Last night's experience was something I never dreamed of occurring. After having pe'd on and off a couple of years, and starting enjoying my work with [words=]MOS[/words], I have always had raging hard-ons and praised for it too. However, I have been doing Phase II diligently and I had a night I'd like to forget.
I did not feel great sensation before sex and it seemed that I could not keep the erection that always came so easy. There was wine involved, for sure, but even the next day, the lack of sensation was still there, with a combined feeling of being able to cum all too quick.
I hate this situation and I don't know what to do! Do I need to rest? Have I damaged myself? It used to be the other way around...I don't want this to happen again, and I am going to see this chick!
I did not feel great sensation before sex and it seemed that I could not keep the erection that always came so easy. There was wine involved, for sure, but even the next day, the lack of sensation was still there, with a combined feeling of being able to cum all too quick.
I hate this situation and I don't know what to do! Do I need to rest? Have I damaged myself? It used to be the other way around...I don't want this to happen again, and I am going to see this chick!