Double Long Daddy, The Guru
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As many of you know I have been on a huge fitness quest. To date I have lost close to 80lbs. I have not been able to Penis Enlargement like I want and I really have made no gains to speak of (maybe a .25" since my last erect measurement) but where I have gained or should I say lost is in fat pad. As you can see my fat pad is down to almost .5" from the old DLD's fat pad which was over 2", not bad for a few months work:) Sorry bout the flaccid stretched but I am not much on getting erections these days:)
Holy Crap!!!! :O
DLD shaved that dense thicket of pubes!!!

Great pic, man. I'm sure you'll hear the same old crap, but that's about as clear and high quality measured pic as possible.

And btw, that's a fucking ridiculously e-normous cock rofl
Great picture, DLD.

I truely believe this is YOUR real dick.

No fake here - this is the real deal to me - do you plan on getting close to 30cm/11,5-12" soon, DLD :P rofl
Wow o.o *touch* o_o;; Guitar neck :x~

Anyways, could you PM me with what you've done the past 2 months? I'm not overweight.. but I'm only 10 lbs away from it (I'm 6'1" at 170 lbs). I want to lose 25 lbs.. and you seem to have lost that quickly. Also.. my fat pad is .5".. so I'd like to get rid of that. Whe I was 17, i had no fat pad.
Syd Kitten said:
Wow o.o *touch* o_o;; Guitar neck :x~

Anyways, could you PM me with what you've done the past 2 months? I'm not overweight.. but I'm only 10 lbs away from it (I'm 6'1" at 170 lbs). I want to lose 25 lbs.. and you seem to have lost that quickly.

For this, my friend, I am starting a NEW site called Matters of Reduction. I will be charging $49.95 for memberships:D

Just jokes:) I posted my routine somewhere in the fitness forum ?:(
Syd Kitten said:
Wow o.o *touch* o_o;; Guitar neck :x~

Anyways, could you PM me with what you've done the past 2 months? I'm not overweight.. but I'm only 10 lbs away from it (I'm 6'1" at 170 lbs). I want to lose 25 lbs.. and you seem to have lost that quickly. Also.. my fat pad is .5".. so I'd like to get rid of that. Whe I was 17, i had no fat pad.

You've got to be kidding me. Please tell me you're joking. Where did you get the idea that 170 lbs is almost overweight at 6'1"? Why do you want to look like you have an eating disorder (and not the kind that makes you fat)?
Anyway, DLD, that is insane progress! Great work!

I like the new ruler. :D
9cyclops9 said:
You've got to be kidding me. Please tell me you're joking. Where did you get the idea that 170 lbs is almost overweight at 6'1"? Why do you want to look like you have an eating disorder (and not the kind that makes you fat)?

I'm a former anorexic with a size and number complex, actually. Guess it stems from that. I consider anything above 180 overweight for my height.
If I was gay, I guess I'd say "Ouch!". rofl

You look like you can tie that in a knot.

Good work on the weight loss. Congrats.
BTW, are you pushing to the bone on this one or not? Can't tell how you're measuring exactly.

Lookin' good. You're the man!
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Damn, nice work. I've been doing the opposite of you and gaining weight. I've already lost .25 nbp :O) oh well.. im starting to get back into shape. Looking huge as usual man!
DLD, while I am in no way financially tied to these products, I have two exercise courses to recommend to you to help you melt some of that flabola of the old waistola:
Combat Conditioning and Combat Abs, both by Matt Furey at www.mattfurey.com/products

I lost 15 pounds this summer, which is partially due to a good diet and manual labor, but I have to say with all the digging I do, I have eliminated back pain with the ten main exercises outlined in these two courses (in fact I went from chronic back pain to none at all in a couple of days!).

Good luck, man.
That pic is VERY clear.... and unbelievably.... BELIEVABLE..... WOW!!!!

All I can say is.... There is 'HOPenis Enlargement'..... for the smaller guy... no "Matter What Size".... :) DLD, you should post your starting size "RIGHT UNDER THAT PIC"... OH yeah.... LOL For inspiration hang that on your bedpost over night... LOL. My wife said "She would not want to try that on for size!!!"... So, I will have to break her in slowly over the next year or so as I approach the 'end of the ruler.... hehehehe...... OH YEAH...!!!! To Dream The Impossible Dream....!!!.. See, it's not impossible, is it DLD? We have "LIVING PROOF"...
A genuine monster of a cock DLD,good clear pic as well,maybe it will shut some of the doubters up that claim none of the big boys post ruler pics.
prince Albert said:
A genuine monster of a cock DLD,good clear pic as well,maybe it will shut some of the doubters up that claim none of the big boys post ruler pics.

I doubt that, P. A.

A monster of a cock is a good way to describe it--inspiration for us all. Congratulations on your weight loss, DLD. Losing weight and keeping it off is a bigger challenge for me than creating a bigger dick.
I can only repeat what everyone else has already said: a very clear pic that can't leave any room for doubt even in the most skeptical of minds, and some excellent progress with the weight loss as well! :) I am genuinely happy for you man!
MONSTER COCK of DYNAMITE my freind....welldone indeed, firstly for the gains that dreams are made, and secondly for the exellent weight loss.
NO ONE in their RIGHT MIND can say these pix are fake...if they do than it shows how fuckin insecure and S T U P I D they really are.
doublelongdaddy said:
As many of you know I have been on a huge fitness quest. To date I have lost close to 80lbs. I have not been able to Penis Enlargement like I want and I really have made no gains to speak of (maybe a .25" since my last erect measurement) but where I have gained or should I say lost is in fat pad. As you can see my fat pad is down to almost .5" from the old DLD's fat pad which was over 2", not bad for a few months work:) Sorry bout the flaccid stretched but I am not much on getting erections these days:)

So, it is very possible to have 2" of fat pad underneat, even if we are 'bone pressed' it can be a bit illusive of a measurement internally, until some substantial weight loss. DLD, did you know you had a 2" fat pad before you lost this much weight?
dee3186 said:
If your fat pad was that thick wat was your nbp dld before the weight loss.

Don't know, I got so depressed with how fat I was that I stopped measuring it long ago.
God Dam. Thats what im talking about. Look what 4 years of professional Penis Enlargement can do. Its Inspirational. Great Gains and Congrates on the Weight Loss. I just started some TAIBO. Lasted 5 Minutes on the Advanced tape lol.
Thanks People! On the bone pressed erect think, without measuring I would say it has got to be 11, nbp I would think about 10? Not sure as I have not measured these yet, saving that for my final body goal. Girth is still between 6.5 and 6.7 depending on erection, pe, etc.
Nobody will be able to call that pic a fake. On a side note, I cant believe my mouth was open while staring at another mans cock. I feel dirty now. :O <:( rofl
Juggers said:
oh...there are a lot of people who think its fake...idk why I mean look at the friggin pic

There probably will be, but I cant see how.
I personally dont think its fake, but any picture where you cant see the whole cock, ie if a hand is concealing the whole diameter of the shaft for instance, like what is happending in the picture, then a question can be raised.
But if you look at all of dld's pictures you can clearly see that its a monster of a real cock. -- congrats dld, not only on you pe and weight gain, but on your motivational expertise, every time i visit this site, i get re- energised for pe.

cheers m8.
MAN! DLD...How old are you now? and what age did you start your routine?
I wish I can go on peing..I start one day and stop.....then start again like a month....on and off. Never have the patience. Plus when I try the routines I get hard automatically and I'm not even thinking about sex.

Help me out homie
Seriously DLD you totally need to be a adult entertainment star, if only for one movie so everyone will know there's a Mandingo sized white boy out there! :)
bIgjOe said:
Seriously DLD you totally need to be a adult entertainment star, if only for one movie so everyone will know there's a Mandingo sized white boy out there! :)

I'm fixing to crush that brother here in a minute.
Congrats on the smallest fat pad Ive ever seen. Why does this pic give new definition to the phrase "cock and balls?" ?:( :D
Hey DLD you should do a few side erect and flaccid shots... pics so close up and from that angle wont even fit on my screen!!!hahaa

Hey it looks like your over 11 now... are you going to keep going only until you reach 7 inches girth?? or are you going to just keep going and goinggg ! lol
That thing is like club, he could use it in a fight. *DLD pulls down his pants* Other guy : "What are you doing?" ?:( *DLD* "I need to get an erection so I can hit you with it." :D or Star Wars VII - Revenge of the HOG - DLD could star in it and use his 'hog' as a lightsaber. lol
I watched the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words], and if the guy doing the exercises in the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]dvd[/words] is DLD which obviously is then he looks like he is only 6.5 or 7 max. Am i wrong?
Workoutguy10 said:
So, it is very possible to have 2" of fat pad underneat, even if we are 'bone pressed' it can be a bit illusive of a measurement internally, until some substantial weight loss. DLD, did you know you had a 2" fat pad before you lost this much weight?

Hey DLD.. A question above... :)
bigbutts said:
I watched the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]DVD[/words], and if the guy doing the exercises in the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/mosdvd.htm]dvd[/words] is DLD which obviously is then he looks like he is only 6.5 or 7 max. Am i wrong?

Because of his old 2 inches fat pad maybe? :s cmon read the entire thread.
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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