You could also do a Fullbody workout 2-3 times a week. i gained almost 10 lbs of lean muscle a dropped fat in fist month on this. Splits r more for steriod users. but it all depends on the person too.
To start i did one set for 2 weeks, then worked my way up to 2. never tried 3(got good enough result so far with 2). on 1 set days you MUST make sure u got to complete failure on the set. 2 set days i only did the second set to failure using the same
weight i started with, so the first set was a little light but the second was hard to finish with the same
weight. 1 set day took me like 25 min - 30 min and 2 set days(keeping rest periods honest) about 45 - 60 min.
1-2 warm up sets with light
a1 Squats 1-3 x 10-12
a2 Stiff leg dead lifts 1-3 x 10-12
b1 Bentover bb row 1-3 x 10-12
b2 Beach flat or incline 1-3 x 10-12
c1 Reverse grip chin ups 1-3 to failure
c2 Upright Dip 1-3 to failure
Calves (single leg) drop set 1x20 then finish of with body
Abs What ever you want (but abs r realll made in the kitchen)
i do exercise in super set fashion (eg squats then SLDL with out resting) i rest 30sec - 1min between sets and 1min between each group(a's b's and c's). i also change the order of the workout. (I start with legs on mon, and chest back on wed. etc).
I do this because after legs im usually starting to run out of energy and i might not feel to energized to do chest back. then wed. when i start with chest back im fresh. Always do my dips and chins right after chest back. And ill do calves and abs to start workout occasionally to.
I also change things up a lil and Super set chest with dips. It finishes of my chest and works my tri's and same with rows and chins(rev grip or overhand wide grip) And once in a while ill substitute dip and chins with Skull crusher and curls. although im told your arms get enough stimulation already on this routine (and they do) but once and awhile i wont hurt.
Alway make sure to ethier add
weight each week, or do and extra 1 or 2 rep or you can even do the same
weight and reps but finish the workout in less time.
I strongly urge you to try it out, IT WORKS but