I am curious to know what the veteran Penis Enlargement'rs think about the usefulness of the stat BPenis EnlargementL?

IMHO, it is a stat yes it does tell us a particular dimension of you penis.

But it is also impertinent and irrelevant to the ultimate purpose of Penis Enlargement. That extra .5 inch, or in an extreme case more, of penis will never be visible if your were not burying your fingers or an object into your fat pad and therefore that extra .5 inch, whether you are hung like a horse or a button, would never enter a vagina either. So although it is Stat for measurement purposes, it's not a stat for functional or aesthetic appeal either.

What do you guys think?
i definitely try to focus on my nbpel. it gives me a more true reference point. i am actively trying to get my fat pad down though. very good question dp81. what do you other guys think??? ?:(
BPenis EnlargementL is a good way to measure actual gains,if you gain .5 inch it will show,NBPenis EnlargementL can vary depending on fat pad,so you could make a length gain but at the same time you might gain weight and your fat pad increases so you wouldn't read a gain on the ruler.

So as far as keeping an accurate record then BPenis EnlargementL but for usable length NBPenis EnlargementL.
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<div>I am curious to know what the veteran Penis Enlargement'rs think about the usefulness of the stat BPenis EnlargementL?<br />

<br />
IMHO, it is a stat yes it does tell us a particular dimension of you penis. <br />
<br />
But it is also impertinent and irrelevant to the ultimate purpose of Penis Enlargement. That extra .5 inch, or in an extreme case more, of penis will never be visible if your were not burying your fingers or an object into your fat pad and therefore that extra .5 inch, whether you are hung like a horse or a button, would never enter a vagina either. So although it is Stat for measurement purposes, it's not a stat for functional or aesthetic appeal either. <br />
<br />
What do you guys think?</div>
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<div>i definitely try to focus on my nbpel. it gives me a more true reference point. i am actively trying to get my fat pad down though. very good question dp81. what do you other guys think??? <img src="http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/images/smilies/confused.gif" border="0" alt="" title="" class="inlineimg" /></div>

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<img src="http://www.freespaces.com/innertruth/raiden%20for%20eric.gif" border="0" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.student.kuleuven.ac.be/~s0162853/poepke//tnImage22.JPG" border="0" alt="" /><img src="http://www.freespaces.com/innertruth/craig's%20liu%20kang.gif" border="0" alt="" /><img src="http://www.freespaces.com/innertruth/wow.gif" border="0" alt="" /><img src="http://www.student.kuleuven.ac.be/~s0162853/poepke//tnImage23.JPG" border="0" alt="" /><img src="http://www.freespaces.com/innertruth/h-sonya.gif" border="0" alt="" /><ul><li>beginning stats 6/1/05<br />
nbpel: 5.75<br />
eg: 4.5</li><li>current stats 8/24/05<br />

nbpel: 6.25<br />
eg: 5.25</li><li>goal ( by the end of the year )<br />
nbpel: 6.75<br />
eg: 5.75<br />
<img src="http://www.freespaces.com/innertruth/19.gif" border="0" alt="" /></li></ul><font color="DarkRed">THE 1ST RULE OF Penis Enlargement IS - You do not talk about pe<br />
THE 2ND RULE OF Penis Enlargement IS - you DO NOT TALK ABOUT Penis Enlargement<br />
3RD RULE OF Penis Enlargement - your cock goes limp, you pass out, pe is over<br />
4TH RULE - only 1 cock to a pe session<br />

5TH RULE - one exercise at a time fellas<br />
6TH RULE - no pants , no shoes<br />
7TH RULE - Penis Enlargement WILL GO ON AS LONG AS IT HAS TO!!<br />
AND THE 8TH AND FINAL RULE - IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST NIGHT AT [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]... YOU HAVE TO DO SOME Penis Enlargement!!</font>
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<div>BPenis EnlargementL is a good way to measure actual gains,if you gain .5 inch it will show,NBPenis EnlargementL can vary depending on fat pad,so you could make a length gain but at the same time you might gain weight and your fat pad increases so you wouldn't read a gain on the ruler.<br />

<br />
So as far as keeping an accurate record then BPenis EnlargementL but for usable length NBPenis EnlargementL.</div>
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Woody Allen
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