Whoever came up with "Gentlemen's Club' deserves a hand. Nice.

You may have read my messages in the posts that proposed this forum. I've read German Stallion's peyronies thread and been really impressed with his whole educational approach to pe, so I'm very glad for this forum.

A few topics I hope to explore are cs and glans expansion; early efforts at npe (like in the seventies when when we thought it was merely chronic masturbation); how an intense two- to three- year regimen can lead to ten years additional penile viability; maybe we can start a general health thread.

I hope I can make a contribution to a happier late-life sexual experience for men.

Education is my primary field of endeavor. I may be a little didactic at times and my irony doesn't often translate to page very well.

Feel free to use this thread to post an introduction.

>>Cheers to all.
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OK, David, I'll take you up on the offer and use your thread for some intros.

I broached the idea for this forum to DLD a few weeks ago (maybe others did as well, I don;t know) and then German Stallion and I were chatting about it. He followed up with DLD and here we are. I think it will be nice to have a special place for us. With the forum growing in numbers it is sometimes hard to weed through all of the postings to find what you are interested in reading. Now, each time I go online, I will be able to click on our forum to see what's new and who's saying what.

I am in my early 50s, married. My wife knows about Penis Enlargement (told her 6 weeks ago -- although she really doesn't know much at all, including about [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]) and have been into it since early October '03. I was first a memer of another site (not worth mentioning) that was not very good. Like all of you, I got some spam mail about premature ejaculation, so I was curious one day and clicked on it instead of deleting it. One thing led to another and next thing I knew I joined. I met DLD because I had an injury and didn't know what the heck it was and the other site didn't help. I think I visited [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] and just decided on a lark to PM DLD. Well, he responded immediately and, after back-and-forth PMs, just by my observations, diagnosed a thrombosed vein. He was right. I also met Spektrum who had a thrombosed vein and betweent the two of them I was able to work it out. Weeks later I got another one that wasn't nearly as severe. Since I was an old pro, I didn't have any apprehension about what it was or how to treat it. (I posted a thread on this on the boo-boo forum).

Truth be told, for many years I have always been self-conscious about my size. I really had no idea of where I stood in this regard, but I suspected that I was smaller than average. Well I was right. I started out at 5.25. I experienced immediate growth and by Dec. I was at 6.5 (even with the injury). I then go to 6 5/8 where I have remained for some time now. My girth went from 4.25 to 5. I have not measured in about a month and don't feel the need to even though I think I may be past my plateau. Actually, I don't want to be disappointed. If the Internet existed when we were in our prime, I would probably be 8 inches by now.

I was having trouble with girth exercises. In particular, I couldn't stay hard enough for a long period of time. It was getting frustrating. German Stallion recommended that I try very slow jelqs. First to the right for however many, and then to the left. It worked like a charm. For the last two weeks I have had no trouble. And David, it is a good exercise to expand your glans. The slow jelqing gets the blood moving up the shaft to the head -- after a while you feel like your head is going to explode.

In Mid-December I had a big problem with ED. I still have this problem at times. I can get hard but sometimes it doesn't last long at all. I am trying to be better about doing PCs hoping it will help. Have any of you taken generic viagra? I am thinking of trying it. I just sent for a sample of 4 pills and will probably try it.

That's enough about me for now . . . how about you?
I have used generic viagra for almost 12 months.Sourced from India it is very effective and very reasonably priced.
Sold as Vega with Sildenafil Citrate as the active ingredient it comes in 100mg. pills which I split into approx. 3 x 33mg. doses.
..I'm also over 50 .. and on occassion could use a slight 'little helper'... same type of thing as to what you have describe above, I've never really considered it a problem...and it's only on a rare occassion.. That being said, I did buy from www.genegra.com a sample kit...of kamagra. (100 mg)....and it worked like a charm...I initially tried 1/2 the pill...about one hour before "play time"... it worked amazingly well...my partner was unaware of the assistance...and commented...wow...you were hard as a rock today...!! I did notice...a slight flushing of my face...but...really no other side effect to speak of....

I also use it for girth exercises...and again...it works like magic..

hope this helps with your concerns..
Thanks guys, I'm looking forward to trying it. Wilbe9 -- I am getting the sample from the same company. After the sample ran out, did you reorder?
Yes...I re-ordered enough to keep me cookin for a while..!!

I've experimented a bit...by cutting the pill into 3 pieces..and it had pretty much the same effect...stuff's great!!

best of luck to u
Hi all....I have tried the Saligra, and have ordered the other kind of sample stuff just to see if it works like Viagra. The cost for the 4 sample pills was $8 so not out much. I have not had the zing that real viagra gives with these different kinds. They give a boost but not as much. If I cut them down I would not get anykind of a push. Even then, they are still really cheap compared to the "blue Pill".
What do you guys think about Cialis? I am very interested in this for girth work? Anyone tried it?
Members of the Gentlemens Club,
I hope you don't mind me joining you all if you'll have me.
The name is CaptnHook but I prefer Cap. I'm a pretty active member of the Penis Enlargement community and must say that a forum catering to the needs and concerns of "older" Penis Enlargementers is a timely idea (puns, my vice). Many thanks to DLD for providing the venue.

For the record I just turned 38 and feel that I have officially hit middle-age. I like it.
I am married 12 years with little ones and can say that despite the Henny Youngman impersonation I really love the life that the wife and I have. In fact, she is a big motivation for me with respect to Penis Enlargement despite the fact that I am still a member of that other, less hallowed club: "Stealth Penis Enlargement".

I have had great success gaining, and with a little more work I have no doubt that I will have to confess to Mrs. Hook that no, she isn't imagining things (she certainly isn't).

Not surprisingly the topic has moved right into chemical and natural erection enhancement. Never my strong suit but I've taken a new interest in natural supplements geared toward improving the frequency and intensity of my erections. I am nearing satisfaction with my length and hope to begin an exclusive girth routine soon. Lord knows the wood isn't what it used to be. Not ED by any means but not with the nearly annoying frequency of youth - remember how that was a many times/everyday thing?
A little help keeping things going with my coming routine won't hurt at all. So I will listen in as much as possible to what you guys have discovered. And of course, I will share whatever I come across.

I am also an avid follower of politics and social issues and love a good discussion of current events. Maybe starting a couple of threads that give us all a chance to civilly exchange ideas and opinions would be nice as well?
There certainly is room for it here in this new forum. There's nothing like having a clean new slate to scribble on.

So hello all, and here's to beginnings
Hey Cap -- nice post. I agree totally about having a nice clean slate here. This election year promises to be one very close election (unless, of course, Osama is found before the election which is more likely than finding WMD in Iraq - I guess I just gave away one of my biases). I get a lot of political cartoons/jokes. I'll post the funnier ones here. Maybe someone will start a political thread.

As everyone knows from a prior post on this thread I had hit a plateau recently. Growth was fast at first (form 5.25 to over 6.5) but nothing for 5-6 weeks. I was going to wait until the weekend to get out the ruler but couldn't resist last night as I just looked bigger and had to satisfy my curiosity. I was not disappointed. I finally got past 6 5/8 and grew 1/4 " to 6 7/8. I attribute it mostly to the very slow, extended jelqing, and lazy ass stretches. The 1/4 inch was in a little over 3 weeks. I didn't measure girth -- don't know why either. I will probably do so this weekend. I am pleased to be making progress again which will make it much easier to stick with it.
Congratulations on the gains! If anything makes a guy feel like a kid again notching a gain is it. Truly exciting.

I love your political cartoon idea. An excellent thread that will be. I'm a big junky of that stuff and I have collected a few really classic ones over the years. Maybe in keeping with the theme of this forum we can dedicate a thread to pop culture keepers from the past as well?

Thanks TN, nice to officially meet you. Good luck with your weekend measuring.

p.s. My own rather cemented biases will undoubtedly reveal themselves soon enough. :)
I've read your posts in other places and I'm really glad to see you here. Thanks for the great introduction and suggestions, one of which (Political Civility) I've begun a thread for.

Also, I've just ordered a ROP to see how it can help with erection levels and ejaculation strength, so maybe we can get that discussion going as well. At 51 years of age, I'm actually in really good shape and have worked with NPenis Enlargement for a couple of years, but I see no reason not to improve the wood and the spurts; it can only lead to an even better old age than the one I've been planning.

I have a feeling I'll live to about a hundred and five, so I'm just entering middle age!

(By the way, I played Captain Hook in a junior high production of Peter Pan and brought down the house. I've always loved that character. Tick tock... tick tock...)
Originally posted by davidwh

I have a feeling I'll live to about a hundred and five, so I'm just entering middle age!
Now that's the spirit. I have friends in their 50's who could genuinely handle as much if not more physical activity as the average 20 year old can - and I do not exaggerate.
Some of these guys are in enviable shape for any age range, and plan on sticking around forever.
As with Cap - yo, matey - I am also getting my "sea legs" in this forum. While I have not had the gains (shucks) yet to justify sticking around, I do - and keep working - so as to hopefully get some added size to my 50-year-old companion.

I am on the verge of having my MD get me a few sample packs of Viagra, Cialis AND Letitra (OK - maybe one at a time) to test a personal theory (my dad had peripheral vascular problems, and I have had also at one time or another ... maybe this will work) that all I need at my near-dotage point in life is a slight boost.

I have read the warnings about priapism, but - doubt that I will encounter that. I am also aware of the caution given to cardiac issues, but also don't think I qualify there either.

However - chemicals being the topic here ... has anyone tried herbals or other non-manufactured "potions." I fear that I am one of those folk who just have little or no result from such. I get no result from MACA, and even though l-Arginine has helped at times, seems to have no lasting effect. Yohimbe makes me feel "icky" and stuff like COBRA, ARGINMAX and other compounds seem to be a waste of time.

What say ye, fellers?

And thanks, DLD, for this spot for us "older" guys.

As many of you may know I have been anxiously awaiting my first samples of Silagra. They came a couple of days ago and lo and behold I won the jackpot as I was sent 4 100 mg pills instead of the 4 that I ordered as samples. I found out today that good things are worth waiting for.

I took 1/2 (50 mg) a pill at about 4:50 a.m. I think it started to work within a half an hour. I had been having a little problem with ED so I guess I was a little nervous because I was really hoping that this pill was going to help. My worries didn't last long -- no problem at all with sex. I stayed hard and finally my wife said when we were done that I was "plenty big", with the accent on plenty. I have grown considerably since I started Penis Enlargementing in October and this was the first real acknowledgment of the fruits of my labor. I could have gone another round but I came a lot and she got up and showered. I really liked that it did not go down to that miniscule size that I am so used to after sex. Anyway, I went back to sleep. I got up an hour later and guess what was staring me in the eye. Yep, I was hard. I decided to do more ulis and horse squeezes. (I did them earlier before sex). I then got in the shower and guess what, my dick just would not go down. On the one hand, I became concerned, but on the other there was sheer joy at the sight. I took a long (10 min) shower. After I got out it just started to go down slightly. It really was quite full. I had to choose the baggiest of all my pants to wear for obvious reasons. I remained full for about an hour after. I have to say, mentally, I have been on a high all day. A couple of hours after I told my wife that I took it and she asked why I don't get the real thing. I said I wanted to try the generic first. I only hope that it continues to work as well each time. I see why young guys take it for Penis Enlargement. You get an incredible erection and they can probably sustain it for as long as they want. Oh, before I forget, I had absolutely no side effects that I know about. In fact, I had a very bad headache at 4:30, and almost decided not to take it. After sex, I had no headache. So there you have it, two thumbs way up for generic viagra!
I suppose I am old enough to fit into this group.

I am 41yrs old, been married for 15yrs and enjoy a very active sex life.

In fact I think I enjoy it more now than I did when I was in my 20's.

One of the advantages of spending so much time with the same person is that you learn what works and what does not.
I think I enjoy sex >>much more<< now than when in my twenties. I'm more secure with myself (although certainly still shy and self-conscious at times) and it doesn't seem as urgent that I get off.
Maybe I'm fortunate or just nuts! I, as of yet , don't need the Viagra or any other supplements to keep it going. All I need is a park bench, wearing a rain coat, and passing out Walnettos, to the girls waiting for the school bus! The bus stop is at the end of my driveway! Like my wife always says " Keep it close to home"!

Hello Cap!
Guess I can jump in about now. Been in the Penis Enlargement game almost a year, came over Thunders, and a few others, when DLD started this site but had taken to take a break due to family issues and what not. I'll be 65y/o in June, and just got back into Penis Enlargement. Been lurking for a few days. Just received my ROP today and already feel better, all warm and fuzzy. More to follow.
Great Idea,

I will be 44 this friday! I've been in better shape but I workout about 2 hours a day. I'm single and don't have a sex life but I hope to change that as soon as possible. I've tried Silagra a few times. It does the trick but I just can't stand the idea of having to use it. There must be a better way, lifestyle changes, diet, workout, natural additives. I'm trying NOX2 at the moment. I learned about it while reading another forum and decided to give it a try. No results yet. My goal is to be able to hold an erection long enough to get 6-700 good Jelqs in a day........Best.
When I try to enter www.genegra.com I am told that You don't have permission to access / on this server. How do I get in.

willb9 said:
..I'm also over 50 .. and on occassion could use a slight 'little helper'... same type of thing as to what you have describe above, I've never really considered it a problem...and it's only on a rare occassion.. That being said, I did buy from www.genegra.com a sample kit...of kamagra. (100 mg)....and it worked like a charm...I initially tried 1/2 the pill...about one hour before "play time"... it worked amazingly well...my partner was unaware of the assistance...and commented...wow...you were hard as a rock today...!! I did notice...a slight flushing of my face...but...really no other side effect to speak of....

I also use it for girth exercises...and again...it works like magic..

hope this helps with your concerns..
Russell4 said:
Great Idea,

I will be 44 this friday! I've been in better shape but I workout about 2 hours a day. I'm single and don't have a sex life but I hope to change that as soon as possible. I've tried Silagra a few times. It does the trick but I just can't stand the idea of having to use it. There must be a better way, lifestyle changes, diet, workout, natural additives. I'm trying NOX2 at the moment. I learned about it while reading another forum and decided to give it a try. No results yet. My goal is to be able to hold an erection long enough to get 6-700 good Jelqs in a day........Best.
Happy Birthday Russell!! I just started working out at the gym 5 days a week about 2 months ago. I am real pleased with the results so far and I feel great. As for Silagra, yeah, it does the trick. Personally, I feel there is no substitute for liquid cialis. It lasts 36 hours and I have not one single side effect from it. I have no qualms about taking it to give me the boost I need. I have not tried NOX2 so I can't comment on that. Enjoy your birthday weekend!
Hey there me hearty, Lets flip the main brace and have a glass of rum me heart's. How's that for a intro Mine Captain Hook?

Now that's over, who do you think will win the Canadian Election? The Liberals under Paul Martin, The Conservatives under Steven Harper, or the NDP under Jack Layton? For me I have always been for the working man so I am going to Vote for the NDP.

Now what about next year, Will Bush be beaten by Kerry, My money is on Kerry. He has more experience than Bush, and is willing to pull the US troops out of Iraq. Personally I think with all the trouble that those bastards are giving the troops and also the Civilians. The US should put Sadam back into power and give him a few weapons to quell those bastards.
Sounds like a Canadian Socialist. Give me everything for nothing, and if the going gets tough, stick your head in the sand, or run, or better yet, expect the goverment to make it all better.