
Sep 24, 2007
I was wondering if you guys knew of any female forums like MOS. Obviously they're not talking about Penis Enlargement but maybe VE(vaginal exercise.) I know there is It's not a forum but it's interesting. It's a little like us but more fetish I think.

I was more looking for an overall female sex forum to go lurk and possibly learn. Most of the sex forums that I've checked out are kind of lame in my opinion. MOS has some great info, experience, and intelligence. Are there any female forums like this?
REDZULU2003;303548 said:
Not sure ... bet their is .. everything on the net.

That's what I was thinking but I haven't found anything yet.
I don't remember how I came across it but I remember stumbling upon some forum that "celebrated huge penises" and there were all kinds of women on it. It seemed like the exact opposite of this place. Tons of size whore women, and men who think they're hotshots at life merely because of their penises. After being here for so long, that site just

I found this after about 10 minutes on google :p

The closest analogy women have to the penis is beauty and physical appearance. Both are often at the center of issues of anxiety, confidence and self-worth.

Sure, men are judged on physical appearance, but it's not the same; women's culture does not treat the male's visual appearance as of such importance the way male culture does. If a male's appearance does matter to women, it is more to the effect that it gives social cues: is he rich? responsible? clean? confident? dedicated? a bad ass? Hence women like seeing a man in a suit or uniform, where men would sooner prefer a woman naked than in a 'nice dress.' When a man looks at a woman, more often than not he is looking at her body, not so much looking for cues to who she is.

For a long time the female physique has been a cultural fixation, and women feel the pressure. Recently as sexuality has become more liberal in the West, women have grown into the freedom of making overt demands of men sexually and physically. One of those demands is performance, penis size or otherwise, and men are feeling the pressure. The result in both genders is a polarized effect, full of hurt feelings of inadequacy and elation if you 'got it.'

Another thing I noticed reading these forum is that women don't really understand men. The conventional wisdom I grew up hearing is that women 'know what you're thinking so you may as well get used to it.' Not true. Most women (in our culture) see things through a totally different lens. They were raised with totally different myths and goals than men. Some women have matured and can see the myths as what they are, and may genuinely understand what motivates a man to to what he does. But most girls (from what I have read them post) see the actions of men through their own motivational filter.

Example: some women really can't handle their men looking at �naked people movies�. Most men (I think) would find their girlfriend looking at �naked people movies� as either a relief or as hot. What is going on here? Hypothesis#1: sex is a more emotional act for women. When they see men looking at �naked people movies�, they are concerned that their man is making an emotional connection, as the woman tends to during coitus. This is not how all women operate, some can separate emotional from physical. But men rarely (I've never heard of it) get emotionally involved with �naked people movies�. It is just that: a visual aid. Hypothesis#2: I'm not pretty enough for him. She takes the man's �naked people movies� habit as a cue that she is not pretty enough to satisfy him. In the vast, vast majority, this is not the case. From the statistics I've read on MoS, men pretty much like whacking off morning, noon and night, usually out of boredom. There are a hundred different misconceptions women have about men's relationship to �naked people movies� and the fact that there are so many variations on one issue underscores how little the sexes really understand each other.
That is an awesome post, Wombat. There is a lot of truth to it and there is evidence to back it up.
When I was a kid I could be defined as a very generic man in terms of lack of emotional content and very sexual heavy based content. And then I got older and got into the whole romanticism thing; I learned a lot about women's emotional connections to things and I found it to be a lot more beautiful than the highly sex-driven kinds of ways men usually have. I got into it for a time. Unfortunately my romanticism was killed by what you mentioned earlier; that women now hold men to really high sexual standards. And I feel like one of the many hurt men who feel very unfairly treated as a result of all of this tension.
A lot of it you see in the media too. "It's funny when a man gets made fun of for his shortcomings, but with women it's serious business and they turn into the Hulk if you even touch on the subject cuz it's totally forbidden."
It really is hypocritical. Though I am aware that kind of thing happens to women too, it often feels insulting the more women complain about how much pain in life they have to deal with that is so exclusive altogether. "Do men have periods? Do men have to bear children?" Well, no. But it sure is easy to bring a man down by making fun of his penis or hurt a man by kicking him in the balls or to put pressure on a man by telling him he has to do shit to be appealing to women at all otherwise he'll be alooone all of his life. That's something women don't have to go through. Hell, if you're a woman that "can't find a man" you can at least express it the way they do in Sex In The City or things like it. Hell, I think the reason a lot of women "can't get a man" is because they do indeed hold men to these kinds of standards that make just the whole entire idea of love and romance really cheap and suddenly unattractive. Besides, there will always be a man willing to have sex with a woman; they're out there somewhere. Can't really say the same thing with women. Women are rated by colors...there are differences, but you just pick your favorite. Men are graded like eggs; from "the perfect guy" to "has no positive qualities whatsoever".
I do hope, however, that in the new age, men can abandon the whole 60's idea of manliness and no crying and nothing but being a muscular asshole to everybody but "stupid husband doesn't understand what sensitivity means", and be heard a bit more. Due to men's current image, a lot of them aren't really appreciated as much I think. Penis size is a huge issue but people love to put it off and use it lightly in comedies and such; even worse every guy is still thought of as being a mindless animal that wants to have sex with everything that moves. Women can drop men to the side of the road a lot easier than men can, in all reality. I don't mean every guy needs to suddenly get feminine, but I think there should be a bit more of a blurry line between how feminine and how masculine you can be. There are different qualities of men and women, sure, but sexual stereotyping is even worse and more prevalent than, say, racial stereotyping is still today.
I hope to help found this new age of sorts. It will bring romance back.
Hey Shion,
Thanks for the hearty response. Interesting point about a small penis being a comedy where an ugly woman is a tragedy. I like the colors vs eggs analogy too, that's hilarious. What about easter eggs? I'm not the manliest of men, but I sure am no football quarterback. I hear you on the gender roles thing. I just happen to like talking about feelings, I'm an artist and musician, you know, standard emo kid stuff :s. It can be tough finding a girl who appreciates that. I know women are outwardly irritated that guys are generally more insensitive or whatever, but really they kind of feed on that emotional superiority. So when they do find a guy in touch with his feelings they either are uninterested in him because he's a 'pussy,' or they put him in the 'friend zone.'

I suspect many women prefer to not be understood on some level so they can leverage it as power in relationships with their men. In my experience men often have deep, complex feelings but have no clue how to articulate them, and simply act. When they do figure out how to say what they feel, they just say it straight out. Women are usually more in tune with their feelings and have internal conversations about what they are feeling. Usually what is bothering them is highly specific, and for the life of me I don't know why it's so hard for them to out and say it. It may be that women are also more in tune with other people's emotions, and don't want to hurt them. Just a guess, I'm not a girl.
Too true. I am also an artist, and a writer more than a musician but these three are a relative triangle of sorts, as they are all forms of expression.
As such, I feel the need to share; I had a new theory on why oftentimes the introverted artists, musicians and writers never "got any girls" in high school whereas it was always the football players and such that did.
I originally had that "women only like assholes" theory, but this of course was just a form of expression as I knew this was clearly not true. I began to think that women only went for muscular and attractive guys, but then I saw tons of ugly guys with really nice girlfriends and thought "This was not true either".
While I am a tad biased towards women in a general sort of way just from the way I've generally been treated by them in the past (You can sort of tell from my earlier posts), I do try to understand what they go through, and what pressures affect what, because according to a few people I've talked to, unfortunately we don't have a whole lot of control over our minds and chemical balance plays an extremely huge part in what we think, why we think it, and what we think in relations to where we are at what time, even having to do with what we're doing at the time.
As a result I began to notice a pattern, aided by all of these "advice" topics I see floating around, from sili teenagers on 4chan to people I respect just from knowing what they've done with their lives (like DLD and this amazingly successful website) and the sad thing is nowadays if you want to "get girls" then all you need to do is put yourself out there. But see, if you're an artist, there's a high chance you're a romantic, whether you realize it or not. And romantics are often introverted, and seek relationships that form very slowly from good, honest friendship. Those are the most beautiful, the most natural. But relationships nowadays are often formed a lot more quickly by other people who just use charm to quicken the process. Therefore a lot of us romantics lost our chances, because we worked more delicately than quickly.
And so now relationships are as plentiful but cheap as Genetically Modified Crops, instead of the less plentiful but much more natural and sweeter organic crops, romantic relationships. And so it's not just the girl's fault for going out with a guy she clearly knew she was going to regret, but also partly the artists' faults for "hiding" in a way. It's a sad but true tale, but at least we have our media of expression. Heh.
Romance nowadays can often be thought of as a delusion to a large percentage of people, because they don't have all of the requirements to live in a real world romance story. Plenty of factors affected this, but I remember when I was 16 and I wrote lots of erotic fiction. I wish I could bring that feeling back. And you can see why.
Update on the forum:

Watch out. They are way strict over there. No cussing, no criticism, results in no honesty in my opinion. I got two replies deleted because I responded critically to a Mod's reply. Basically you have to play with all-holds-barred or risk getting banned.

This just makes me appreciate MoS even more. Here people can really hash it out. Feelings may get hurt, but progress is made.

Here's the link to the thread I started:

I was pretty not shocked at some of the responses from the women. Men seemed to get what I was talking about.
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Every other forum except this acknowledges the seriousness of insecurity issues that men have. I wonder what is happening to our society.

Actually I haven't seen hardly anybody get their feelings hurt on this forum. My guess is that a lot of men were shocked when that one chick decided to laugh at them or humiliate them or turn them into misogynists, and now nothing they see here really surprises them anymore. They're mostly made up of men that know. And you're right...progress is made; especially the most important one, which is physical progress.
Although if it turned out that it really was impossible to change the size of your penis like we all thought, this place would be ALL "Deep Thoughts". And since I haven't actually started a routine yet, mainly because I want to show my girlfriend what my penis looks like BEFORE I start, most of what I talk about on here is about how in regular, non-MoS society, penis size is still a lightly treated issue even though it's really a very heavy one, and it leads to the soul-killing of so many men out there. At the end of the day, this is my coffee. I'm glad I can come on here and get a dose of intelligence and sympathy, the way I thought a lot more people would be than I thought.
i almost died of stupidity while reading that thread from women's health.

i mean, wombat, your contribution was good, but the bitch who was all like ' i can vizualise..' bullshit.
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