So over this summer my libido plummeted. I'm 23. I'm generally healthy, rock climber 2x a week, lift weights.

I broke up with my gf in May, and since then I've been encountering this problem. I can't get it up around girls. I've had girls want to fuck me, to suck my cock, but I shy away because I don't know if I'll be able to get it up. I've even been in the middle of the deed and had to stop because my dick is going nowhere. It usually makes the girls feel really insecure and I don't want that. They're really beautiful and it's not their fault, it's just my dick.

When I'm alone with adult entertainment it's no problem, although I can tell I'm not nearly as horny as I was a year or so ago. Before I could get a woody just by looking at some adult entertainment, now I need manual stimulation.

I think the problem is psychological mostly. I posted on here a while back when I was freaking out because I got a girl pregnant. Maybe I'm having paranoia issues with that :/

To that end, some advice from DLD would be fantastic. I'm way on board with the self-created reality, psychological Penis Enlargement and the "your hands are just an extension of your mind" mentality. I'm just having a rough time with overcoming this and I'm having trouble pulling myself out of it of my own willpower.

To be honest, I'm really angry and scared and frustrated. For the first time in my life I've had girls offering themselves to me only to have my body be totally uncooperative. I'm afraid I'll never have sex again. This problem has been ruining the relationship I'm in too. It's driving me nuts. I try not to think about it, but I think about girls like every five minutes so it inevitably turns to the problem.

So I'm asking for help. Prayers welcome.
stop watching adult entertainment! maybe youre getting desensitised to it?

have you tried horny goat weed or yohimbe bark?

maybe you just need a break from the jerking. :)
Yeah I tried laying off the adult entertainment for a while. I can't say it helped much. Eventually I gave in and started watching again. I don't know how I feel about adult entertainment, I can't tell if it's good or bad for me.

I take Yohimbe bark which is great but lasts about an hour, then I'm back to where I started. I also notice I build up a tolerance. Yohimbe is great for post-workout recovery though.

I also do my Kegal exercises semi-regularly, pretty much whenever I think about it. I'll admit hasn't been every day.
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I understand and yes this is completely mental. You are trying way too hard and you are giving in to the obsessions that float around in your mind. Humans are addicted to suffering, we are the only animal that will punish ourselves over and over for an event that went bad. I think, those that do obsess, feel comfortable in this dysfunction and it eventually becomes the rule rather than the exception. You are what you think and if you think you are a guy who can't get the dick hard, then you will be that guy. As simple as this sounds, changing your thoughts will change your reality. Practice foreplay, don't be so quick to test your penis, allow it to become part of the entire event. Kissing, oral sex, massage, etc. will help you keep your mind on sex and out of the obsessions. The mind is very sensitive to a thought pattern. When you are trying to become erect and you only can think of things like "what if I can't get erect" or "what is she thinking" or any of these negative thought patterns during sex you will certainly live out that nightmare. Do not use words of negotiation. The mind does not process words like No, Don't, and others like it. When you say to yourself "I don't want to lose my erection" your brain only translates "I want to lose my erection" and it quickly follows suit. Learn to reprogram your thoughts with positive affirmations like "I always get the best erections" or "I can keep it up for hours". These thought patterns, as silly as they feel, will quickly transform your current issue into a positive one. Also, there is nothing wrong with a little help from the Generic Viagra fairy:) Here is a link that will get you the good stuff:) CHEAP GENERIC VIAGRA

Lastly, an erection is a very specific physical and mental process. Think about your penis and mind being connected by one single lane highway. When your thoughts are positive and centered on the moment this highway is open and accessible. Your erections will come freely. When you start polluting the highway with other thoughts the mind/penis connection is lost and so is the erection. Pop a Viagra, get into some funky foreplay, put on some nice music, a nice bottle of wine and enjoy. Sex is not just blowjobs and intercourse, there is much to explore and enjoy.
Damn good advice DLD Damn good.

If your comparing these new girls in your life to you ex you will have the same problem, dont let that happen, the ex is gone and your a free man ree to tag any piece of ass you want, stay in the moment and just ride with it, think about how good it feel to be with a naked woman who wants to get intimate with you, dont think, let the sensations take over you brother.
Thank you guys, from the bottom of my heart. DLD that is exactly what I needed to hear. May I ask what you read? I'm into Abraham-Hicks right now, OSHO is rad too. I'd like to hear more from those who really understand the mind-reality relationship.

Gal just went home, she came over and we talked sweet, dry humped, got naked. I got a boner at first, but once we were naked no boner. She likes watching me masturbate so I did that and still no boner.

Overall I'm feeling better about the subject. In time with releasing my psychological issues I'll heal.
Do a lot of just holding and cuddling with her. Women like that. Forget about getting it up. Just relax and snuggle with her. The rest will happen--believe me.
I've had similar situations Wombat.

I think it's all mental but - Does anyone know any audio hypnosis programs that would remove performance anxiety or hardwire you to mentally get yourself hard?

If it's mental, it should be pretty easy to fix.
Thank you all for your input!

When the Ms. and I cuddle I can actually get an erection. The feel of her ass in my lap does the trick. Last time I lost it in between cuddling and getting the pants off.

I think hypnosis might be a good idea.

I'm in decent shape, I'm 5' 10", 145 lbs., I have a six-pack and can do 15 full pull-ups. I could always be stronger though!
homelesswombat;326056 said:
Thank you all for your input!

When the Ms. and I cuddle I can actually get an erection. The feel of her ass in my lap does the trick. Last time I lost it in between cuddling and getting the pants off.

I think hypnosis might be a good idea.

I'm in decent shape, I'm 5' 10", 145 lbs., I have a six-pack and can do 15 full pull-ups. I could always be stronger though!

15, that is crazy.
Make shore you can handle yohimbe. I take it now with my USPlabs Jacked and tribulus terrestris supplement before I workout.

This may be funny to you guys but to me it was hours of hell. I took yohimbe when I was 16(Im 19 now) at night one day before bed cause that was the direction on the bottle. Started to sweat like a fat woman resisting from eating triple fudge chocolate cake. Sleep for about a hour and a half. Then was waken up be a boner sent straight from HELL This thing wouldnt go away for at least 3 hours. And it wasnt just hard it was the biggest I have been in my life even today. That hurt like a kidney stone.

I didnt Penis Enlargement but if I did back then I would had one heck of a girth session rofl. This is not a supplement to test or play around with. Only use if your body can handle it.
homelesswombat;326056 said:
Thank you all for your input!

When the Ms. and I cuddle I can actually get an erection. The feel of her ass in my lap does the trick. Last time I lost it in between cuddling and getting the pants off.

I think hypnosis might be a good idea.

I'm in decent shape, I'm 5' 10", 145 lbs., I have a six-pack and can do 15 full pull-ups. I could always be stronger though!

How is it going now?
doublelongdaddy;326088 said:
15, that is crazy.

15 isn't so hard rofl... try doing a pyramid of 10 (=100 reps)

Back on topic,

I had this problem the first time I met my girl. Hottest girl I had ever been with. I was so nervous I couldn't get it up either. I actually tried taking some yohimbine sh*t but imo that does more bad than good. That didn't work. I finally got it though and let me tell you it was great. After that, never had the problem again. I'm convinced its a mental thing, and once you overcome your issue then you should be good to go. I think DLD nailed this one on the head.

I kinda think your main issue was that you got a chick knocked up. Sh*t I cant even imagine what that would do to me. I would be scared sh*tless to have sex again. Just take it one step at a time though man, you will get there.

Also I don't think the gen. Viagra is such a bad idea. It should help you get over the hump faster, just don't become dependent on it.

Good luck bro
homelesswombat, yohimbe is a vasodilator but will not affect your actual libido. I was in a similar situation as yourself until a few months ago, and I corrected it by first taking maca daily to help fill in my hormonal imbalances (it is a pretty strong adaptogen), then a couple of weeks later started stacking it with butea superba. Butea superba is no joke, it works for real. Sex with my girlfriend since a few weeks ago has basically started to seem like a pitbull attack. In a good way of course.
doublelongdaddy;325746 said:
I understand and yes this is completely mental. You are trying way too hard and you are giving in to the obsessions that float around in your mind. Humans are addicted to suffering, we are the only animal that will punish ourselves over and over for an event that went bad. I think, those that do obsess, feel comfortable in this dysfunction and it eventually becomes the rule rather than the exception. You are what you think and if you think you are a guy who can't get the dick hard, then you will be that guy. As simple as this sounds, changing your thoughts will change your reality. Practice foreplay, don't be so quick to test your penis, allow it to become part of the entire event. Kissing, oral sex, massage, etc. will help you keep your mind on sex and out of the obsessions. The mind is very sensitive to a thought pattern. When you are trying to become erect and you only can think of things like "what if I can't get erect" or "what is she thinking" or any of these negative thought patterns during sex you will certainly live out that nightmare. Do not use words of negotiation. The mind does not process words like No, Don't, and others like it. When you say to yourself "I don't want to lose my erection" your brain only translates "I want to lose my erection" and it quickly follows suit. Learn to reprogram your thoughts with positive affirmations like "I always get the best erections" or "I can keep it up for hours". These thought patterns, as silly as they feel, will quickly transform your current issue into a positive one. Also, there is nothing wrong with a little help from the Generic Viagra fairy:) Here is a link that will get you the good stuff:) CHEAP GENERIC VIAGRA

Lastly, an erection is a very specific physical and mental process. Think about your penis and mind being connected by one single lane highway. When your thoughts are positive and centered on the moment this highway is open and accessible. Your erections will come freely. When you start polluting the highway with other thoughts the mind/penis connection is lost and so is the erection. Pop a Viagra, get into some funky foreplay, put on some nice music, a nice bottle of wine and enjoy. Sex is not just blowjobs and intercourse, there is much to explore and enjoy.

that's true. i've been talkin about how i had a short term of ED for about a week now, but i'm back in action now. a while ago i was telling myself i get rock hard and other positive stuff, and i ended up getting so hard it wouldn't go away. i think ED is 90% mental in most cases (until you get older)

Take some 30-80 mg Zinc and u will be horny as hell.I was in same situation.Trust me.
It will help for sure...and it is mineral...without side effects and if u want better erections

Kegels+ E vitamin E vitamin E vitamin E vitamin E vitamin
Dont want to sound like a goofball but can you get gains with Vitamin E gel. I have that in a gel I used put on my face for clearer skin. It works for the most part but olive oil is better(thanks RED). Will any thing happen if I rub that on my penis or will it just look clearer like my face rofl.
I will be the first to say, no it cannot. At least not for me anyways. I so far am using a mixture of vitamin A/E/D w/ aloe vera and only seen a difference in penis color tone. It so far has done nothing for veins or bruise marks that I get from time to time.

Later on I plan to test out Vitamin K a bit more along with cosagrande/leech oil. I am probably buying into pure hype.

To the OP, I doubt any of those will work for you, but Ive heard Vit K helps increase blood flow. Now as for not being horny that's either part of the mind or just purely ED. I would try some potency extracts.
Thanks Smerc, I want it look smooth and clean so I might put it on there just for the hell of it. I take tribulus terrestris that help your gonads produce more test and its safe(it herbs). I notice more energy in the gym and better libido. This is a all around supplement.
Also Only if your guys workout cause this shit is strong. USPLabs Powerfull gives great erection. It a GH supplement but didnt see much in workouts. One day took it before a session and I can say it gives better erection compared to anything else out there. I will never mess with viagra cause that is really a heart med but when the company tested guys and seen they all had increase in daily boners they made it a ED drug with out changing one thing in it.

Now Im not the smartest guy but if something was made to help your heart and you dont need it in your system something bad is lurking in your future(side effects).
dude try this "supplement" called aziffa, never seen my dick get so big hard or throbbing in my life. A++ plus blew a monster load after like a 45 minute session with the gf
basik;359033 said:
dude try this "supplement" called aziffa, never seen my dick get so big hard or throbbing in my life. A++ plus blew a monster load after like a 45 minute session with the gf

he's gotta work out the mental thing first. that's the number 1 priority. it's funny, now that i've got my problem fixed, i was sitting in class with the girl i couldn't get hard with before and since today was my birthday she was all dressed up sexy for me, and just thinking about what i wanted to do i started getting hard lol.