i have had this condidtion where my hands and feet sweat alot im mean theres literally drops of sweat coming off my hands sometimes. its called palmar hyperhidrosis and up until recently i thought it was just me, i never knew it was an actuall condition. theres a few differenent treatments but the only permanent one is surgery. im thinking off it but im scared cause they cut off a nerve that makes your hands sweat. the surgery has a high sucess rate and low risk and low chances of side effects. but its stil surgery what if they cut the wrong nerve or something i guess im afraid but i want to be rid of this. this is a big reason i cant do alot of things, play video games with friends, shaking hands with someone uncomfortable too. touching people like when getting change back from a store clerk or something they sometimes like ehhhh why are ur hands so sweaty and its another reason why life sucks for me on top of having a below average penis. general advice would be appreciated and if u have this conditon or had this treatment i will be greatly thankfull.
If I were you I'd definitely do it. I've had a few surgeries for injuries and I know people who have had plenty more and none of us had any problems with surgery.

Pick a good doctor who has a verifiable track record of an impressive amount of experience with your procedure and then enjoy the drugs they give you, think happy thoughts as you drift to sleep and wake up with a smile and know that any pain will go away and you'll get the rrsults you wanted.

This seems like a very simple procedure - simply cutting 1 nerve. I wouldn't worry about it too much. I say go for it and be thankful that you have the option.

Good luck.
i was just reading more about the surgery and it turns out the nerve they cut has some others functions. most problems reveal themselves after many years and i couldnt find more info about long term side effects of this surgey. one thing is for sure that the body will sweat more in other places to make up for the sweating that will not be taking place in the hands. my family is all like ur silly to get surgery for it but they dont know how much it effects your life. thats what really sucks people are grossed out by my hands but would critisize me going to surgery for it. they laugh at me when i shake hands or will just be disgusted by they dont understand they problem fuck life is shity. i dont think im doing the surgery not that im influenced by other people but just turned off by the whole mess. i guess i'll have to live the rest of my life with this shit. only 1 percent of the population has it, why meeeee thats what gets me. i have a small penis and possibly anxirty disorder which i have to go get dignosed for but im sure i have it. then the swaeting hands. and all these things stop me from living life i've never even had a girlfirend and im 21. im soo depressed its like if it was just one thing about me that was wrong i could deal with it but a combination of many problems makes it so hard. is there no god why must i suffer like this
Bro, I feel your pain. I've had a lot of "why me" shit happen in my life, physically, circumstantially and more.

Bottom line is this. You are a man. Shit happens. True colors shine through when your persevere through all the shit. Being a fighter through obstacles and an overcomer from them will give your more character, wisdom and manliness than most of the pussified male species left in the western world.

Winners use the depressing energy as fuel for being productive to overcome their obstacles by looking for solutions and doing what it takes to achieve. If you need a little time to mourn then so be it, but you're better off doing it while exercising, doing Penis Enlargement to get rid of your complaints of a small penis, studying more of the pros and cons about the surgery and realizing that if it bothers you so much that you are immensely depressed and feel singled out in the world - then you should suck it up and do it ....and use the rest of the energy to achive everything else you ever wanted. Take it one step at a time, but don't waste time. Life is short. Only feeling sorry for yourself and wanting others to tell you they feel sorry for you is only going to fill a very small gap in your psyche/emotional baggage for a short time ... whereas using the energy from the "why me" anger to overcome will help you progress to not have a reason to say "why me" anymore but instead give you reason to say "that's right bitch, I'm a man that has been through shit and came out a better man than ever."

Follow your heart. Trust your instincts. Be a headstrong fighter. You don't have much of another choice.

Don't get on the depression meds and other drugs IMO. Like any other substance, it doesn't solve problems - merely masks them. Spend the money and time solving problems. Let progress be your anti-depressant.

Back to the surgery - yes, nerves can be complex. I know nothing about the nerves you are speaking of, but nerves in general are a very serious element to body function and can control multiple things. Talk to the surgeons, read medical journals on the subject, be as informed as possible, weigh the pros and cons - write them down on paper in two columns and compare - reflect - choose for yourself - not anybody else.

Hope this helps.
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P.S. - Looks like this will help you too: Curing Depression, Anxiety & Panic Disorders, Alternative to Antidepressant Medication .

My take on things like ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety etc is they all have roots in real issues about personal life, whether it be things you are unhappy about, poor discipline, not doing what interests you most and instead forcing yourself to conform to other people's directions etc. Like solving anything else - you identify the root of the problem and make the necessary changes. If doing something makes you unhappy, stop doing it. If you are worried about something, take care of it so you don't have to worry. If you are hyper - exercise more. If you have problems concentrating - make sure that you are doing something that you actually care about and if you HAVE to do something that you don't really care about then realize that it is normal to have trouble paying attention to something like that yet do whatever you need to do to discipline yourself to focus - like think about all the great things you can do when you finish, just smack yourself in the face and do it.

In the rare cases where there seems to really be no root issue in your life, then the first place I would look is nutritional and lifestyle issue.

Doctors tend to go on literature from school and pharma companies, and the school books are sometimes paid for by pharma, and pharma is big business and poorly used pharma can cause more problems and properly use pharma often masks problems without curing them - merely causing a money pit co-dependence on a substance that empties your wallet and fills up somebody elses - which could be yet another reason to give you anxiety.
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I would think that the hyperhidrosis wuold be a hormonal issue, but that is just a layman's theory. But, I'd definitely speak with a hormone specialist if I were you. You also may want to try burtongoldberg.com and call Burton.

Also, I found an alternative surgery:
Surgery (Sweat gland suction): A new technique adapted and modified from liposuction. On an out-patient basis with only local anaesthesia, the sweat glands are permanently removed in a gentle, non-aggressive manner. The sweat glands and armpits are first softened and anaesthetized with a special solution. After a short period, the sweat glands can then be removed in a manner similar to liposuction. Only small incisions above and under the armpits are required to remove the sweat glands through quick suction. The entire minimally invasive operation takes between 60 and 90 minutes. Patients can go home directly after the procedure. Some can even return to work after leaving the practice, although taking the rest of the day off is recommended. Over 95% of patients report considerably less discomfort and permanent dryness.

This sweat gland suction is something I'd consider WAY before screwing with nerves! No question. Though I'd still try everything non-surgical before opting for surgery.

Also, make sure you are eating right, exercising etc. Getting into to shape and keeping your body as healthy as possible will always help, and from glacing at a wiki article it lists it as a specific method for countering the condition.

Hyperhidrosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
thanks for the replys guys and for great advice. i guess i just broke down a bit but your right i have to deal with this it'll only get worse if i dont. about the sweat gland suction thing i read about it only seems to be for underarms. but i will look at all the options. i havent really Penis Enlargement'd alot. i only seem to do it for a bit n stop because i get hard everytime i stretch and to hard like 100 when i jelq and waiting for the erection to go down well its time consuming that way and it makes the workout almost zero effective because how im i supose to fatigue the penis when i have to stop every 30 seconds. but anyways thx again and i'll keep a positive attitude and keep trying.
lol. its amazing because reading what you wrote makes it seem like you are almost living my life. i also suffer from hyperhydrosis and i have had it since about elementary school. just like you; i have done extensive research on surgery and many other methods. and just like you i sometimes have to put off pe because i get too much of an erection. financially wise i cant afford any surgery right now but if the money comes along i would get it without a second thought. job interviews, meeting new people, touching girls, its all a hastle and i know. sometimes when i think about how much my life might suck, i remember that bum i saw on the train or that african kid with no parents or food. just look at it as things could be worse. i just wanted to let you know that you're not the only one out there like that. keep your head up
pitbull said:
i have had this condidtion where my hands and feet sweat alot im mean theres literally drops of sweat coming off my hands sometimes. its called palmar hyperhidrosis and up until recently i thought it was just me, i never knew it was an actuall condition. theres a few differenent treatments but the only permanent one is surgery. im thinking off it but im scared cause they cut off a nerve that makes your hands sweat. the surgery has a high sucess rate and low risk and low chances of side effects. but its stil surgery what if they cut the wrong nerve or something i guess im afraid but i want to be rid of this. this is a big reason i cant do alot of things, play video games with friends, shaking hands with someone uncomfortable too. touching people like when getting change back from a store clerk or something they sometimes like ehhhh why are ur hands so sweaty and its another reason why life sucks for me on top of having a below average penis. general advice would be appreciated and if u have this conditon or had this treatment i will be greatly thankfull.

It's terrible that so many medical professionals are so quick to suggest surgery when there are many simple, painless, and less expensive alternatives!

I suggest checking out this site: Lifetimetv.com: Health - Straight Facts About Sweating - especially the part about black tea. The tannins in black tea will close your pores up and greatly reduce your sweating.

Please look into other options before going under the knife!
Big Al said:
It's terrible that so many medical professionals are so quick to suggest surgery when there are many simple, painless, and less expensive alternatives!

I suggest checking out this site: Lifetimetv.com: Health - Straight Facts About Sweating - especially the part about black tea. The tannins in black tea will close your pores up and greatly reduce your sweating.

Please look into other options before going under the knife!

I agree. I simply mentioned "I'd do it" for the surgery too quick just because I didn't do any research, he seemed to imply that was THE only cure and I figured he'd know since he is living with the condition, and most significantly the mere fact that he is obviously VERY distressed about it and I can understand why .... so "do what it takes" is what I was really trying to say. But, surgery should definitely be the last "what it takes" if the others don't work. Dig for info on all solutions, always. I had a brain fart by jumping the gun on the surgery.

Here's the content from the page, quoted below. I might prefer surgery over drugs for life, especially since they can be hazardous to your health and an expensive RECURRING cost.

My second favorite on the list, after the simplicity of the Black Tea for #1 - and the "common sense" health habits in #2 and #3, is the Drionic device in #5. 2 and 3 have already basically been mentioned .... but I doubt they can really be stressed enough.

When Sweat Is the Pits
Approximately one in 100 people suffers from excessive sweating — a condition called hyperhidrosis — and perspire more than is needed to regulate body heat. Their sweaty palms leave marks on countertops, their dripping brows blur their vision, and their soggy armpits ruin their clothing as well as their confidence. Sometimes there's an underlying medical cause for hyperhidrosis, such as an overactive thyroid, diabetes, a neurological disease or, in rare cases, cancer. Half the time, the cause is unknown.

Profuse perspiring is often a family trait. "There may be a genetic tendency toward a supercharged sympathetic nervous system or a glitch in the sweat glands," says Rafael Reisfield, M.D., director of the Center for Hyperhidrosis in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, worrying about sweating only makes it worse: Anxiety, nervousness and other stress-related responses trigger the same neurotransmitters that control sweat.

If you're bothered by sweating or have experienced a spike in perspiration, see your doctor. For most people, there are effective treatments that help dry even severe dripping without having to resort to surgery or Botox injections to paralyze nerves.

Get Up in Arms?
Whether you're a moderate or mega-sweater, here are six strategies to help you stop being afraid of shaking hands, sporting silk shirts, shedding your sneakers or melting your makeup.

1. Soak your hands and feet in black tea. The tannin may help close your pores, which will keep your feet and hands dry longer. Steep five tea bags in a quart of water and soak hands for half an hour every other night for a week, suggests Andrew Weil, M.D., the alternative medicine guru.

2. Cut out caffeine and other stimulants. The caffeine in colas, tea and coffee overstimulates the nervous system and boosts sweating.

3. Chill out. Biofeedback, yoga, meditation and other relaxation techniques may lessen the sweat response in anxiety-provoking situations, suggests Flora A. Mayoral, M.D., a professor of dermatology at the University of Miami.

4. Try Drysol. This prescription drug contains a high percentage of aluminum salts that thicken sweat and plug sweat ducts in the underarms, palms and soles of the feet. (Note: There is no proof to support reports that aluminum causes Alzheimer's disease or that antiperspirants promote cancer, according to Dr. Sengelmann.)

5. Consider a Drionic device. This battery-powered unit sends weak electric currents through the skin to shock the sweat glands in the palms, soles of the feet and underarms. It is used two to three hours daily for two weeks initially and has been shown to stop sweat output for weeks. Drionic machines cost approximately $150 and are available at Hyperhidrosis or sweating stopped by Drionic.

6. Take Robinul. This quick-acting prescription drug helps squelch the acetylcholine neurotransmitter that sends impulses to sweat glands. "It's effective for nearly half of my hyperhidrosis patients for whom other treatments don't work," says Sengelmann. Side effects include dry mouth and eyes.
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thanks for your replys and advise guys its much appreciated. you've really brought to my attention some good alternatives when i thought surgery was the only permenant cure, or thats what i read on the net anyways. i will be going to my family doctor in about 3 weeks or so( its such a drag u book an appointment and there like were booked for a whole month!!) and i'll talk with him and discuss some of the solution you guys brought up. i will most likly get him to refer me to a specialist i doubt my family doctor even knows of this condition.
pitbull said:
thanks for your replys and advise guys its much appreciated. you've really brought to my attention some good alternatives when i thought surgery was the only permenant cure, or thats what i read on the net anyways. i will be going to my family doctor in about 3 weeks or so( its such a drag u book an appointment and there like were booked for a whole month!!) and i'll talk with him and discuss some of the solution you guys brought up. i will most likly get him to refer me to a specialist i doubt my family doctor even knows of this condition.

Just don't be surprised if he still recommends surgery and/or drugs. Few medical professionals will advise you on "natural" treatments for your ailments- despite the fact that they're cheaper, effective, and less painful.

If more people educated themselves about alternatives, a lot of these drug companies would go out of business and a lot of unnecessary surgeries would be avoided. Case in point- a lot of doctors recommend surgery as the "only" option for penis enlargement- but those of us that have taken the time to learn about Penis Enlargement methods know better ;)
Big Al said:
Just don't be surprised if he still recommends surgery and/or drugs. Few medical professionals will advise you on "natural" treatments for your ailments- despite the fact that they're cheaper, effective, and less painful.

If more people educated themselves about alternatives, a lot of these drug companies would go out of business and a lot of unnecessary surgeries would be avoided. Case in point- a lot of doctors recommend surgery as the "only" option for penis enlargement- but those of us that have taken the time to learn about Penis Enlargement methods know better ;)

Yep. Consult with doctors for their opinions, not their dictation. Do your own research well beyond the professionals you consult with, albeit in addition to them. Weigh all the pros and cons after as much info as possible is gathered and do what you feel is best for you.
If i had palmar hyperhidrosis where i couldn't shake someone's hands because mine are so sweaty, i would definitely get the surgury done. It's a fairly common surgury these days. There was a segment about it discussed on a show called Strictly Sex With Dr. Drew. It turns out the Adam Corolla had a problem with sweating from his face/head. He got the surgury done and loved the results. Going under the knife isn't always bad...
sikdogg said:
If i had palmar hyperhidrosis where i couldn't shake someone's hands because mine are so sweaty, i would definitely get the surgury done. It's a fairly common surgury these days. There was a segment about it discussed on a show called Strictly Sex With Dr. Drew. It turns out the Adam Corolla had a problem with sweating from his face/head. He got the surgury done and loved the results. Going under the knife isn't always bad...

It's my opinion that one should try other options before going under the knife. Surgery isn't "bad" but it should be a last alternative. JMHO.
There used to be a website for this condition.
I remember going there a few times a few years ago.

It was BFS.com but I can't find it now.

It was for blushing, flushing and sweating.
wow kudos to penilepersis for the info. and everyone who shared their input on this whole issue. i just ordered something similiar to drysol called maxim which is suppose to be stronger than drysol. the bottle cost 13.95 and should last for about 2 months. i'll make a post on how it works for me when it comes.
This has developed into a great thread!

Thanx for providing all of the information you all have. I thought surgury was the only option too. I've had this condition since I was a kid. I'd been ridiculed plenty of times because of it, and it would always seem to interfere with my life when I least expected it.

You guys have no idea how crippling this is, especially if you may be bit insecure in other areas of your life. I've worked endlessly on personal development to the point that this doesn't tear me down as much as it used to, but this condition has definitely caused me to delay my dating life, and develop a completely different approach with my business ventures so that I won't be pleagued by this. There is nothing worst than someone being disgusted by your handshake... especially when it is your first meeting, or you are there to discuss important business... it makes you appear unnerved, amateur, and unsettled (all things that are turn-offs in relationships and business). I've always made sure that my mental frame is so consistent, settled, and strong that people don't connect the turn-offs with me... However, I asked about my wet hands all the time.... and some people really can be mean assholes about it!

I think my condition is hereditary because my sister and father both have sweaty feet. I also break a sweat easily, and have done so since childhood, even when I'm in great shape. This is something that I'm looking to handle very soon, in the next months. I'll definitely start with that drionic, but if that doesn't work, I'll get that surgury.... fuck them nerves! I'm tired of them damn nerves! I had no idea that only 1% of the population had this... that really makes me eager to get this handled. I'd have to soak my hands in tea every other day for that method to be effective, and I'd end up with discolored hands and nails (even though I am Afro-American it would still look odd). So like I said earlier, fuck them nerves! I'm not taking this one lying down cuz it is one more thing that could loop me into deep depression, and I refuse to go back to that.
On second thought, I spoke too fast earlier. It's a shame how little good information there is on the subject. I researched this on-line on my own and never came across the Hyperhidrosis or sweating stopped by Drionic webpage before.

I just got done reading through the testimonials involving surgical problems, who recieved the de-nerving procedures for the T2-T4 sympathetic nerves. I guess I'd been viewing this emotionally all these years and did not pay attention to all those things I learned in college while studying anatomy and physiology. I was under the impression that they clipped only the nerves that lead specifically to the palm, or areas you specify. That is not the case (I should've known when I read the surgury protocal a while back). They clip the nerves inside of your thorax (chest cavity), thus, disabling the body's ability to dissipate heat by sweating over the surface of the face and entire arm. This is important because sweating is a fundamentally critical element for our survival as humans. The inability to perspire from the chest up could be devastating. If a person sweats easily (like I do), then the remaining sympathetic nervous system has to work harder to release full-body's heat, through sweating, that cannot be release through the upper body.

I'm thanking my angels that I did not get this surgury, because there is a strong chance that I would have been negatively affected like those found in the "Surgical Problems" section. Judging on what I understand about how the body operates, everybody who has ever had this surgury has to be suffering from some significant degree of commensatory sweating as a result of this procedure. The surgeons only meantion this with a "back handed" comment.

There is no way I would ever get any type of surgury where I was denerved at the nexus of my autonomic nervous system. I assumed that the procedure would only have local affects. DO NOT GET THE DENERVING SURGURY UNDER IT'S CURRENT PROTOCAL.

Thanx again for posting such great information! You all saved me from making a huge mistake... The only reason why I had not had the procedure is because I didn't have the money yet. I wanted to save it all up and pay for it at once. I had already researched the clinic, and knew exactly who I was going to have perform the operation.