
Sep 4, 2004
Im sooooooooooooo fucking distraught right now its UNREAL

my mom found my penis pics album while browsing the internet, she thinks its from an email attachment but its an album on my harddrive..

im so fucking embarassed guys.. i cant look at her right now im so fucking weirded out by this..

I had pics of me including my face so she knows its me...

What the fuckKKKKKK shall i do?
don't worry man, this will pass by. sucks like all hell though. but somewhow parents always find out when you masterbate or pull shaddy shit every now and again. i'm sure that my stepfather ended up catching me doing my routine...which was embarassing...but it all goes away. dont' worry..give it a couple of months at most and you shoudl be fine
It's a private matter, isn't it? So Sam is right. It will blow over. My mom caught me masturbating twice. She should have been minding her own business. It's her problem, not yours. That's the way I see it.
Don't know how close you are to your mom, but maybe you should just explain to her what you where doing. Parents can be very understanding. Maybe you shouldn't tell her that you were posting your pics of your dick to show other guys(she might think your gay if you say that), but that you are just trying to better yourself and stay healthy with Penis Enlargement and the pics are just documentations of your progress, nothing to much different from somebody keeping pics of there body and see how they progress with there body building.

If this happen to me thats what I would do. Or like the others said say nothing about it and it'll blow over, I would personally explain myself to her, this is different from getting caught masturbating, I wouldn't want my mom thinking something thats not if I didn't explain myself.
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yes, I agree with groc. Just be straightforward with her, tell her the penis enlargement thing....what groc said, OR, you could say they were for a girl....OR you could say its documentation because you thought you might have curvature, weird discolorations, cancer, etc; and you just wanted to keep an eye on it, because that sort of stuff freaks you out or whatever, and you're uncomfortable around urologists and would rather give your own self diagnosis.

If you and your mom are cool, like, she lets you drink and say cuss words cool....I might try the Penis Enlargement explanation, but, If she is worrisome and not cool, I would definetely say the self diagnosis photo journal thing.

Good luck man. Its pretty bad, but you can fight it!

What would be worse? Having your mom catch you sucking your own dick or something along those lines!!!

And we know you don't do that, but hypothetically speaking, it could be worse.
Really thanks for all the replies so fast, i appreciate it very much guys!

She went to bed now.. so.. tomorrow I will say I took them cause my gf asked me to.. I think thats the best possible response.. and I will totally downplay it..


And yeah.. shes cool pretty much..

I DONT wanna get into telling her its Penis Enlargement.. because my sis found this site and mentioned im doing penile enlargement and i told her to STFU right away. I will deny, deny, and deny that unless she has proof.. which she does not.

All this happened coz i left my penis pics folder open.. ugh.. :(
But, whatever explanation you use, make sure you appear uncomfortable and stern, and ashamed. This way, she won't be asking you about it again in the future. With the self diagnosis explanation, there is more chance of that not being brought up, but with Penis Enlargement, its like " so, how are things going?...."

I seriously think the self diagnosis is the way to go.

One question to ask, though, is what was the nature of the pics that included your face? Were you just looking off or at the camera? Or were you smiling or some shit?

Keep us updated, and my advice is, don't keep pictures around.
Of course, thank goodness you gotta girlfriend!


hahaha, yeah, you'll be alright, I'd say.
your sister said that to your mom??

what an uncool sister!!


Yeah, dude, I've had similar experiences, like parents finding �naked people movies� sites. I learned just to cover your tracks like heck. When I am on the internet, or whatever I am doing that I dont want people to find out about, I turn into a guy walking through deep snow, step by step, brushing away my footprints.
I think it would be just easier to tell her your gay ? Or give her my sob story about being smaller than the other guys and that you are embarrassed in the locker rooms and you friends told you to do this and mention all of us here - especially me - I love taking the blame ?

WOW, that must suck, WOW, your Mother caught you - she must think that you are real wierd ?

40 years ago, they would put you away in an insane assylam ? LOL, WOW, whatta fucken dilemma.

But we will all pitch in and get you a good answer. thank god she didnt catch you with 20 lbs. of fucken weights hanging on your cock with your cock stretched to the floor . . . . . LOL, what a site that would be - can you imagine. thank God that she just caught you jelqing or fucking your GF in her assh or something that older people shun upon.

Why is it that women can freely talk about and get breast augmentation and now one cares, but a guy wants to have a simple big thick cock and the world is in an uproar ? Talk about descrimination ?

By the way, how old is your Mom?
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"thank god she didnt catch you with 20 lbs. of fucken weights hanging on your cock with your cock stretched to the floor . . . . . LOL, what a site that would be - can you imagine." AWESOME. lmfao.
feel you. cut my scrotum bad (clippers) at 19 and freaked- didn't even hesitate "MOM!!!", nother time threw away bloody towels from banging a virgin. Next day I see my mom pulling them out of the garbage!:O I told her it was a bad bloody nose and regardless, it was nasty so just leave them in the garbage.
velimirovich said:
Really thanks for all the replies so fast, i appreciate it very much guys!

She went to bed now.. so.. tomorrow I will say I took them cause my gf asked me to.. I think thats the best possible response.. and I will totally downplay it..


And yeah.. shes cool pretty much..

I DONT wanna get into telling her its Penis Enlargement.. because my sis found this site and mentioned im doing penile enlargement and i told her to STFU right away. I will deny, deny, and deny that unless she has proof.. which she does not.

All this happened coz i left my penis pics folder open.. ugh.. :(

Ha ha ha I think you'll never live it down dude
Hey Velm pal, don't stress about this too much. I agree with the "self-diagnosis photos for online solutions because i'm not confy around urologists" excuse. It is almost perfect except that for all that you wouldn't need to be erect but there is also a way around that too. Just tell her that the "problem" is a thrombosed vein that you "think" you got from a strain at the gym or just working out and the only way it can be seen to be diagnosed is erect cause flaccid won't show it up. Just tell her you were concerned about your health and were advised to take pics for diagnostic purposes.

This WILL leave your mom concerned about your health and detracted from thinking other crazy shit. "Be a man god damn" like MethodMan and RedMan would put it eheheh Suck it up as a health concern and it'll be alright. Just talk to her like she was your best friend and "let her in on a secret" which is the self diagnosis shit. She will be happy you are trusting her and then you ask her for "lets leave this just betwin us mom ok? It's very important that it remains our secret cause it could become embarassing for me" and she will comply promptly i'm sure.


velimirovich said:
She went to bed now.. so.. tomorrow I will say I took them cause my gf asked me to.. I think thats the best possible response.. and I will totally downplay it..


Think thats the most believable reason to give tbh,i no she's your mother but at some point she probably had nude pics taken of herself so she will understand.

Are you going to ask her if you look hung:O LMAO
Lol You got owned son!
Same stuff happened to me, I ordered 6months of Some kind of Penis Enlargement pill From some site cant remember where they where from, and while i was at work my dad signed for the parcel, he shaked it because it rattles [pills] and thought i was taking drugs so opened it, later that day he confronted me about it lol, And i was like ''Yeah man check dis site out, why would i NOT do it? Like whats so bad about my cock getting EVEN bigger then it is now!'' :D He looked at the site, and was like well i would just like a normal son not a son that's going to stay in the bathroom wanking himself sili, or something along them lines.

P.s: Havent touched a pill since! Well iv tried a few TITAN pills when i stumbled across this site, anyway before i babble on thats the end of my tale!...And pride :(
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Jeez , and I thought you had a serious problem with that cry for help !!!
Just calm down , and let it go .
Your Mom must have seen a few cocks in her day , and yours too , when you were younger .
No big deal . If she has a problem with seeing private pictures , she should stay out of other peoples private folders .
Oh , and you might want to look into password protection , yo .
Just say that your ex girl made you do it, and u forgot all about it!
lol thats funny shit, i feel for ya but thats funny shit lol
Well, one time I was on the comp...Just got on mom and step dad were in the living room, my step dad not 5 feet away from my pc monitor. That's when I wasn't even paying attention and was looking at the tv, so I typed in I'm so used to it being the first place I go when I go on my computer. I didn't even noticed I typed it! I mean, I can type without looking step dad seen the site and was like "what the hell are you on??" So I x'ed out the site and was like "uhhh must be some spam." Man I was scared as hell man. I dont know if they suspected anything.

Don't sweat it man. It will all be in the past.


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