
Sep 13, 2004
Just interested in knowing if people take supplements before and after their Penis Enlargement routine?

Usually for a girth routine session I take a Vitamin tablet with such stimulants as Guarana and Gingseng to improve concentration and blood flow. This has seemed to help my routines and I usually take this 30 minutes before I start.

Once I have finished a session I usually have a protein drink to aide in recovery.

I think I am much more interested in what regular supplements people take after their session as this probably has the most benefit?

KingJames said:
Just interested in knowing if people take supplements before and after their Penis Enlargement routine?

Usually for a girth routine session I take a Vitamin tablet with such stimulants as Guarana and Gingseng to improve concentration and blood flow. This has seemed to help my routines and I usually take this 30 minutes before I start.

Once I have finished a session I usually have a protein drink to aide in recovery.

I think I am much more interested in what regular supplements people take after their session as this probably has the most benefit?


Do you notice a big difference in your workout/post workout/gain time, etc. since you are taking these things? Did you ever keep track of the data prior to taking these things? Supplements have always interested me and more info would be great.
I've been eating all sorts of supplements during my Penis Enlargement history. Pro Solution Pills and other pills like that containing L-Arginine, L-Ornithine, Muira Puama etc. I'd say they help with your excercises making your blood flow better. I sometimes also take fish oil capsules (omega-3) which is also good for your circulation.
The most important supplements by my opinion and what I use always:
(amounts may vary)

L-Arginine 5000mg/day
L-Ornithine 2500mg/day (these two aminoacids raise testosterone levels greatly when combined)
Protein drink 1-2/day (helps also with my bodybuilding)
Multivitamin capsules (containing heaps of vitamin C, E, B6, B12, and all essential minerals)

It's important to remember those B-vitamins. Some people don't know that they are very crucial and speed up healing wounded tissues!
Best protein is a mix of three different protein sources.
I use Whey-, Egg- and Soy-protein mix. It's because their absorbement speed is different.

I must add that I do a lot of bodybuilding, and those supplements are essential for that. If you are just doing Penis Enlargement you won't need that much, but i'm pretty sure it helps a LOT for that also. I also always have a recovery drink after my training containing vitamins, carbohydrates and protein.
How would protein help with Penis Enlargement?????
For some reason I can't see the penis needing protein and carbs post-workout. :D

The only Penis Enlargement-related supps I take right now are generic V and caffeine (so I can keep intensity high). I've taken tons of stuff in the past, but most of it just isn't worth it.

Also, be careful with that soy protein, as it's very estrogenic. I personally wouldn't touch the stuff.
yes, soy would actually be contradicting the supplement you are taking to up your test levels.. *shrugs* whatever though. :)
Protein Is New Tissue Building Material!!!! Recovering From Any Tissue Damage Needs Proteins.
And the thing with soy and estrogens is total crap... Soy is a good testo-raiser because of lots of L-Arginine. It really doesn't reduce any male hormone levels or
raise estrogen-levels by recent research. If you'd see my body you'd agree. LMAO
You are absolutely right cyclops, Like I said, if you're doing only Penis Enlargement you really won't need that much protein or any other supplements either. I only said that they might help.
But I still don't agree with that soy-protein thing. I've read a bunch of articles and research on it's pros and cons now including that you linked me to, but I can only trust my own 6 years long empiric research on that. And I can't say it has those drawbacks mentioned and warned. Quite the opposite.
I havnt been getting enough protein i weight 180 and get maybe 80-90 untill a month ago now im movin up going for 200 but 2g each pound i would need 360g damn i need to eat a whole lot more.
Yeh, that's the problem i'm having too. If you dont lift weights etc. you probably won't need that 2g/kg, but I do and it's pretty impossible to have it without any protein drinks. Even with drinks you must be eating constantly....
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