before you make up your mind about what i am gonna say,just read it through,and "TRY IT",and even though alot of people frown on it,"I SWEAR BY IT"...i GUARANTEE that you will meet NEW women this way.but first MY STORY(i'll keep it as short as possible)
a couple of years ago i had gotten out of a long term relationship that i was just "done with","time to move on" etc.....anyway i had been out of the relationship about 9 mnths,and was growing tired of the bar scene,picking up "loose women" etc. i was gettin plenty of pussy but after a while i just ended up recycling the same women(i was in a small town,and only went to 2 different bars unless somebody was a designated driver)all of these women were "fun" but thats it,no interest in them otherwise.
one day i'm watching tv and there is a news story about being single.had all these statistics about meeting people how long it would take to find a person you were compatible etc....going on their statistics it would take me about 500 years to find i girl i liked and could hang with for any amount of time.
my brother had been fuckin around online for a few years so i asked him about it and decided to try it by "MY RULES"(i will list these below)to make the rest of the story short.i met the greatest woman i have ever known this way(that is a story all its own

when i went into it i was only looking to "MEET NEW GIRLS" thats all.me and my girl always joke about that.i wasnt lookin for a girlfriend,but i found one.
so here are the rules that i guarantee will have you meeting more women than you can handle
#1 when you write about yourself "BE HONEST" this is very important because if you lie it wont take long for her to figure it out when you meet her.especialy if you lie about physical things.
TIP:if you are in "GREAT SHAPenis Enlargement"say that you are in "GOOD SHAPenis Enlargement" ETC. girls(and guys) love it when something turns out to be "BETTER" THAN WHAT THEY WERE EXPenis EnlargementCTING,but they hate it when things are "LESS" THAT WHAT THEY EXPenis EnlargementCTED.
TIP chicks love a sense of humor
#2 go into it with a "I AM NOT GOING TO INITIATE CONTACT" with any girl. let "THEM FIND YOU".this will eliminate any rejection...if they write to you,you have already got past her "SCREENING"

when you go to a bar a club,dance etc. and you approach a girl and she either starts talking to you,or sends your ego down in a firery crash

...you have been "screened" and she accepts or rejects you.this way you only the meet the girls that "WANT TO TALK TO YOU"....you never even know the girls that "REJECT YOU" what you dont know wont hurt you.
#3 when girls start writing to you "START OFF SLOW",dont try to get her to come to your apt the first time you talk to her,get her phone number etc.let her "OFFER" these things to you.most chicks will be wary as first,as there are alot pervs out there.
#4 dont try to write to all the girls that write you(it will be overwhelming)i believe that you can pick up a certain amount of chemistry through first contact even though it is by email.concentrate on the ones that you feel some kind of connection with.
#4 "TRY IT",it wont cost you nothing to try it,and you dont have to write to any of the girls if you dont want.but you wont know till you TRY IT. i posted at 4 different sites,and just 2 of them produced over 100 women that "WANTED" TO TALK TO ME(imagine how many rejections i didnt get

how many nights of going to bar etc do you think it would take me to meet 100 women that "WANTED" TO TALK TO ME?
#5 DONT LISTEN TO YOUR FRIENDS.they will try to give you shit about it(some of mine did) they will say shit like "I WANT TO MEET A "REAL" WOMAN"...none of them say anything to me now

you dont even have to tell them
the 2 places you should try(i recomend) are MATCH.COM AND CUPID.COM
those are good places to meet a girl that you could "click" with.
if all you want is sex then try ADULTFRIENDFINDER.COM.....all the chicks i met there were kinda sluty,cheaters or whatever.ok if thats the kinda girl your lookin for
i'm serious man give it a whirl,it could chage your life.....hope this helps....let me know how you make out