cladre60;758859 said:
Nope, I take it out for length work because it ends up getting pushed and hurts. I've left it in for BM work. My head gets pushed against the tube a bit sometimes but it's not uncomfortable. Plus if I get a lot of water retention it makes putting my jewelry back in a bit difficult.

This thread is actually over a year old. Not that it matters but I've seen a number of very old threads bumped.

Bumping threads before summer brings many Brothers back into the fold. So we have been bumping popular older threads. Old treads bring new Brothers information they would have never found otherwise.
cladre60;758993 said:
Gotcha. I thought someone went back in time.

That is what we are doing, going back in time and getting Brothers to return home! So far he campaign is going well. This is necessary once a year around the summer time as traffic slows and people are getting ready for summer. We want to help these Brothers get a better bulge for the beach! :)
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