Jul 7, 2003
These Exercises spread out though the day.....
15Min's Crouching Stretch
15Min's Tow
15Min's Lay down stretch
10Min's Leg-over
300 wet jelqs but after each 50 i do a 1min horse squeeze..
** Also if i have time around 50 Sit up stretch**
So guys what do you think?, i have designed this around length as i am 5.9BPenis EnlargementL and really wanna get over 6" my 28th/30 Aug.
Hey pUNKY, how you doin'? Your routine, although I'm not familiar with the names you call your stretches, sounds fairly intense. The only thing I would do is add a set of ten blasters in between each exercise and superset your routine. If you are strictly working length right now you should drop the horse squeezes and jelqing as they are more for gaining girth. Drop the time of each stretch down to 3 minutes each and do a full session of your stretches with the blasters 2 or three times a day. This will allow you to superset your routine and do three or four complete cycles and you will reach fatigue faster and easier. This way you will be hitting all the angles at once and getting a full workout which is better than doing only one stretch, relax for a couple of hours then doing a different stretch. When you let things relax the way you describe I find that it is hard to reach and go beyond fatigue. Remember, once you hit the point of fatigue and keep working beyond that point is where you will get faster gains.
Originally posted by pUNKY
will sum1 please reply and help me out

I did reply to this. Did you post this twice?


When you say spread throughout the day how long is each stretch session? The jelq routine looks nice, I would increase the amount of jelqs to 500-600 as you grow comfortable with this routine. Please answer my question about stretch duration.

Thanks for the replies,
DLD to my knowledge i have not posted this twice but i may have made a mistake. Anyway i only started it today and heres what i did..
11 o'clock:15Min's TOW
10Min's leg-over stretches

1 o'clock :15Min's crouching stretches

3 o'clock :Wet jelqs and horse squeezes

5 o'clock :15Min's Lay Down stretches
**Also the sit-up stretches if i have time**

DLD or anyone who has good knowledge of making routines, if you could help me out please.. maybe even do me a new routine. I don't include A stretches because my penis is too small to do them but a few minutes of blasters should be ok. Thanks for any help given.
PS i have around 1hr each day and i would like to include some girth exercises because i would still like to gain in that area buts its just not my priority.
pUNKY;5074 said:
Thanks for the replies,
DLD to my knowledge i have not posted this twice but i may have made a mistake. Anyway i only started it today and heres what i did..
11 o'clock:15Min's TOW
10Min's leg-over stretches

1 o'clock :15Min's crouching stretches

3 o'clock :Wet jelqs and horse squeezes

5 o'clock :15Min's Lay Down stretches
**Also the sit-up stretches if i have time**

DLD or anyone who has good knowledge of making routines, if you could help me out please.. maybe even do me a new routine. I don't include A stretches because my penis is too small to do them but a few minutes of blasters should be ok. Thanks for any help given.
PS i have around 1hr each day and i would like to include some girth exercises because i would still like to gain in that area buts its just not my priority.

Things have changed quite a lot since your last post. Grab a LengthMaster for length and also get a bathmate for girth.
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