I can understand why a guy would work at getting as long a dick as he can possibly get, but why work at trying to get a 6 or 7 inch girth? You cannot get a good bj from having such a fat dick. All you're gonna feel with that kind of girth is TEETH! I have a friend who has a fat dick, and he wishes he could have a narrower one. Can't get a good bj. Feels terrible. Gets scrapes and cuts from sharp teeth. So what good is really going over 5 1/2 - 6 inches in girth? I suppose it might make a woman feel fuller in her vagina, but for the guy, what benefit is it really? Would like some feel back on that as this perplexes me. I'm wondereing if I really want to work towards a lot of girth gains. Bj's feel pretty good to me right now with my current girth size - and I'll take a good bj over a good f anyday.