
Jun 28, 2010
Just a quick update

I've been clamping for 1.5 - 2 months and am extremely pleased. I'm so happy I've finally found consistency and i will continue to clamp for a long time. When I started, the cable clamp wasn't very tight. Now, it's much tighter. To the point that sometimes I think I've got it on the last "tooth" when in fact I'm on the penultimate one! Tape measurements indicate that I'm up from 5.25 EG to 5.3 EG. I love the temp girth gains after a session! Post session I'm 5.5EG!

I've also been using the size genetics! I loved the device but could only do 4 hours a day. I'm uncut and all the normal attachment tools were useless. The noose, was far too uncomfortable at high traction and would slip out. The SG became a torture device which is such a shame as I was seeeing results. So having done my research I've ordered the VLC tugger which should have me right back on track! I'M hoping to clock 8 hour days with the SG!

I love P.E, it always gives me a reason to be positive and happy, something to inspire and motivate myself. Every week I'm better than the previous week.

It's going great with the girls too, fucked two in the past 2 weeks! I'm still waiting for the day a girl sees my dick and says DAMN! That's when i know i'm legit in P.E!

Good shit man , i know the pain with the SG...after 2-3 hours my skin starts hurting really bad...a ADS is the best idea ever,i should get one too.
ChilDsh;657693 said:
Good shit man , i know the pain with the SG...after 2-3 hours my skin starts hurting really bad...a ADS is the best idea ever,i should get one too.

It was really difficult to have to order the VLC tugger but veing uncut that noose was killing me! Since stopping using the SG i can already see I'm smaller so I love the device just hate the crappy attachments. From thereviews from uncut guys the VLC tugger is so amazing so I can't wait to try it out! I'm taking one step back in order to take two steps forward. I also think the increased duration should manifest some nice gains!
Great update my friend and I have really missed you. I wish you could spend as much time as you used to, you are one of my favorite posters. I am proud of you for the gains you have made and I am excited that you are going to be using the SG with the VLC, they make excellent bed fellows.
doublelongdaddy;657770 said:
Great update my friend and I have really missed you. I wish you could spend as much time as you used to, you are one of my favorite posters. I am proud of you for the gains you have made and I am excited that you are going to be using the SG with the VLC, they make excellent bed fellows.

Yes i need to spend more time posting and thanks for the kind words. This is the busiest I've been P.E wise hence my absence on the forum. Life going well family and friends are healthy and I'm just looking for part time work for a bit of money. I'm happy with clamping, I'm just itching to try this vlc tugger because i noticed an increase in volume when using th e SG! I want to go crazy with the device! I love the posts you put in the brotherhood group, always inspires me!
Simyan;657860 said:
Yes i need to spend more time posting and thanks for the kind words. This is the busiest I've been P.E wise hence my absence on the forum. Life going well family and friends are healthy and I'm just looking for part time work for a bit of money. I'm happy with clamping, I'm just itching to try this vlc tugger because i noticed an increase in volume when using th e SG! I want to go crazy with the device! I love the posts you put in the brotherhood group, always inspires me!

:) Thanks my Brother. Don't be a stranger, but definitely keep having fun with the family!
Thanks bro! Deffo will post more often! Just waiting for the vlc to arrive
Simyan;658110 said:
Thanks bro! Deffo will post more often! Just waiting for the vlc to arrive

Awesome! Let me know how you like the VLC SG combo, everyone who has went this way is very happy.
doublelongdaddy;658252 said:
Awesome! Let me know how you like the VLC SG combo, everyone who has went this way is very happy.

There seems to be a problem :( VLC is way too small for my glans. Dealing with it with ron at the moment. Frustrating, but just a hiccup. Will keep going ham with clamping and kegels in the meantime.
6 hours + clamping on friday
8 hours sg yesterday
2 hours so far with the sg, time to clamp now and after i'm locking in the sg until the end of the day :)

my dick curves to the left and in the sg interestingly enough I have a nice long string of skin being pulled really hard which is a sign my shorter left side is having to stretch fucking hard to catch up with the right!

gains are on the way!
Its like if one of your biceps is a little stronger than the other you would just do barbel curls, and the weaker one has to work harder. Eventually they'll even out :)
templnite;661618 said:
Its like if one of your biceps is a little stronger than the other you would just do barbel curls, and the weaker one has to work harder. Eventually they'll even out :)

that's what I'm hoping. I really wan't a straight dick, it would help so much in sex. what about you? do you use the sg? has it fixed a curve for you?
No but I do have one cc just barely shorter than the other, maybe because It tilts a little from the base(pretty common). What I'm gonna do is clamped-bend to the right in order to 'open up' that left cc. I'm just starting to do it so i'll keep you informed on any developments bro.
templnite;661625 said:
No but I do have one cc just barely shorter than the other, maybe because It tilts a little from the base(pretty common). What I'm gonna do is clamped-bend to the right in order to 'open up' that left cc. I'm just starting to do it so i'll keep you informed on any developments bro.

that's a good idea. I will do bends when clamping too. I've heard bends in the SG are also good, like tie your dick to one side with a piece of string to counter act the bend
Como você faria curvas nos SizeGenetics ? A menos que eu não estou undertansing você, como ninguém está me entendendo :)
My curve is to the left so whilst locked into the SG i will take my clamp and use it to pull my mid shaft against the curve. So i lock to the left so the curve / shorter side is being stretched more.

Also whilst clamping, I do erect bends. I'll post a photo
I'm really happy because it was late last night and i told myself ahh fuck it, I'll do my clamping tomorrow. I had done several hours in the SG but girth is my main goal.

I then remembered "The worst thing about tomorrow is I have never heard of a tomorrow, only today".

Needless to say it was one of my best ever clamp sessions, rock hard. Motivation and dedication 100%.

I guess kegels, horny goat weed and the male extra pills are working :)
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These days I use my clamping clamp to avoid having to constantly tighten the piece of cloth but you get the picture.

As I curve to the left, I believe extending for long hours with this sort of set up will put greater emphasis on our shorter side, which is what causes the curve.

Interestingly enough on my shorter left side, I've developed stretch marks and slight wounds as it is being FORCED to stretch just as hard as the longer right side. I constantly rub aloe vera to sooth the pain.

Maybe this works, it needs more time but we have to think outside the box in P.E.
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