Hobbies & music keep my from stressing out. And the simple fact I know stress is a silent killer stops me from stressing the little shit life throws my way.

Do you have something you enjoy or have a interest in?
Drd13;389469 said:

Yup. After I work all day, get through all the stresses, the bad, the good, whatever a nice smoke makes it all worth it. Weed is not for everyone, it needs to be done with responsibility.
Exercise. This will release chemicals that exist naturally in your body that make you feel less stressed or depressed.
I never really got depressed... got righteously bummed the fuck out a few times in my life when some really, truly traumatic fucked up shit happened. Things that any human being would get distressed about; death of friends and close relatives. Ex-wife losin' her mind and walkin' out on her own kids, car-wreck that broke my back. Shit like that. But I always tried to remember a quote that I heard was attributed to the 101st Airborne, "Pain is inevitable, suffering discretionary".

Keep in mind that, simply, shit'll happen in life; celebrate the victories, deal with the pain. Just keep rolling, as long as you've got a destination you've always got somewhere to go.

As far as stress one of the best and most productive outlets for me was martial arts and a damn good heavy bag workout. A coupla hours in the gym and some blazingly sore muscles afterwards would erase every bit of stress and hostility for me for days. Good natural high too!
Listen to music that is atleast 160 beats per minute plus. Somewhere between 160 - 180. It releases serotonin in the body. This will lift your mood. The first memory of being safe and happy, usually, is when you're in your mothers womb. You become accustomed to her moods and feelings, via her beat rate of her heart. When she was happy, relaxed, her heart must have been beating at between 160 - 180 beats per minutes. When she was excited, it would have been between 180 - to about 200, maybe 210 BPM. When she was stressed, it would be at 220+.

If you are depressed, replicate that. Easiest way is to have a few songs on an MP3 player or an ipod that is between 160 - 180.

The other thing that works is chocolate. It also releases serotonin.

Think positive, be positive. Everything in life happens for some bloody reason. How you perceive, or feel about anything is entirely your choice my friend.
Get fresh air, sun light. Take a 30 min walk 5-7 days a week and you will soon start looking forward to your walk. Go twice a day sometimes.

Cook, bbq, bake, chop, saute, marinate, boil, dice, slice, eat gooood.

read a book.

rent a couple movies.

video games......
stillwantmore2;389499 said:
Life weights, shoot guns.

Man after my own heart. Nothing like popping off some rounds to relive some stress.

That and music. People look at me like I'm crazy because I'll listen to some loud shit, but it kind of relaxes me. Odd, I know.
Kid, I don't know where in hell you got these figures from but, as a wise man once said: they couldn't be more wronger. Resting average heart rate should be 60-80 BPM, extremely fit well trained athletes can go as low as 35-40 BPM. Much higher than 80 and you need to start thinking about what's intrinsically/systemically wrong with your health. 160-180 is a target heart rate for vigorous exercise in healthy adults 40-60 years old.
180-200 BPM and you're edging into arrhytmia territory for anyone much over 40 or so, or engaging in anaerobic "interval" type training. And 210 plus is call 911 and get ready for the defibrillator. Not recommended for long term health..or life.

A good rule of thumb is subtract your age from 220 and THAT is your target heart rate during vigorous exercise. Or, more simply, for aerobic fitness don't exercise above a level in which you cannot hold a conversation while performing the exercise.

jseses;389560 said:
Listen to music that is atleast 160 beats per minute plus. Somewhere between 160 - 180. It releases serotonin in the body. This will lift your mood. The first memory of being safe and happy, usually, is when you're in your mothers womb. You become accustomed to her moods and feelings, via her beat rate of her heart. When she was happy, relaxed, her heart must have been beating at between 160 - 180 beats per minutes. When she was excited, it would have been between 180 - to about 200, maybe 210 BPM. When she was stressed, it would be at 220+.

If you are depressed, replicate that. Easiest way is to have a few songs on an MP3 player or an ipod that is between 160 - 180.

The other thing that works is chocolate. It also releases serotonin.

Think positive, be positive. Everything in life happens for some bloody reason. How you perceive, or feel about anything is entirely your choice my friend.
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keepingitbig;389578 said:
Wish that were possible, wish it were...

Hey, I have banged more chicks in the back of my tour bus than I could possible remember. It seems as if each one is hotter than the last to me!
dashdeming;389625 said:
hey, i have banged more chicks in the back of my tour bus than i could possible remember. It seems as if each one is hotter than the last to me!

jseses;389560 said:
Listen to music that is atleast 160 beats per minute plus. Somewhere between 160 - 180. It releases serotonin in the body. This will lift your mood. The first memory of being safe and happy, usually, is when you're in your mothers womb. You become accustomed to her moods and feelings, via her beat rate of her heart. When she was happy, relaxed, her heart must have been beating at between 160 - 180 beats per minutes. When she was excited, it would have been between 180 - to about 200, maybe 210 BPM. When she was stressed, it would be at 220+.

If you are depressed, replicate that. Easiest way is to have a few songs on an MP3 player or an ipod that is between 160 - 180.

The other thing that works is chocolate. It also releases serotonin.

Think positive, be positive. Everything in life happens for some bloody reason. How you perceive, or feel about anything is entirely your choice my friend.

I was thinking he meant listening to either really fast techno music or really slow meditative music. Either way good points.

Techno is really good to workout to in my onion garlic.
keepingitbig;389450 said:
I want to know a non-medicated way of dealing with stress. I could google it, but I want to hear everyone's opinion on it.

I agree with both Girth Hammer and laocoon on this one. My favourite is excersise and I suspect most doctors would agree, mine certainly does. I have been really stressed out before and realised it's because I have had nothing in life I personally take pleasure from. Having something you enjoy doing and making time for it are essential to keep stress away.

Oh, and weed....yes
beer, yes, good too
sex with hot groupies should be available to all men on prescription!! (not that I've enjoyed that pleasure myself)
MAXAMEYES;389615 said:
Kid, I don't know where in hell you got these figures from but, as a wise man once said: they couldn't be more wronger. Resting average heart rate should be 60-80 BPM, extremely fit well trained athletes can go as low as 35-40 BPM. Much higher than 80 and you need to start thinking about what's intrinsically/systemically wrong with your health. 160-180 is a target heart rate for vigorous exercise in healthy adults 40-60 years old.
180-200 BPM and you're edging into arrhytmia territory for anyone much over 40 or so, or engaging in anaerobic "interval" type training. And 210 plus is call 911 and get ready for the defibrillator. Not recommended for long term health..or life.

A good rule of thumb is subtract your age from 220 and THAT is your target heart rate during vigorous exercise. Or, more simply, for aerobic fitness don't exercise above a level in which you cannot hold a conversation while performing the exercise.

Very good truthful advice.
I have suffered from stress/anxiety for most of my early adult life - I have learned to cope from understanding and spotting the warning signs - I use a combination of CV and weights work (I run 5 miles every other day - my resting heartbeat is now 50-53 bpm), positive thinking - especially compartmentalising my thoughts and life, and remembering that every decision is a trade. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff and when you take a step back - most things really arent important - remember we are all shadows and dust
for me, masturbating less...excersizeing more, and eating right works wonders....my father and brother are bipolar...i have never been diagosed :) but i DO get depressed
Alot of the stuff seems to be a quick fix. Something like lifting offers a great felling afterwards. And you can focus on the gains you make over time and you will fell great watching your progress.
Stress and depression are manifestations of your mind. Anything of the mind can be controlled. When a stress/depression stimuli comes along, the first thing I so is to get my mind around it and decide my reaction to said stimuli. From that point on, I decide when I want to devote mental energy to said stimuli. When you dictate the terms of engagement with any conflict you are over halfway to the solution.
I would highly suggest reading "Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World" by Mark Williams.

I've got a friend who suffers from severe depression (once almost killed himself!) who has used self therapy techniques like 'finger tapping'. Also try getting away from the city and technology once in a while - a bit of time in the sticks, with the natural environment, walking etc can really help to clear your mind and give you some contentment and peace.

Hope I've been of some help.
My suggestions on depression, stress, and the like is to become involved with with spiritual texts. A good place to start is with Abraham Hicks, you can find many of their videos on Youtube. They are hard to take at first as happiness to us miserable guys seems fake. Eventually what she is saying will stick and you will find it hard to feel bad. Please, check Abraham Hicks out.
Churchill;433098 said:
Stress and depression are manifestations of your mind. Anything of the mind can be controlled. When a stress/depression stimuli comes along, the first thing I so is to get my mind around it and decide my reaction to said stimuli. From that point on, I decide when I want to devote mental energy to said stimuli. When you dictate the terms of engagement with any conflict you are over halfway to the solution.

Correct but MUCH easier said then done and depends on how strong the sensation is to that person. I have had stress, anxiety and depression for years and years now. Without going into details here and now it has been a mind fuck but I have managed to stagger along in life. Sometimes excellent and sometimes to the depths beyond. Anxiety is a VERY strong emotion ... one of our most earliest most natural instincts for survival ... to flee from danger, to keep going and to survive. We as humans dont need to run away from Sabre tooth tigers now but instead we have modern problems to deal with, so is how the stress, anxiety which all lead into depression come around.

Knowing what triggers it is one thing. Deal with that. Knowing the sensations when this trigger starts is another, that can be delt with. Then knowing the methods to control these is the next step. Avoiding the situation is not the answer in the long run to combat it. It can take years to fully recover depending on the severity and I myself have good days and very bad days. Some days I feel not far from just slapping myself across the face with frustration, while other days I want to do an Irish jig half nude in the garden.
Very good discussion. If we are not here to get bigger we are here to fix our heads:) or both.
When I get stressed nothings better then playing with my dog or reptiles. They always help my stress out. Or smoke a bong load or get drunk, but thats when I am beyond stressed out
Mostly when i get stressed i want to live my self alone and do not want to talk with any body and also do not want to eat any thing but i try my best to get out soon from my stress and be a happy person as like before.
I try to do a lot of things and keep variety in my life. Buying and cooking new foods, reading books, keeping track of news, intense jogging every other day, and now I have Penis Enlargement. I don't get to spend that much time with people but when I do I try to open up as much as possible, it used to be hard for me to do this but once I opened up it has made me feel a lot better.
Kraken;482711 said:
Music and I like to tinker with stuff both mechanical and electronic.
But if all else fails: http://dulemba.com/Blogstuff/2010/BangHeadHere-big.jpg


That is a good point! When depression sets in for me, which is always right on seasonal schedule, I find that getting involved with long, in depth projects keeps me out of my crap the most. It is so easy to give in and let the depression become dominant but with some shift of attention things can play out much different.
I get out of myself by reaching out to my friends and relatives. I get out of the house. I go to the gym
to do my lap swimming. If I can't make it to the gym, I go to my basement to do my walking. I reach
for the phone and call someone to talk out what is bothering me.

If it's deep winter, I, like DLD, am suffering from SAD--soooo, I turn on my light box and
sit in front of it for at least a half hour once to twice a day.

Sometimes, I just have a good cry.
Stress is nothing. It is the thinking of our own mind. We can deal easily with stress by these tools.
Revend;496332 said:
Stress is nothing. It is the thinking of our own mind. We can deal easily with stress by these tools.

Short and sweet.

I am dealing with major depression and trying to find a Dr. but they are hard to come by. I am basically a self-loathing recluse at the moment. Some people on the planet I'd like to meet and duel them. Close minded individuals who project a trolling type of sarcasm and close-minded, unintelligent morale, have a high propinquity with my depictions of a devastatingly atrocious and lupine burlesque.
sizerp;496413 said:

I am dealing with major depression and trying to find a Dr. but they are hard to come by. I am basically a self-loathing recluse at the moment. Some people on the planet I'd like to meet and duel them. Close minded individuals who project a trolling type of sarcasm and close-minded, unintelligent morale, have a high propinquity with my depictions of a devastatingly atrocious and lupine burlesque.

Doctors, for the most part, become an intellectual competition after they start to dig into my psyche. In most cases, the way my mind works is far different than what they are used to. My particular disabilities are considered crippling by most of the profession, I do the best I can with it. My way of dealing with these issues also goes completely ignored in most clinical situations. We can pick and choose a disability I may have but in all cases my perspective on and way of dealing with the issues are far different than the way the medical profession deal with it. With my Bi-Polar disorder I personally would rather suffer through depression 9 months out of the year so I can enjoy the 3 months of joy that mania brings. What society needs to understand is the actual internal perspective of the one afflicted, for the 3 months I am happy, I am in Heaven...Penis EnlargementRIOD! The 3 months I spend in the state of mania is where so much of my creativity comes from. As a matter of fact, there has been times I have created exercises while in the hospital psyche ward:) which is something lupine to a burlesque locked unit:)
doublelongdaddy;496530 said:
Doctors, for the most part, become an intellectual competition after they start to dig into my psyche. In most cases, the way my mind works is far different than what they are used to. My particular disabilities are considered crippling by most of the profession, I do the best I can with it. My way of dealing with these issues also goes completely ignored in most clinical situations. We can pick and choose a disability I may have but in all cases my perspective on and way of dealing with the issues are far different than the way the medical profession deal with it. With my Bi-Polar disorder I personally would rather suffer through depression 9 months out of the year so I can enjoy the 3 months of joy that mania brings. What society needs to understand is the actual internal perspective of the one afflicted, for the 3 months I am happy, I am in Heaven...Penis EnlargementRIOD! The 3 months I spend in the state of mania is where so much of my creativity comes from. As a matter of fact, there has been times I have created exercises while in the hospital psyche ward:) which is something lupine to a burlesque locked unit:)

I guess I can relate. It's tough to support yourself and life's basic modalities when you're down for the count months-on-end, not to mention having someone to support you through it all in an unconditional way. In a way it seems easier to just end-it-all.
sizerp;496550 said:
In a way it seems easier to just end-it-all.

It is always easier to give up but we are not built like that:) God only gives us as much as we can carry and we have to trust in our ability to remain faithful. For me, the 3 months of spiritual ecstasy is worth it.
I keep my self busy in different work like music,exercise,play some games.I try don't be idle myself and keep thinking positive and which makes me feel better or happy.
Kaanman;599931 said:
Mate since I started BJJ (Jiu Jitsu) stress and depression have been non existent. It also amazing for your confidence.

Yeah, YOGA helps me big time but the problem is when I feel depressed I don't have the energy to do it....catch 22 I guess. I am hoping with all my heart the cooler weather dispels this depression.