
Sep 21, 2010
I tried the VacHanger3 for the first time. I tried it on within 30 minutes of opening it lol. It is very easy to apply. In the first video I didn't use a sleeve b/c i forgot to lol. I also didn't use any anti fluid retention measures only b/c i wanted to see what would happen without it. As you would guess I had fluid retention. You can see it in the first pic. It was a bit worse then it looks in the pic. the pic makes it look lighter and not as swollen. Now with that said the fluid retention wasn't bad and dissipated in under 15 minutes.

Here is a video showing me wearing it. I was hanging 7.5 lbs. I started with 5 lbs but it was to light. 7.5 lbs is light also but i am not going higher b/c i am just being careful

<iframe src="" frameborder=0 width=510 height=400 scrolling=no></iframe>
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here is a video of the 2nd time i wore the VacHanger3. Here you can see i have a sleeve on to help with seal and i am using sports pre wrap and the PF cap to prevent fluid retention just like I do with my Phallosan Forte. It did reduce the fluid retention I experienced before but did not eliminate it. The VacHanger3 comes with with anti fluid tape. I will try this and see how it works as well.

<iframe src="" frameborder=0 width=510 height=400 scrolling=no></iframe>
Nice videos man. Now that you have a bit of experience with these type of hangers, what are your thoughts on how they compare to the traditional compression style hangers? I personally use a Bib Starter and do sets that are an hour long at 15 lbs (currently) and have not seen any negative side effects. Do you think these vac hangers can compare?
I also have VacHanger 3 and Lg hanger, but I haven't use it for hanging yet.
boohoohoo;625210 said:
Nice videos man. Now that you have a bit of experience with these type of hangers, what are your thoughts on how they compare to the traditional compression style hangers? I personally use a Bib Starter and do sets that are an hour long at 15 lbs (currently) and have not seen any negative side effects. Do you think these vac hangers can compare?


i am still learning so no real opinions yet. i am going slow and working to avoid blisters or bruising.

15 lbs with a bib for an hr??? you are the only person in the world who can do that. i got up to 50 minute sessions with the LM but that was with multiple changes in tension b/c i was using resistant bands and could go from 2 lbs of tension to 25 lbs in seconds. i would back & forth between those weights
tbone350;625242 said:
I also have VacHanger 3 and Lg hanger, but I haven't use it for hanging yet.

what do you use them for?
LOL.. I will take a picture and post very soon.... A picture is worth a thousand words.
tbone350;625252 said:
LOL.. I will take a picture and post very soon.... A picture is worth a thousand words.

a picture of what?
My method to use VacHanger 3..
Have you tried to attached the VacHanger 3 or Phallosan to the LenghMaster to do some stretching using bunge cord?
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Your glans looks bruised? Do you plan to do a long term review?
youknowme123321;625248 said:
15 lbs with a bib for an hr??? you are the only person in the world who can do that. i got up to 50 minute sessions with the LM but that was with multiple changes in tension b/c i was using resistant bands and could go from 2 lbs of tension to 25 lbs in seconds. i would back & forth between those weights

Well tbh I don't feel any pain doing what I do 90% of the time, and as far as gains go my system seems to be working for me. Nonetheless I am still interested in vac attachments (mainly for use as extenders, not so much as hangers) because I see a huge potential there. Thanks again for the video!
stillwantmore2;625274 said:
Your glans looks bruised? Do you plan to do a long term review?

nowhere near bruised. a bruise would be much darker. though I guess it could look that way on someones computer screen. the discoloration cleared within 15 minutes when hanging with no fluid retention prevention and within 10 minutes of using sports pre wrap and the phallosan glans cap.

and possibly on the long term review. but i will also always use traditional compression chambers for hanging

first of all thanks for the video! If they say a picture is worth a thousand words then surely a video is worth much more than that.

Do you also own an LG hanger? I am thinking about buying one or the other. Do you think it's possible to make gains using a vac hanger?

Have you tried going higher than 7.5lbs with the vac hanger? If not then why did you buy it? Did it not live up to the hype or was it one of those impulse/experimentation type deals?
Ever tried the vachanger with water? Heard this might eliminate edema.
Bryson;631062 said:

first of all thanks for the video! If they say a picture is worth a thousand words then surely a video is worth much more than that.

Do you also own an LG hanger? I am thinking about buying one or the other. Do you think it's possible to make gains using a vac hanger?

Have you tried going higher than 7.5lbs with the vac hanger? If not then why did you buy it? Did it not live up to the hype or was it one of those impulse/experimentation type deals?

glad you found these vids helpful. i have only read of people hanging heavy with vac chambers. never actually seen any proof of it. i have hung 8 lbs with the VC3 but only for 10 mins at most. I am being very careful. I do not want to risk a blister and have to take time off.
dickerschwanz;631064 said:
Ever tried the vachanger with water? Heard this might eliminate edema.
not yet but plan to

noticed that your videos got deleted for some reason. Will you be re-uploading them?
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