

am I the only guy on this forum that isnt gettin laid,

I havnt had a girl in like 2 years now, wtf..

How the hell do you guys do it, Its not even about pussy for me, I just want a girl to like me, it feels good, I just want a girl period, One i can hold on too.. I try to shrug it off and pull a DMX attitude and think about me not needing anyone but myself, but it doesnt workin the loneliness is eatin me alive, seriously, I used to be carved outta wood, nothing can stop me, and now when I see posts about you guys gettin laid i envy you seriously, i dont care if you have a small dick.. So if your gettin laid dont take that shit for granted becuz im jealous over here. Shit, i used to be carved outta wood, yesterday I broke a few tears watching Man On Fire, seriously.. ah. I'm gettin to emotional.
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wDis, Do you actively go out and meet women? How do you normally get women? After I know what you do. I can help you out from there.
dude, lol Im not the type that just goes out an picks up women, yeah im good lookin, if i had the confidence i could, but I dont just do all that.. I mostly stay home, unless im not workin, the only time I go out is to spend my work money on what clothes or weed, and thats not a social call, I tried being friends with the people I get weed from, and all they do is just mooch off me, like use me, they end up smoking all my weed and wasting all my gas without paying a dime for any of it, and they never ask to chill otherwise. I'm pretty keep to myself my whole life now, I'm not a social body.. I dont have friends thats not how I am, i usually end up fighting them or just completely dissing them by turning my back on them.. I dont care for friends, I just want a girl, I'm being honest, all my girlfriends have come from being interduced, when I did have friends 2 years ago before i moved away..

So the answer is no, and I dont get women.. I get nothing.. and Its not that I dont want friends, its just friends turn they're back on you when least expect it.
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How do you expect to meet women if you don't go to places where they will be?
To get the confidence. I suggest going to a mall or some place, and talk to 5 women. They don't have to be attractive, but it sounds like to me you are bit intimidated to making the first move, or even talking to an attractive women. Make it a habit to just go to the mall, and just talk. I have met some cool people doing that.
alright so thats never gonna happen so lets just forget about me even asking.. Lets just drop this completely now.
wdis3 said:
alright so thats never gonna happen so lets just forget about me even asking.. Lets just drop this completely now.

What is the worst thing that can happen by talking to a woman you don't know?

What is the best thing that can happen by talking to a woman that you don't know?

Its funny how when we do something that makes us feel really uncomfortable the thought of doing it can stop us from even trying, but if you take that step, and say "fuck it I am not going to let a chick intimidate me. " you might get rejected a few times, or even a lot, but eventually you will stop ccaring, and you will be comfortable with talking to women where when the right one comes along you will open for the opportunity.
If you wanna get ur confidence up and you say you already spend money on gas and weed to drive a bunch of fake people around, why not phone up some escort service and get em to bring one to ur house. Ive never done this personally however I probably would in another city. I just go to clubs to meet women.

Im pretty sure after that escort comes over and services your needs you should have more confidence.
wdis3 said:


am I the only guy on this forum that isnt gettin laid,

I havnt had a girl in like 2 years now, wtf..

How the hell do you guys do it, Its not even about pussy for me, I just want a girl to like me, it feels good, I just want a girl period, One i can hold on too.. I try to shrug it off and pull a DMX attitude and think about me not needing anyone but myself, but it doesnt workin the loneliness is eatin me alive, seriously, I used to be carved outta wood, nothing can stop me, and now when I see posts about you guys gettin laid i envy you seriously, i dont care if you have a small dick.. So if your gettin laid dont take that shit for granted becuz im jealous over here. Shit, i used to be carved outta wood, yesterday I broke a few tears watching Man On Fire, seriously.. ah. I'm gettin to emotional.
before you make up your mind about what i am gonna say,just read it through,and "TRY IT",and even though alot of people frown on it,"I SWEAR BY IT"...i GUARANTEE that you will meet NEW women this way.but first MY STORY(i'll keep it as short as possible)
a couple of years ago i had gotten out of a long term relationship that i was just "done with","time to move on" etc.....anyway i had been out of the relationship about 9 mnths,and was growing tired of the bar scene,picking up "loose women" etc. i was gettin plenty of pussy but after a while i just ended up recycling the same women(i was in a small town,and only went to 2 different bars unless somebody was a designated driver)all of these women were "fun" but thats it,no interest in them otherwise.
one day i'm watching tv and there is a news story about being single.had all these statistics about meeting people how long it would take to find a person you were compatible etc....going on their statistics it would take me about 500 years to find i girl i liked and could hang with for any amount of time.
my brother had been fuckin around online for a few years so i asked him about it and decided to try it by "MY RULES"(i will list these below)to make the rest of the story short.i met the greatest woman i have ever known this way(that is a story all its own :) )
when i went into it i was only looking to "MEET NEW GIRLS" thats all.me and my girl always joke about that.i wasnt lookin for a girlfriend,but i found one.
so here are the rules that i guarantee will have you meeting more women than you can handle

#1 when you write about yourself "BE HONEST" this is very important because if you lie it wont take long for her to figure it out when you meet her.especialy if you lie about physical things.
TIP:if you are in "GREAT SHAPenis Enlargement"say that you are in "GOOD SHAPenis Enlargement" ETC. girls(and guys) love it when something turns out to be "BETTER" THAN WHAT THEY WERE EXPenis EnlargementCTING,but they hate it when things are "LESS" THAT WHAT THEY EXPenis EnlargementCTED.
TIP chicks love a sense of humor

#2 go into it with a "I AM NOT GOING TO INITIATE CONTACT" with any girl. let "THEM FIND YOU".this will eliminate any rejection...if they write to you,you have already got past her "SCREENING":)
when you go to a bar a club,dance etc. and you approach a girl and she either starts talking to you,or sends your ego down in a firery crash :)...you have been "screened" and she accepts or rejects you.this way you only the meet the girls that "WANT TO TALK TO YOU"....you never even know the girls that "REJECT YOU" what you dont know wont hurt you.

#3 when girls start writing to you "START OFF SLOW",dont try to get her to come to your apt the first time you talk to her,get her phone number etc.let her "OFFER" these things to you.most chicks will be wary as first,as there are alot pervs out there.

#4 dont try to write to all the girls that write you(it will be overwhelming)i believe that you can pick up a certain amount of chemistry through first contact even though it is by email.concentrate on the ones that you feel some kind of connection with.

#4 "TRY IT",it wont cost you nothing to try it,and you dont have to write to any of the girls if you dont want.but you wont know till you TRY IT. i posted at 4 different sites,and just 2 of them produced over 100 women that "WANTED" TO TALK TO ME(imagine how many rejections i didnt get :) how many nights of going to bar etc do you think it would take me to meet 100 women that "WANTED" TO TALK TO ME?

#5 DONT LISTEN TO YOUR FRIENDS.they will try to give you shit about it(some of mine did) they will say shit like "I WANT TO MEET A "REAL" WOMAN"...none of them say anything to me now:)
you dont even have to tell them

the 2 places you should try(i recomend) are MATCH.COM AND CUPID.COM
those are good places to meet a girl that you could "click" with.
if all you want is sex then try ADULTFRIENDFINDER.COM.....all the chicks i met there were kinda sluty,cheaters or whatever.ok if thats the kinda girl your lookin for
i'm serious man give it a whirl,it could chage your life.....hope this helps....let me know how you make out
Jesus! I wish I caught this thread sooner.

Man, wdis3, I ain't getting laid either. I only got into Penis Enlargement because I'm too awkward around women and it was one hell of an ego booster. I'll try these sites and advice that the guys on here have been saying too, because I need it as much as you do.

My trouble is that I'm a loner; I like being on my own. That doesn't mean I like being single though. I meet girls and leave a decent first impression. Some are even attracted to me. And we talk and stuff...but I always miss my chances because I don't hang around with them and their crowd. I don't go where they go. I'll call them up one day and find out they got a boyfriend or something. It's because I'm not there enough, I'm not making them remember me on a day to day basis.

So my advice would be, get out and keep with the chicks you meet. Don't forget them or move on or do something else. Stick with each one enough until something happens. If I had the guts to do that, I'd probably be a stud by now.
yeah I'm like that too, Its not like I dont want a girl, when it comes to other guys, Im not your buddy your pal or your homie, i do my own thing, I'm not interested in being your friend, I just want the girl, just me and her.. But I've been thinking about it and all, I dont know if I can talk to 5 girls at the mall, but If I see one I like I might try and talk to her, but I'm not good in social siutations, I really just wanna make it short and quick, get the number and bounce, I have a more comfortable ground talking on the phone.

You talk about girls putting you in their little test before you even talk to them, obviously, if they smile, its something good right, and if they stare, thats good too, but if they keep a straight face and walk straight by you, that probably means they arnt interested or have a boyfriend or something..

I think one of my problems is, is about who I am, I mean I am worried more about hitting on a girl who has a boyfriend in the mall waiting somewhere for her, and than we got problems, because if I do get stepped on I'm not just gonna walk away, its not my thing, but I dont want to get any fights..

Another thing Is I'm worried that she'll give me like a wrong number, my sister does that to guys she doesnt like, she just give them a fake number, and I dont wanna end up calling someone's grandma, I can picture myself talking to girls, minus the rejection ofcourse.
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Hey whats up i read ur post and took an interest in it,i myself use to be sorta a ladies man.A couple of years ago i had slipped inot a depression and thought i lost my mojo,but i gained it back.Talking to women is the easy part,getting inside their head is where the real effort is.I heard u saying that u also havent got any pussy in like 2 years and i'm gonna try to give u a couple of suggestions.First and foremost females are very perceptive,any lack in confidence can work for or against u.Some women love the shy guy thing,but most love guys that are comfortable in their own skin.Don't go out looking for ur future wife,instead go out and meet diffrent females and become friends with em.One thing i know about girls is they usually hang in packs so if the one u stepped to isnt trying to give u any ass and is just trying to be ur friend then more than likely she has a friend or 3 that will love the chance to throw some head game at ya.Be urself,show a lil manners,ask em what kind of work do they do are if they're in school.Also ask em what they like to do for fun,if they at anytime say they have a boyfriend tell em that u were just looking to be friends.Woman love that shit,and after u hang out with them for a while they'll either question why u havent tried to push up on them or they will just get real(love aggressive women)aggressive and just rush u.You can go anywhere to meet women.If ur looking for a smart woman go to a library or a book store.The bar scene is also a good place to pick women up,supermarket,laundrymat,the street.Whereever u see a female approach em with a smile and the million dollar swagger and try to be friendly.Trust me man it works.I smoke weed sometimes also and i know how needy a guy can get while under influence.I dont think theres nothing better than lighting up some good green and just going at with a chick for a couple of hrs.Heres a test for you,with no time limit.Go out and try to meet as many females as u can without judgin em by their looks.Every chick has a hot friend,trust me man in no time u will come back and say yo i have to many women that want to get at me in the same day once u get a couple of numbers.I say don't go by looks for the obvious reasons,ur fear of rejection.Plus if she's not all that and says no for whatever reason it dosent mean anything because ur only practicing.LOL would u believe this is how i started.I started by talking to less attractive to ok looking to just super model pretty in no time.Your single and its time for u to run wild man,again just talk to every female u see and in no time u will be rakin em in especially now that the season is changing.Its usually around this time that everyone thats single tries to hook up,its the summer time when everyone loses their mind
Give what i said a chance and come back after ur first day out and let us know how many chicks u talked to and how many numbers u got.

How could i forget find a place that strikes ur interest near a nail or hair salon,nothing but chicks be in there.
OK...I read most of this thread and I have to say...you have a major attitude issue when it comes to women....thats the reason you are not getting any....

It took you a while to get the attitude you have right now, so it will take some time to fix it...there are good resources to get a better more useful attitude when it comes to women and I would definetely recommend double your dating....its based on being cocky and playful with women when you interact with them...not taking it too seriously and tons of other great stuff...basically very helpful with your inner game aka confidence.

And if you always want to fight when you are challenged that is a major sign of insecurity...there are tons of ways to resolve problems and fighting is the last one not the first...

Also, trust me a girl doesn't want to be with a loner...I mean seriously what do you have to offer her...and I'm not even talking about money and shit like that...but if your personality is boring and you don't have any interesting social connections that offer fun things to do why the hell would any attractive, cool, high self-esteem woman want to spend time with you....trust me I've been in slumps before and to get out of a slump you have to change because the world will not change.

And by the way the simplest, easiest way to meet women is through your social circle....become friends with people and hang out with them and you will meet tons of people...also when it comes to friendships and I'm talking about guys now its up to you to make them more solid. What that means is its like give and take...you invite a friend to a party and if they are cool they will reciprocate...or you take a guy friend with you when you are meeting 2 girls and later he'll do the same for you...if they don't give back to you they are losers and not worth becoming friends with anyway...but if you are a man that goes after what he wants you will take that first step and not wait for others....

Sounds like those burnout friends of yours are losers...and I'm no monk but dude I've heard that weed can make you more of a loner and rob you of your drive so obviously the weed isn't helping you out if you don't even have the drive to go out to the mall and talk to girls...your mind is even making excuses..."what if her boyfriend is around the corner with a bat"..hahaha...actually you should be like "what if there is a great woman at the mall right now that would love to meet and fuck a guy like me"...thats the attitude so GO GET IT...

Hope this helps, any questions ask away.
wdis3 said:


am I the only guy on this forum that isnt gettin laid,

I havnt had a girl in like 2 years now, wtf..

How the hell do you guys do it, Its not even about pussy for me, I just want a girl to like me, it feels good, I just want a girl period, One i can hold on too.. I try to shrug it off and pull a DMX attitude and think about me not needing anyone but myself, but it doesnt workin the loneliness is eatin me alive, seriously, I used to be carved outta wood, nothing can stop me, and now when I see posts about you guys gettin laid i envy you seriously, i dont care if you have a small dick.. So if your gettin laid dont take that shit for granted becuz im jealous over here. Shit, i used to be carved outta wood, yesterday I broke a few tears watching Man On Fire, seriously.. ah. I'm gettin to emotional.

WDS3, lets start at the beginning. When you meet a lady you like you have to TREAT like something special. Treat her to dinner buy some wine for her. Do not just expect to get laid right away. Show that you care for her. Buy some flowers, Roses are special for some women. Get dressed up, not just jeans and a T shirt. Have a shave, put some after shave on, smell nice for her, she will reciprocate and smell nice for you.

Most ladies are extremely fond a person who shows that this lady is something special, kiss her on the cheek when you say good night on the first date, or better still shake her hand. On the second night you might try to kiss her on the lips, but do not force yourself onto her. Give her some space to breath make her feel that she is the only girl for you.

Take it easy, and in no time she will give in to your needs, and what do you know your in her panties.
PaloMalo said:
OK...I read most of this thread and I have to say...you have a major attitude issue when it comes to women....thats the reason you are not getting any....

It took you a while to get the attitude you have right now, so it will take some time to fix it...there are good resources to get a better more useful attitude when it comes to women and I would definetely recommend double your dating....its based on being cocky and playful with women when you interact with them...not taking it too seriously and tons of other great stuff...basically very helpful with your inner game aka confidence.

And if you always want to fight when you are challenged that is a major sign of insecurity...there are tons of ways to resolve problems and fighting is the last one not the first...

Also, trust me a girl doesn't want to be with a loner...I mean seriously what do you have to offer her...and I'm not even talking about money and shit like that...but if your personality is boring and you don't have any interesting social connections that offer fun things to do why the hell would any attractive, cool, high self-esteem woman want to spend time with you....trust me I've been in slumps before and to get out of a slump you have to change because the world will not change.

And by the way the simplest, easiest way to meet women is through your social circle....become friends with people and hang out with them and you will meet tons of people...also when it comes to friendships and I'm talking about guys now its up to you to make them more solid. What that means is its like give and take...you invite a friend to a party and if they are cool they will reciprocate...or you take a guy friend with you when you are meeting 2 girls and later he'll do the same for you...if they don't give back to you they are losers and not worth becoming friends with anyway...but if you are a man that goes after what he wants you will take that first step and not wait for others....

Sounds like those burnout friends of yours are losers...and I'm no monk but dude I've heard that weed can make you more of a loner and rob you of your drive so obviously the weed isn't helping you out if you don't even have the drive to go out to the mall and talk to girls...your mind is even making excuses..."what if her boyfriend is around the corner with a bat"..hahaha...actually you should be like "what if there is a great woman at the mall right now that would love to meet and fuck a guy like me"...thats the attitude so GO GET IT...

Hope this helps, any questions ask away.
Everything is cool except for that part were you say who wants to be with a loner..

I'm not a groupee I dont like the guy next to me, okay IM sorry if you dont like my attitude, I dont want to hang out with her stupid friends, I wanna hang out with her. That doesnt make me a boring person.

I shouldnt even made this topic its really stupid, becuz I should of thought about the people who are gonna act like they know from what I said..

The last time I tried of make friends is when I just moved here, I remember it, because I didn't have anyone to get herb from, so I finally found these people, and they're like yeah they can get it for me, so they did, the problem is they wanted to chill with me all the time, and smoke my weed, and waste my gas, and never pay for it, but "they were my friends" you see what I'm sayin, they tried to take advantage of me, and so I didn't exactly like that, and one day we were drivin down the street, and smoking my weed once again, I'm smart, I positioned my mirror to look exactly at this guys hands, and he actually had the nerve to steal from me, and ofcourse they ended up walkin home, and now no one likes me in my town anymore, I'm like public enemy number one, some friends.

Its shit like that I cant take, dis-respect, I will fight for that.. Its not like I want to ever, but its not fair I try to be cool to people, they just a way of getting over on me, and I dont like that.

stupid descion on my part, I shouldnt of done this shit, so I wish DLD would just delete this shit.
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wdis3 said:


am I the only guy on this forum that isnt gettin laid,

I havnt had a girl in like 2 years now, wtf..

How the hell do you guys do it, Its not even about pussy for me, I just want a girl to like me, it feels good, I just want a girl period, One i can hold on too.. I try to shrug it off and pull a DMX attitude and think about me not needing anyone but myself, but it doesnt workin the loneliness is eatin me alive, seriously, I used to be carved outta wood, nothing can stop me, and now when I see posts about you guys gettin laid i envy you seriously, i dont care if you have a small dick.. So if your gettin laid dont take that shit for granted becuz im jealous over here. Shit, i used to be carved outta wood, yesterday I broke a few tears watching Man On Fire, seriously.. ah. I'm gettin to emotional.

You mean you haven't had sex in two years? Or not had a girlfriend in that time? Cause I feel you... I haven't had sex in well if I was a girl and I had been a month pregnant the last time I had sex...my baby is one month old lol Hang in there...it's easier said than done, but when it does happen (when you find someone to spend time with) it will be special and you'll feel it. Like you said don't take it for granted. Anyone. We all fall into that category at some point or another. I'm sick of not getting laid either, but like probably three weeks or so ago I just found myself not caring about anyone like I don't "like" anyone at this point in time so it doesn't matter as much...you gotta look on the bright side and try to go out and have fun...when you do go out don't look to get laid just look to get to know someone new or better
Thank you very much for this

WNT2MORE said:
before you make up your mind about what i am gonna say,just read it through,and "TRY IT",and even though alot of people frown on it,"I SWEAR BY IT"...i GUARANTEE that you will meet NEW women this way.but first MY STORY(i'll keep it as short as possible)
a couple of years ago i had gotten out of a long term relationship that i was just "done with","time to move on" etc.....anyway i had been out of the relationship about 9 mnths,and was growing tired of the bar scene,picking up "loose women" etc. i was gettin plenty of pussy but after a while i just ended up recycling the same women(i was in a small town,and only went to 2 different bars unless somebody was a designated driver)all of these women were "fun" but thats it,no interest in them otherwise.
one day i'm watching tv and there is a news story about being single.had all these statistics about meeting people how long it would take to find a person you were compatible etc....going on their statistics it would take me about 500 years to find i girl i liked and could hang with for any amount of time.
my brother had been fuckin around online for a few years so i asked him about it and decided to try it by "MY RULES"(i will list these below)to make the rest of the story short.i met the greatest woman i have ever known this way(that is a story all its own :) )
when i went into it i was only looking to "MEET NEW GIRLS" thats all.me and my girl always joke about that.i wasnt lookin for a girlfriend,but i found one.
so here are the rules that i guarantee will have you meeting more women than you can handle

#1 when you write about yourself "BE HONEST" this is very important because if you lie it wont take long for her to figure it out when you meet her.especialy if you lie about physical things.
TIP:if you are in "GREAT SHAPenis Enlargement"say that you are in "GOOD SHAPenis Enlargement" ETC. girls(and guys) love it when something turns out to be "BETTER" THAN WHAT THEY WERE EXPenis EnlargementCTING,but they hate it when things are "LESS" THAT WHAT THEY EXPenis EnlargementCTED.
TIP chicks love a sense of humor

#2 go into it with a "I AM NOT GOING TO INITIATE CONTACT" with any girl. let "THEM FIND YOU".this will eliminate any rejection...if they write to you,you have already got past her "SCREENING":)
when you go to a bar a club,dance etc. and you approach a girl and she either starts talking to you,or sends your ego down in a firery crash :)...you have been "screened" and she accepts or rejects you.this way you only the meet the girls that "WANT TO TALK TO YOU"....you never even know the girls that "REJECT YOU" what you dont know wont hurt you.

#3 when girls start writing to you "START OFF SLOW",dont try to get her to come to your apt the first time you talk to her,get her phone number etc.let her "OFFER" these things to you.most chicks will be wary as first,as there are alot pervs out there.

#4 dont try to write to all the girls that write you(it will be overwhelming)i believe that you can pick up a certain amount of chemistry through first contact even though it is by email.concentrate on the ones that you feel some kind of connection with.

#4 "TRY IT",it wont cost you nothing to try it,and you dont have to write to any of the girls if you dont want.but you wont know till you TRY IT. i posted at 4 different sites,and just 2 of them produced over 100 women that "WANTED" TO TALK TO ME(imagine how many rejections i didnt get :) how many nights of going to bar etc do you think it would take me to meet 100 women that "WANTED" TO TALK TO ME?

#5 DONT LISTEN TO YOUR FRIENDS.they will try to give you shit about it(some of mine did) they will say shit like "I WANT TO MEET A "REAL" WOMAN"...none of them say anything to me now:)
you dont even have to tell them

the 2 places you should try(i recomend) are MATCH.COM AND CUPID.COM
those are good places to meet a girl that you could "click" with.
if all you want is sex then try ADULTFRIENDFINDER.COM.....all the chicks i met there were kinda sluty,cheaters or whatever.ok if thats the kinda girl your lookin for
i'm serious man give it a whirl,it could chage your life.....hope this helps....let me know how you make out
Originally posted by PaloMalo
Also, trust me a girl doesn't want to be with a loner...I mean seriously what do you have to offer her...and I'm not even talking about money and shit like that...but if your personality is boring and you don't have any interesting social connections that offer fun things to do why the hell would any attractive, cool, high self-esteem woman want to spend time with you....trust me I've been in slumps before and to get out of a slump you have to change because the world will not change.

Ouch! <:(

I'm thinking you may have misunderstood what I meant by 'loner', but then everybody in the world does so it's no big deal. I'm a loner but I have friends, a lot of friends. What you said here...

but if your personality is boring and you don't have any interesting social connections ...

...reads practically like an insult to me. I'm not an outcast, I don't get rejected by people (except, like i said, by girls when i try and get into their pants). Trust me, there's a big difference. But Jeez man, loner may be one letter away from loser but they're not the same thing. I'd rather you took the piss out of my dick instead.
Sorry, I just wanted to say that. Don't mean anything bad by it. Peace, ok bro? :)

I basically agree with what you said anyway
gosh ya know will dld just delete this shit already, you have my blessing, infact I'm asking for you to delete it..

please o please, any mod, can you hear me!? delete this shit! I am now even stupider of a human being to even post something like this, yikes, what was I thinking..

I agree, no big deal. There's some really good advice on this thread.

I subscribed to that doubleyourdating.com list just for the fuck of it, it's good stuff, but does anyone have that e-book that he's trying to sell?
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Read the advice and download the don juan bible. If you are constantly getting rejected by girls, you are doing something wrong. This will help u find out what. If you have no balls to go up to girls and hit on them, I dont feel sorry for you. there aren't going to jump on your dick unless you're a movie star or have money.
Jeez, I'm moving to Miami!! LOL

Seriously though, I was raised by my mother mostly so I've never really been uncomfortable around women. Dont you have a job?? I'm asking because no matter where I work, my experience has been that it's easy to make female friends at work. I've got a small circle of female friends at the place I currently work, and they think I'm a sweet guy. I've gone out on a couple dates already (and gotten laid) with friends of the friends at work. I dont make it a habit to date women I work with though, dont want drama at work, or uncomfortable situations when shit doesnt work out.
UpgradingUnit said:
"Re: How the fuck do you guys meet girls.."


Yea, that works too. If you go out enough, youre bound to eventually, slip and fall into some pussy. "Ooops!" ;)
Ok heres a really long story
I was pretty much a loner 5 years ago.Most of my friends were dogs, I was getting all hermit like and damn if I could start a conversation with a girl.Dont get me wrong if I went out I could meet new people but always kind of had them at arms length.I was getting lonely.I knew I had to change or I was just wasting a lot of vaulable time I would never get back.I was too busy trying to look hard, and staying in that safety mode of never getting yourself into a position that might embarrass you.
So I started on my quest to change,and as gay as this might sound tried to learn to dance(in private of course).Yeah I was bad but I knew that 80% of guys where I am from hate dancing and 90% of girls love it.So I thought I would start at the clubs and go from there.
!!WARNING!! Ok the next part I wont recommend to anyone as it fucked me over physically and can end up killing you.I just wanted to share the story.
Well anyway after much practice I tried the clubs found it hard in a social situation and then took XTC(once again Im totally against this now).All of a sudden I became really outgoing started to relax and enjoy alot more.The downside was that when I was on it you would shrink to 2inches.Which kind of defeated my original plan.So to cut a long story short I stoped the X worked on the base I had built ended up screwing alot of hot chicks and now have a hot wife and kids.
It was'nt because of the drugs but because I started working on myself trying to improve areas I was lacking in(not the being drug free bit).The worst thing is waiting around doing nothing and thinking something wonderful will just happen to you.If nothing changes nothing changes.New clothes ,bigger dick or new car wont get you shit.You have to change your attitude and comfort levels in social situations.Women usually go for fun ,strong, a little warmth and a bad streak in guys.But drop the tough guy image.If you are not approachable or friendly ,no root for you.Also "your a nice guy" means no root for you.I got labeled with this by a girl I had known for years.She knew I liked her so I got played.So I changed my tact told her she should start dating so and so.Not being as polite. In fact just a few notches above asshole.In the end she kept trying to fuck me.But I said "she was a good friend ,nice even".
i have a great exercise for anyone who wants to gain confidence.

get a good friend, go out to a pub or club or whatever, just some place with lots of people, and have a competition to see who can get rejected the most.

it really works with gaining conifidence, just use every corny pickup line you can think of, drop cheesy winks in and dance like a total wanker.

it's a great exercise to help with confidence, sometimes even a chick will find you funny and wanna pick you up despite you acting like a idiot.
First of all, there are no "secrets" to meeting women. These are just people trying to make money off of you. I'm married, but I had to learn he hard way that you get nothing by being a nice guy. I have a degree in engineering, so I had to be agressive because I wouldn't normally run into women.

Number one, you've gotta love yourself. You can always improve your looks by working out and filling out the frame with a little muscle. Don't work out? Start today!

Number two, develop interests. Get out there and make a goal for yourself to try at least one new thing a week. Women like men who are passionate about things. Go to the golf range. Try scuba diving. Go bowling. Go to he pool hall. Take dance lessons. Get out of the house and do something.

Now just from doing things you like and being in shape, you'll find women talking to you. Now here's the "secret" (if there are any): women will almost NEVER make the first move, no matter how much they love you. I know about women's lib but one thing my gal friends always say is that they will not make the first move. Now, they'll throw out signals, but guys are usually slow to catch signals. Anyway, this leads me to my next point.

YOU have to make the first move! It's the way the game is played. Now here's the thing. You think you're worth something. You workout, you have a life. If you talk to 10 women, one of them will find you interesting. My rule for approaching women was simple: I'd get succsss with volume. No matter what, there is a hot girl out there that will fall head over heels over you. I never tried to pick up girls in clubs or bars. That's a waste of time. The women have their defenses up right from the beginning and their's way too much competition. You know the next time you're at the supermarket and you see that hot chick in produce? Talk to her! And realize that there are more women than men in this world. Women want you more than you want them! Get comfortable with the whole process. Get very good with finding reasons to start up a conversation with a girl. I've had girls tell me no, but we still had an hour conversation. Why keep talking to her after she said no? The point is that you want to get comfortable just seeing a hot girl on the street and talking to them.

Now here's the funny thing. When I was younger, I resented the fact that women expected men to make the first move. They could just sit on their high horse and say, "No, you're not worth my time." You know what, however? It's the greatest thing in the world. I can see any hot woman and approach her. Trust me; I have about a 10 percent chance of getting her. Approach 10 hot women, I'm gonna get one of them! This is how I got my 6' ex and how I got my wife. Guess what you'll get if you don't take a chance? Nothing! Don't leave meeting women up to chance.

Women on the other hand are even more afraid to approach men because they have no practice (society tells them that this is the man's job) and don't want to be rejected the way they've stomped on some poor guy's confidence. Quite frankly, men don't expect women to make the first move. I've had a very tall (maybe 6'2"), leggy woman approach me (before I was married) when I was buying food at the supermarket. She was very good at starting the conversation. I remember because I had 15 cans of tunafish! Hey, builds the muscles! Anyway, so she starts off with that. In the end, she says to me, "Well I hope to see you here again." Of course, if I had a brain I would have said, "Well how about we go out for drinks later on. My phone number is..." Instead, I said to her, "Yeah, me too!!!" I get in my car and play back the whole exchange, then slap myself in the head. I go back there for a week but never see her. The point is, women AND MEN don't expect women to make the first move.

So they send the signals and wait. And wait. And WAIT!!! Once, a female co-worker said to me, "How do I get a guy to like me?" I told her that all that a woman can do is let it be known that if he approaches, he won't be rejected. The point is that the grass isn't greener on the other side. Anyway, enough rambling. Go out there and find that girl. Or girls! :-)
And you don't have to be anything special to pick up either. I've seen some complete bums with awesome looking girls, and they don't even have money. On the other hand, most girls I know say I look better than most guys, but still I have a harder time picking up than most guys. Even trying, I still get rejected alot. So don't think that you have to be Donald Trump or on the cover of GQ to pick up, it's all about attitude. There's been alot of good replies on this thread about that.
THese two things are good starting points:

# Make as many women friends as possible, especially unattractive ones. They always have hot friends and if you don't already know, a woman's opinion of you will be greatly effected by what their friends say. Make friends with her and friends and you'll be in there like swimwear :)
# SMILE. Remember to smile constantly, while your talking, while your observing, while your doing just about anything. I can not stress this rule enough, smiling is the most powerful weapon in any player's arsenel. It let's the women know that your probably a fun guy to be around and someone they would like to know or be involved with. This single rule alone can improve your success with women by over 100%, use it wisely.
Your little tough front isn't fooling anyone..Ur acting like "I don't want to meet new ppl anyways, last time I had to meet sumone blah blha blha".... YOU HAVE TO PUT ASIDE ALL THAT SHIT AND PUT A SMILE ON. No girl wants to be with some guy who doesn't want friends just wants to be alone with a girl.....Girls want a guy with confidence and excitement... at least at first. Once u have a strong connection with a girl and she's had awesome memories THEN u can just chill with her alone and have a good time.. but if u don't prove to her that u can also have fun.. they don't want to just sit with sumone who complains about ppl stealing weed and not having friends..... You obviously don't understand the post about talking to girls at the mall.. because its a GREAT idea...... it doesn't matter if they're not hot.. u said somthing like "maybe i'll try talking to girls at the mall.. but uhh only if they're hot".... with that mind set.. nothing will happen cuz everytime you see a hot girl at the mall your mind with think of excuses to try the next one.. or just she isn't ur type or somthing.. by talking to the ugly girls its easier.. then once u see a hot one you will be 10x more comfortable and it will be easy.. plus the ugly girls got connects...... Lighten up on the world, don't have such a dark tough guy loner attitude.. get out there and just TALK to ppl.. u don't have to be the best.. alll u need to be is a nice, and just by talking and being nice u'll find a lot of new PPL
I was in a relationship for 12 yrs, so when we broke up 3yrs ago I really thought I was gonna have problems meeting chicks too. I'll tell you what, it was easier than I thought. The only advice I can give to you is be yourself and be confident. It may sound stupid but women really dig sincerity and being confident, not cocky butsure of yourself. You dont have to be the best looking guy ,but you do have to believe in yourself. If you dont, knowbody else will.
Confidence is key, you can't fear women...are you scared of pussy? If you answered no then why can't you talk to them? Do you turn into a blubbering idiot who doesn't know what to say? That's cuz you're intimidated, get use to just talking to girls and not trying to pick them up. Then move onto hitting on them with subtle hints....sometime's just outright hit on them with something outlandish just to get their attention. I was kinda confued about the opposite sex, but I'm realizing they're much easier to approach if you believe in yourself and show that. Be confident you are a man, you have a penis, women want penis, well most of them do....use it to your advantage. Don't try to hard and don't press on, I use to sweat girls and I was trying too hard, now I just don't give a f*ck and they're on me like whoa! I feel like a million dollars and my confidence is steadily increasing, I feel like I could mack to a movie star and make them feel like they need me..][D ][ ][\/]] [][D. I'm a good looking guy, but I never really had confidence, now that I believe in myself it's hard not to talk to girls. It's also good to come up with some funny shit, some generic one liners that will get them laughing, this way you don't always have to think on your toes. Just have fun and show it, if they blow you off f*ck it at least you tried, Next! If you don't know how to fail how can you succeed?

Go to club, dance with girl, grind up on her with new found enlarged penis, whisper sex talk in her ear while caressing her moving body...Done. Yeah I was at the club tonight...and it's GOOOOOOOoooooD!
I think most guys make meeting women much harder than it really is....First, put yourself where women will be; malls, video rental stores, book stores, gyms, coffee bars/stands, etc, etc. And when the opportunity presents itself to simply start "small talk" about a book, a movie, the best coffee, or whatever start chatting! Then, when the time arrives say something like "you know, I've really enjoyed talking to you....would you like to go grab a cup of coffee or something and talk some more?" or...."is there a number I could reach you at and maybe we could go out for coffee sometime?"

I have used the "small talk" approach before with great success! To women it doesn't seem intrusive or that they're being "hit on" and it shows great confidence on your part.
Nice thread, i think i ll throw some stuff here. It's about being cool calm and colected all the time .. what that means, means being relaxed, simple as that so your brain can work properly. You can t mean women or any other human while having a pressure that you want something from them, hence the fear of rejection. Her is some stuff to build up your coolness

-I find out about Penis Enlargement and have or will have bigger dick, that puts me in like 5&#37; of lucky guys on this planet .. so im cool
-i have a hobbie and find cool soultions every day.. so im successful
-my body has a (fill in) cool tatto, sexy unique marks of some kind, nice legs, best hands man can have, cool haircut, .. so im unique and special
... you can find out millions stuff like this about yourself if you keep looking
Note before we move on to execute target without fear or emotion, write some openers and discussion topic you would like talk to with girl, or maybe some stuff you need femail opinion on .. just write all that shit and pic what is most comfortable for YOU
Now go for kill, no jokes. no emotions.. approaching a single girl on street, point blank, straight up ... Use this stuff http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=49196
wdis3;112638 said:


am I the only guy on this forum that isnt gettin laid,

I havnt had a girl in like 2 years now, wtf..

How the hell do you guys do it, Its not even about pussy for me, I just want a girl to like me, it feels good, I just want a girl period, One i can hold on too.. I try to shrug it off and pull a DMX attitude and think about me not needing anyone but myself, but it doesnt workin the loneliness is eatin me alive, seriously, I used to be carved outta wood, nothing can stop me, and now when I see posts about you guys gettin laid i envy you seriously, i dont care if you have a small dick.. So if your gettin laid dont take that shit for granted becuz im jealous over here. Shit, i used to be carved outta wood, yesterday I broke a few tears watching Man On Fire, seriously.. ah. I'm gettin to emotional.

a big dick doesn't equal sex,but I'm sure you already know that .

Women always comment on my wit ,sense of humor,eyes and body.

So maybe working out,and working on your sense of hurmor will do the trick.
You should try the modern approach of using social networking sites like MYSPACE and Facebook. Yeah, I know they can be a pain, but I know ugly dudes that meet alot of hot chicks that way.
wdis3;112638 said:


am I the only guy on this forum that isnt gettin laid,

I havnt had a girl in like 2 years now, wtf..

How the hell do you guys do it, Its not even about pussy for me, I just want a girl to like me, it feels good, I just want a girl period, One i can hold on too.. I try to shrug it off and pull a DMX attitude and think about me not needing anyone but myself, but it doesnt workin the loneliness is eatin me alive, seriously, I used to be carved outta wood, nothing can stop me, and now when I see posts about you guys gettin laid i envy you seriously, i dont care if you have a small dick.. So if your gettin laid dont take that shit for granted becuz im jealous over here. Shit, i used to be carved outta wood, yesterday I broke a few tears watching Man On Fire, seriously.. ah. I'm gettin to emotional.
wdis3;112638 said:


am I the only guy on this forum that isnt gettin laid,

I havnt had a girl in like 2 years now, wtf..

How the hell do you guys do it, Its not even about pussy for me, I just want a girl to like me, it feels good, I just want a girl period, One i can hold on too.. I try to shrug it off and pull a DMX attitude and think about me not needing anyone but myself, but it doesnt workin the loneliness is eatin me alive, seriously, I used to be carved outta wood, nothing can stop me, and now when I see posts about you guys gettin laid i envy you seriously, i dont care if you have a small dick.. So if your gettin laid dont take that shit for granted becuz im jealous over here. Shit, i used to be carved outta wood, yesterday I broke a few tears watching Man On Fire, seriously.. ah. I'm gettin to emotional.
Well, I haven't gotten laid for a while, too, but now I'm starting to study Pickup Artist material and I hope it will help me.
Anybody can get laid, the thing is, we don't wanna change ourselves. See, here in my environment there is an almost 100% sure method to get a chick if you are a boy: straighten your hair, be skinny as hell, have a piercing in your nose/lip/ear, act cocky when in fact you do everything that your pussy wants you to do, have a facebook account with "emo-like" pictures of you in the bathroom while trying to make an interesting and masculine appearance. Then you have to ask yourself: Are the chicks nowadays REALLY interested in men, or do they prefer little dogs that they can push around and piss on them whenever they like? Don't wanna generalize this, it's probably different elsewhere, I'm just talking from what I see here. My advice for anybody having issues getting laid is, do your thing and be a man, don't worry about the girls. And if you are very sad, like extremely sad because you haven't fucked for a while... hell, go to a bitch, why do you think they exist? :)
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