Solid Snake

Dec 20, 2011
Hey guys. I'm starting a diet/fitness routine. I just weighed myself and I'm 210lbs - 6 foot tall - naturally wide frame. I want to get down to about 170.

Does anyone know what the correlation of weight loss and the fat pad is? Like lose 20lbs and gain 1/2 and inch? 1/4 inch?

I know everyone Is different so things vary but I have 40lbs to lose. Anyone help me estimate how much fat-pad I'd lose if I lost the 40lbs.

Thanks Guys

It would likely be more accurate to correlate body fat percentage with your fat pad as you could lose a significant amount of weight but if it is mostly muscle then it will make little difference.

From experience, when i was 17 i had a fat pad of just 0.2 inches and was very skinny. I am now very fat and have a fat pad of 0.8 inches. The increase in weight was around 100lb, almost all fat.
So from 100lbs you put on, you've lost about 1/2 an inch in length? That doesn't sound like a lot. I've put on 40lbs of pure fat and my fat pad is a lot thicker now.
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Hey solid snake to awnser your first questing I believe 15lbs is equal to about 0.25nbpel, I read various threds here and it seems to be this number or ratio. However once you loose those 40lbs I do believe you will gain more than 3/4 of penis nbpel, and that once you seem thinner you cock will actually seem much bigger. As far as your training goes try to do circut training whit HIT cardio and eats lots of protein while cutting out carbs and fat. In your diet try not to starve your self as your body turns to muscle tissue for energy if you dont eat instead of fat, and just like Pe, the diet and training wil need to be consistent. Set realistic goals perhaps loosing 8 pounds a month or so, not 20 pounds in 3 weeks not gonna happen, at least health wise is concerned hope this helps.
I'm the same height as you and I weight ~155lbs. My fat pad is about 1/4"-1/2" thick. I'm pretty lanky though :p So, it may be different if you are a bulkier build.
Solid Snake;474575 said:
So from 100lbs you put on, you've lost about 1/2 an inch in length? That doesn't sound like a lot. I've put on 40lbs of pure fat and my fat pad is a lot thicker now.

I have grown three inches taller in the last six year as well which may account for some of it but also at 6'4 i guess it may be more spread out (my fat is heavily concentrated in my hip tyre and thighs). Still, 1.5cm more fat is a lot when looking at it.
Dr.Oz says in his book that if you are obese (over 210 pounds for a 5'10" man) you can gain an inch by losing the 35 pounds. He says how much you gain decreases with additional 35 pounds lost. Which makes sense. I am overweight and a few years ago I lost 50 pounds and I agained more than an inch. I am trying to lose weight again. I will post my results if I see any length gain front the fat pad loss.
I feel that loss of fat pad isn't a gain in true penis length. It will make the penis appear to be longer but you aren't actually gaining length. I have a huge fat pad and always have. Im usually around 5'10" 200lbs. My fat pad is around 1.25 to 1.5 inch. That is covering alot of penis. When i started pe a 1/4 of my dick was covered by fat pad.

I got down to 170 before and never lost any of my fat pad. I would love to have a half inch fat pad but i don't see how i could ever get there
rebel2011;475489 said:
I feel that loss of fat pad isn't a gain in true penis length. It will make the penis appear to be longer but you aren't actually gaining length. I have a huge fat pad and always have. Im usually around 5'10" 200lbs. My fat pad is around 1.25 to 1.5 inch. That is covering alot of penis. When i started pe a 1/4 of my dick was covered by fat pad.

I got down to 170 before and never lost any of my fat pad. I would love to have a half inch fat pad but i don't see how i could ever get there

It is definitely a visual gain and I can attest to that twice, now:), in my life. When I first started Penis Enlargement I was very heavy (about 280 at 5'9"), I was this weight up until I did the Channel 4 interview. About 3 months prior to the interview I followed a weight loss program that was being featured in the AlphaBlade Program (back in 2005). I was able to lose quite a bit of weight and become quite muscular in a very short time. I think by the time the interview happened I was 150 pounds and I had lost 130-140 pounds. I literally gained 2" of hidden penis. Visually I looked like a monster! I mean, even though I gained so much in penis length, half was hidden in my fat pad. This is when I realized just how important the body was to penis size. What has the point of gaining 2" of penis if it is hidden in the fat pad?

I was also albe to do this again recently. Using SRT, which includes the weight loss and diet program from AB, I was able to get myself back in great shape. Over the last few years I did put on some weight and I did lose some visual penis but SRT solved this in every way.

Perspectives, physical and mental, are largely effected by visual change even when the change is not a gain in size, but a gain is visual change...think of its like Fung Shway for the body:)
doublelongdaddy;475506 said:
It is definitely a visual gain and I can attest to that twice, now:), in my life. When I first started Penis Enlargement I was very heavy (about 280 at 5'9"), I was this weight up until I did the Channel 4 interview. About 3 months prior to the interview I followed a weight loss program that was being featured in the AlphaBlade Program (back in 2005). I was able to lose quite a bit of weight and become quite muscular in a very short time. I think by the time the interview happened I was 150 pounds and I had lost 130-140 pounds. I literally gained 2" of hidden penis. Visually I looked like a monster! I mean, even though I gained so much in penis length, half was hidden in my fat pad. This is when I realized just how important the body was to penis size. What has the point of gaining 2" of penis if it is hidden in the fat pad?

I was also albe to do this again recently. Using SRT, which includes the weight loss and diet program from AB, I was able to get myself back in great shape. Over the last few years I did put on some weight and I did lose some visual penis but SRT solved this in every way.

Perspectives, physical and mental, are largely effected by visual change even when the change is not a gain in size, but a gain is visual change...think of its like Fung Shway for the body:)

Hey DLD, I'm really struggling with my weight loss. After 6 months of eating fast food and fizzy drinks, I find I just cant keep the diet going more than a few days before my cravings and mood go crazy. Where is the AB diet/fitness regime?
You lost all at weight in a few months!? I want to lose 45 lbs.

Hey SOLID, just cut out the drinks first. Get that MIO stuff, it worked for me. I went from 3xMountain dews, 4xNOS energy drnks and 3x32oz gatorades a day to just water and MIO. I lost 15 lbs in 2 weeks from cutting that crap. 170lbs down to 155lbs and now I'm back to working out at 165lbs. The drnk enhancer MIO helped in the beginning, you just slowly add less over time until your back to just water. Just start jogging everyday until your weight loss slows down then start a HIIT program. HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING. Check out for all the info, videos and forums for what ever you need to know. Hope this helps and good luck.
You don't have to cut out the fast food. Just slowly ease off it over time. You'll still lose weight, it's better to slowly work to a goal than to just jump straight to it. Like Penis Enlargement. Just take your time man, patience is a virtue.
Solid Snake;475523 said:
Hey DLD, I'm really struggling with my weight loss. After 6 months of eating fast food and fizzy drinks, I find I just cant keep the diet going more than a few days before my cravings and mood go crazy. Where is the AB diet/fitness regime?
You lost all at weight in a few months!? I want to lose 45 lbs.


If you have a smartphone download myfitnesspal app its free and let's you track all your calories you consume and shows how many calories are in foods at fast food joints. I alwYs eat out but have used this to pick healthier meals and have lost 6 pounds in 11 days. That with exercise. It's a great app I love it
Solid Snake;475523 said:
Hey DLD, I'm really struggling with my weight loss. After 6 months of eating fast food and fizzy drinks, I find I just cant keep the diet going more than a few days before my cravings and mood go crazy. Where is the AB diet/fitness regime?
You lost all at weight in a few months!? I want to lose 45 lbs.


Forgot to add that it is probably not the actual food and drink taste you are addicted to but the sugar/sweeteners, so you should switch to fruit as that contains natural fructose.

I found myself that it was not the pizza and kebab that i was addicted to, but the sugar because i rarely eat chocolate except when i cut out the kebabs and pizzas.
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