I always stretch before a girth workout. But in answer to your question Im not too sure, but I dont think so. Both exercises aid each other in loosening up the tunica.
I've actually made pretty good length gains never doing a length exercise in my life. Opinions on this vary, but I'm focusing on one aspect before I start another. I think that if I tried to spread my initiative over both length AND girth, one would suffer. So - I have and will be concentrating solely on girth, and when I reach a certain measurement, I'll train length for a little bit before hitting girth again.

Can it hurt? I've HEARD that stretching in close proximal time to doing a girth workout that you run the risk of dimishing your girth workout. Also, I can't imagine doing a stretch routine after a girth routine - my penis is waaay too tired. I posted a while back about stretching BEFORE a girth workout, which I didn't think was a good idea either.
Yeah, Alloy I think is right. My penis is too tired and not up for a girth workout after a length one. That's been my problem. I haven't had time to do girth and length. In fact last night I went to sleep before I thought I would because I had worked out and Penis Enlargemented for length last night. I couldn't get up for the girth portion. I just can't do it. I am going to have to pick 1 day out of the week for girth and use Saturday and Sunday afternoons to get girth in. Matter of fact, I'm going to do girth here in about 45 minutes.
If you can do it, IMO supersetting length then girth would be more effective. Any way you can weaken the tunica will help your workouts. You know how tough and resistant the tunica is. I'll often put on the clamp 2-3 times in one day, just to keep the tunica fatigued.
I cant see it doing anyharm....I think it would help length gains.
I do both. I will do some stretches, then some jelqing, then some more stretching, then some more jelqing. I don't see how one exercise can diminish the benefits of the other, because you are basically doing the same thing. Stretching stretches the penis longways. Jelqing stretches it outwards.
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