
Apr 18, 2004
Are you tired of the negativity on the forum? Tired of being called dumb, crazy, stupid, glory-sizers. Tired of being accused of lying about your dick size or not measuring right or catching shit for being a newb and asking a simple question?

If you are, here is your chance to air it out.

I have already started getting PMs in support of my stance against this negativity and the trollers who have been getting away with this snotty, my-dick-is-bigger-than-yours attitude for too long, but sending me PMs is not enough. You guys need to stand up for yourselves and stop taking this crap.

I started the smallest dick thread to try to get some positive energy going. Who needs those big dick mofos always on here accusing us of lying, bragging, cheating. I don't know about you, but I don't need to be knocked down for saying something positive about myself or my dick. People who do that sort of thing have some serious mental problems. I say, Go play with your "naturally huge, don't-need-pe 8 inch cocks" and leave me alone to do my Penis Enlargement and work on my self-esteem!

Does size matter?

Not if you're a jerk!
I'm fairly new to this forum. Not new to Penis Enlargement, however. I was reading a thread last night about a couple of guys just seemingly going at it. This entire thread was virtually about two guys exchanging insults and blows over more than just penis size. Personally, I felt sad for both. Sad in the sense that these two apparently had nothing better to do with their time than to sit there and send insulting, belittling, nasty ass posts to one another. What makes this situation worse (in my opinion that is), is that these negative, bitchy, insulting posts are being exchanged by two supposedly GROWN men.

Now, I'm not writing this to aire anything. I've got nothing to aire. Haven't been here long enough. I just think it's very sad the day that two adult men act like kids exchanging insults on the blacktop at recess. These two guys were behaving in much the same way that my two kids do and they're 7 & 4 respectively. I expect this out of them, not two grown men!

My point here is this. Let's be adult! I realize this forum is here for the idea of self expression and to aire things out as we see fit. What I don't get is why in the hell we all have to sit here and read this useless, annoying shit! Am I pissed? No, just extremely disgusted. This is the type of thing that will turn off guys, like myself, from coming over here and posting my ideas/experiences with Penis Enlargement or otherwise. If the idea here is to get more guys posting, especially newbie's, then this useless bantor has to stop!

Who cares who is bigger? Who cares who has been doing Penis Enlargement longer? Who cares who has a 6" girth or 5.5"? Who the fuck cares? We've got men and women DYING everyday over in Iraq to help keep the freedoms that everyone in the United States enjoys daily and yet this type of stuff is going on over here? Doesn't make sense to me at all.

The next time you feel the need to shoot off that nasty, degrading, negative post, think about all the guys on the front lines in Iraq and in hostile territories all over the world fighting for your ass as well as mine! That should make you think twice.

I'm done. <:(
This is so very very childish. Although the idea of the thread is good, and negativity is obviously bad.

This is not a thread to stamp out negativity, it is your personal vendetta with a small few people on this board mate, namely Swank, AC, Skepdick, and me. But as you say, your getting PM's, so then it'd be more than just you concerned, but still it appears to me that your rallying the troops to further your own cause.

To suggest that these members are ego-brained because of their penis size is ludicracy, these members are some of the most ego-free people on the board, and your edging on the side of penis size discrimination, even if it is to larger penises. Though if you think im wrong, site a place where one of these members has acted in a "snotty, my-dick-is-bigger-than-yours attitude".

Also, i've never seen one of these members dish out such a blunt attack, as you suggest they do, of blatantly attacking someone in responce to that person saying somthing positive about their penis. Site a case if im wrong.

Saying the following, or similar, is NOT negative:
- "Your measurments appear wrong"
- "You are ill informed on the current topic"
- "You lack knowledge on the current topic"
- "Your responces are irrelevant and off topic"
- "You are acting childish/ego-driven"

The members Swank, AC and Skepdick are smart members, and i like reading their posts and having discussions with them. I should probably reply to more of their posts, but they pretty much take the words out of my mouth time and time again. Us 'Trolls' (even though i think that title is bogus) have a lot in common, we all seek the truth as paramount, we don't like anything that is not the truth, and we are easily irritated with posts that are off topic, ramblings, missing the point, or concerned with the poster more than the content of their post.

(on a side note, i believe all these long winded debates/arguments are always benificial, and i've never seen one that hasn't sorted out many various aspects, even if it isn't the main aspect of the thread or topic.)
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I agree with Shithead 100% here. This is just meant to stir up trouble so I'm staying far away from it. Since I'm appearently one of the people ruining the board with all my asinine posting or whatever (yep, things have really gone downhill around here lately - it's almost unbearable isn't it?), I'd just like to say that I don't run around the forum picking on people, and I've never boasted about the size of my dick or tried to make anybody else feel bad about theirs. Quite the opposite if you look at some of the threads I've started. I invite anybody to go back and read my posts and try to find where I've been running around bullying people and polluting the forum.

The same goes for the other people I assume this is directed at: they are just calling it like they see it - which I suppose the person who started this thread doesn't like. This type of posting isn't trolling, if it was we'd all be banned.

Anyway I've already gone on too long, but honestly, this is the most sili thing up here right now. One guy's personal grudge is slowly starting to make more of an impact all over the forum, usually manifested in his confrontational and angry posting and these sorts of threads getting started. I'm not sure what he's hoping to achieve with this, but frankly it's all starting to make the forum look pretty lousy. As for all these PMs floating around - hey if you've got a problem with the what somebody has to say, why don't you PM the person and discuss it? Anybody that feels my "negativity" is somehow ruining their MOS experience and fucking up the board, please feel free to bring the topic up with me.
Kong, i think that you've given alot of good advice to alot of bros on this board... but in the last 6 months or so, you've just been on a mission to rally people against the few that have openly challenged you on the FR forum. Bro, i've read most threads where you and others have gone back and forth and i really think that you are a little paranoid. You seem to think that everyone is out to disprove you and take things too personal when someone disagrees with your claims. Generally, you have been the one who gets really frustrated and starts the name calling, i don't think i recall anytime where the fab-4 has resorted to name-calling as you have claimed. Bro, you really need to let it rest already as this is getting old and boring.

Also... could these types of threads go somewhere other than the main Penis Enlargement forum?? Maybe there should be a "Bitch & Gripe" forum for members to post any and all issues/complaints/bitches/gripes instead of the Penis Enlargement forum. Just a thought...
Thank you, sikdogg. I have given alot of good advice to alot of bros here on the forum. I have been on a mission to rally everyone against a few certain individuals.

My motives for doing this, however, are not out of revenge for being challenged or out of some kind of paranoia. I simply hate to see them do to the entire forum what they previously kept exclusive to the FR Forum. I warned the other moderators it would happen when they got tired of needling me, and now I see it begining to happen in the forum at large. I am talking about the accusations of glory-sizing, the coming clean thread, the name-calling in the deep thoughts section, where newbs have been called stupid and berated, the bitching about a thread being deleted like they're the ones in charge around here. Oh, I know it's not all that bad yet. I just wanted to try to nip it in the bud before it got going good... Whatever, tho...have it your way, guys. I'm just as tired of it as everyone else is. You wonder why members are making less and less posts around here-- and I'm giving you the answer.

Why post a pic if someone is just going to criticize it?

Why participate in a discussion if someone is going to call your ideas crazy, stupid or irrelevant?

Why post a stat if someone is just going to dismiss it as glory-sizing?

Why even come here if you are going to be made to feel gullible, insecure or immature?

You seem to think I give good advice, sikdogg, so take this last one: wake up and see what's happening to this forum.
I am new and I got jumped on. Rather childish remarks and then to get slammed for not having psychic powers to be able to know some issues had been discussed 12 months ago, and so on.

I love the place, will continue to post what I feel is relevant and just IGNORE the immaturity.

I think the age difference is a big issue, some people just haven't grown up yet.

Good post
Show me where I have called out a specific person for bullshitting about their size, or made fun of their pictures, ect. Those are unfounded and untrue accusations, more commonly known as LIES. I seriously encourage anybody to go back and read my posts and see if they can find anything that fits this description. The only person here I've ever been anything approaching mean-spirited towards is Kong, which explains this thread pretty well.

I do like the idea of a bitching and whining forum though . . . then when things were posted there it would be clear what they are and the posters couldn't masquerade their actions as 'trying to save the forum' or similar nonsense.

Seriously now, this is a forum about tugging and squeezing your dick to make it bigger - threads like this are just embarassing to have floating around. It's jsut going to turn people off to the site when they see this kind of thing. It should at least be in another section.
Quote by Swank:

The fact is, out of a few hundred respondents on each of those, there is a disproportianately large number of very large measurements. If these guys really are around, not many of them are posting a clear pic. All the legit surveys we know of identify these types of sizes as extremely rare, but for some reason this website has six, seven times the average? I'm not even sure, but I am sure that on any website that involves penis size and sexuality, no matter how much we may like it, lots of guys are being really dishonest.

Do you think a newbie is going to have the faith to keep at it if he thinks everyone here is lying...? You can be very literate and still be a troll. Good way to maintane the status quo, right. Make sure no one believes it works so they won't do it.
Really I don't want to get into another shit throwing contest. My point is that some folks around here are being allowed, for whatever reason, to be a discouraging influence on this forum. I wonder if it bothers any of the rest of you, and if you think it has a negative impact on Penis Enlargement?

When I joined this forum, there was alot of encouragement, alot of support and brotherhood. It was "our little secret" and we enjoyed sharing our tips and tricks and always, always gave each other positive reinforcement and feedback. Now I come on and read just negative, negative, negative and its really makes me sad and angry.

I will promise to stop going after the main culprits if you all are tired of reading our bitter disputes and personal grudge fights, but I can't stand this atmosphere of condescension and disbelief. Perhaps I just take it too personal or I just read more of the threads than the normal member and thus see more of it than others. Whatever the reason, it's up to all of you.
That's a poll about BEGINNING BPenis EnlargementL. In that poll, about 30% of those responding claim to have started at 7+ before any Penis Enlargement. Clearly some guys weren't being totally honest when they responded, as we know that naturally 7+ is probably like 5% of the population. Uh, show me how my observation is wrong, incorrect, ect.

It's meant to be encouraging, as seeing those kinds of inflated stats could be intimidating or discouraging. A guy could look at that and think "Holy shit! All those guys started with better than 7 inches!?" It's my opinion that that poll, like any dick size poll on the internet, isn't accurate and the numbers support this.

Yep, that's pretty awful and negative. I'm not sure how the forum survived that sort of predatory bullying in the first place.

As I said above, this is just so dumb, but whatever.
One last note on that quote of swank's above. Consider it carefully. Swank dismisses our penis size claims as dishonest because it is higher than the normal, reported average. He scoffs at it pretty much, without realizing that our percentage is higher BECAUSE WE ARE Penis EnlargementNIS ENLARGERS AND Penis Enlargement WORKS!!!! Don't you see that? He doesn't consider that, because he doesn't believe it works. He just comes here because he thinks he's hung and enjoys thinking we all want what he has. It strokes his ego! Kiss his ass if you want, but he'll just wipe his feet on you when he's had his fill of mentally masturbating at your expense.
Can you read? THAT IS A BEGINNING BPenis EnlargementL LENGTH. Beginning, as in what you are before Penis Enlargement. Got that?

By the way you ripped off that mental masturbation line from my Rush Limbaugh post. Weak dude, weak.

And I do think Penis Enlargement works, I follow a routine. Kong, you're clearly getting more pissed and as usual what you really want to do here is becoming pretty clear - wage a little slander campaign, try to get others stirred up. I don't really want to be a part of this, but I don't have much choice since I'm getting quoted and all.

I'm guessing nobody here but you really cares about this shit, and certainly nobody wants to read it, but it's your prerogative to keep it up, I don't mind defending myself.
Yeah, you're right. I am getting mad. I'll cool down. I just grabbed that quote cause it was the first one I could find to respond quickly to your "show me just one negative post" line, which is what you always say, cause you know most poeple wont bother to go looking. Anyway, I'm done. You just keep on keeping on. Or maybe I should say, keep on putting down.

ps-- I didn't steal that line from some previous post of yours. I can hardly stay awake while reading some of your keen intellectual ruminations.
Nah, you were awake - you gave me props for how hard I came down on Rush Limbaugh ("Swank just fucked Limbaugh hard" were your exact words), so I'd say you read it. I ended the post by saying that listening to his show was mental masturbation. It's a cool line, but if you're going to rip-off my posts at least don't do it when you're trying to portray me as a disturbed sociopath who comes to the forum to pick on guys with smaller cocks.
This is insane, the quote you gave of Swank is very VERY valid, and his observation was very accurate. By disagreeing with it your pretty much taking the attitude of "keep the newbies ignorant, keep 'em happy".

My point is that some folks around here are being allowed, for whatever reason, to be a discouraging influence on this forum
Once again Kong, where is this "discouraging influence". Site somthing, all you've done so far is brought a good point made by Swank.

Swank dismisses our penis size claims as dishonest because it is higher than the normal, reported average. He scoffs at it pretty much, without realizing that our percentage is higher BECAUSE WE ARE Penis EnlargementNIS ENLARGERS AND Penis Enlargement WORKS!!!!
This seems to me to be a case where Kong was so excited to get on his high horse that he didn't even read Swank's post correctly. As Swank said, BEGINNING BPenis EnlargementL LENGTH!

He just comes here because he thinks he's hung and enjoys thinking we all want what he has. It strokes his ego! Kiss his ass if you want, but he'll just wipe his feet on you when he's had his fill of mentally masturbating at your expense.
Beyond childish.

Im guess this post is the kind of post you consider negative, when, like always, its merely pointing out the facts. It HAS to be plain to see to the whole forum by now the nature of Kong, we've pointed it out a thousand times.
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Guys, take this bickering off the board. You're all bringing down the quality of the forum, and it's got to stop. Take it to PMs or make an AIM chat and duke it out there.
Ha, glass houses my friend. I do recall a certain somebody having it out with that chainandballer dude a ways back . . .

I'm just kidding you though. I totally agree. This should at least be moved to another forum.
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