Over the course of a year I've tried a wide variety of supplements, seeking increased bloodflow, libido, and healing potential. Here are my reviews.

The list is rated 0-5, based upon personal experience:

- Ginger - No noticeable effect in pill form. [0]

- Garlic - Slight increase in blood flow, flaccid hang, and workout expansion. [3]

- Gingko Biloba*- Caused serious hypertension(cold feet), turtling, and increased crankiness. [-2]

- Ginseng*- Caused slight hypertension and slight turtling. Increased libido, puts me in a chatty, flirty mood. Noticeable increase in focus, roughness, and curiosity during sex. [2.5]

- L-Arginine (Solo over 2000 mg) - Increased circulation, expansion, healing, flaccid hang, and libido. Helped heal nerve damaged in glans. Great addition to any routine.
Increased creativity, sense of humor, teasing ;). Rough sex. Great for musicality, I found myself creating melodies much more often, with richer sounds. Vivid Dreams. [3.5 - 4]

- L-Lysine (Solo over 1000mg) - No change in bloodflow or size, but slight increase in general elasticity. Slight healing effect on tunica. Better mood.
Could help certain injuries, and possibly extending? [1]

- Multiple Amino Acid Formula -
(Alanine, Arginine, Aspartic Acid, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Proline, Serline, Threonine, Tyrosine, Valine, and Ornithine)

- Increased circulation, expansion, healing, flaccid hang, libido. Very noticeable increase in elasticity of penis. Heals quicker, and feels thicker in mass.. healthy collagen possibly?
In theory, may be great for those who have already made length gains, and are going all-in for girth. [4.5]

- Erection Tea (Green Tea, Ginger, Cayenne pepper, and Honey) - Nice boost in EQ, varying circulation bonus. Mood boost and a little energy.
Better results when ginger is boiled into the mix. [3]

- Zinc - Increased flaccid hang/girth, circulation, libido, ejaculation volume/health. Slight alteration in depth perception.. hard to explain. Abstract, vivid dreams. [3 - 3.5]
Going to order an ROP soon for a much better use of Zinc.

- Vitamin B Complex - When combined with Arginine, helped with nerve damage in glans. Slight increase in bloodflow and endurance, healthier ejaculations. Energy boost. [2.5 - 3]

- Vitamin E - Huge increase in sperm volume, libido, and general erection frequency. 400 UI seems to do little, but 800 UI is a different story. Intense night/morning wood EQ;
waking up with small to moderate donuts. This seems to have led to some increases in shaft and glans girth, erect and flaccid. This stuff really is amazing. As opposed to
GW+Maca, erections are greatly increased without stimulation. Erections can be triggered easier, making it easier to start and complete effective workouts. [4.5 - 5]

- Acetyl L-Carnitine - Slight increase in flaccid size, libido, and workout expansion. Interesting increase in aggression and assertiveness. [2]

- Super Goat Weed + Maca - Can be amazing for EQ, post-ejaculation circulation, and a little size increase... but only when stimulated, in my case. Let me explain; when you're
in the "zone", you're ready to fuck like a champ. Amazing, almost obsessive sex, with remarkable hardness and circulation. Flaccid/Semi hang after multiple ejaculations is
very impressive. The weird part though, when I'm just home alone, the libido effect is kinda gone. I don't find myself hornier than usual, really. Take strategically. [4.5 - 5]

On another note, my gf took moderate doses of GW+Maca for a week... it wasn't sex all day, everyday.. but when we did, she was as horny as the
initial "honey moon phase", sometimes way more. Sex had been getting a bit stale at the time.. on GW we would be naughty for hours and stay passionate.
Squirting was way more frequent and intense. She also squirted from (rough) clitoral stimulation for the first time, woot! :)

*Hypertension with Ginseng and Gingko Biloba doesn't seem to common, just in my case.

I apologize for any errors.. its late. Hopefully someone will benefit from this, thanks for reading!