumsized is wrong and filthy?

I would ask people to question everything that is in that "pseuso-male" speech, and question whether you believe any of what kong said is truely happening.
Man the seige towers and Arm the catapults :D j/k

Throughout the first half of your post Kong, I was reminiscing about the times women have slapped, punched, kicked, thrown a conversation peice turned deadly weapon at me or a freind.....and we just sat there and took it.....A LOTTA FUCKIN different memories hit me....I was thinkin by golly this gorrilla is right!!!!

But then when this sentence hit me:

"Tired of being slaves? Tired of being only psuedo-male?

Restore your foreskins...fight for your right to be a man...and if those bitches get in your way, slap 'em down!"

All I could do was laugh hysterically

Though I agree circumcision sucks I dont understand what it has to do us fighting the fight against pseudo-males and....."Slapping those bitches down" :D

I imagined a furious Kong swatting his wife with a massive furry Monkey Paw :D :D :D
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Once again, you guys pick one little sentence or other out of the whole idea I am trying to communicate and use it to dismiss my entire concept.

Does everything I say apply to every man and every situation?


That's not the point.

I am happy to try to point out some things that I have noticed and come to believe, but I am not going to do all your thinking for you or have the one solution that fixes everything. It does not exist.

raffiki, do you truly believe that it is directly your own fault, or the fault of your father somehow, that you are now the oppressed sex in our culture? You are just saying, I deserve to be oppressed... Making someone feel like they should be oppressed is a good way to institute the oppression and insure that it continues. I know a few male slackers, but for the most part, the men I know are hard workers and good fathers. Who says we are all slackers and deserve to be oppressed? TV? Your girlfriend? The newspaper?

Executioner, you are exactly wrong. Someone getting up on a soapbox and spouting off is exactly the right way to get people mobilized, informed and motivated to make change. What good would it have done for me to quietly begin restoring and never talked about it? If I had done that, there would be thousands of men who never heard of FR. This conversation would not even be happening now.

aares, I am not nor have ever let a woman walk all over me. The problems that my wife and I had lately has nothing to do with what I am talking about right now. It did spur me to communicate some of these thoughts out of a new sense of direction and activism, but did not create them. Also, I am entitled to my opinions concerning my circumcision, and my own personal experiences has led me to believe that, Yes, circumcision makes you less of a WHOLE AND COMPLETE man. I'm sorry if that hurts you somehow. How can you argue with that statement, when the very definition of circumcision implies the removal of a part of the anatomy? It is not there. Hence, you are not whole. Hence, you are only psuedo-male. Don't try to deny it. Just accept it.

By saying "slap them down" I was not implying you should be physically aggressive. I only intended to impute that your response to their oppressive tactics should be blunt and unequivocal. Stop them in their tracks. Don't let them shame you, make fun of you, belittle you...or silence you.

Finally, no I do not think circumcision is the culprit behind this trend of male subjugation...just a symptom of it. They don't cut off clits now, do they? ;)
Hmmm...well since YOU had that part of the male anatomy removed, then I assume that YOU are still "pseudo-male", correct? Oh, thats right, since you are making the effort to "redo" what has been taken from you, you are not half of a man. You are a big, strong, intelligent, "complete" man who thinks he is making some radical change or something.

If a woman has a breast removed from breast cancer, does that mean she is not a complete woman? If a guy has a vasectomy performed, or a testicle or two removed, does this make him less of a man? Im sure in your eyes, kong, it does.

In your whole mumbo-jumbo nonsense, I think you are trying to relate one issue, which is men being opressed, to another "issue", of being circumcised. How do these relate? They dont. Tell me how male circumcision is a precursor to male slavery in the modern household?

Oh yes, had to edit to add something...yes, people do have Clitoridectomy's or clitoral circumcision's performed, and that I believe is wrong. Although it is done, that doesnt make her a pseudo-woman if she had this done, right? They also have Sunna circumcision's which remove the tip of the clitoris. This also doesnt make her a pseudo-woman or a half woman. Hell, they even have Pharaonic circumcision's in which the entire clitoris, the clitoral hood, and the labia minora and majora are removed. So yes, women do have their clits cut off.
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Well, actually, aares, I do consider myself a psuedo-male. I do consider myself incomplete. You see, I have done something that you are resisting. I have accepted the truth of it. I do not have any misconceptions about what was done to me, what I am missing, what I can restore, and what parts I will always be missing, no matter what I do to try to "fix it".

Don't think I haven't been attacked over this either. You are not the first here on [words=]MOS[/words] who could not handle the truth and tried to get me to shut up about it. There's really nothing you can say that will shame me into silence or make me look ridiculous, because I am only talking the truth.

You are in far more denial than you know if you do not believe that the wholesale sexual mutilation of men called "routine circumcision" is just another form of male oppression. Why is part of our anatomy considered "worthless"? Who's to say that? Certainly not me. And no one else should be able to. What gives someone the right to say, "That part of your body is not good. We should cut it off. In fact, we'll do it when you're born so that you don't even have a choice in the matter."

If we had even the Basic Human Right to be free from bodily modification, there would be no such thing as circumcision on infants.

Oppression is the taking away of basic rights and freedoms.

Explain how those two things are not related!

You can't, unless you still buy into the Great Scam that the clitoris is good (Protected by US law!) while the foreskin is worthless.

We as men need to start standing up for ourselves...Starting with ITEM NUMBER ONE! DON'T CUT UP OUR COCKS UNLESS WE WANT YOU TO!!!!!
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I also just want to say that this is not an anti-female post. I have nothing against women. I am holding no bitter grudges against any woman. My best friend and confidante-- and my biggest supporter-- is a woman, my wife, who feels the same way I do!

I guess what this rant is about is just the basic rights of men here in the US...

Women have full control over the lives of their children. Men have no say whatsoever. The courts will give an unfit mother custody of a child over her husband based solely on gender.

Although equal, women are not required by law to register for the draft, or participate in combat should we find ourselves in a state of war. If we're equal, why not?

I have seen women strike their mates without any recrimination. Why do we take that? It's physical abuse. More often than not, if the police intervene, they take away the man in handcuffs, whether he laid a finger on her or not!

We are expected to work for our families unto death without complaint, but a working woman is supposed to be commended. What's the big deal? Everyone should be expected to carry their own weight. Your husband ran out on you and now you have to work at a fast food joint to support your kids? Wah! I guess you should have picked a better husband. You don't deserve a medal for supporting your children. It's your responsibility just as much as it is his!

Finally, and my biggest gripe based on my own interests...did you know that it is constitutionally illegal for a doctor to alter the female sex organ. They used to do circs on women as well as men, but in the 80's it was banned. Why then is it legally alright to cut up little boys? Why is the vagina sacrosanct and the penis reviled?

Ask yourself that and you may start to wonder about alot of things...
Just to let you know, I am not resisting is your choice to perform FR everyday, and it is my choice not too. I am not attacking you or anyone who performs FR what-so-ever, just like you said you dont feel like you were attacked.

Handle what truth? With all due respect kong, I understand that you are pissed off because your mother and father (well now I guess now it would only be the mother) decided to get you cut, and I understand that you are upset and you want that skin back, but the clitoris on the female and the extra skin that is cut off on a male during circumcision are two completely different things. Do you realize that when the clitoris is cut off, no more CLITORAL STIMULATION for them. You can still jack off, fvck a girl, suck your own dick (DLD) whatever it takes for you to get off, can can still do that. They (women who had the clitoral circumcision performed) cannot, unless they enjoy and can recieve vaginal orgasms.

In your first post, you were talking about how men should not be treated like a slave from your woman, and that womens rights surpassed mens rights. That was the oppression I was talking about, the oppression from women, not the oppression from whomever decides to get you circumcised. This is where I cannot see where the oppression comes from...circumcision oppression...from whom? This is not the Third Reich, kong, people dont get murdered because they are uncircumcised. I would like to know where the oppression comes from. I understand that you say that we are being oppressed from who decided to get you cut, and who decided in general to make circumcisions a religious Christian ceremony, but that is not oppression my friend. This is a form of tradition. What are the main reasons why parents have the circumcision performed? 1. Cultural/Religious issues 2. Belief of infection is imminent (not completely true) 3. Tradition...reasons NOT why circumcisions are performed 1. Parents want to make your life miserable 2. Past disciples felt that men should suffer the horrible, horrible fate of being circumcised 3. Parents want you to feel loved in the locker room.

Does this Great Scam where the clitoris is good and the skin removed during circumcision is bad have a copyright or something stamped on the papers stating the scam's objectives? The clitoris is good, the skin is also good. No one is saying it is bad. You need to understand no one is out to get little boys foreskin.

Also, you shouting "DONT CUT UP OUR COCKS UNLESS WE WANT YOU TOO" is a little bygone, dont you think? I am going out on a limb here...your sn says kong1971, so I will assume you are at or between 33-35 years old, but age is regardless anyways here. How are you or anyone else who is circumcised going to take a stand (if they wish) when what was done is done. You are not standing up for yourselves, unless you think that getting pissed off that you are circumcised and complaining about it making some pseudo comments compiled in a speech how every man in history who was/is circumcised was/is being oppressed and that it should be every mans own choice to get cut.

Sorry about the length.
kong1971 said:
raffiki, do you truly believe that it is directly your own fault, or the fault of your father somehow, that you are now the oppressed sex in our culture? You are just saying, I deserve to be oppressed... Making someone feel like they should be oppressed is a good way to institute the oppression and insure that it continues. I know a few male slackers, but for the most part, the men I know are hard workers and good fathers. Who says we are all slackers and deserve to be oppressed? TV? Your girlfriend? The newspaper?

Yes, we deserve it. There is no way that a male dominant, and even oppressive, culture becomes female dominant unless the men screwed something up.
No, I am not saying that we should live with. As men we need to be respectable. In that way there is no need to actively reclaim anything. Women naturely seek the protection/securety of a man. If men would concentrate on filling that role moreso than being playas, then naturely women would be attracted to that.
I honestly can't say that I feel the hurt the you do. I believe that my frenum is still there, to some extent, and that I am making sex a better thing rather than reclaiming what was stolen from. I know that what you are saying is what you truly believe, and I respect that. I don't know why others get so offended. It does seem like denial of some sort.
I would argue the last post by aares, but Kong would do a better job. All I will say is that if I had a son born a year ago, that I would have let him be circumcised because I was clueless. Thanks to Supra and Kong I will never do it. Is miss-information not a lie? Is a national lie not oppression?
Thank you, raffiki. I am glad my "complaining" and "bitching" about my own circumcision has led you to decide not to circumcise any boys you may one day have. It makes all the attacks here worth it.

One thing that gets to me is just the plain stupidity of some of the men here. Aares keeps repeating his belief that it is not okay to circumcise a clitoris but it is okay to circumcise the foreskin. He does not understand-- and does not want to understand, I suspect-- the basic anatomical and irrefutable fact that the foreskin IS THE MALE CLITORIS!!!

Wake up, aares. A woman can still have a vaginal orgasm without her clitoris. My wife has orgasms from vaginal stimulation alone...and prefers it. Why then is it not okay to cut off the clit? She can still cum... :s

Apply that to a man. The frenelum (one part of the foreskin) is the most sensitive part of the male anatomy. It is the analog of the female clitoris. For some lucky men, this tissue is left untouched by the circumcision, and the male grows up to enjoy almost all the pleasure and sensation that he should have had. Then there are all the rest of us. The ones who were not so lucky. The ones who had EVERYTHING cut off. I have almost no frenelum left. The whole purpose of FR for me is to regrow enough skin to keep my glans that I can still feel pleasure during sex. I had begun to lose that, due to keratinization. Before I discovered FR, sex didn't feel good to me, because I had no frenelum, and my glans was so keratinized that there was little sensation.

How can you say to me that I was not psuedo-male then? I look back on that and realize I was a fucking ken doll. I looked like a man and acted like a man and had (compared to now) just a sexless bump between my legs.

Do you realize now why I am so crazy about FR? I actually feel pleasure now during sex. Not the muted, sort of pleasure that a lot of guys have, thinking it's all there is. One bonus is that some of the frenelum tissue I had left has expanded and grown more sensitive. When making love to my wife, I can FEEL every bump and fold of her inside. I can FEEL the spot that she likes my dick to hit so that she can cum. I can FEEL her vagina contract around my cock when she cums and feel her juice run down the shaft. I never could feel that before FR. I felt "warm" and "wet" and "tight". Now I feel all of her, and when I am done, I am completely satisfied. I do not wait for her to sleep and then go jack off again because I need more. We fall asleep in one another's arms. I used to have to jack off after sex because I had to be rough with myself to get enough feeling to be satisfied.

I realize that I may be a minority in that I had such a problem with the circumcision removing too much skin and too much of the frenar tissue. Alot of men still seem to have a frenelum, or most of it, where all I had left was some scarring here and there. They SEEM to enjoy sex to the fullest. But if they do not, and are not feeling fulfilled, then they MAY come here, and they MAY stumble upon my message, and find out how to make themselves as close to whole as possible.

I don't want anyone to feel like less of a man.

I want every man to be more of a man and feel more pleasure and sexual and emotional contentment.

I owe that to the men who restored before me and left their knowledge on the internet in the form of posts and informative websites and online journals.
raffiki said:
Man Kong, you've been pretty heavy today.

I agree with what you are getting at for the most part. I don't think that there is any need to slap anyone down. If a man would just act like a man, then women would fall in line. But men have become such slackers (unemployed, ditching families, abusive, or neglective) that women had to take over. Do you know any single mothers? It's the household of the 21st century.

Being a man isn't just about controlling either. Its about<a onMouseOver="window.status='' ; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status='';" oncontextmenu="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="location.href='';return false;" href="" TITLE="More Info..."><a onMouseOver="window.status='' ; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status='';" oncontextmenu="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="location.href='';return false;" href="" TITLE="More Info..."> love </a></a>and respect also. A woman is most drawn to a man who is decisive and considerate. I am a Christian and so is the women I am going to marry. She used to talk about how hard it is to accept the suBathmateissive part of being a wife. It is no longer an issue because she has confidence in her future husband. rofl So now I have the ball and as long as I don't drop it, things will remain as they should be.

I am not in favor of circumcision. However I don't think that it can be directly related to the topic at hand. Uncut men have size complexes and get controlled by their woman. I appreciate what Kong has done here, and his passion for it, but you can't agree on everything. :)

I'm not sure if we can draw a line from children growing up in a single parent or single mother rather household directly to what Kong may have been driving at somewhat in his subpoints that men have been subjected to a sort of feminization and desensitzing or even in my opinion a dissenting of sorts of a higher standard. (not saying you are implying this raffiki) BUT Isn't that what some of the manliness we used to have or thought we knew was about? For instance assuming responsibility for your family. If not then it is in my own opinion that for me what it is to be a man is to live up to raising your children even if you can't live with the mother, standing up for yourself and others while maintaining a sense of responsibility and respect, but above all knowing that you should have these things inherently and want to be held accountable for them. Like the innateness of a woman taking to her child we should have our own inherent abilities or characterstics. I want to live up to those responsibilities. It's said that pride is one of the worst things you can have espeically if you have a lot of it, but I say too much has ben taken away and a lot more is "fluttering away" because plenty of men in recent times in this country have abandoned their families. They haven't taken the responsibilities of what it was a long time ago it seems to be believed as "being a man." Now that has given women all the more reason to trash us by using that fact as being typical of a man to not be as a man should do.

Some of the reasons why we have lost a bit of our pride or our own inherentness could be traced to our own terrible vices: Money, Power, Sex, and Greed. A few art forms have risen from these elements, that of business and advertisement in particular, and have emulated and preyed upon actually both genders of our lust for these things. The link is where the desired was left and thus who was left to desire. We marketed and realized women were an extremely important component to sales. Follow's loose I know, but still...We denied women "our" jobs until it was absolutely necessary to continue our way in the world and could not hold down the fort without the "lesser sex" helping out. We denied right after right until finally justice began to be served. See, I don't think it should ever have been "women, or blacks or whatever minority in any culture- the lesser of X or what have you." Like it used to be said women were the lesser of the sexes, but then it became "this is my better half." I like that best because it is fitting, but I think with our country's history when it comes to gender we were denying our equals and opposites. That doesn't make for a calm household/society now does it? Trying to preserve precious power over the very people capable of bringing the very thing missing from obtaining well as close as you can get to an ideal society. There is a always a struggle to find equillibrium or homeostasis as it were. Nature is that way and everything is part of nature by the purest meaning of the word. Plants and organisms fight and prey and give oxygen and just play their roles in life, but they do this by what? Surviving...Or trying to...If you deny and deny eventually it will adapt, destroy itself or mutate into something else. Either way it isn't going to just take it and stay put. Naturally, women have fought enough and enough men have begun to or have already obviously seen that it is only right or fair or just or whatever for them to have the same things we felt were or should be exclusive to our gender. This is where we began to lose. Women or females as we knew early on for sure are not the easiest beings to "read" or predict. You can think you do, but the same might be said for the otherside about us. Whatever, we all think we have the other figured, but we DON'T. I'd rather not get into that as I've possibly pissed off RED (he's the best mod out there have to admit that) enough about switching the thread a bit, but I felt it was a really interesting position to take on because there are so many roads you can take. I bet it might do to just have a different thread, but I thought I'd post it in here since something caught my eye about this poster's mention of a particular responisbility that has been made sort of easier to be eased out of I guess I'd say. It just seems like it is easier to divorce or separate and that's not wrong IMO, but what is most unfortunate are those that have very little if nothing to do with the couple's relationship. Anyway, I have to go to<a onMouseOver="window.status='' ; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status='';" oncontextmenu="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="location.href='';return false;" href="" TITLE="More Info..."> work </a>lol in 45 minutes so I'll make it short for now...(hopefully you all will have something spark about this and you can pick my stuff apart or whatever)Women it seems are becoming men. They assume more responsbility than I don't know what, but perhaps they'd be best suited not to embolden any more of "what it used to mean to be a man" because they seem to encapsulate all of the qualities of the other sex now in particular the overpowering desire for money, power, sex, and greed. Funny how that is. They wanted the rights. We gave them the rights they should have had all along, but now we have forfitted our own characteristics that we should encapsulate. A woman in my opinion is the hardest thing to be, but still I see them as having it easier in this country when it comes to having all the things that we wish we had. There are simpler ways for them to obtain such things that we desire. Yet they seem to have and have always had the ability to assume respectibility and responsbility to their what? Their responsibilities and their loved ones. Not just that, but they seem to always have acknowledge that they have a choice in the matter. Not always the case, but don't take it as a consensus on the population anyway okay? It appears that women have somehow transcended in general once again the characterstics or both genders thus they embody the characteristics of what it is to be a woman today and yesterday and what it once meant to be man, which leaves us wondering when our current residence of the Venn Diagram of the gender cosmos will interlap again.

So to recap, part of the reason why it is seems to be that women are gaining more ground so to speak and are becoming the empowered sex is that men are somewhat losing ground and in the process losing what it once meant to be a man. However, some of those characteristics or even stereotypes of what it means to be a man crosses into that of the "manly man" and yet somehow yeah in the last 100 years we've generally seemed to have tip-toed out of that light and have become more "feminish." And it's not just that, but the willingness to concede to being a "failed father" or loser boyfriend. Not everyone of course. I think some of us will want to take this claim personal, but that's foolish and thus are taking it literally instead of seeing the context of this idea. If you were to make a guideline of sorts as to what it was and what it is to be a man nowadays you'd see a slack in the rules and interpretations. I'll bet you that much. It might be for the better or it might be for the worse, but we signed up for it. Now go restore your foreskin damn it. haha
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Didn't have time to read all this, will try later, but a few thoughts.

Women still make less on the dollar than men for the same work; there are drastically fewer female leaders in business, politics, science, just about anything really; and do yourself a favor and look up the number of women beaten (and beaten to death for good measure) by their spouses or partners every year, as opposed to men severly injured by women. It's a man's world. Anybody that thinks they're somehow victimized just by being male is a whiny, childish dolt, which is probably the real reason you're getting pushed around.

Trampled on? Enslaved? Grow up guy, society is just becoming somewhat balanced, and thank god for that. Women desereve any empowerment they are able to get. Just a hundred years ago a woman was still basically tantamount to property. Oh yes sir, those evil coniving bitches have really got a leg up on us with this whole equality business.

And personally, I don't feel like a psuedo-male. My penis (circumcised at birth) started off at 7.5 inches on the dot NBP with nice girth and I always have had great orgasms, and given them too. I've never had problems with sex, on the contrary, it's been fantastic. Nor have I ever felt subjugated or downtrodden by the female population, not once ever that I can recall.

Once again, personal experience and bitterness from some has been stated as facts about the male population in general. Never assume you speak for all, and I wouldn't say it's necessarily okay to assume anybody circumcised is a 'psuedo-male.' How insulting, and my girlfriend, who regularly recieves several ripping howling orgasms a session by way of my circumcised penis (she's far from the first, hopefully not the last) would tend to agree.

I'm not boasting to make myself feel good, but since we're appearently allowed to use personal experience as a proxy for all men on this thread, I'll be the first to say I'm circumcised and 100% all man baby! You say you're a psuedo-male, fine, have a great time with that. I love my cock, it serves me well, and I've never had any trouble with the thing. I'd bet there are many more men out there like me than griping castrates unable to assert themselves in a level sexual playing field because a flap of skin was removed from their units. The man doesn't equal the penis anyways. You are who you are, not what's hanging between your legs, to think otherwise leads me to believe a person stopped maturing around 7th grade.

These deep psychic wounds and festering insecurities so many of you like to attribute to circumcision, I just don't buy it, and frankly I don't know many men who suffer from these afflictions either. Could it be you're just insecure about your penis or otherwise unhappy with the little fella, and it's preferable to blame it on something external and uncontrollable like a circumcision, rather than assume responsibility for your feelings of frustration with your body?

Well it's a thought anyways . . .
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Swank said:
Didn't have time to read all this, will try later, but a few thoughts.

Women still make less on the dollar than men for the same work; there are drastically fewer female leaders in business, politics, science, just about anything really; and do yourself a favor and look up the number of women beaten (and beaten to death for good measure) by their spouses or partners every year, as opposed to men severly injured by women. It's a man's world. Anybody that thinks they're somehow victimized just by being male is a whiny, childish dolt, which is probably the real reason you're getting pushed around.

Trampled on? Enslaved? Grow up guy, society is just becoming somewhat balanced, and thank god for that. Women desereve any empowerment they are able to get. Just a hundred years ago a woman was still basically tantamount to property. Oh yes sir, those evil coniving bitches have really got a leg up on us with this whole equality business.

And personally, I don't feel like a psuedo-male. My penis (circumcised at birth) started off at 7.5 inches on the dot NBP with nice girth and I always have had great orgasms, and given them too. I've never had problems with sex, on the contrary, it's been fantastic. Nor have I ever felt subjugated or downtrodden by the female population, not once ever that I can recall.

Once again, personal experience and bitterness from some has been stated as facts about the male population in general. Never assume you speak for all, and I wouldn't say it's necessarily okay to assume anybody circumcised is a 'psuedo-male.' How insulting, and my girlfriend, who regularly recieves several ripping howling orgasms a session by way of my circumcised penis (she's far from the first, hopefully not the last) would tend to agree.

I'm not boasting to make myself feel good, but since we're appearently allowed to use personal experience as a proxy for all men on this thread, I'll be the first to say I'm circumcised and 100% all man baby! You say you're a psuedo-male, fine, have a great time with that. I<a onMouseOver="window.status='' ; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status='';" oncontextmenu="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="location.href='';return false;" href="" TITLE="More Info..."> love </a>my cock, it serves me well, and I've never had any trouble with the thing. I'd bet there are many more men out there like me than griping castrates unable to assert themselves in a level sexual playing field because a flap of skin was removed from their units. The man doesn't equal the penis anyways. You are who you are, not what's hanging between your legs, to think otherwise leads me to believe a person stopped maturing around 7th grade.

These deep psychic wounds and festering insecurities so many of you like to attribute to circumcision, I just don't buy it, and frankly I don't know many men who suffer from these afflictions either. Could it be you're just insecure about your penis or otherwise unhappy with the little fella, and it's preferable to blame it on something external and uncontrollable like a circumcision, rather than assume responsibility for your feelings of frustration with your body?

Well it's a thought anyways . . .

The income of women is an issue. I agree with you on that. Not sure if anyone could make a case otherwise, but about my thoughts I wanted to note that things are just now coming into balance yes, but that it also does appear that men are more succeptible to becoming what men of previous generations would laugh at.

As for the "wounds" of circumcision...I don't believe in it, but to throw the idea out immediately without entertaining the possibility????That's something else entirely.
To Iwant8, I still haven't read all these posts yet, sorry to say, but I'm curious to see your opinions when I do.

Kong - I'm interested in Penis Enlargement for the same reason I go to the gym - vanity. I think by most standards I have a pretty good body (only 27, former college D1 athlete thanks very much) but I still work out, hoping to maintain and even improve my appearence. With pretty good starting stats (we're talking penis here), the possibility that I could go from pretty good to awsome is just too tempting . . .

That being said, I'm not heart broken if it doesn't work for me, as I'm plenty satisfied with what I've got.
That's a good attitude to have regarding Penis Enlargement and your own body. I wish I was so confident. I will admit that I have issues. Probably not the issues that you think, but my wife and I are still trying to work them all out. Hers involves mostly sex and physical intimacy and mine involve trust and believing people when they say something good about me.

You sounded a little overly defensive when you said "my girlfriend, who regularly recieves several ripping howling orgasms a session by way of my circumcised penis" and "I'm not boasting to make myself feel good, but since we're appearently allowed to use personal experience as a proxy for all men on this thread, I'll be the first to say I'm circumcised and 100% all man baby!" It kind of made me laugh. You seem a little threatened by this thread.

BTW, do you realize that true multi-orgasmic women are exceedingly rare? If your woman has multiple ripping, howling orgasms every time you do it, she's probably faking it to stroke your ego. Sorry, but it's true.

My thread is not about denial but acceptance.

It's not about fooling ourselves but trying to find out what the truth really is.

My wife and I had another fight last night. We rode it out and seemed to get closer to the root of our problems. It was an awful, vicious fight, with both of us asking at one point for a divorce, but we ended up getting to some deep, basic issues. You see, sometimes you have to face reality.
Ha, maybe so, but I doubt it her case. I'm sure plenty have faked it to pad me out in the past, but she's a junior partner at one of the most competative firms on the west coast and always strapped for time, so she isn't the kind of woman to bother with making me feel like a stud if she isn't getting what she wants (also I've slept with 32 women, so this isn't the first vagina I've tinkered around with . . .). She ejaculates small amounts of fluid, her face and chest flush heavily, and her vagina spasms when the synapses start firing. Also, I didn't say how this occurs, whether they're coming back to back, some oral (not usually, she definately orgasms from g-spot stimulation, I can reproduce the effect with a finger rather qucikly) or if I come, we take a break and go some more, ect. , I just said I have great sex with her and can get her off multiple times without much trouble. Once again my friend . . . don't make assumptions about other people based on your experiences.

That being said, I haven't found multi-orgasmic women particularly rare nor have I encountered too many 'non-cummers' since I was in high school and basically wasn't even paying attention to whether they were enjoying it. As I've gotten older the women are increasingly sexual, and I'm increasingly in tune with it. The last three women I've dated seriously have all orgasmed quite easily from regular old intercourse, and the last one I remember struggling with at all was just a matter of adjusting rhytHydromax and depth of penetration. Very few women have something phsyically preventing them from orgasming, so it's either mental on their part, or the man simply isn't getting the job done. If you communicate in bed and she really likes you, orgasm is never unattainable (in my experience), and multiples are just a matter of pacing and preference.

That being said, if my tone seemed defensive, I apologize. I just felt the need to repeat that being circumcised doesn't make you some kind of sexual cripple, which is often the impression I get from your posts. I am of the belief it often doesn't make one bit of difference, especially if it's not something you focus on or care about. I think a lot of men who are dissatisfied with themselves sexually read about this foreskin stuff on the internet and then become fixated on circumcision as the root of all their problems. In some cases it may have some effects, but I think in most cases it's just in the guy's head, and hence counter prodcutive to getting anything done.

You frequently use your experiences with FR and your wife, and all the benefits you feel you've gained from it, as proof that FR is the answer to a circumcised man's sexual problems. I just copied your model - I have a very happy sex life that's a real source of joy for me, and it's enabled by my more than satisfying circumcised penis. You say sex is terrible with a cut johnson and women don't like it as much? My experiences are altogether different. You say circumcised men can't assert themselves with women because of psychic wounds caused by circumcision? Not in my experience. Like I said before, you use your personal experiences and opinions as sufficient evidence to generalize assumptions about all men, and man, that just isn't how things work.

Also, if you and your wife are going at it like this and talking about divorce and such, I would suggest counciling without further delay. Having never been married I don't know what the real low down is, but it turned my brother's marriage from a nightmare into a brand new relationship. One thing he said they discussed was the pattern of intense fighting, revelation, and emotional catharsis that some couples get caught in. Eventually the emotional highs and lows of the big fights become somewhat addictive and appearently either spouse will subconsciously search out ways to really get into it. Just a thought, there's nothing to lose from some professional perspective right?
By the way "100% all man baby!" was an attempt at levity by way of humor, as indicated by the exclamation point . . . appearently it wasn't too funny . . .
No. I thought it was funny. I saw that line as somewhat of an opposing opinion or well I guess a sort of way to make yours the hullaballoo of a different opinion rather. I liked your guys' take better than mine. lol I actually found myself reading what I typed and thinking I should have went into detail a bit more once I got home that night, but then I figured I'd wait for replies or whatever.
Well, I never said that circumcision takes away a man's assertiveness. You misread me there. I did say that it was a terrible component of this trend of male subjugation going on in our culture. What I mean to say is this: why is it illegal to remove the clitoris but perfectly okay, and even encouraged, to remove the foreskin-- especially now that medical science has proven that there are no benefits and that it is, in many cases, damaging. Best case scenerio with circumcision: loss of some sexual sensation in return for slight hygiene improvement. Worst case scenerios: death (it happens), sexual reassignment due to mishap, lack of size or other deformity like curving or webbed scrotum, and sexual dysfunction. Question is: WHY DO IT? Answer: in our current culture, men are expected to "shut up and take it", no matter what the problem is. We aren't supposed to question and we aren't supposed to complain...because we're men (like that's supposed to make us feel guilty or something). Its an attitude that we use on one another (like you are doing to me) and that's used on us by others. I never said it made us wimps. I only stated that I saw circumcision as the most glaring and heinous assault upon men in our culture...because it is done without our free choice.

Next subject:

Surveys show that somewhere around 48% of women regularly fake orgasm. There is a significant number of women who do not orgasm often or have never had an orgasm. From my own personal experience, women do not have huge gushing howling orgasms. That, I feel, is most often a case of male self-delusion. My wife does orgasm. She orgasms usually from vaginal penetration, and, yes, there is sometimes a discharge of fluid. It dribbles out a little...not the gallons of gushing woman jizz that I have heard my buddies brag about, certainly. She has been known to cum more than once... but normally not. With 32 partners, a enormous schlong, and the ability to make women orgasm with just a poke of the finger...I'm sorry, but I find myself chuckling a little in disbelief at your claims. I had a friend who was just like you. He once told me that on his girlfriend's 23rd birthday, he gave her 23 orgasms. I laughed and told him, "E----, a moan doesn't mean they've had an orgasm!"

Of course, I could be wrong. I was never a super-jock with a fantastic athletic body and an enormous cock... :s I'm just a regular guy.

Finally, using your argument against you: just because your cock is cut and great doesn't mean no one else ever had any problems.
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Geeze . . . I was trying to be a nice guy here . . . Anytime somebody contradicts your posts you go on red alert . . .

Okay okay, you're right, my girlfriend is definately faking. I've rethought it, there's no way I know what I'm doing. I defer to the master. You definately make your wife come though, you're the man.

I'm also lieing about my penis - I hate it, it's small, and it has never made a woman happy. Oh why Kong, why are you making me confront my demons!

I definately didn't attend college on a track scholarship, that's wild horseshit from out yonder as well.

By the way, since you are attempting (and rather childishly at that) to accuse me of being full of shit without actually saying as much, I've been motivated to post a few measurment pics in the very near future.

I never said it was gigantic, 7.5 NBP isn't such a big deal around here. I also said she ejcaulates a small amount of fluid, I believe similar to what you say about your own wife, not "gushes." I think you're a few years older than me, but grow up guy.

Just because your circumcision gave you problems doesn't mean everybody else has them as well.

On circumcision, I saw the same thing I always do. All your information comes from cruddy sources on the internet, with the exception of the AMA, who generally don't support your opinion that circumcision is really fucking men up all over the place. The conditions you mention are extrememly rare and not always related to circumcision (I have seen the infamous 'turkey-neck' and penile curvature on uncircumcised men, as well as heard uncircumcised friends complain about it).

In the thread I definately got the impression you were relating circumcision and it's effects to somehow being an incomplete man, which somehow underminded our masculinity, or cripes, I can't even remember it all. Either way sorry if I misinterpreted, but that's sure what I gathered.

Just like trying to pin male aggression and historical trends on circumcision in another post, here you're saying it causes men to be marginalized as opposed to the past. No sir, I just don't think so

*Might consider that plenty of men in America where getting circumcized before women even had the vote . . .

Believing every source of circ information besides the AMA is crud is like saying "the only people you can believe about cars is your mechanic."

YOU grow up, kiddo!
I am rather curious to see what you provide since in the past you have professed the opinion that the entire medical establisHydromaxent is a vast conspiracy . . . As well as (and I can't remember a specific instance of this so forgive me if I am incorrect) a disregard for higher education and scholarly research. Generally I would consider these to be the best resources of valid information since they're all expertly researched, and peer reviewed.
I do not believe the US Medical system is so much a "vast conspiracy" as a business. This is a realistic attitude to take, I feel. Last time I checked, my family doctor still charged for a visit. Any halfway intelligent person would tell you, concerning medical care, to always get a second opinion-- as sometimes a patient's best interest is not always taken into account. To think otherwise would be somewhat foolish. Why should circumcision be different than any other medical procedure? Why does the medical institutions of nearly every other civilized nation condemn the American Medical EstablisHydromaxent and its circumcision practices?

I do not have any problems with higher education or scholarly research. About the only derogatory comment I made about higher education was that one shouldn't believe everything in a college text just because it is big and heavy.

Scholarly research is quite splendid, as most of the studies done recently support my views or are actually the basis for my opinions.

Even then, however, one should understand that there are alot of political and economic forces at play concerning peer reviewed research, and alot more grant money being distributed to studies that support the best interests of the powers-that-be (think "$profit$").

As always, I research and then balance what I have learned against my common sense and personal experiences.

I always read and then think to myself, "Okay, who has the most to gain, and who has the most to lose?" You should learn to do that, swank.
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I'll just say and I've said this before... there is no good reason for circumcision. As far as why it's done and why it won't soon be stopped well like millions of dollars were backed by big corporations for this past inauguration we tend to protect our invested interests. (of course in that case it was a "hey guys Ah man...I've gotta big crink in my back...could ya would guys get that for me...oh man thanks..." "no problem Bushy baby..." The money is just so blinding it's I think it sucks that it's this way though...