
Apr 17, 2012
Hi all,
1s/t time poster here, thanks for having me here :)

What is the most you can gain?
I know it states anything from 1" to 3" but the thing is, is it possible to gain more then 3"?

Currently I am nearly at 8" BPenis EnlargementL however, I still feel on the small side. So what I'm trying to say is: is it possible, for example; to go from say 6.2" to 10"?

If anyone has gained more then 3", I will be much appreciated to hear about your success, or any info on this please :)

Also, if I have gained 3", is it best to stop there and do some maintaince work for a year or so, until I'm fully healed, then start back up on a routine?

And is it safe to gain 4"? that's the more important side part of my question.
Of course you can gain more than 3" and get to 10", it is just more difficult to gain. DLD did it, Bib did it. I'm sure others have done it too. You have to eventually get some pretty intense work outs and be pretty dedicated to gain 4", but with experience you won't get injured. A lot of these exercises are dangerous only if your body isn't used to Penis Enlargement at all or if you don't take any precautions.
I don't know how much time DLD still dedicates to Penis Enlargement, but he still gains, and I know that Bib actually quit and arguably could have gained even more. There are a lot of great devices and exercises out there and MoS is always coming up with new techniques. If you have the ambition, you can certainly reach your goal.
The most naturally gained, measured by a third party and documented, to my knowledge, is my gain of 4.25" in length. I also gained 2+" of girth but I know others that have too and gone beyond. I believe Bib claims to have somewhere in the high 3.5" area. As far as girth goes I am not sure. There have been many claims but only a few proven.
Thanks very much. That's given me some ideas of scope and time.

So intense Penis Enlargement stints combined with plenty of 'rest' seems to be working for some.

Like you said, I'm sure it will be tough. After over a year and through trial and error, I've nearly reached my original goal. But I want to see where I can get to with this. I know now fully what does and doesn't work for me. But I can only try and see what happens!

Thanks for answering.
Iwillbe9;479413 said:
Thanks very much. That's given me some ideas of scope and time.

So intense Penis Enlargement stints combined with plenty of 'rest' seems to be working for some.

Like you said, I'm sure it will be tough. After over a year and through trial and error, I've nearly reached my original goal. But I want to see where I can get to with this. I know now fully what does and doesn't work for me. But I can only try and see what happens!

Thanks for answering.

Rest is a massive part of my newest routine. Rest and the "way" I rest is 50% of the routine. The slightest changes in rest, sleep, or the exercises I use around resting will ultimately effect my gains (and weight losses / gains). SRT is very intense but extremely scientific in it's success.
Absolutely. I agree. My routine is also approx 50%. I gained alot quicker when I incorporated more rest days and exercise breaks (1-2 weeks). It was a major breakthrough for me- less is more as the saying goes.

Also, my personal opinion is that too much, too soon and continuously is not great for your mental health, which in turn (in my experience) slowed my gains tremendously.

Constant focus on, what can be perceived to some, as a negative part of a persons life can be mentally draining and demotivating as gains are usually to small to perceive on a daily and weekly basis.

My mantra nowadays is : exercise- rest- relax - repeat! (of course it took a while for me to learn it lol)
Iwillbe9;479426 said:
My mantra nowadays is : exercise- rest- relax - repeat! (of course it took a while for me to learn it lol)

Relax is a big thing followed by repeat! Being able to stay focused when training is important but sometimes it is even more important to get unfocused to relax!
I just work on either length or girth. So my routine is 4 weeks on length, two weeks off. Then repeat for girth. My days are 2 days on, 1 day off, 2 days on, 2 days off (over 7 days). However, everyday, during work hours I wear traction wrap. Not too tight. Also sometimes, I do mild 'stretching' in the bath daily. Just while it's nice and warm.

Warming up and warming down is VERY important in my opinion. In fact I warm up 3 times during each session to keep everything 'flowing and flexible'. But my Penis Enlargement sessions are 2-3hrs long. For example for length, I include hanging which takes alot of time plus other exercises in between hanging sets. But I am conditioned to this so I don't advise you to do this.

My advice is, as you are looking to gain length first, concentrate on that part of the newbie routine for four weeks and assess. Make sure you get ample enough rest. Find out what works for YOU, as diffrerent things will work for different people and we all have different goals. So I can't advise any particular routine for you. However, I will add that though pumping is beneficial to some, it isn't for everybody. I saw more gains when I quit pumping, but that's my experience, you may feel different.

But lastly, don't get discouraged if you don't see major gains imediently. Always think along the lines of mths and years. Mm gains are hard to see, but all add up on the long run.

Good Luck :)
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Iwillbe9;479439 said:
I just work on either length or girth. So my routine is 4 weeks on length, two weeks off. Then repeat for girth. My days are 2 days on, 1 day off, 2 days on, 2 days off (over 7 days). However, everyday, during work hours I wear traction wrap. Not too tight. Also sometimes, I do mild 'stretching' in the bath daily. Just while it's nice and warm.

Warming up and warming down is VERY important in my opinion. In fact I warm up 3 times during each session to keep everything 'flowing and flexible'. But my Penis Enlargement sessions are 2-3hrs long. For example for length, I include hanging which takes alot of time plus other exercises in between hanging sets. But I am conditioned to this so I don't advise you to do this.

My advice is, as you are looking to gain length first, concentrate on that part of the newbie routine for four weeks and assess. Make sure you get ample enough rest. Find out what works for YOU, as diffrerent things will work for different people and we all have different goals. So I can't advise any particular routine for you. However, I will add that though pumping is beneficial to some, it isn't for everybody. I saw more gains when I quit pumping, but that's my experience, you may feel different.

But lastly, don't get discouraged if you don't see major gains imediently. Always think along the lines of mths and years. Mm gains are hard to see, but all add up on the long run.

Good Luck :)

what was your routine when you did one month length then girth?
My routines in my log, minus a few stretches and sets I've cut back on.
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