Psychology Obsessive Thinking and Some Theory


Jun 3, 2003
For men who are plagued, like me, with checking rituals that surround measuing this may be familiar and perhaps helpful. First I want to describe my situation and see if anyone can relate. This is a typical obsessive attack:

I will wake and go into the bathroom and take a morning measurement. The measurement is excellent but I still see it as being small. I become convinced I measured it wrong so I measure again. Same measurement but my anxiety is now much greater and I still don't make the connection between what I just measured and how it looks to me. I then try to put the measuring device away thinking I will be able to forget about it and move on. In some twisted way in the back of my head I am convinced I did it wrong. After much anguish doubting myself (almost a mental argument between my doubting self and my rational self) I go back and measure again only now I am getting the same measurement but I am feeling smaller and smaller with each episode. This goes on until I feel completely satisfied (can take anywhere from 5 minutes to hours) I did everything perfect and I have extinguished all my doubts.

I know the problem here is that my self-view is off and the ruler is accurate. But during these episodes it becomes difficult to remain rational and realize this. I have found that giving myself a time limit on measuring (limited to 3 measurement) has been helpful and I think I know why. After taking a "quick" measurement I am able to put away the ruler and move on with my day. Even if I am not completely satisfied with the measurement this time limit seems to help eliminate the repetitive circle.

Being obsessive compulsive is a disorder that requires a compulsion in order to be a disorder. What do I mean? Well applying it to the above episode a visual picture can be painted showing how O.C.D. works, thrives and continues to control those afflicted. O.C.D. always starts with some intruding thought. In this case it is "My penis did not look at long as it measured"...everyone has these types of unwanted thoughts but most people have the ability to rationally filter them out, not the Obsessive Compulsive. The O.C. has this thought and the nagging desire for proof to counter the negative thought becomes relentless and the compulsion (measuring) is done over and over and over and over, sometimes for hours until these horrible doubts are squashed.

The problem with this chain of obsessive-compulsive thinking is that we never really get satisfied. The compulsion is a temporary fix to a problem with the way we think. As a matter of fact when I compulse around an unwanted thought I am bringing validity to the thought and telling my brain this thought is real and scary. If I was able to have the thought and move on without problem solving my brain would eventually become desensitized to the thought and it would no longer hold value (hence, the compulsion would no longer be necessary)

My problem is that it becomes very hard to resist the anxiety releasing compulsions because they temporarily fix the problem. But believe it or not when I give myself a strict time limit to the action and move on even if I get an answer I do not like the thoughts go away much quicker. It's called starving the obsession. If an obsession has no compulsion to feed on the obsessions become powerless.
Sometimes I feel similar things, I never get satisfied with the gains and obsessive thinking creates an infinite loop of wrong way of thinking. The only way of breaking this loop is to get some other interests, hobbies, etc. I use body building as an alternative interest to Penis Enlargement when I get obsessed. In this way, I created a multi-dim. set of goals. I switch between those subjects throughout the day. If you analyze the obsessive thinking, you will see that you are thinking of the same thing 24 hours a day, so diving into different interests is the best remedy for this.
Originally posted by teoman
I switch between those subjects throughout the day. If you analyze the obsessive thinking, you will see that you are thinking of the same thing 24 hours a day, so diving into different interests is the best remedy for this.

How do you switch though? Does the same doubts keep attacking you when you are trying to switch?
Well I do all my efforts in parallel. I work-out in a gym 2 days a week. I frequently read the articles in It is a huge world. I also have a membership in a sports-car website in the UK. I also do 2 manual stretch sessions a day, one at home and one at work. So, I managed my life around these different areas of interest. Each interest takes me to different worlds, and it becomes more and more difficult to concentrate on just one subject. Each interest seems to me an ordinary thing to do and a different taste of life. That's what I do.
Originally posted by teoman
Well I do all my efforts in parallel. I work-out in a gym 2 days a week. I frequently read the articles in It is a huge world. I also have a membership in a sports-car website in the UK. I also do 2 manual stretch sessions a day, one at home and one at work. So, I managed my life around these different areas of interest. Each interest takes me to different worlds, and it becomes more and more difficult to concentrate on just one subject. Each interest seems to me an ordinary thing to do and a different taste of life. That's what I do.

I have tried this Teoman. When I am feeling good about myself it works. I love making house and hiphop beats, I love watching movies, I love playing with my pets. All these things are such a welcome relief from my obsessiveness. The problem is when I am obsessing I find it almost impossible to switch to these things. I feel like I am avoiding the obsession. I hate it. If I just stop obsessing and/or compulsing and start to make music the negative thoughts are still nagging me.
When playing with numbers, I always differentiate the absolute numbers from relative numbers. Penis dimension is a bit relative, a bit absolute. It is absolute because, no matter how big a man is, he is limited by the vaginal depth of the woman. It is relative, because there is always a man bigger than me, but smaller than someone else. So it is not difficult to find a magic number that balances all these issues. So my aim was to be far beyond the average, being huge, but not 20'' :). That is the way I broke my obsessive thinking. But still I have a problem, I want to see the gains as quickly as possible. But I can do nothing for that :)
I don't know if your OCD problem is only Penis Enlargement related or a general problem, but my solution to this was NOT TO WANT ANTYTHING BADLY. I always want many things at the same time, so this keeps me away from wanting something so badly. I learnt to replace any of my goals by another one easily. Because each of my goals makes me happy, so why to stick to just one ?
I think about my dick size a lot too,is hard not to think about it, :( cause I want a double digits.. unfortunately n hard to believe but somehow feel my own mind cant understand that I want to grow...

Besides for some reason I just can't stand people that says they're on Whit the size they have LOL LOL

Remember once I told a dude about PE n he was like uuh ok I explained him how to jelq,but I just noticed his carelessness LOL
Thinking everyone here thinks about there size a lot, I do daily fgs, never mind double digits just give me 8 lol I'm not greedy pretty please
When you are actively training you should be thinking about it quite a bit. PE is very intuitive and in many ways personal. So whenever I’m trying to accomplish anything at the forefront of my mind is the goal accomplished. When I can see something in my mind as being possible it becomes simple for me to accomplish it.
When you are actively training you should be thinking about it quite a bit. PE is very intuitive and in many ways personal. So whenever I’m trying to accomplish anything at the forefront of my mind is the goal accomplished. When I can see something in my mind as being possible it becomes simple for me to accomplish it.

Right now intrusive thoughts get into my head,Gains getting bigger,no money,why my life doesn't improve at all,changes need to make in order to improve my life,the frustration I feel, anxiety..etc etc realizing my mind been deceiving for quite a while now..
Right now intrusive thoughts get into my head,Gains getting bigger,no money,why my life doesn't improve at all,changes need to make in order to improve my life,the frustration I feel, anxiety..etc etc realizing my mind been deceiving for quite a while now..

everything you said you need to see the other side of and put it into practice in memory. Our brain likes to see the negative when we say things like I have no money, I’m not making gains, my life is not changing etc. we live it out! When you can take those things and say to yourself I am OK for today. At this very moment nothing bad is happening. See yourself as making money, making gains, making the things you want happen by setting your mind on the positive aspects.

I struggle with everything you struggle with and how I deal with it is very easy. I know I’m very wealthy because of God and I know that God is going to take care of me today. I don’t need the riches of this world, I need the wealth of my savior. Money to me is simply a way of surviving. I have no desire to make more, I am content with where I am. Having a lot of money does not make a man good in many cases it makes a man bad.

The biggest thing I do is see everything that comes my way as a blessing. Even if it’s a pile of shit drops in my lap I will find the silver lining. When I’m able to feel blessed in bad situations imagine how blessed I feel to good situations.
Sounds really simple to say I'm ok I'm fine I'm great but is not true I'd be fucking lying to myself, because is not fucking true! I have to get it off my chest sorry,is a quite confusing time and I don't want to say things that aren't true.

Feel really down right now lotta stuff going on Again!!

And I'm just tired of this endless vicious circle...I'd like to empty my mind but makes no fucking sense does it maybe it does..
Sounds really simple to say I'm ok I'm fine I'm great but is not true I'd be fucking lying to myself, because is not fucking true! I have to get it off my chest sorry,is a quite confusing time and I don't want to say things that aren't true.

Feel really down right now lotta stuff going on Again!!

And I'm just tired of this endless vicious circle...I'd like to empty my mind but makes no fucking sense does it maybe it does..

you’re not so much lying to yourself what you’re doing is setting the stage for success in what you truly want to accomplish. Sometimes we need to fake it till we make it. I understand what you’re going through you know I’ve suffered with this for over 20 years. I’m praying for you right now as I pray for you every day in the brotherhood. I’m praying for your happiness and relief from these present issues.
I fucking hate thinking the same shit over n over how could I fix that shit?? LOL
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