REDZULU2003 said:
I think he pumps, cos he has that bloated fluid look around the skin of his penis, plus his dick head aint big.
He also isnt shy of surgery, he has a ''pearl'' insertion in his penis.

i was wondering what that bump was on his penis...what is that suppose to do? does it suppose to help stimulation or something? i don't get it ?:(
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Interesting post

where did you get it?

It is common knowledge today, that creatine does NOT have to be cycled or loaded
DVD said:
Interesting post

where did you get it?

It is common knowledge today, that creatine does NOT have to be cycled or loaded
I got bits and pieces from different websites, mostly from book i have though.
Actually, a lot of supplement companies advocate you go through the "loading" phase. It's not common knowledge that you dont need to do this, because a LOT of guys do it. Even though you dont need to do the loading phase, because your body can only absorb so much creatine in a day no matter how it is delivered to your system. More than likely the supp. companies push the loading phase idea to boost their sales.

I LOVED creatine while I was working out. I hope to start again in the near future, and I will definitely use creatine again. I got great pumps while in the gym, and it really helped with short bursts of energy while doing intense stuff like bench/dumbell presses, curls, etc. My favorite type of creatine was just the straight powder from Twinlab. I dont recall the cost, but it was a LOT less than most other brands that are pre-mixed with sugary powders designed to help with the absorbtion of the creatine. Muscle Tech is really big on pushing the whole idea of using "insulin spikes" ....taking large doses of what basically equates to sugar along with creatine to help your system absorb creatine. It's a good theory, but a guy looking to cut body fat through cutting carbs (the big evil in most peoples diets), does not need to be taking 75mg++ a day of carbs in addition to whatever else he may be getting (in carbs) from his diet. Not only that, but last I checked a tub of Cell Tech (Muscle Techs' "wonder powder") was very over priced at around $65 a tub. If you take it according to their dosing agenda, (I use the term agenda because I think they have one LOL) it's too much $$ for a lot of guys.

Just my personal feedback.
I used to like creatine monohydrate alot 'til i tried Syntrax' Swole V2 and SAN V12. Both products do a much better job at cell volumization then plain creatine mono does.
sikdogg said:
I used to like creatine monohydrate alot 'til i tried Syntrax' Swole V2 and SAN V12. Both products do a much better job at cell volumization then plain creatine mono does.
Yeah I like V12, but i like mixing ast's Creatine HSc with their Vp2 protein, it so amazing. BUt yeah V12 is pretty good :cool:
Once again THANKS TENNISNUT!! What is that dude doing? He's gonna get this site into a lot of trouble.
Creatine - as many dudes do not know either - ends up not working after being on it for quite some time. The manufacturers do not want you to know that either - then they won't keep selling it to you. You build up a tolerance to it over time. Oh yes you do!! After a year it stopped pumping up my muscles and was basically worthless. When I stopped it, No change occured because it wasn't doing anything anyway. Quite a few of the guys in my gym report the same thing. Like most supplements - over time your body compensates and the changes the supp used to produce no longer occurs. Which is too bad - I really got lots of compliments when I first started taking it - a few guys actually thought I was juicing. Actually the same thing occurs with Viagra - if you use it daily, the effect lessens with each passing day of non-interrupted use. But...if you skip a few days - the effect rebounds nicely and works well. As with all things - moderation seems to be the key. (WELL MAYBE NOT Penis Enlargement)
But when you first start taking creat. you will probably have a good effect. Some guys don't have ANY effect with it. One of my workout partners tried it for 6 weeks (including the damned loading doses) and stopped because it did not do anything for him. But like with all supps, you sometimes just have to try them - what works for one guy may not work for others.
Creatine is no exception.
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