Solid Snake

Dec 20, 2011
Hey guys, so I've been dedicated to Penis Enlargement for nearly 40 days straight. I started a strict diet yesterday and today for the first time I really couldn't be bothered to do Penis Enlargement. I feel like crap and I've only managed a little bit if Penis Enlargement today.

I thought this was going to happen. What do you think I should do first? Dick or body. I'm only good at focusing on one thing at a time.

Body or Penis Enlargement?
Strict diets usually don't last long but that's not the end all and I'm just going by what works for most people and personal experience.

Ease into it. What you already do for a week but smaller portions. If you get hungry between meals, it's ok to have a small healthy snack. This promotes your metabolism to always be working. I've heard number of trainers recommend 6 small (healthy) meals a day than 3 big ones.

After that first week start looking into healthy/whole food alternatives in your meals and drinking more water. If you're peeing yellow, you are likely dehydrated. (of course things like vitamins will make you pee yellow, that does not mean you're not getting enough water.)

This method should be easy to go into and is more about being conscious of what you eat and how much than breaking yourself off on a "strict diet."

This shouldn't leave you feeling like crap but slowly feeling better and better.
Pretty much agree with pjp.

Ease into the diet. I wouldn't reccomend jumping to multiple smaller meals vs traditional 3 meals a day though. It can be inconvenient and is just another reason to not bother. There are lots of little things help to get you moving like not adding excess salt, grabbing the diet versions of coke etc. Its pretty much common sense and you can find it with a quick google.

If you've got a problem doing them both full steam then slowly work the health aspects in. The more your body gets used to it, the more it'll want & work with it. Longer process but is probably best if these are two activities you want to eventually run side by side.
I think you can accomplish both its all in the mind. Its the mind that really creates on what it wants the body to loke like as the finish product- Arnold. Ease into the diet and have a cheat meal once or twice a week to bring your mind into sanity instead of all that constant diet. I posted on your other post about the fat pad about not starving yourself, and stick to this. The body will eat muscle before it eats fat, most of the time. Have you tried looing into about your diet, Although I believe is the best Penis Enlargement site for penis info , is the best fitness/nutrition site for info, hope this helps.
IMO you can do both. What I did last year was basically try to avoid sugar mainly, but also other crap as well. There wasn't really a plan diet wise - just try to avoid the junk. At the start it was hard but it gets easier as you go on. Also, I allow myself one 'cheat' meal per week, where I can basically eat anything - without going crazy. As for working out, I have been doing the P90X home workout program. I'm currently in my 3rd run through and I'd highly reccomend that if you want to get in shape withought breaking the bank on gym fees ect. There is P90X2, but that is a little more extreame and requires more equipment. I haven't got around to try it yet.
Diets aren't easy AT ALL. Im a natural Bodybuilder with a physical demanding full time job. Yet I still devote a hour daily for my penis.

Never start a diet cold turkey, as much as your ready to turn your health around or whatever the case may be, NO ONE is mentally prepared for a cold turkey strict diet. Ease into it and this will lead to you not even noticing how much your not enjoying your diet and it almost becomes second nature.

Not to sound funny but it will regardless, but treat your penis as if you slack on Penis Enlargement not only will you lose out on gains or lose some you gained already, but you'll lose your penis all together. Thats my Penis Enlargement mindset and I dont skip a beat. Some with the diet, youll lose everything if you slack!

What Im trying to say is develop a bullet proof dedication and mindset towards anything and everything you want in life. Dont be joe blow looking back 5-10 yrs from now saying "What if?"
Small does can work wonders.

Target the single poorest thing you eat on a regular basis (let us say you have 3 pizzas a week), now reduce it to 2 for the next week (replace with something healthy), then reduce it to 1 and then leave at 1 and target the next worst thing and do the same. Eventually you will just be left with 1 of a few things per week and you can get rid of them.
Aren't you trying to lose weight, Solid Snake? Don't go too ascetic with the diet. Just like with Penis Enlargement you have to make a realistic diet and you have to feel good about it too! A healthy diet is not just for the body but is also satisfying. Try varieties of food every once in a while so it won't get boring and cut portions on the more problematic foods in your diet.

Try hard to get some kind of exercise in there too.
I do jogging, and even though it gets tough it makes me feel a lot better during the day and I'm ready to do Penis Enlargement after. Cardio work is generally a good idea.
Since you are pretty adamant on the Size Genetics extender, it might be difficult to exercise while you do it unless you take it off for a while.

Diet and exercise are life activities, you do them your whole life so now is a good time to start. In that way it's different from Penis Enlargement, assuming there is a particular size you will stop at. So try your best to fit both into your lifestyle. Don't go too hard on yourself because the worst thing you could do in regard to good diet and exercise is to give up.
I would say work on your penis first. The penis can take much longer to get it to where you want it to be than the body. The penis could might take years where the body can be transformed in a few months. Plus, working out when you have a bigger penis is a benefit in a mental way (at least it is for me). I understand its hard to do both things at once, but once you have started one, working in the other so they both complement each other is a beautiful thing.
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