
Oct 14, 2008
Hey guys I was wondering if anybody has heard about this weight-gainer or if anyone uses it. I have come to the conclusion that I am an ectomorph...19 years old, 5'7" 123-128 lbs consistent for the past year or so. I've always been lean and built...I work out and have a very well toned body. I've just been trying to put on WEIGHT...more MASS. I want to be BIGGER.

For the past year now I've been drinking a protein shake called Isopure by Natures Best. Its supposed to be top quality stuff, and I believe it is...but the protein shake I was drinking was totally for the wrong thing. I found out that the Isopure shake I was drinking was to put on lean muscle...with very LOW calories so you dont gain too much. (at least thats what I got out of it).

I feel like i've wasted an entire year working out and drinkign that shake afterwards. Anyways, I went to the store and bought a 5 lb jar of MHP Up Your Mass. I drank it for the first time yesterday...the taste isnt so bad, it just takes time getting used to a new flavor.

I just want to know if anybody knows if this stuff really works...any thoughts on it. there is a website with some other reviews on it...not too sure if its false however.

>>>19 years old, 5'7" 123-128 lbs
I've always been lean and built
WEIGHT...more MASS. I want to be BIGGER.

young guy high metabolism. lay off the protein shakes

>>>For the past year now I've been drinking a protein shake called Isopure by Natures Best. Its supposed to be top quality stuff, and I believe it is...but the protein shake I was drinking was totally for the wrong thing. I found out that the Isopure shake I was drinking was to put on lean muscle...with very LOW calories so you dont gain too much. (at least thats what I got out of it).

exactly right

>>I feel like i've wasted an entire year working out and drinkign that shake afterwards. Anyways, I went to the store and bought a 5 lb jar of MHP Up Your Mass. I drank it for the first time yesterday...the taste isnt so bad, it just takes time getting used to a new flavor.

shakes are to supplement meals or add calories. it is always better to eat real food if at all possible and not replace it with shakes.

>>I just want to know if anybody knows if this stuff really works
I have the same problem man. I'm 6'0", and 133lbs. The heaviest I ever was was 138lbs.
Ive tried heaps of shakes and stuff, but none of them really worked. Eating more helped me put on weight, but I can't stuff my face all the time, makes me sick haha.

Doesnt help that I can't stay committed to a gym routine, even though I have a gym in my house! Plus girls seem to like me as a tall lanky lad ??

I have a huge bag of weightgainer called Serious Mass. Its loaded with calories and would DEFINATELLY make you stack on the weight if you're a hard gainer but I can't handle the taste or the acne I get from it.
if you wanna gain weigth food is the key. you guys who have been skinny are going t have to sacrifice lean gains for mabey a lil mass gain. i am one who puts on muscle very fast and react to weight easy. im 6'1 225 to 230. with about 7% or les body fat. im trying my best to lose bulk cause of past injuries. anyway. to gain the weight drink the shakes after work out followed by food then a shake before bed. even with meal to load the calories. a lot of bodybuilders thesedays and ever athlte putting on weight have been drinking calories in the middle of night. setting thee alarm to drink it. lay off the cardio and of lean foods. lift heavy and often. like Penis Enlargement you have to shock you body. if yo not gainin by the routine you r using then change it.
Get a cheap weight gainer to take before and after workouts. Ultimate Nutrition makes a great one called Muscle Juice 2544. Sold cheap on

Try glutamine and creatine as well. Eat big, lots of protein, carbs, and fat. You need calories to grow. Train hard and eat big. Don't overtrain, and keep a positive outlook!
You've got to count your calories. It's a must. Start by making sure you get 2000 a day. If you do great. Add 500 to whatever you are getting a day. Increase this steadily until you can hit 3000-3500. I gained 20 pounds in 4 weeks this way...granted I had lost 10 pounds due to stress and a 500-1000 calorie diet (damn grad school). I'm 5'7 and now weigh 140 consistently and I just upped my diet to 3500 after getting over bronchitis. I didn't lose any weight while being sick because I made sure I drank plenty of liquids and kept at least 2000 calories in me. Water is key too. It will fill out you face and muscles because we are 75% water.

Counting calories is really easy. Once you do it for a few weeks, you begin to know what things are approximately. I can go out to eat now and get a decent estimate of what I'm putting in.
Hey thanks guys for all your input. I'm taking this Nutrition class this quarter and the teach taught us what food to eat, how to count calories and such. According to this Food Tracker on The past week, I've been eating roughly 3000 calories a day. I think thats a good amount to start gaining weight. I know before I would barely get in 2000 calories...god damn college eating is hard. I'm going to continue eating more and eating healthier because I'm trying to get my weight up to about the same as yours irafreak...140 ish. I am 5'7" also by the way.

I read your ROP Progress Log and I take it as pure motivation seeing you have a body stature similar to mine. I was under the impression that smaller, skinnier guys like us cannot have bigger dicks like 7x5.5-6 but it looks like you're well on you're way to achieving that. I will reset my mindset to thinking, if irafreak can do it, I can do it. I've been Penis Enlargement'ing for about 3 months now I seem to be having a real hard time on getting girth. When did you start pumping? And is this when you really started seeing your girth expand?
Eh. Shakes are dumb.

If you are going to use them, use them in between solid meals to supplement your solid food diet. Do not use them as meal replacements.

If you want to gain weight, you have to be willing to work hard, just like Penis Enlargement.

You can't have 3 shakes a day and workout on a boflex and expect to gain weight :)

Try solid food. 6-7 meals and an intense lifting routine.
i use to have a problem gaining weight...but now that i'm older and my metabolism has slowed a bit...i have gained...when i was trying to gain weight...i was eating real food every three hours and i would double the portions when i could...i would eat two sandwiches at a time instead of one...i would drink a protein shake along with my dinner...and those supplements shakes will be my drink with lunch and my snacks...i was your weight a couple of years ago...i now weigh around 155 -160..what sucks is my body fat has gone up as well and the cuts i use to have doesn't come through as much...but try to add extra calories to each meal...with oatmeal cut up some bananas and put it in or a spoon of peanut butter (minus the salmenalla)...i would put ice cream in my shakes for extra calories...i didn't care how the weight looked as long as it came on...then i would go to the gym to try to sculpped it...good luck
Yeah I pack on at least a thousand cals for breakfast. Starts me off on the right foot and try to get in about 40 ounces of water before lunch. That'll keep your energy high, it should help Penis Enlargement gains too. Your body has to recover so it needs energy and the right substances to do it. In terms of a nutrition it entry level? I'm certainly not an expert but at my chiro school we must take a full year of chem and organic chem just to enter. I've already gone through biochemistry and nutrition at the graduate level so feel free to ask. If I don't know, I should know someone who does.

Try 3000 until your weight plateus. Once you level-off you can add 250-500 more. Try not to eat fatty junk. It's more waste than anything. You want your body working efficiently not sickly. Large eggs have 70 cals a piece and are good protein, bagels are good carbs and anywhere from 240-320 cals, peanuts are high in good fat and a few handfuls will give you 100 calories. I also grab a couple spoonfuls of peanut butter before bedtime when I need a couple hundred more. It's not the most nutritious stuff, but it's cheap and my metabolism and youth can handle it.

As far as girth goes. Just be brutal. 3 months in and you can attempt most anything. Just follow the guidelines.


I would pass on pumping. I haven't had much success and clamps are cheaper and I get post workout results. A good jelquing system works great and I love Slow squash jelqs
I would just make your own weight gainer

natty pb
whey protein

Somewhere around 800 calories

If i buy one, i go with real gains by universal
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