Jun 3, 2003
Girl Gone Wild: Is bigger always better?

By Loki Ferris

Penises. Since high school, I'd been a firm believer that the size of a man's penis didn't matter. After all, they had only to think dirty thoughts and they'd become twice or thrice the size. A little rubbing here and there and poof! Small penis problem solved.

That was until my friend Lori started in on her new man. Jessie was a bodybuilder and she swore up and down that his penis was the size of her pinky finger. I said NUH-UH. She wanted to get him drunk so she could show me. "Not only is he hung like a hamster, but it's a godawful dark purple color like it needs air or something," she said.

Being 17 years old and a virgin, I declined her offer to see the goods. She dumped him when she learned he was a huge 'roid user. That, and she complained that half the time he couldn't get it up.

I remember hoping to God that my first boyfriend wouldn't have a large penis. I had heard horrible stories about behemoth penises that took on their own monstrous forms and knew no mercy.

My first time happened so fast that it's hard for me to remember all the details. One of the things that sticks out in my mind is the fact that I had to ask, "Are you in me yet?" because I honestly could not tell. Now, I knew exactly what Lori was talking about, and I realized she hadn't been exaggerating.

I started wondering what big ones would be like. A few average Joes later, and I met Jake. He had a speed bike, a new sports car and his own house at age 21. He walked like a man bigger than his 5-foot-8 frame and cussed a lot, and wore an Italian horn although he was only half-Italian. A few dates later and I realized that all of the money or toys in the world would not compensate for such a lack. No wonder he was an angry little man. All that time I thought there was something wrong with me.

Then I had an epiphany when I met Alan. Six foot three--and proportionate. That night I was a changed woman. Motion of the ocean, my butt...but it didn't last long, which summed up his duration as well.

"Get off already!" I said, annoyed that he drank too much one evening. What good was being proportionate without the stamina?

"I'm sorry...it's just that it's been a while. If you have a vibrator, I can, you know..."

"No. I don't." And I rolled over, disappointed.

Then along came Mike. I had predetermined that I wasn't going to sleep with him. Nothing about him said "Do me, now!"

But he was warm, witty and charmed me with his sense of humor, not to mention he was a good kisser. My wandering hand ended up you know where and--voila!--my clothes magically came off. He had Alan beat--and I didn't think that was possible.

If I was ever going to be dick-whipped in all my life, it was for the sheer rarity of stroking such a mammoth! I couldn't wait to try it out. Then I could boast to all my girlfriends that it was true that big ones are best. But lo! What is this? After 10 minutes of going at it, I felt as if my insides were about to fall out. I do believe he was tickling my tonsils, but it hurt! Ow! Maybe I jumped the gun in eager anticipation. I waddled a little bit the next day and it was painful to sit down.

I didn't want to be a quitter, and Mike was such a good catch that I thought we should at least give it another try. But every time we tried to get intimate, my legs instinctively clamped shut. I couldn't imagine a life of penis phobia, so I had to cut him loose. No amount of penis in the world, in whatever shape or size, was worth putting myself through such agony.

Now when my friends ask me if I think penis size is important, I only comment, "If a man accepts you for the size (or lack thereof) of your boobs and your ass, then whatever size he has is fine if it can be accommodated physically, and as long as he isn't hung like a hamster."

I agree with that. The girl I'm seeing now (new girl as of a couple weeks ago) loves my size and the fact that I'm bigger than the other "big guy" she used to brag to her girlfriend (hey, it came up between the three of us the other night in a convo;)) about. Women love girth especially. Fucked her after a very intense girth session the previous night when I was still 1/2" bigger in girth (little over 6.5") and she was moaning like crazy.
Fuck you big dicked bastards im gonna shoot myself in the face if I hear anymore 6.5 girth loving :|
very good article...i do feel like there is a point of too big...i don't need 7" in girth...cuz most of the time the only time you will be using it is when your beating off...i still want sex to be enjoyable for me and my partner
DLD, according to the article, you're fucked. :D Count your blessings that Jen is a size queen! If it were any girl, she'd be running like a nun from a penis!
stillwantmore said:
Fucked her after a very intense girth session the previous night when I was still 1/2" bigger in girth (little over 6.5") and she was moaning like crazy.

The DLD Trick:D
Yeah but that chick had to have a really big dick just to realise that it wasnt actually what she wanted. Plenty of my ex-girlfriends have admitted sleeping with guys just because they knew he was hung like a donkey and wanted to try it. It still doesnt stop women who have never had one craving one.
Blu said:
DLD, according to the article, you're fucked. :D Count your blessings that Jen is a size queen! If it were any girl, she'd be running like a nun from a penis!

Oops, well I didn't mean to attach any negative connotations of the name 'size queen' to your lovely woman. I should think before I open my mouth. :p
doublelongdaddy said:
Girl Gone Wild: Is bigger always better?

By Loki Ferris

Penises. Since high school, I'd been a firm believer that the size of a man's penis didn't matter. After all, they had only to think dirty thoughts and they'd become twice or thrice the size. A little rubbing here and there and poof! Small penis problem solved.

That was until my friend Lori started in on her new man. Jessie was a bodybuilder and she swore up and down that his penis was the size of her pinky finger. I said NUH-UH. She wanted to get him drunk so she could show me. "Not only is he hung like a hamster, but it's a godawful dark purple color like it needs air or something," she said.

Being 17 years old and a virgin, I declined her offer to see the goods. She dumped him when she learned he was a huge 'roid user. That, and she complained that half the time he couldn't get it up.

I remember hoping to God that my first boyfriend wouldn't have a large penis. I had heard horrible stories about behemoth penises that took on their own monstrous forms and knew no mercy.

My first time happened so fast that it's hard for me to remember all the details. One of the things that sticks out in my mind is the fact that I had to ask, "Are you in me yet?" because I honestly could not tell. Now, I knew exactly what Lori was talking about, and I realized she hadn't been exaggerating.

I started wondering what big ones would be like. A few average Joes later, and I met Jake. He had a speed bike, a new sports car and his own house at age 21. He walked like a man bigger than his 5-foot-8 frame and cussed a lot, and wore an Italian horn although he was only half-Italian. A few dates later and I realized that all of the money or toys in the world would not compensate for such a lack. No wonder he was an angry little man. All that time I thought there was something wrong with me.

Then I had an epiphany when I met Alan. Six foot three--and proportionate. That night I was a changed woman. Motion of the ocean, my butt...but it didn't last long, which summed up his duration as well.

"Get off already!" I said, annoyed that he drank too much one evening. What good was being proportionate without the stamina?

"I'm sorry...it's just that it's been a while. If you have a vibrator, I can, you know..."

"No. I don't." And I rolled over, disappointed.

Then along came Mike. I had predetermined that I wasn't going to sleep with him. Nothing about him said "Do me, now!"

But he was warm, witty and charmed me with his sense of humor, not to mention he was a good kisser. My wandering hand ended up you know where and--voila!--my clothes magically came off. He had Alan beat--and I didn't think that was possible.

If I was ever going to be dick-whipped in all my life, it was for the sheer rarity of stroking such a mammoth! I couldn't wait to try it out. Then I could boast to all my girlfriends that it was true that big ones are best. But lo! What is this? After 10 minutes of going at it, I felt as if my insides were about to fall out. I do believe he was tickling my tonsils, but it hurt! Ow! Maybe I jumped the gun in eager anticipation. I waddled a little bit the next day and it was painful to sit down.

I didn't want to be a quitter, and Mike was such a good catch that I thought we should at least give it another try. But every time we tried to get intimate, my legs instinctively clamped shut. I couldn't imagine a life of penis phobia, so I had to cut him loose. No amount of penis in the world, in whatever shape or size, was worth putting myself through such agony.

Now when my friends ask me if I think penis size is important, I only comment, "If a man accepts you for the size (or lack thereof) of your boobs and your ass, then whatever size he has is fine if it can be accommodated physically, and as long as he isn't hung like a hamster."


Just goes to show though really that all women are goldie locks. There's no pleasing these bitches. haha Let's try this one..no no much too small...how bout this ONE oh my GOD much much too big...how about this one...Hydromaxm okay maybe but couldn't it last longer?????...
Blu said:
Oops, well I didn't mean to attach any negative connotations of the name 'size queen' to your lovely woman. I should think before I open my mouth. :p

Nah, none taken. JEN thought she knew what a big dick was when we first met but as the years have passed and I have grown, boy oh boh, she had no fucking clue.
Fucked the same girl again last night...not only with a post girth workout pump (erect girth up to 6.5") but also with a cock ring on. Told her I wanted to try something "new" ;) and she was like "ok". LOL. My girth had to be around 6.75". It took some extra time to get in, but again she LOVED the girth. I think most women can handle (and love) 6.5"+ of girth, if time is taken and they are properly aroused and lubricated. We used no additional lubes besides her natural lubrication.
stillwantmore said:
Fucked the same girl again last night...not only with a post girth workout pump (erect girth up to 6.5") but also with a cock ring on. Told her I wanted to try something "new" ;) and she was like "ok". LOL. My girth had to be around 6.75". It took some extra time to get in, but again she LOVED the girth. I think most women can handle (and love) 6.5"+ of girth, if time is taken and they are properly aroused and lubricated. We used no additional lubes besides her natural lubrication.
No man! You're spoiling her too fast! She's going to want 7" the next time LMAO LMAO
stillwantmore said:
Fucked the same girl again last night...not only with a post girth workout pump (erect girth up to 6.5") but also with a cock ring on. Told her I wanted to try something "new" ;) and she was like "ok". LOL. My girth had to be around 6.75". It took some extra time to get in, but again she LOVED the girth. I think most women can handle (and love) 6.5"+ of girth, if time is taken and they are properly aroused and lubricated. We used no additional lubes besides her natural lubrication.

Thus de-funkin' this thread:D
Muah ha ha! See, if you give em the fatty they dont wanna go backie...or something like that.
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