Perestroyka;632933 said:
You're getting bigger penis with every fanatic workout you do, and DLD's work gave us much more speed in providing gains. I think he doesn't have to worry that much about us anymore, he enlightened us and now it's up to us to take that biggest prize called MASSIVE PENIS ! :)

well pere....i am sure i can crack a joke about it :)
im sure you have respect for DLD and so does EVERY SINGLE person here......
Perestroyka;632933 said:
You're getting bigger penis with every fanatic workout you do, and DLD's work gave us much more speed in providing gains. I think he doesn't have to worry that much about us anymore, he enlightened us and now it's up to us to take that biggest prize called MASSIVE PENIS ! :)

:) Thank my Brother!
Perestroyka;633015 said:
I am just telling the truth dawg :)
thanks for bringing me joy at a time where I am struggling. It is always good to hear these positive messages.
doublelongdaddy;633031 said:
thanks for bringing me joy at a time where I am struggling. It is always good to hear these positive messages.

I'm always positive
Perestroyka;633633 said:
Who is going to win?

It is already announced- YKM won this month's Prize Giveaway. Sorry Troyka, next month.... :(

JOKING bro! HAHAHAH! Don't get mad! :)
Zambrodom3;633634 said:
It is already announced- YKM won this month's Prize Giveaway. Sorry Troyka, next month.... :(

JOKING bro! HAHAHAH! Don't get mad! :)

Hahahaha YKM can't win till August I think LMAO
LIGHTNING;629735 said:
It is a new year and I believe everyone is qualified again for this year at one prize per month. I will have to confirm with DLD but I think that is what he said, one prize per month per member per year and the option of a grand prize at the end of the year as well.

Also a little more clarity about how this system works.

We installed the "Likes" and "Thanks" buttons to keep track of who is posting quality information here. We do not score based on how many "Like" or "Thanks" a member gives. We also look closely at who is starting quality threads, shooting video, bumping classic quality threads as well.

The scoring system is a combination of both Post Count with Likes and Thanks received. Yes, any member here can make a million posts here that mean absolutely nothing and get no likes or thanks and those posts do not help the community here. This is a waste of space in our database and just clutters the forums. So if you post "That sounds good" or "lol" or "cool" or "I like blue shoes" 500 times, those posts absolutely do not matter and do not get credited.

If someone posts 10 - 20 posts all month that receive multiple likes and thanks by various "credible" members, that holds more value than the person that posts 500 meaningless posts all day that get no Likes or Thanks. By "credible members" we mean a member that has contributed here already, not a random person that just signed up and starts liking or thanking one random members posts here all the time. Part of the system tracks IPs and receptive likes and thanks to members by members and can single out members hiding behind proxies as well. It is not a simple system that can be easily beat. Between this system and our eyes we make the decisions.

Don't look at this as a contest to win a prize by trying to beat the system. Look at it as an award for contributing towards an incredible library of information here that will help another members life.

this is what i believe in... will win:)
I am going to expect better and better posting skills of tyne Brothers this year. I would like to see many new threads with good ideas, New exercises proposed, new theories brought forth and better all around information. These contests have proven to make some of the best posters on the board and I want to se that continue.
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