Those are some nice gains for just jelqs and a [words=]
bathmate[/words]. My first thought is try a session morning and night and try a loose ring all day. Retains the pump and gives you a nice hang. Otherwise a few things I might tell myself to do in your position...
I'm a bit of a broken record with this but you could try edging with a
cock ring. I'm assuming you watch adult entertainment to some degree, so it wouldn't be anything extraordinary to turn that into a plateau busting routine.
I'd absolutely recommend caution if the most intense work you do is jelqs and [words=]
bathmate[/words]. Start with five minutes on, five minutes off, for a half hour. As you get used to it try upping the percentage of time on. I go anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes on and 5 off. I go longer occasionally, but more than 20 at a time is injury zone.
For length it's just time to start the manual work. Do a few stretches every time you go to the bathroom and try out a set daily length routine. The dld [words=]newbie routine[/words] has done wonders for many. I'd say at least give that a try.
And do a bazillion kegals. Kegals are the special sauce on the big Mac of pe. It's not the beef, but it will make the whole thing a whole lot better. If you change nothing else, try kegals for a week. Maybe 500 a day. They make all the difference.
And of course you should go about this step by step. Don't do a half hour edging session, [words=]
bathmate[/words] session, dld routine, and several minutes of stretches when you go to the bathroom. You'll kill your junk. The options are limitless. Just try the search bar and see what's out there.