I like parts of the program, but don't follow it to a T. The training is way overtraining unless you're incredibly gifted or on roids. The diet leaves out FAT, which is a big NO-NO for fatloss or muscle gain. I don't like cycling like he describes, I think you should stick to two sets and let moving up in poundages be the increase in intensity. When you hit a plateau in poundage, increase the sets by one and/or reduce rest time between sets.
Wow thats some pretty big rep ranges i.e. 7-10. I usually do what Goldmember suggested. As of late I have changed my rep range every two weeks kinda like HST. I started at 15, then 12, then 10 and now I'm on 8. After next week I'll do another cycle that closely resembles Max-OT for strength and density, all while lifting slow to speed up definition.
I've never heard of this, but it seems pretty good and honest...I myself am not a big fan of steroids or some supplements anymore (minus the "whole food" supplements) so I like the sales copy and I might just buy it...

I personally cant reccomend enough the following resources:

Infinate Intensity and Never Gymless... Pretty much the best training books I've ever come across... You'll learn how to build ferocious strength and explosiveness... You wont just be a puffed up bodybuilder but instead you'll learn how to build that shredded and explosive look that when people look at you they know you have a certain level of elite athleticism...


Anything by Pavel Tsatsouline, you always know you're getting what you pay for and more:


As far as nutrition goes...anything old-school: Organic foods, no soy, alkalyne body ph, fresh and non-processed meats, vegetables, fruits and grains...even a complete body detoxification program... Pretty much anything Jesus would eat...lol...

Heres another program I came across that might be pretty good also...although I haven't purchased it:

You could also do a Fullbody workout 2-3 times a week. i gained almost 10 lbs of lean muscle a dropped fat in fist month on this. Splits r more for steriod users. but it all depends on the person too.

To start i did one set for 2 weeks, then worked my way up to 2. never tried 3(got good enough result so far with 2). on 1 set days you MUST make sure u got to complete failure on the set. 2 set days i only did the second set to failure using the same weight i started with, so the first set was a little light but the second was hard to finish with the same weight. 1 set day took me like 25 min - 30 min and 2 set days(keeping rest periods honest) about 45 - 60 min.

1-2 warm up sets with light weight

a1 Squats 1-3 x 10-12
a2 Stiff leg dead lifts 1-3 x 10-12

b1 Bentover bb row 1-3 x 10-12
b2 Beach flat or incline 1-3 x 10-12

c1 Reverse grip chin ups 1-3 to failure
c2 Upright Dip 1-3 to failure

Calves (single leg) drop set 1x20 then finish of with body weight

Abs What ever you want (but abs r realll made in the kitchen)

i do exercise in super set fashion (eg squats then SLDL with out resting) i rest 30sec - 1min between sets and 1min between each group(a's b's and c's). i also change the order of the workout. (I start with legs on mon, and chest back on wed. etc).
I do this because after legs im usually starting to run out of energy and i might not feel to energized to do chest back. then wed. when i start with chest back im fresh. Always do my dips and chins right after chest back. And ill do calves and abs to start workout occasionally to.

I also change things up a lil and Super set chest with dips. It finishes of my chest and works my tri's and same with rows and chins(rev grip or overhand wide grip) And once in a while ill substitute dip and chins with Skull crusher and curls. although im told your arms get enough stimulation already on this routine (and they do) but once and awhile i wont hurt.

Alway make sure to ethier add weight each week, or do and extra 1 or 2 rep or you can even do the same weight and reps but finish the workout in less time.

I strongly urge you to try it out, IT WORKS but YOU HAVE TO EAT LIKE AN ANIMAL TOO!!!!!!!
Loveboat;279768 said:
Splits r more for steriod users. but it all depends on the person too.

Not necessarily. The routine I've been doing is split but I lift heavy (4-6 reps on most lifts), lift really slow and controlled, and train only 2-3 muscles per workout to keep workouts short. I find that a week is about how much rest is needed before you train the muscle again.

I really recommend a free routine like Max-OT for strength and mass gains. Since I started my strength has gone way up, along with the density of my muscles (not puffed up), and by doing something that I know most know they should do and don't, lift really slow for definition. Lifting slow and heavy is the key. Overload and intensity are needed for size gains and heavy weight is big overload and high intensity and lifting slow gives you more time under tension and incorporates more muscle fibers for cuts and definition.

Heavy weight also equals less reps which is mentally easier. Unless you have injuries I would do heavy. I had shoulder surgery 2 years ago and am just now able to lift heavy and guess what, they actually started getting better when I started lifting heavy at the beginning of the year. But I warm up with a shoulder routine and then progressively lift heavier weight in my "warm-up" sets.

The problem I have with supersetting is that a lot of times (for me at least) you kind of rush through your workout because your on a time clock. Its do this, and without rest do this, until you complete the cycle. Supersetting is a fatigue oriented way of training. It will make you more efficient at dealing with fatigue and therefore your "skill" in lifting will increase but lactic acid will do nothing in increasing strength. New research shows that lactic acid actually speeds up muscle contraction, when it used to be thought to cause the burn and damage to the muscles. You can still get stronger depending on what rep ranges you do when supersetting but it is because of muscle damage not the fatigue. I mean I would pass out if I supersetted with the weights I do now, but thats also because I'm looking to lift the most and to get the most out of you lifts you have to be focused and rested.
There is nothing wrong with splits. Its just alot of people pound there muscles into suBathmateission. like 10-12 sets just on chest ect. Even with a weeks rest thats still too many sets. If you over work your muscle it will stress itself more on just repairing the muscle and not making it grow(unless your on steroids). Ive learned that less is more. I've read that out of ever set you do, its ultimatly the last set you do that will give you the results and it only really takes 1 but there's nothin wrong with more. My old trainer told me that Full body workout are better to build a base and overall mass. once you've developed your whole body then you should do a split to further develope your muscles to get closer to your genetic limit. plus splits are better for working on lagging parts.

As far as super setting goes, I work 2 different muscles in the set, chest then back, and quads and hamstrings. I never superset say bench with flys because it not really productive (for me), it will just make my chest sore. But i do dips once in awhile whic i know is a chest exercise but it will work your arms more if you keep your self upright. Super Sets also save time plus gives you a great cardio work out too (just dont go soft and use lighter weights). After Squats Super setted with DL im breathing very heavily and i often rest an extra minute to catch my breath. I like the idea that im working the same muscle 3 time a week and i dont over train because im not pounding them. That and if you do 3 sets in strait set form this routine will take longer than a hour and thats counter productive.

In the end its a matter of preference but full body workout's are alot better for me and alot of people i know for fast results. Its good for beginners because it teaches your body to work as a unit and a good way to work on form. I still do splits once and awhile but i never get the results i get with full body. Plus i tend to have a better appetite.

As far as rep range, yes i also lift heavy too. Ill do 15 rep range one week then 10 rep range the next and 5 reps the next after that. with 5 reps i do extra warm up sets to prevent injury 4x5 or 5x5. you could also do all three in one week ...monday 15 wed 10 fri 5. i just get better growth at 10 reps. they say lower rep(4-6) are better for strength and higher are better for hypertrophy (8-12). Althogh i upped my bench 25 lbs in a month a 10 reps.

No matter what you do after 6 weeks you should take a week off or after 12 weeks take 2. your muscles dont grow in the gym, they grow when your resting. I love taking weeks off b/c when i go back to the guy i feel like and anilmal plus im usually stronger. both styles have there advantages and disadvantages. But full body works for me so ill stick with what works.
Loveboat;279804 said:
There is nothing wrong with splits. Its just alot of people pound there muscles into suBathmateission. like 10-12 sets just on chest ect. Even with a weeks rest thats still too many sets. If you over work your muscle it will stress itself more on just repairing the muscle and not making it grow(unless your on steroids). Ive learned that less is more.

Trust me if you lift like I do with all out intensity then 10-12 sets is a physical impossiblity. I do between 1-3 sets on all exercises.

I've read that out of ever set you do, its ultimatly the last set you do that will give you the results and it only really takes 1 but there's nothin wrong with more.
True and this is what supported some of the new research I found on fatigue training (partial sets, super sets, x-reps, negs, etc.) and why you gain more strength and mass by not doing these and only focusing on the lift.

My old trainer told me that Full body workout are better to build a base and overall mass. once you've developed your whole body then you should do a split to further develope your muscles to get closer to your genetic limit. plus splits are better for working on lagging parts.
Your old trainer is a wise man. I have one of my trainees on a full body routine and she is doing very well. She is a beginner and like your trainer I wanted her to get the proper form of the major lifts down and build a foundation. I do full bodies as well so its not just for beginners. I just feel I gain more and keep up a healthier style of living by working the split, and mentally I'm able to keep up the focus. Truth is I like to switch it up every 6-8 weeks after my week of decon.

After Squats Super setted with DL im breathing very heavily and i often rest an extra minute to catch my breath. I like the idea that im working the same muscle 3 time a week and i dont over train because im not pounding them. That and if you do 3 sets in strait set form this routine will take longer than a hour and thats counter productive.
I wouldn't suggest super setting with squats because squats themselves are a full-body workout. You gonna be hindering you gains with the deadlift if you are still tired from squats. Try setting squats as their own routine but in the same workout, like just do all your squats first and then rest a minute and do the cycle. The thing I don't like about full-bodies is the time factor but your right working the same muscle a little 3 times a week is crazy good. My splits usually last 30-45 min but my tradeoff is working out 5 days a week and not working 3 times a week.

As far as rep range, yes i also lift heavy too. Ill do 15 rep range one week then 10 rep range the next and 5 reps the next after that. with 5 reps i do extra warm up sets to prevent injury 4x5 or 5x5. you could also do all three in one week ...monday 15 wed 10 fri 5. i just get better growth at 10 reps. they say lower rep(4-6) are better for strength and higher are better for hypertrophy (8-12). Althogh i upped my bench 25 lbs in a month a 10 reps.
Awesome gain man keep it up!! Yeah do what works for ya and keep a journal to review progress. Your routine sounds similar to HST another one of my favs.
You prob know what i mean but 10-12 set not straight bench or whatever.

some ppl do 4 sets bench the 3 sets flys then 2-3 sets incline and finish up with acouple sets of dips...its insane. all in all it adds up to way too many sets for chest. 1-3 is all you need, then move on. Too many ppl are obsest with getting a huge pump when its not necessary. To me a pump feels good and thats it. Besides, some times ill do my fisrt set on whatever exercise and ill get a good(not great) pump. If your form is good. I get a better pump with 150lbs bench at 10 reps then i do with say 180. 180 is too much for me and i end up using bad form. Lol i saw a guy the other day bouncing 200 lbs of his chest and then he walked up to me and said "wow have i been getting strong. your only adding like 5 lbs every week im addind like 15 20" The girl at the Shake stand just laught and asked him why im bigger then him.

"""My splits usually last 30-45 min but my tradeoff is working out 5 days a week and not working 3 times a week.""""

I see you know the truth about splits, 5 days a week i about right. I cant do that. I used to do a 3 day Push/pull/legs split and while i did make gains they wernt any good.

"""Awesome gain man keep it up!! Yeah do what works for ya and keep a journal to review progress. Your routine sounds similar to HST another one of my favs"""

Thanx..I ate like a gorilla that month while the next month from what i remember i only gained like 5 lbs (not bad stilll) but its b/c my nutrition lacked. Plus after 10 of muscle you need a couple hundred extra calories a day to keep the progress. Most ppl dont realize it 10% workout and 90% FOOD (and rest)