Do you think dishonesty is OK in Penis Enlargement?


Jun 3, 2003
You know, I should bite my tongue but fuck it, why do other forums lie about their user stats? I mean, is it OK to have a hack running that makes it look like there are more people online than there really is? I would never do this, I think it is extremely dishonest and just plain lies. In addition I feel it is wrong to ask for donations when a forum is receiving affiliate monies. It really blows my mind that some people are OK with this and let it happen without speaking up. I am looking at one particular forum right now that supposedly has 1200 active users but the forum only did 2 posts for the day in their main forums, with a total of 36 posts for the day! That math does not add up. In a 24 hour period we will see about 150 posts and our traffic is in the 500 users per hour area (growing at about 38% per month). I guess honesty and honor are a thing of the past with some forums!
Dont hate the player hate the game.
Here is the problem with the the Penis Enlargement community:

Many people in the community are here not for the sport of it but because of deep seated issues. Its not like collecting post stamps.

This community is much about pride and many of the "pe idols" talk about pride. Pride means when you loose it that you end up in shame. This means some fight for their pride with lies.
Pride is only a good thing in relation to other bad feelings. Its the best "bad" state you can have. But its dangerous when you loose it.(which you see in various wars and homicides)

So no wonder why someone who feels bad about his penis being not enough feels bad about having not enough readers.

The first step to leave pride behind is courage.
I feel like honesty is extremely important in Penis Enlargement because of the stigma surrounding the practice. How can you get people to believe that Penis Enlargement is real if you are caught in lies about other things. I don't care that some sites may be larger. This site is one of the best community sites on the web, bar none. A lot of people could learn from the way you have created an incredible culture here.
well if i were u i would check their page rank. because someone like that probably would use a robot to raise their ranking on a search engine.that's against icann standards. you could get that website banned. this is from a weBathmateasters stand point. you actually believe in what your doing. what he's doing could get someone hurt based off of faulty info. especially if they are concerned with the bottom line. honestly if you wanted to, especially with the money you've made with this site, and the following you have. you could form a team of the most hung guys that would put every �naked people movies� company to shame. but you don't. that says alot. in the end i don't think you should worry, because the truth always comes out.
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This kind of thing happens in business all the time, people exagirate in order to draw business.

I personally would not worry however for several reasons...

1) Your commission business model from affiliates is far superior and provided your in profit (i don't imagine the costs of this site are that big) then you'll make a much bigger profit whilst gaining industry links from the companies who work with us

2) The forum setup here is much better and i have no idea why the other site has Italian and Spanish sections which waste server space given you have things like Google translate

3) They are ridiculously safe over there, been told to do 100 jelqs for the first month. There was even one guy saying that he did 200 jelqs and gained nothing and postulated that this was because of rapid over-training - how the hell can you over-train with 200 jelqs - we also know that the members that have gained big have done massive amounts of jelqs a lot of the time

4) Finally, i'm aware of several people on here who say they started there (like me) and have found this and stayed but not many who have left us for them
My perspective is, if you have Respect & Integrity in everything you do you will have nothing to worry about. Unless pathological, lies are intentional deception for gaining something and/or fear of losing something, so assay the intention more than the action. Marketing & Sales is based on psychology and emotions to motivate their target audience (TA) to buy into the sale pitch for a product, a service, or information. Potential TAs are fed the most stimulating data, sounds and images to these emotions. Some will deliberately mislead their TA with partial information, clever wording, impressive numbers, trying anything to manifest their intentions. Myself, I based things on my needs more than a sale pitch trying to impress me of my wants.
I personally dont give a shit about any other pe site. I Don't look at any other pe site ever! I'm happy here, I trust in mos and I'm loyal.
I think I know which forum you're speaking about, and yeah, it's annoying.

It doesn't even feel like a Penis Enlargement forum anymore, but continues to boast that it's the best. It's stuck in the past and isn't really innovative. Just a lot of off-topic posting with some Penis Enlargement mentioned here and there.

I'd rather visit a forum that talks about Penis Enlargement everywhere constantly. Pessimists are always shot down, optimism is always brought up. I want to see something new when I arrive! Or heck, just browse the forum one day only to find a post where someone has figured it all out. "Guys, if you do X while doing Y, your penis expands. You don't have to jelq and stretch anymore. I can't believe it was this easy all along! Here's proof!"

But nah. You visit that forum and the only recent posts are threads about rating �naked people movies�.
This sounds like a "Sturgeon's Law" type of situation: 95% of everything is bullshit.
Throw in a little Will Rogers; "Believe nothing that you read, and only half of what you see".
Then topp it off with a heapin' helpin' of Ronald Reagan, "Trust, but verify".

Dishonesty, especially here-in the Penis Enlargement world- should never be accepted, but quite often expected.
doublelongdaddy;517887 said:
You know, I should bite my tongue but fuck it, why do other forums lie about their user stats? I mean, is it OK to have a hack running that makes it look like there are more people online than there really is? I would never do this, I think it is extremely dishonest and just plain lies. In addition I feel it is wrong to ask for donations when a forum is receiving affiliate monies. It really blows my mind that some people are OK with this and let it happen without speaking up. I am looking at one particular forum right now that supposedly has 1200 active users but the forum only did 2 posts for the day in their main forums, with a total of 36 posts for the day! That math does not add up. In a 24 hour period we will see about 150 posts and our traffic is in the 500 users per hour area (growing at about 38% per month). I guess honesty and honor are a thing of the past with some forums!

i thought you were talking about mesurements... i aint gonna lie, i push that metal ruler in so hard for a bp measure i feel about cut in half! ha

the forum thing is that vbulletin reports bots as users and if you have it set default it might not clear all users for 24hours. on a site like a pe site im pretty sure it gets bombed with bots. so bots+users+never clearng user data =huge "logged in" count.
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Not acceptable at all, but certainly expected. Flagrant violations that grossly mislead consumers and harm the industry should be reported. Annoying violations are best left ignored because their intent is either to annoy the competition or compensate for their shortcomings. In the former, acknowledging the annoyance is acknowledging defeat, and in the latter, smart consumers will flock to the above-board product.
growtime;518529 said:
Not acceptable at all, but certainly expected. Flagrant violations that grossly mislead consumers and harm the industry should be reported. Annoying violations are best left ignored because their intent is either to annoy the competition or compensate for their shortcomings. In the former, acknowledging the annoyance is acknowledging defeat, and in the latter, smart consumers will flock to the above-board product.

YUP, That is the truth. Most men who get into penis enlargement will find Matters of Size and will get honorable advice. I just can't believe that a board goes on with these lies and no one questions them. If I pulled that shit on MOS I would get torn a new asshole. I guess they need money for food or sneakers of something but there is more honorable ways to feed yourself than lying to your customers.
You know, I should bite my tongue but fuck it, why do other forums lie about their user stats? I mean, is it OK to have a hack running that makes it look like there are more people online than there really is? I would never do this, I think it is extremely dishonest and just plain lies. In addition I feel it is wrong to ask for donations when a forum is receiving affiliate monies. It really blows my mind that some people are OK with this and let it happen without speaking up. I am looking at one particular forum right now that supposedly has 1200 active users but the forum only did 2 posts for the day in their main forums, with a total of 36 posts for the day! That math does not add up. In a 24 hour period we will see about 150 posts and our traffic is in the 500 users per hour area (growing at about 38% per month). I guess honesty and honor are a thing of the past with some forums!

Some people are naturally honest. Some other people can lie to make themselves feel better. You have to keep being you. You are original.
Some people are naturally honest. Some other people can lie to make themselves feel better. You have to keep being you. You are original.
We have dealt with dishonesty for way too long and these pieces of shit that come in and try to hurt us. I'm so glad I have 2 of the best moderators.
This is my first reply on this site. I agree dishonesty amongst penis size is rampant. It can affect your mental health when you believe everyone except you is walking around with a third leg and almost no one admits their true size
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