nice I ran into that site maybe 6 months ago. But I dont know how accurate that can be?. Im sure its biased to a point.
I love the TLC tugger, as the simple package comes with everything you need. The cat is good in a sense that you have a pusher which acts on innner mucosa supposedly but I find the CAT has a cheaper feel to it.
well I can tell you what I have tried. Ive tried those stupid fuckin rings, basically washers which are shipped from hawaii. Those honestly was the lamest thing on the planet. I have pics of me using them. It did not stretch out in anyway. And was lacking tension!. So the stupid rings from or whatever their site is. Gets a ZERO!. T-Taping has alot of downfalls it works but really disuaded me from continuing!. too much math involved, and just annoyance. So the TLC tugger and the CAT and the r2k are things that need more reviews i guess.
phraze! said:
So the TLC tugger and the CAT and the r2k are things that need more reviews i guess.

Guess what? I've got all three! Wupee! Ok, here's my takes on the three:

R2K - $150. This is a tough one because you need a certain amount of skin just use this one. I would estimate that you at least need to have overlapping skin, at a minimum. Maybe even slight coverage of the corona. The device requires tape to hold the skin in place. Personally, I hate taping. But this device will give you as much tension as you can handle and then some! I also figured out a neat no-tape way. You can use a TLC cone and the R2K together for a tapeless method, but you won't get as much tension as is possible with tape. Its also too noticeable to wear with nice slacks. Jeans probably not either, but maybe if they're really baggy. Pissing is a bitch because of the tape, and requires carrying around a roll of tape with you. Overall, if you have the money, time, enough skin, and don't mind taping, this is a great device. 4 Stars.

TLC - $25-35. I started with the TLC and a strap and while its a good device, I just didn't get enough tension on this thing. I also think it focuses most of the tension on the outer skin. I want more inner skin because its got more NERVE ENDINGS :) The tension is good with the TLC but the strap can get unhooked and the device will come off the penis throughout the day. It is also noticeable in dress slacks, but not in baggy pants. The cone is great for keeping the glans covered and reducing fraternization. Overall a good system and would recommend getting at least the cone for glans coverage. 3.5 stars.

CAT II - $35-ish. For the money, I think this is the best device. The CAT puts enough tension on the skin to be uncomfortable for short, intense sessions, but is also great for 10-12 hour/day wear with less tension. It never comes off and can be worn under just about anything as long as you wear briefs or boxer-briefs to keep it close to the body. I use it 5 days a week, even at work, for an all day tensioning. Then at the end of the day, I crank it down for 30-60 minutes for the max tension I can stand for a big stretch. I don't use a strap with it, but you can for an even greater result, much like the TLC. However, I like this one over the TLC for two reasons: 1) Focused tension on the inner skin 2) Ease of use ( on/off is easier, stays on). I've gained about a 1/4 to 3/8 of skin over the last 6 months, but granted, I was using the device incorrectly for about 2 months. Overall, best device around. 5 Stars.

By the way, both the R2K and CAT II have built in holes to pee through while wearing. Don't be fooled. Both devices form sort of a vacuum around the penis so the pee doesn't flow smoothly and will leak out everywhere. The CAT II has a pee-hole and no pee-hole option.

There it is.

Any questions?
wow amazing golarge... geez i would never expect anyone to have all 3. well maybe the cat II but the r2k seems of interest because, it looks like it will taper the foreskin so you dont have to mod or pre make some crap just to taper it of. well honestly I gain skin quickly, I know I might sound stupid and all but when flaccid i would say more than half my glans is covered!. and I never restored more than 3 months. anyway I would like to continue what ive put off for merely 8 years :(... Yea I honestly dont mind spending up to 100 bucks.. so i might be looking at the cat II the r2k i seen as low as 130.
phraze! said:
well I can tell you what I have tried. Ive tried those stupid fuckin rings, basically washers which are shipped from hawaii. Those honestly was the lamest thing on the planet. I have pics of me using them. It did not stretch out in anyway. And was lacking tension!. So the stupid rings from or whatever their site is. Gets a ZERO!. T-Taping has alot of downfalls it works but really disuaded me from continuing!. too much math involved, and just annoyance. So the TLC tugger and the CAT and the r2k are things that need more reviews i guess.


Not every method works for everyone, but the rings do work for some. It is too bad that you bought the cutuncut rings, since they're seriously overpriced. I bought my rings at Home Depot for $0.23 each, and they work just fine. I've done most of my restoration (CI-2 to CI-6 in 13 weeks) with the stacked rings and a keeper.

Good luck on finding a method that works for you.

yea no kiddin i figured its just a sillly o-ring washer that can be bought @ home depot. Well now The question is do I start Penis Enlargement'ing First, then FR. Or Vica Versa?. I know you cant do both, I mean you can but that would screw up alot of things and like kong said in one of his posts the body needs healing time.
phraze, i dont think doing both at once will screw up anything, as i do both and i think others on here do also, the only thing i find a bother is finding the time to do both, but i am married and have several kids running around here. but if you have the time i think restoring and p.e. will go nicely together.
i have tested t-tape . x tape the pill tube , tlc tugger and recentley the cat II.
X taping was a waste of time i had trouble with the tape sticking to my glans and boy does that hurt "ouch". T-taping i found worked pretty good i liked the pull i could get from t-taping and it gave me enough stretch in my skin, in just a short while, enough to try other things. the film canister i liked also because i could leave it on all day and i didnt have to remove it to urinate. but with the methods that required tape, started to fail me after a while the tape just wouldnt stick to my skin any more i'm not sure why but it would slip off and i would have to retape, most times i would give up. so i bought the tlc and i found it difficult to use, i didnt have enough skin to use it adaquitley, it seems you need quite a bit of skin for this device. but i'm sure it will work well when i have enough skin as it seems to be comfortable to wear. i have reasently purchased the cat II i took a gamble with this because it seemed to work on the same principal as the tlc (skin streched over a structure and held in place with silicone keeper) but to my surprise! i could get enough skin on this device to actualy be held in place by the keeper and when the pusher is screwed down i get a nice amount of tension on the inner foreskin, with the lack of skin i cannot use this devise with a strap for stretching the outer skin but im confident that this will be able to happen over time, so if you have enough slack skin i would recommend the cat II
If Penis Enlargement is going to work for you, I would say it will seriously slow down FR as the new cock you make will require more skin, so any new skin you have grown won't be noticed.
They both may work, but I think FR will be slowed down (and believe me it is slow as hell as it is without encouraging it even more).
Making Penis Enlargement progress definitely kills your FR progress. As long as the skin will keep growing I guess it's fine. ;)

Before I found Penis Enlargement, I had almost full coverage from FR using T-tape before my skin couldn't take the tape anymore and I had to quit. I figured I'd get back to it later and focused on Penis Enlargement for a few years.

I have the CAT II now for 13 months and I do like it a lot, but don't ignore manual tugging. Since starting manual tugging on April 22 this year, I've gained an inch of measurable skin at a fairly constant rate. That's more than I gained in 11 months using the CAT exclusively.
wow... thanks so for now I will start pe'ing just gotta sort out now which device to choose hehe the maxextender or not.... i think i posted on the other thread about what i found on ebay.
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