I may as well ask a question to the woman :)

Veins, do veins on a cock turn you on? and what is TOO BIG?
To: Thewife;
Point well taken. You certainly have the right to preferences. My husband has sexual preferences. I do too. I like tight abs and a tight butt. So I guess you liking large penises is your right as well. I only feel that there is SOME tendency these days to influence people in to thinking that only "BIGGER IS BETTER!" And most of all, I never, ever want to make a man feel less of a man because he only has a 5 inch penis.
I read somewhere once that Elvis had a very average penis. But I promise you, there were more women lining up for him than the most famous �naked people movies� star.
But again, I truly validate your point of view.

you say natural, but for every guy who does a pe routine there is probably a "natural" guy the same size as him somewhere else. i would also like to know from a womans pov how much is too big?
I just want to jump in and say to our new women members that they should not hold back on saying they like big dicks or don't like (if so) small dicks. Just like you are getting our honest opinion, we want yours, nobody will feel offended unless you are mean or offensive. I appreciate your honesty.

And thewife, you said 12" would be your max. I suggest you actually hold a 12" ruler physically in your hands and then tell us again about it. Or maybe, if you have the time, make a cylinder out of a piece of paper with the measurements you say you would like. Then, adjust if you want until you are satisfied and measure again. I would really like to know the outcome of this.
EDIT said:
First - thanks for the reassurance that I can be honest. I dont' want to step on anyones feet or hurt anyone....would never do that.

Okay - I did the ruler thing....AND......I think 10.5 would be the perfect fit for me. Maybe about 6" girth. I know that is not HUGE or �naked people movies� star size....but to me it would be perfect.

Honestly - I don't know if I could take the 12". I mean I know I pushed an 8lb baby out of there....but it's not like it was fun, that's for sure and I had DRUGS!!

I think for sex to still be enjoyable 10.5 would be great. Enough to visually turn me on, but not so much that feel like I'm giving birth again (being a little sarcastic, since we all know babies are bigger around than 6" :))

Another thing - I would rather the flacid be long than the erection. I LOVE the look of a long flacid dick hanging our being bulged up in pants. The longer it would hang flacid the better......but for sex, not so much. I know you can't have a long flacid dick and a not so long erect one.....but you get my point - right?
Heh interesting, that was a cool little experiment that was suggested. However the only �naked people movies�star I know of that might be bigger than 10.5 by 6 is __________, so whoever had that would not only be �naked people movies�star size, but if he could get it up for the camera, would be very well paid and well known �naked people movies�star size:) . It has ben discussed greatly about the camera angles and visual tricks of �naked people movies� (plus the use of tiny girls) that can make an 8 inch look like a 12, so imagine what 10.5 would look like on the screen. Plus that size is incredibly rare. I wasn't trying to be mean or anything, I just thought I'd mention that. Also if you haven't already seen them, Dld's 10.5 dick pics are in the pic proof section.
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REDZULU2003 said:
I may as well ask a question to the woman :)

Veins, do veins on a cock turn you on?
I know this was answered, but I'm not sure I understand the answer. Most of the best-selling dildos are heavily veined. So, Red and me believe that visible veins/arteries matter. And both of us have pretty heavily veined shafts. That's why we're so interested in knowing about this. That, and the fact that we've heard so few straight answers about this from women.

To the two wives: do veins matter physically to you? Do veins matter visually to you? If you could design a cock, would you prefer 1 or 2 really large veins, or 8 or 9 smaller ones?

I know some people will find these questions strange, but believe me, I'd really like to hear some answers. Thanks, ladies.
I've enjoyed reading this thread and must thank both of you ladies for your honesty and perspective on these issues. And it's nice to know while you enjoy the large dicks you keep it in perspective when evaluating your men. Your husbands seem like lucky men to have wives still interested after years of marriage.
thewife said:
I think 10.5 would be the perfect fit for me. Maybe about 6" girth. I know that is not HUGE or �naked people movies� star size....but to me it would be perfect.
A 6" girth is average �naked people movies� size, while a 10.5" length is beyond HUGE.
thewife said:
10.5 would be the perfect fit for me. Maybe about 6" girth. I know that is not HUGE or �naked people movies� star size....but to me it would be perfect.

Wow thewife what kind of �naked people movies� do you watch? MOST male �naked person� wish they could be that big.

spinner2 said:
a 10.5" length is beyond HUGE.

I agree. That's __________ territory.
I share penguinsfan’s sentiment and thank the new ladies thewife (I’d like to apologize for my cheap shot in the previous thread, sorry) & deedee for adding their much needed and honest female perspective on the issue of penis size. They are obviously very intelligent ladies and I think most of the male members can agree that they’ve made the forum a little more sophisticated.
Since finding that little DeeDee has invaded my (ahem) territory, I have watched this thread with more than a little interest. The only comment I want to make is to penguinfan; yes we have a GREAT marriage and sex life as well. And I can only wish that all of you could have a wife like the beautiful DeeDee. She has been my little princess (and temptress!) for over 20 years.
OOPs! Forgot to log DeeDee out. That last post was from me.

deedee said:
Since finding that little DeeDee has invaded my (ahem) territory, I have watched this thread with more than a little interest. The only comment I want to make is to penguinfan; yes we have a GREAT marriage and sex life as well. And I can only wish that all of you could have a wife like the beautiful DeeDee. She has been my little princess (and temptress!) for over 20 years.

Well...I'm not holding my breath, but I hope I do get as lucky as you. :)
thewife said:
I guess my perception is off. I know looking at almost all of these pictures (without looking at the stats (sorry) I just assumed that most of you were like 9" or 10".......

Most of the �naked people movies�s I watch they guys dicks are about the same as most of the pics I've seen on here and in my mind I thought they were like 12" or something. Goes to show how much I know ........
Well I gues many members here can take that as a compliment.
thewife said:
I guess my perception is off. I know looking at almost all of these pictures (without looking at the stats (sorry) I just assumed that most of you were like 9" or 10".......

Most of the �naked people movies�s I watch they guys dicks are about the same as most of the pics I've seen on here and in my mind I thought they were like 12" or something. Goes to show how much I know ........


This isn't a dig at Wifey: she's a classy individual who's been very mature and rational in sharing her opinions with us - but AGAIN - she just shows how totally skewed the average woman's perception of size is. She thought that she could take a FOOT-LONG dick like it was nothing, but just look at what she said. :p Sorry theWife, I couldn't resist... but it's a good a chance as any to illustrate a common phenomenon and how women are misinformed about TRUE penis size, and also throw men off in the process.

This is my rule of thumb concerning women and the size they 'want':

A LEGITIMATE 8-9 inches is about as much as 90% of women can take - and even that requires some serious foreplay and warming up. Most feel comfortable (and fully satisfied) with between 6.5 and 8 inches provided there is ample girth. I think the other 10% are sizequeens and can take whatever you throw at them (10 FEET long, for all I know) - but that's okay, pleny more fish in the sea... :)
In the above post, BLU said:
"A LEGITIMATE 8-9 inches is about as much as 90% of women can take - and even that requires some serious foreplay and warming up. Most feel comfortable (and fully satisfied) with between 6.5 and 8 inches provided there is ample girth."

I can't speak for other women, but in DeeDee's case (the lady that started this post) I believe that for her 7" length is perfect for her. I don't say that because that is what I am, but because we sometimes play with some "realistic" toys (an 8x6 toy to be exact!).

When DeeDee lets me insert it inside, it bottoms out with an inch left. I of course want to see it all go in (come on, all you guys have the same fantasies!) but it won't no matter how excited she is.

So, that's my 2 1/2 cents worth.

kcee said:
In the above post, BLU said:
"A LEGITIMATE 8-9 inches is about as much as 90% of women can take - and even that requires some serious foreplay and warming up. Most feel comfortable (and fully satisfied) with between 6.5 and 8 inches provided there is ample girth."

I can't speak for other women, but in DeeDee's case (the lady that started this post) I believe that for her 7" length is perfect for her. I don't say that because that is what I am, but because we sometimes play with some "realistic" toys (an 8x6 toy to be exact!).

When DeeDee lets me insert it inside, it bottoms out with an inch left. I of course want to see it all go in (come on, all you guys have the same fantasies!) but it won't no matter how excited she is.

So, that's my 2 1/2 cents worth.

lol So what are you doing here man? Don't tell me she wants more girth. haha. Just having fun, but I am a tad curious what your targeting in your Penis Enlargement anyway.:)
thewife said:
I guess my perception is off. I know looking at almost all of these pictures (without looking at the stats (sorry) I just assumed that most of you were like 9" or 10".......


This to the topic women and size estimates :cool:
I want more length, but so far to no avail. I guess I have insecurities that began like some of the other's here. I was a late bloomer in middle school and felt like a little boy around the more mature kids. Even though I eventually surpassed most of the early maturer's in height and physique, those first impressions sometime last forever.
I think that my flaccid size keeps me insecure. You can't show anybody an erection in the showers! LOL!

i would like to thank both of you ladies for your point of view please feel free to be open and honest even if the truth might hurt some members. You both have lucky husbands to take an interest in all this. (wish my wife would) btw i am curenty a little shy of 8x5.75 and want to get to 9x6.
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