P.E. has been great for me, I have had obvious increases in both length and girth. I don't measure girth too often but I know that within the last few months I have gained from 6.5 to 6.75 and it's possible I am larger now but I don't like to measure too often because I look for the visual signs more so than the numbers. An increase is an increase in my book and all that I need to confirm it is my own eyes.
Here is the problem; I still tend to get shrinkage (that 3.25 inches, I talked about in another post) and I am definitely in the grower category. I want to know how I can consistently hang at 4 inches and above. Are there any exercises specifically for this or is a grower always a grower despite any erect gains?
Here is the problem; I still tend to get shrinkage (that 3.25 inches, I talked about in another post) and I am definitely in the grower category. I want to know how I can consistently hang at 4 inches and above. Are there any exercises specifically for this or is a grower always a grower despite any erect gains?