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I, for one, completely disagree with the immature stunt you have been trying to pull in the last few days with that thread among other things. You claim you're taking a break and are going to be posting less yet since yesterday morning when you posted the thread you have racked up 60 posts. Your average posts per day at the time I am writing this thread is 9.3 per day. So, clearly you aren't taking a break from the forum.

I am convinced that this is just a stunt for attention. Why else would you make such a big deal in the open forum about not being active and then go on such a posting spree??? It doesn't add up.

That's fair enough that you are going through a tough time in your life and want sympathy but guess what, everyone has problems in their lives, you are more of the norm, not some type of exception. Assuming your bio is correct you're 19 years old. I guess you are just immature for your age if you don't realize this. I, BTW am in the same age bracket as you.

My biggest gripe of all about this is the way anyone who disagreed with you got flamed. Executioner did so in a very tactful way and how did you respond? You called people various vulgar names including (but not limited to) asshole, cunt, moron, and dumbass. That is clearly against the forum rules and you are a mod which makes it even worse. The member Innocent was banned simply for calling you out on your attitude. What you did was a lot worse. If people stuck to the rules, YOU should be banned. On top of your mean and insulting tone, you don't use proper spelling, English, or grammer. And, you go on weird revenge plots when you don't like someone. You posted a members email address and IP address just so people would mess with him. You even made comments (which were deleted by another mod) about finding someone's house and killing them. That's out of line for so many reasons to obvious for me to list.

I am by no means a drama queen like SOME people here, I am here to make my dick bigger, make a few friends, and help the others out along the way. RED, you seem like you are here mainly to vent your frustrations on the world and to have your ego stroked. I hope you take this constructive criticism to heart.

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its history forget about it...I have a mental illness how many times must I say this, I have NOT been acting NORMAL.

I aint immature and sorry if it comes across this way, it aint supposed to....I as av said have been a leading fireman I can point ya to the site with MY PICTURE on, I have led teams into alsorts of shit, I am infact very mature for my age over here.

I take ya views on board, no problems you have the right to say and think what ya want about me....I have no problems whatsoever in your views.....I dont think you should be looking into my post count per day, thats no relevant really and is only going to stur things up and is immature by you I would say.

But I aint arsed with this subject, I am here to learn and help....and talk to my freinds when I want to about what I want to....if that gets flack than hard fucking luck, I will ride it and take it.

I hope you dont hold any GRUDGES on this or ANYTHING else gandolf....I hold you in high regard always lets leave this be in the past cos it will do no one anygood reaping it up....and will only annoy me.

I completely agree with Gandolf. RED if you're having emotional problems I can understand wanting support with your friends.. Then you post a thread saying that you don't get appreciated around here?

I don't know where that one came from.. A lot of guys on these forums respect you. They post all the time about how much of an inspiration you are etc.. Do you not see these posts? Or is it that you don't want to, so you can continue to say in the open about how you're "not respected" or "acknowledged" for the things you have done?

Honestly, I came from the old Pride Penis site and you were the main man there. To let you know though, that wasn't the first Penis Enlargement site to ever be around. This goes hand in hand with you taking credit for everything or being the "master". You're not the creator of all that is Penis Enlargement and out of all the things you've tried, there are probably 100 other guys who tried it before you.

People are afraid to respond to you because you will snap back at them with insults and about how you created whatever they're talking about. This isn't how a MOD should act. We're here to set the example for the rest of the members. If we break the rules, can you guess what the other members would do? There's no reason to get so angry at the other members even if they're insulting you. Just take it to the mod forums for a discussion about their actions. I don't understand why you go on and on about someone you dislike. Like the flooding of Thunders? That's not necessary at all.

All in all, we're all here for the same reasons. That doesn't include: Make as many enemies as possible. I'm sorry RED, but this has to be said.


The member Innocent was banned simply for calling you out on your attitude

I DID NOT BAN HIM....DLD did ask him, he was a troll....ASK HIM and get ya facts right.

As for me using VULGAR talk, well so what.....we all say fuck in here, I have been around some scum in my time so hence I talk like one when annoyed....accept that.

As for banning me.....ask DLD can you, review it even.

I get annoyed very quick, I am a very aggresive person....I have been MADE this way from many fights I have had over the years and the life I led in the past.....I ALWAYS stick up for myself, people dont like someone who sticks up for themselves....thats fair enough.

As I already said have a word with DLD, ban me if ya want see where it gets ya.
And that guy who got banned it wasnt me, remember ya facts in future.
Lastly if you were going thru a hard time, and I dont think you know what one is....I think you would be pissed off....well hearing guys like executiner preach me like a staff seargent is I said so....if you or he dunt like it, is irellavant take it up with the admin and leave this out the main room cos its gone on long enough.
Itselectric I AGREE with you.
I DIDNT MEAN the I want to be noticed crap , its MY MIND its not right how many times must I say this.

Just bare with me guys me like I helped all of you , I am mentally ill at the moment and just cant think right...this is why somethings get chewed up wrong by me.

I aint anything special in this I know.

I have never wanted tobe the master....I only want some thanks now and again, I dont get many as some...thats what pissed me off at times.

TRY TO UNDERSTAND it like this....ya dads suffering from a mental illness he acts like this, you would think ''well I can understand why hes being a cunt'' well do the same for me.

As for you saying peeps are SCARED OF ME....I am shocked, I have never had trouble talking to folk on here, and I get lots of PM's...I only flair up if one of my exercises isnt recognised with me and thats right I think.

But you have your views, and I respect have done so well.

I have stayed out of this till now, hoping it will die down. These are very valid points. Although I do not like this kind of drama, things are getting very out of hand with all of this.

Red you are going through issues right now. That much is clear. The post you made about taking a break was the second one in a week about your over the edge and such. You have made it clear. I do not understand why this much controversy has to be brought up though.

I am confused. You said you were going to take a break, and then a day later post a thread saying that you are coming up with all of this new stuff? I don’t understand? Your posting has since increased to dramatically as Gandolf has said. I am a little confused. Cause you said that you would not be posting as much or answering PM's? You said that you did not want people to say “hey were is Red” why would they do that when you post even more?

As far as credit goes. What credit do you want? I am not here to become famous and I do not think anyone else is. Why do you feel that you need to be praised, and what do you need to be praised for? I do not understand that at all. You are never going to gain Global Respect for Penis Enlargement, not even DLD is. Why do people need to bow? They don’t. If people told me to take my Supra Slammers and shove them up my ass, I would say “ok” its there loss not mine, DLD would do the same with his Blasters.

I mean it they done have valid points, whenever someone comes up with something you do have the tendencies to say, I have been doing that for a log time, or say that you tried it and its sucks. Like you said this


red says
“Been doing ATS rollers while constricted a more extreme version of this ya mention for months, sure it works well.


Why are you immediately saying that you have been doing a even better version of these for months? That ridiculous.
Red says

Why do you NEVER endorse the constrictors DLD??????????????
TONS of guys gain from them.”
Why would you immediately come out with that say that? Why would you get in a tizzy about DLD never endorsing your constrictors? What if he does not like the constrictors? People have they own opinion and if he does not want to do them, why he does not have to do them and endorse what you do?

And why did you make threats saying that you were going to kill Anon and the Executioner? That is complexly out of line. There are no threats here. If that were a normal member he would be ban immediately. No questions asked and no quarter. That is 100% wrong and like Gandolf said posting people IP and emails publicly is unacceptable.

I really think you need to do what you said and take a break from here get a grip man. If you are that messed up, bringing all of the problems here does not help anyone, especially you. You are just leaving your self-open to everyone opinions. You do need to take some time and get your mind strait and not let all of these things happy.

You are a mod, and that means a lot of responsibility to the forum and if you are that mentally ill and cannot act normal then you need to do what you said you were going to do, and not the complete opposite, which is what you are doing. But this is not what needs be happening here and now.

Red your cool, but I just think that you need to consider what you have said you were going to do and do it.

Oh ya- I ban Innocent because he was a troll, and DLD told me to, and he ban him as well, IP ban.
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Originally posted by REDZULU2003
I aint immature and sorry if it comes across this way, it aint supposed to....I as av said have been a leading fireman I can point ya to the site with MY PICTURE on, I have led teams into alsorts of shit, I am infact very mature for my age over here.
In all honesty, I don't care about what you do outside this forum. You DEFINATELY are not mature here. That is all that matters to me
Originally posted by REDZULU2003
I take ya views on board, no problems you have the right to say and think what ya want about me....I have no problems whatsoever in your views.....I dont think you should be looking into my post count per day, thats no relevant really and is only going to stur things up and is immature by you I would say.
You take peoples' views when they coincide with your own. Otherwise, you flip out 10 times out of 10. The post count is relevant. You make a big deal about how you wont be posting much in the main forum and you INCREASE your posts dramatically how is that irrelevent. And I have remained mature in every post I've ever made at this forum, you have yet to see me play childish games OR lose my temper. Ever.
Supra ya got it in a nutshell.

I have been a WANKER....I am sorry to everyone....PLEASE dont get me the wrong way man.....I MEAN NO HARM..

Let me try to explain mt ODDNess.

These last few weeks have been MAD for me, I cant think right , my medication is makeing me worse and hence I am makeing another doctors appointment.
This is why I post such madness like dld and constrictors being endoresed, and death threats which is PATHETIC,
Supra This isnt me dude.....ask dld....I am a good nice guy....i have been fucked up like a backend of a bus as of late.

As for me posting more, I couldnt help it ya know how OBSESSED WE GET HERE ;) I could NEVER prise myself away and I fealt better after chatting with you and DLD lastnight.

But now I feel worse and terriblelly bad about this....I have brought [words=]MOS[/words] into bad light and I am a MOD.

jeez.....fuck me....I am a split personallity, what I said to some peeps when I read now I cant belive I said I was drunk and didnt know what I was BS.

I dunno where I stand now, you guys must think I am a tosser and rightfully so......goodjob still doesnt come and chime in here cos he would be hard as ever.

I wonna say this about ya slammers though supra....I didnt mean what I do is BETTER, it is for me cos I love cable clamps so its good for me and I was foing them for ages, so I said it.
I meant no offense.

I dunno what should happen tome.......maybe make a polll [SERIOUS] so all can vote wether to demote or ban me....I give my permission I need tobe punished for this noncense....its no wonder people are like they are with me.

I just woona repeat I am sorry,
Gandolf sorry man, in the past I would NEVER have said that to you.
Executuoner and Anon I am sorry aswell I meant none of it, you were right I am stupid and done this wrong....please accept aplogys.
sorry to dld for fucking this up.

I am sorry to EVERYONE infact,
Now Supra you are the leading mod in my eyes so MAKE A DECISON on me....I WILL ACCEPT it....maybe do that poll thing, either way please dont go thinking any of you,that I am bad or immature or arrogant, have this and that cos this is not me....I feel like GOLLOM.....I really do....split persona.

cya soon with some sort of decison.
Originally posted by REDZULU2003
I DID NOT BAN HIM....DLD did ask him, he was a troll....ASK HIM and get ya facts right.
Guess what, I didn't say YOU banned him, I said he was banned. Get YOUR facts straight.
Originally posted by REDZULU2003
As for me using VULGAR talk, well so what.....we all say fuck in here, I have been around some scum in my time so hence I talk like one when annoyed....accept that.
Vulgar language is OK, but calling other people derogatory names is not. You can check the forum rules on that one.
Originally posted by REDZULU2003
As for banning me.....ask DLD can you, review it even.
I never said that I wanted to ban you. All I said was that if the rules were enforced, you would have been banned.
Originally posted by REDZULU2003

And that guy who got banned it wasnt me, remember ya facts in future.
Once again, check my post.
Originally posted by REDZULU2003

Lastly if you were going thru a hard time, and I dont think you know what one is....
I'm not going to give you my life story but I assure you that you aren't the ONLY person here who has faced hardtimes. I have had a few.
Think its time ya made ya vote.....get this over with once and for all for my sake and [words=]MOS[/words].

I WILL respect it....SORRY Gandolf, dunno if ya heard that before, but I didnt mean what I said before, I have some sort of weird split persona as of late, no EXCUSE Man, I am serious....PLEASE man dont go thinking I am an ASSHOLE like in here just, I am a good know me from ages back here.......peeps PM me and say I have changed, well do you think so?
Red If you want me to make a poll I will. I just think you have a lot of work to do mentally, and throwing it out here on the forum in front of everyone is not the way to do it.

You, me and everyone else know that you need help. Take a break from here man. Were not going to thing anything less of you for admitting that you need to leave for a while and chill out get your head strait and do what you have to do to get better.

But throwing out all of this on here is complety not what [words=]MOS[/words] is about and you know that more than anyone else.

Take a break man, get some help like you said yuou were going to do.

Nothing in my eyes is worse than an man that says he is going to do something for himself or someone else and does not do it.

Good Luck to you

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No hard feelings on my part, I just had to say what I felt about our situation here, it needed to be dealt with. While I stand by every word I said, I accept your apology. Do the forum and mainly yourself a favor and get help. If what you say in your posts is true you must be a nervous wreck and that is no way to go through life. Things like this do not improve on their own.

There. I have said my part and am done with this issue unless someone drags me back in.
I agree, I believe you should take a break and get your head straight RED. Situate your meds and everything. Like I said before, a LOT of guys respect you and I wouldn't want you to say something wrong and make them lose that respect.

Your friend,
what a fine bunch you are.
I am a nervous wreck gandolf, its pathetic...I cant even goto the shop counter some days and pay for stuff cos I get too nervous and have a panic attack.

If I say I will go, I may I said we get obsessed with this place and I will still go over posts and all.

If I went I would miss alot wouldnt I?????? how would I catch up.....maybe someone could e-mail me anything new that comes out.

I must keep away from [words=]MOS[/words] in this state.
As I said THIS ISNT ME....its a demon that must be rid oneway or another the fucker will be removed.

I still think I should be punished, I have BROKEN MANY RULES....THIS IS APPALING leadership to others.....I feel I should be stripped as mod.

This is ME talking now, I should be stripped for my behaviour in a workplace I wouuld be de-moted if not sacked.
I must pay here.

thanks anyways for ya understanding anyway, at least you have hearts.......but take my poll thing on board, fuck the evil me...I will fight that off, and keep the good one in while am here....a vote is needed my tribe.
Kinda like a vote of confidence presidents have, do it for me please....otherwise guys will come here and ABUSE it cos I did.
infact I am going to make a poll now in the main room, I need to know the members feelings on this VIA poll on my punisHydromaxent, I am all for strictness and discipline.
Originally posted by REDZULU2003
infact I am going to make a poll now in the main room, I need to know the members feelings on this VIA poll on my punisHydromaxent, I am all for strictness and discipline.
I think Supra beat you to it.
Do you want to make it?

If you do let me know Ill take mine down

Im just doing what you asked me to
INNOCENT was the first person I have ever BANNED. He was nothing but a troll looking to stir up trouble. People are free to speak their mind here but if anyone comes solely to cause trouble there is no place for them here.
Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
INNOCENT was the first person I have ever BANNED. He was nothing but a troll looking to stir up trouble. People are free to speak their mind here but if anyone comes solely to cause trouble there is no place for them here.

"Damn right"
Originally posted by Gandolf

My biggest gripe of all about this is the way anyone who disagreed with you got flamed. Executioner did so in a very tactful way and how did you respond? You called people various vulgar names including (but not limited to) asshole, cunt, moron, and dumbass. That is clearly against the forum rules and you are a mod which makes it even worse. The member Innocent was banned simply for calling you out on your attitude. What you did was a lot worse. If people stuck to the rules, YOU should be banned. On top of your mean and insulting tone, you don't use proper spelling, English, or grammer.

I am Proud to see someone taking a stand and saying what is truly within reason and sticking to what they beleive. I agree totally with this Gandolf, and I second that.
RED: Try using proper english grammar, this aint a chat room.
Well, I had to work a later night than I expected to, so I'm late replying to this.

Lots has already been said and so, I'm not going to take a whole page to repeat what others have said.

Acknowledging the fact that you have problems is always the first step to recovery. I agree with the others that yes, Red has made contributions to the forum. Constrictors, although I just call it "clamping" because I use a cable clamp, are great. Supra's new exercise followed by 30 minutes+ of clamp work is giving me awesome girth gains...just over the last week I've gained 1/4" of girth.

Red, you have changed man. You've always had a little more of a rough edged character than most of us, I can relate being a former Marine. I have met all or most personallity types. I can deal with pretty much anyone too. But, as others have pointed out, continuously posting with a negative tonality in your posts and or making threats whether literal or not, is inapropriate for our forums here. We are the BEST Penis Enlargement forum on the net that I personally know of and I would like us to stay that way. We cannot do so however, if one member, especially a moderator is acting in such ways.

I'm sure you have probably heard the very true expression "Attitudes are YOURS worth catching??"

It only takes one constant, negative attitude to start sort of a downward spiral or, cause an influence here that we dont need. One guy starts acting a certain way, others start to feel like it's ok to mirror his attitude, and so on. I'm sure I've made my point now.

So, like others have said. Do not just yourself, but the whole forum a big favor man, get whatever help you need. If you need to take a break for a while from this forum to help you recover, by all means do so. Then, when you can return youre more than welcome.
Listen every1 back off RED for a sec, whats the piont of bring this back up Gandolf. Its old history so just drop it already, we all have low times like you said but it dont help when you get people calling you immature if anything it will just make matters worse. So just drop the hole subject ok.
I am Proud to see someone taking a stand and saying what is truly within reason and sticking to what they believe. I agree totally with this Gandolf, and I second that.
RED: Try using proper English grammar, this ain't a chat room.
by the executioner

Excuse me if I'm wrong but what the fuck, telling people your view on reds "I'm taking a break" thread is fine, we all have our own opinion but why did you bring it the hole red try using proper grammar. You just seem to be bringing up more bad points to make him look bad. Allot of us here have known Red for years, he was particularly running pride penis when i got involved with Penis Enlargement so don't go ripping the shit of out him. The way he writes is the way he wrote since i can remember. I mean you have had ages to tell RED that you don't like the way he writes but you bring it up it up now, convenient? just stop shit stirring and drop it.

Also before you bring it up i know my spelling sucks because I'm dyslexic and i forgot to use the spell check on the above post.
Originally posted by pUNKY
by the executioner

Excuse me if I'm wrong but what the fuck, telling people your view on reds "I'm taking a break" thread is fine, we all have our own opinion but why did you bring it the hole red try using proper grammar. You just seem to be bringing up more bad points to make him look bad. Allot of us here have known Red for years, he was particularly running pride penis when i got involved with Penis Enlargement so don't go ripping the shit of out him. The way he writes is the way he wrote since i can remember. I mean you have had ages to tell RED that you don't like the way he writes but you bring it up it up now, convenient? just stop shit stirring and drop it.

Also before you bring it up i know my spelling sucks because I'm dyslexic and i forgot to use the spell check on the above post.

I bring it up now becuase i have had enough of seeing him get away with it. As for making him look bad he does this perfectly well on his own, he dont need my help for that. A Spelling mistake is fine there is no problems with that, but wen u start riting like dis itz hard 2 read you get my drift? Not to mention when people make searches using proper english grammar the posts wont be returned.
I am not shit stirring nothing, you cant go around being totally out of order to people and get away with it, then go and blame an illness, Sorry but it dont Wash with me and i make a stand for those people who dont want to speak up for themselves because of fear they will get flamed. If he is genuinely ill what is he doing on a forum shouting names to people and making rude and insulting comments?
About the grammar, Most forums dont stand for it and i can see why, if we all wrote like that, we would get no results on searches, and before you start ranting on at me why dont you just face the truth, he is in the wrong not us people making a stand.
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