Yesterday I purchased the 2009 edition of the Guinness World Records book, and to my surprise there was an entry for penis enlargement!

From page 73:


A patient of Dr. Ballard Olle Fischer Santos (Brazil) has had his penis enhanced by 6.29 in (16 cm) through surgery and physiotherapy. The first treatment was administered on February 20, 1995, and the patient's full distention of 10.62 in (27 cm) was achieved by March 28, 2000.

I did some research and found that extensive use was made of a "PLD" (Penis Lengthening Device) to help him achieve this tremendous feat!

There were some complications with part of the surgery (asymmetry and fat cysts from the "girth" portion of the procedure). The patient also supplemented his regimen with HCG.

I really liked this quote from the source:

"The importance of this record is not only associated to this patient's amazing penis enlargement, which was even beyond the medical opinion that considered the treatment successful when the penis reached 16 cm in length, but also to attest that a penis can be really enlarged, with no risk to its functions, in spite of many doctors' insistence that penis enlargement is impossible."

Research courtesy of Penis Enlargement- Supporting NEWS
Alpha Effusion;331565 said:
Good news. I wonder how much was from surgery and how much from the stretching?

Tension after a surgical procedure is a must- the severed ligs just allow to you stretch further faster. It could be said that the [words=]extender[/words] use was the key, since even without the lig snips it would have still yielded gains. The same cannot be said for surgery done without [words=]traction[/words] (which is never advised).
That is mental. Love to hear more on this. Are there any pics?
So he started at 4.33? (rhetorical)

Was there any confirmation on starting size and final? Was the measurement BP? I wonder what the girth looks like? I imagine a long ass pencil:)
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Big Al;331582 said:
Found the doc's site :)

Here are some [not clear if it's from the client in question] before and after pics:

There are quite a few interesting articles on that site! One in particular discusses how some men are born with "double" the number of suspensory ligaments. If you can't read Portuguese, you can translate the site through

I can't get in:( Can you post article and pics here?
Good stuff but also that HCG which is Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone > is possibly a helping aid to some of his gains. Its used allot by juicers on the PCT [Post cycle therapy] which is the portion of the cycle, for those that dont know where you finish the steroids and want to get your system sorted again and the natural testosterone started again. HCG helps do this in the human male but isnt used for long. I have used it myself months back on a cycle via injection IM. This could be VITAL point here as if you look over my recent posts I SWEAR to have gained some length in erect size and thought maybe from the sustanon which is a blend of testosterone ethers but maybe the HCG also helped? I did the odd stretch and jelq too. Just thought I would chip in, maybe wrong as its not on topic but the HCG needs to be looked at more.
It was up today. I tried to translate the Portuguese with little luck. The article appears to be the same as the original posted. I do see some before and after shots but nothing that is any where close to 10.75 inches. Perhaps he has not put the pictures online yet...I would think it would be the best promotion he could get for his site...his web stats probably went through the roof. Maybe more information will come up on this....keep our eyes open. Non-the-less, the VIMAX/JES certainly is having it's heyday. I hope men realize they can purchase the VIMAX here at 149.00 before rushing out and spending hundreds more. Trickle down economics, you know:)
This Articel is not really new; i have discovered the hole thing about the Record in the German Pe Forum already 2 Years ago just with other Links and Informations unfortunately this Links are dead now.

Hera a few that actually are still on line :

They are in Portuguese but a portuguese has made a translation in our Forum and he has said that there was no new methods or manuel Pe involved just the standard Lig cut surgery and an [words=]extender[/words] Post op for many Years !
Here is a rough translation

The world-wide record of 16 centimeters in peniano increase was gotten with the association of surgery and fisioterapia

In the year of 1997 it was propagated in the European press that the plastic surgeon Dr. Jörn Ege Siana, director of the Scandinavian Clinic of Plastic Surgery, located in Copenhagen, Denmark, specialist in peniano increase with more than 1000 carried through surgeries of peniano and inventive increase of the “The [words=]Jes[/words] [words=]Extender[/words]®”, had increased a penis that initially measured 4,5cm and that after surgery that if constitutes in section of the suspensórios and fundiformes ligaments of the penis, followed of fisioterapia with the device

“The [words=]Jes[/words] [words=]Extender[/words]®” passed 19cm. The use of the fisioterapia associated with the surgery, beyond preventing the cicatricial retraction provides directly proportional an additional profit to the time of use of the [words=]traction[/words]. This impressive profit of 14,5cm, although terms knowledge not to have been presented in literature or congress of the half doctor, was had as the world-wide record.

In the V World-wide Congress of Increase of Penis, sponsored for the American Academy of Plastic Surgeons of Penis, carried through in Bal Harbour, Flowery, the USA, the Brazilian doctor Dr. Bayard Ollé Fischer Saints it total presented a registered case through photos since the beginning until the end of the treatment, that basically consisted in the same technique used for the previous recordista, where the patient it initiated with 11cm and it reached 27cm, having a profit of 16 cm the translation for the Portuguese of the summary that is registered in congressional records that define the experiment all are the following one:

“Story of unknown case: Increase of 16 centimeters of length of the penis through surgery and fisioterapia”.

The present work presents a case of increase in the length of 11 cm for 27 cm. Patient JCV, 32 years, caucasiano, were taken care of in 11/10/94 with the complaint of insatisfação with the size of its penis whose dimensions were 11cm in the length and of 10,5 cm in the perimeter in erection.

The postectomia in 20/02/95 was suBathmateitted. After the cicatrização used [words=]traction[/words] for gravitational force with device PLD up to 30/04/95 when suBathmateitted to the section of suspensórios and fundiformes ligaments of the penis and lipoescultura. After the cicatrização passed again to use the PLD. In 21/04/97 the reabsorção of fat was suBathmateitted the new surgery to correct asymmetry of the penis due and withdrawal of some lipídicos cysts, after the cicatrização passed to use [words=]traction[/words] for dinamometria with the device “The [words=]Jes[/words] [words=]Extender[/words]®”.

During the year of 97 it made more two programmings in the use of the force to be used in the device that was between 900-1000 gram. It returned in 28/03/2000 therefore had obtained to arrive until the degree of maximum distensão of the device (27 cm), that also already it was folgado, and it wanted plus a distensora bar of 5 cm Told that during these three last years the device “The [words=]Jes[/words] [words=]Extender[/words]®” with [words=]traction[/words] between 900-1000 gram for more than used 12 hours to the day and that to each 15 days it applied a blister of Pregnyl® (Gonadotrofina Coriônica Human being 5000 UI). It tells that its member reached 27 cm of length in erection and that it comes having intense a sexual activity and of good quality of erection. We know that the penis in rest when estirado it reaches the erection length, what it is verified in the use of the device for the patient with its maximum distensão that is of 27 cm.

The importance of this record is not associated only with the incredible increase in the penis of this patient, who also he was random to the medical orientation that gave to it high when the same reached 16 cm of length in erection, but yes to prove that the penis really can increase, without risks for the functioning, the spite of many doctors still to insist that it is impossible to increase the penis.

This fact notable could not leave to call the attention the international press. The periodical “Le Monde” of Paris, France, in its edition of 25 of January of 2001, propagated this record, that passed to be cogitated to be registered in the Guinness Book. In this period the register of this record was waiting that the department of research of this its endorsement to the publication. The register of this record in the Guinness was later grantee, being its recognized proven scientific credibility and as the biggest increase of penis in an only patient.

Source: Clinic of Andrologia Dr. Bayard Ollé Fischer Saints
Author of the book “the Measure of the Man”
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Big Al;334386 said:
Due to popular demand, I've posted a scan of the page where the record is displayed here.

Nice! That is crazy, I would love to see that thing
First off, thanks for sharing this, Al.


I am thinking that these claims are likely bogus. If they are real, I still would not suggest his methods for anyone trying to gain a whopping 6"+...

That site claims that he had two augmentative surgeries in addition to wearing the device. We have all seen or heard of the dangers associated with penis surgery. There are plenty of threads on the forums if you need proof.

It says he wore the device 12+ hours per day, which many Penis Enlargement'ers know is almost impossible to do with a [words=]Jes[/words]/Vimax [words=]extender[/words]. Despite the long wear times, 900-1000 grams of tension is roughly 2 pounds. I suppose with surgery that severs the ligs, 900-1000g might be enough tension by itself without any manual exercises or hanging to cause growth.

However, they say he had "a very busy sex life" is that possible if he is wearing the device more than 12 hours every day!?

He was also injecting 5000IU's of HCG every 15 days, which is an extremely high dose of HCG. That could not be taken in a single injection, so I am wondering how many doses he would have to split that into. I am guessing a daily dose of 350IU. If a man were to take 5000IU's of HCG every 15 days, he would likely have a blunted response to LH (natural "HCG"), and his testes would atrophy. But that is just a guess - I wouldn't recommend that high of a dose of HCG for any extended period of time.

If you were to try this doctor's methods, it would cost you a fortune (two surgeries, an [words=]extender[/words] device, and five years worth of HCG$$$) and you would be a slave to Penis Enlargement for a minimum of a five year sentence.

The risks are HUGE, like losing your penis to necrosis or infection, testicular atrophy, and possibly death from surgery. You could also end up with a deformed penis from the surgeries.

But overall, it seems like a logical way to create a Frankenpenis. Combine surgery with a proven method of natural Penis Enlargement, and supplement with higher levels of endogenous testosterone. I simply would never accept those risks.
goldmember;334429 said:
First off, thanks for sharing this, Al.


I am thinking that these claims are likely bogus. If they are real, I still would not suggest his methods for anyone trying to gain a whopping 6"+...

That site claims that he had two augmentative surgeries in addition to wearing the device. We have all seen or heard of the dangers associated with penis surgery. There are plenty of threads on the forums if you need proof.

It says he wore the device 12+ hours per day, which many Penis Enlargement'ers know is almost impossible to do with a [words=]Jes[/words]/Vimax [words=]extender[/words]. Despite the long wear times, 900-1000 grams of tension is roughly 2 pounds. I suppose with surgery that severs the ligs, 900-1000g might be enough tension by itself without any manual exercises or hanging to cause growth.

However, they say he had "a very busy sex life" is that possible if he is wearing the device more than 12 hours every day!?

He was also injecting 5000IU's of HCG every 15 days, which is an extremely high dose of HCG. That could not be taken in a single injection, so I am wondering how many doses he would have to split that into. I am guessing a daily dose of 350IU. If a man were to take 5000IU's of HCG every 15 days, he would likely have a blunted response to LH (natural "HCG"), and his testes would atrophy. But that is just a guess - I wouldn't recommend that high of a dose of HCG for any extended period of time.

If you were to try this doctor's methods, it would cost you a fortune (two surgeries, an [words=]extender[/words] device, and five years worth of HCG$$$) and you would be a slave to Penis Enlargement for a minimum of a five year sentence.

The risks are HUGE, like losing your penis to necrosis or infection, testicular atrophy, and possibly death from surgery. You could also end up with a deformed penis from the surgeries.

But overall, it seems like a logical way to create a Frankenpenis. Combine surgery with a proven method of natural Penis Enlargement, and supplement with higher levels of endogenous testosterone. I simply would never accept those risks.

I agree with all. I also would like to know if his penis works and what the girth looks like. It is easy to state these things and have a doctor endorse these results but I would want to see before I believe. WHen GQ was doing that interview with me he wanted to witness a measurement and he wanted to see if I was fully functional. Without these things his article would be useless.
goldmember;334429 said:
First off, thanks for sharing this, Al.

You're welcome :)

goldmember;334429 said:

I am thinking that these claims are likely bogus.

I don't see it as any less plausible than believing some of the claims of 4 inch plus gains made by extreme gainers on this forum or elsewhere- especially when you take into account some of the personality quirks that make this level of dedication possible.

The fact that Guinness uses some strict guidelines for records qualifications lends more credence that Dr. Santos was able to accomplish this feat with his patient. According to their guidelines, each item of evidence has to be approved before an applicant can qualify. Seeing as how Guinness mentioned before and after stats as well as a brief summarization of the procedure, it's a good bet that Dr. Santos was able to provide these details.

goldmember;334429 said:
If they are real, I still would not suggest his methods for anyone trying to gain a whopping 6"+...

That site claims that he had two augmentative surgeries in addition to wearing the device. We have all seen or heard of the dangers associated with penis surgery. There are plenty of threads on the forums if you need proof.

I definitely agree with you there. You'll note on that last page I referred that it states: "On 04/27/97 he underwent new surgery to correct penis asymmetry as a result of fat reabsorption and removal of some lipid cysts."

goldmember;334429 said:
It says he wore the device 12+ hours per day, which many Penis Enlargement'ers know is almost impossible to do with a [words=]Jes[/words]/Vimax [words=]extender[/words]. Despite the long wear times, 900-1000 grams of tension is roughly 2 pounds. I suppose with surgery that severs the ligs, 900-1000g might be enough tension by itself without any manual exercises or hanging to cause growth.

However, they say he had "a very busy sex life" is that possible if he is wearing the device more than 12 hours every day!?

He was also injecting 5000IU's of HCG every 15 days, which is an extremely high dose of HCG. That could not be taken in a single injection, so I am wondering how many doses he would have to split that into. I am guessing a daily dose of 350IU. If a man were to take 5000IU's of HCG every 15 days, he would likely have a blunted response to LH (natural "HCG"), and his testes would atrophy. But that is just a guess - I wouldn't recommend that high of a dose of HCG for any extended period of time.

The hormones had to have helped- especially when you consider that this patient had a prostatectomy before beginning his quest. Those surgeries are notorious for causing ED.

goldmember;334429 said:
If you were to try this doctor's methods, it would cost you a fortune (two surgeries, an [words=]extender[/words] device, and five years worth of HCG$$$) and you would be a slave to Penis Enlargement for a minimum of a five year sentence.

The risks are HUGE, like losing your penis to necrosis or infection, testicular atrophy, and possibly death from surgery. You could also end up with a deformed penis from the surgeries.

But overall, it seems like a logical way to create a Frankenpenis. Combine surgery with a proven method of natural Penis Enlargement, and supplement with higher levels of endogenous testosterone. I simply would never accept those risks.

I wouldn't recommend this course of action either.

There are quite a few procedures that I don't recommend that many trainees on the forums practice with relish. I guess their level of motivation is such that they're willing to take these risks.

It's always a good idea to fully educate yourself on all available methods. It's likely that a safer method of Penis Enlargement will get you to your goals.
Al, what are your thoughts on his girth and the functionality of his penis?
doublelongdaddy;334501 said:
Al, what are your thoughts on his girth and the functionality of his penis?

It would be interesting to get more details about this case. Since the patient doesn't seem to be in on doing Penis Enlargement exercises, any increase in girth is likely due to surgical implants.
Big Al;343305 said:
It would be interesting to get more details about this case. Since the patient doesn't seem to be in on doing Penis Enlargement exercises, any increase in girth is likely due to surgical implants.

I figures that.
Due to popular demand, I've posted a scan of the page where the record is displayed here.

Sadly the link isn't working anymore @Big Al

Did you guys find out more about it or the process itself over the years? @DLD @Big Al

Wanted to bump it up as I'm researching a little bit about the ligs and stretching.
This exercise maybe isn't bringing as much possible stretching gains like after a lig operation, but maybe it's also able to bring good gains, especially as it's also focused on the ligs:
Penises are large
He may not even have a fully functioning penis right now either.... money cannot buy the wonderful satisfaction that I have when the HGW kicks in and I am at full mast. I am still in awe at how far I have come...
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He may not even have a fully functioning penis right now either.... money cannot buy the wonderful satisfaction that I have when the HGW kicks in and I am at full mast. I am still in awe at how far I have come...

not sure on that front but definitely know surgery played a part.
According to research extensive use was made of a "PLD" (Penis Lengthening Device) to help him achieve this tremendous feat!

There were some complications with part of the surgery (asymmetry and fat cysts from the "girth" portion of the procedure). The patient also supplemented his regimen with hCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin).

An interesting quote from the source:

"The importance of this record is not only associated to this patient's amazing penis enlargement, which was even beyond the medical opinion that considered the treatment successful when the penis reached 16 cm in length, but also to attest that a penis can be really enlarged, with no risk to its functions, in spite of many doctors' insistence that penis enlargement is impossible."

Research courtesy of Penis Enlargement- Supporting NEWS (now defunct)
I wonder how that device looked like, was it a simple extender or something different?

It was a JES type extender.

Here's another clip from a now defunct site:

During the year 97 he made two more in the use of force to be used in the device, which was between 900-1000 grams. He returned on 28/03/2000 since he had reached the maximum stretching length of the device (27 cm), which was even loose, and wanted more stretching bar 5 cm. Reported that during the last three years used for more than 12 hours a day the unit "The Jes Extender ®" with traction between 900-1000 grams and every 15 days imposed a vial of Pregnyl ® (human chorionic gonadotropin 5000 IU). Reports that its membership has reached 27 cm in length in erection and have been having an intense sexual activity and quality of erection. We know that the penis when stretched, reaches a length of erection, which is recorded in the patient using the device with its maximum stretch that is 27 cm.
Good to know that we can have the same technology at home (xd),I was thinking some strange and really expensive type of extender,
Thanks for the info ??
It was a JES type extender.

Here's another clip from a now defunct site:

During the year 97 he made two more in the use of force to be used in the device, which was between 900-1000 grams. He returned on 28/03/2000 since he had reached the maximum stretching length of the device (27 cm), which was even loose, and wanted more stretching bar 5 cm. Reported that during the last three years used for more than 12 hours a day the unit "The Jes Extender ®" with traction between 900-1000 grams and every 15 days imposed a vial of Pregnyl ® (human chorionic gonadotropin 5000 IU). Reports that its membership has reached 27 cm in length in erection and have been having an intense sexual activity and quality of erection. We know that the penis when stretched, reaches a length of erection, which is recorded in the patient using the device with its maximum stretch that is 27 cm.

much better extenders today! The SiliStretcher and the SizeDoctor are so much more comfortable and effective than the extenders of the past.