
Mar 19, 2004
alright guys, i posted something about this in my routine section, but i got no i'm just gonna repost it here

alright, now i don't know what to do. i just read the thread about the tunica question in the hanging forum and now i don't know what to do. in it bib said that he believes gaining length through hanging is much easier if you have a smaller girth, so what i'm thinking to myself now is, am i making a mistake by training girth now and length later, should i change my focus to length and then come back to girth. my intermediate goal is 7.5 by 5.5 and i am currently around 6 by 5.1. but i have been gaining girth from my current routine so i really dont wanna quit. i also dont want it to be too tough for me to gain length later. anyone with advice please chime in. am i doing myself wrong by training girth now?
Hydromaxm.. dude in the end its your choice, you could go either way.

IMO, length gains come quicker than girth, so it might be easier to just get the length out of the way the move on to girth.
How about can do both....might be taxing but girth work and length work can be done, and for me seem to be the best route....I haven't seen much improvement in girth even though it's all I've been doing for a while...most of this semester actually...but now that I'm doing length work I feel like I'm getting more from the whole routine...and I definitely feel it in my ligs too...that break from length work seems to have helped a great deal with sensation in my both and see where it takes you...I do manual stretches and alternate between manual girth exercises and clamped exercises....I really like clamped wet jelqs and the SSJ compression squeeze superset for manuals....and throw in some FR and kegels....complete penis makeover :)
It's a tough question. Nobody has has cloned their dick and tried each method on each dick, so no one can really say whether doing girth first will interfere with length gains.

The way I see it, is that girth takes much longer to develop, so it's probably best to get started on it now rather than later. The only problem is that it does make it tougher to hang, if that's what you do.

I sometimes see people post about whether or not they should train girth, or length. Unless you are strictly opposed to gaining in either metric, do both. Even minimal work over time will result in decent gains. If, in the future, you decide you want more, you would be very glad you had spent the extra 10-15 minutes per day, and you would probably have gotten something to show for it.
Alloy has gained quite a bit of length just through girth work, and infact I am sure I have read him say that length sessions harm his girth sessions.
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